Title Registered In TJ. S. Patent Office. Copyright, 1910, by the Sporting Life Publishing Company. Vol. 55-No. 4 Philadelphia, April 2, 1910 Price 5 Cents The National Com Withholds an Im mission Makes a mediate Decision, Thorough Investi Being Apparently gation of the Facts Divided As to the in the Case, but Degree of Penalty SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." meeting that each member of the National Commission has formed an opinion different INCINNATI, O., March 28. The from the others, and that they were practi National Commission held its cally deadlocked, but had agreed to hand in long-awaited special meeting here an opinion this week and allow Herrmann on Friday, March 25, and after to write out the final decision. After the an all-day session disposed of a meeting adjourned, President Lynch left for lot of accumulated business, but New York and President Johnson went to- came to no definite conclusion in Chicago. the Kling case. The Commission issued a FORECAST FOR 1910. notice to all major league players giving the conditions under which a Detroit firm is to President Johnson said that the indica present an automobile to the champion bats tions pointed to the greatest year in the man of the 1910 season. Regular players to history of the American League. He pre be eligible for the prize must have been dicts that this will be the most profitable credited with 350 times at bat, catchers with season of them all for the teams in his or 250 times and pitchers with 100. The official ganization, as each and every club owner wants to try and take the pennant away National League and American League bat from Detroit. "We are going to have a ting average will be the only factor consid good many reforms in the National Leajra» ered in awarding the prize. this year," remarked President Lynch. "I SOME MINOR CASES. am not prepared to make public our plans, The National Commission refused to take but I am sure that the fans will appreciate what we are doing to help the game alonff. further action in the case of player Hunt, I think my staff of umpires is a good one. who was sold to the Boston American League I am to meet the boys in New York on Club by Hutchinson, Kan., and also the Wi- April 4 to give them preliminary instruc chita, Kan., Club. On a former hearing title tions on what to do on the field the coming to the player was vested in Boston, the pres season." ent hearing being a dispute between the two Western clubs as to the division of the COTTON STATES LEAGUE purchase money. Joseph Knotts, who played with Buffalo in the Eastern League last year, was denied the standing of a free agent. He Decides Not to Schedule or Play Sunday claimed it because of his successive trans fers to Jersey City and New Britain, Conn. Ball This Year. On appeal by the Canton, O., Club, the Special to "Sporting Life.©© Portsmouth, O., Clnb was ordered to pay the Jackson, Miss., March 28. The Cotton former the money it received from the New States League will abandon Sunday base York National League Club for Chester A. ball this season. This decision was arrived Spencer, a player who is training in Texas at when the directors met at Vieksburg, the with McGraw©s team. Canton obtained Spen only Sunday ball town on the circuit. The cer from Toledo and proved to the Commis FREDERICK T. BECK, vote of the directors was unanimous, and sion that Portsmouth had no title to his ser while it may hurt the Hill city team, owing vices. Outfielder and First Baseman of the Boston National League Club. to the large crowds that attended the Sun A DECISION ON KLING Frederick T. Beck, the young man who is available for either outfield or first base duty day contests, it is thought that a correspond was not reached, and the -Commission ad en the Boston National League Club, hails from Havana. 111., where he was born in 1888. ing increase will be felt during the week. journed without coming to a definite conclu He started his professional career as a pitcher for independent teams in _ 1906, and during the The Meridian Club has just engaged the sion. The members of the Commission, how last week of the 1905 season of the Indiana-Illinois-Iowa League he was©signed by the Bloom veteran Bernie McCay, as team manager, ington Club. He started the 1906 season as pitcher, but lost control and was assigned to and the Yazoo City Club has signed pitcher ever, have agreed to have individual written W. K. Hickey, of New Orleans, as playing- opinions ready Tuesday. These will be com outfield duty, owing to his batting ability. He became one of the Bloomington Club©s regular outfielders and made such rapid progress in 1907 and 1908 that in the middle of the latter manager. pared and a general opinion arrived at. This season he was sold to the San Francisco Club, of the Pacific Coast League. From that * final opinion, it was announced, would be club he was drafted at the end of the 1908 season by the Boston National League Club. In his given out Thursday to the press associations first major league season, 1905, he did very good work, alternating in the field and at first GRIFFITH SUSPENDS McLEAN. ^ of the country. Just where the hitch in the base, and was reserved for this year. Kling case is cannot be learned. It was re ported earlier in the day that Kling would be Star Catcher of the Reds Guilty of Infrac reinstated, but would have to pay a heavy tions of Club Rules. penalty for his long absence from the game. Special to "Sporting Life." Just what punishment should be meted out to strike an average, so to speak, from these KLING FOR CINCINNATI? Kling is believed to be the question upon Cincinnati, Ohio, March 26. Specials which the three members of the Commission opinions regarding the penalty, which is un A dispatch from Hot Springs states that from Hot Springs, where the Cincinnati Nat cannot agree. Why doubtedly the sticking point. Mr. Johnson is in the event of Kling©s reinstatement, the ional League team is training, say that Larry probably the most severe in his suggestions in Cincinnati Club will make a strenuous effort McLean, the star catcher of the Reds, has A FINAL DECISION I this connection, and Mr. Herrman the least to secure the great catcher. Catcher McLean, been suspended by Manager Griffith for in was not given out is puzzling, in view of ] severe. Realizing that they would not come another player and $20,000 in cash will be fractions of the club rules. President Au Chairman Herrman©s statement that the Com to an agreement until very late, the Commis offered for Kling. Manager Griffith, of Cin gust Herrmann, of the Cincinnati Club, said, mission had all the evidence it desired. It is sion made arrangement to stay in their rooms cinnati, admitted Saturday .night that he©s when told of the occurrence, that McLean©s learned that Chairman Herrmann was author until they could reach some agreement, but after a great catcher, and it is known that he "resignation" would not be accepted, that ized by the two other members of the Com because of the oppressive heat finally decided has long wanted to be rid of the trouble the player would neither be traded not re mission, Johnson and Lynch, to formulate and to postpone the matter altogether. The mem some McLean. leased, and that he would have to obey promulgate the final finding this week from bers of the Commission appeared to be great THREE DIFFERENT VIEWS. the rules of the local club or refrain front laeir own and his opinions. Herrmann will i ly worried and disgusted with the whole case. Secretary John E. Brace stated after the playing with recognized clubs. SPORTING LIFE 2, IQIO the Circuit court here on March 28 by the Shenandoah aggregation state they hare not Leland Giants Base Ball and Amusement given their consent to be represented. Un Association, through its secretary, B. F. Mose- less immediate action is taken to reorganize THE KLING CASE the Atlantic League, it is very likely that ley. The defendants named in the bill are the local club will occupy a berth in the Tri- Frank Leland©s Chicago Giants Base Ball County League. This league comprises the CALLS HIS UMPIRES TO THE Club, Frank C. Leland, Major R. R. Jack active base ball towns of Schuylkill, North son, A. H. Garrett, Nathan Harris and the CAUSES A SPLIT IN THE NA umberland and Carbon counties. Chicago City League. The bill recites that ANNUAL CONFERENCE the defendants are conniving and confederat TIONAL COMMISSION* ing to injure the complaining association. OFFICIAL BULLETINS. The suit is the outgrowth of the split the old Leland Giants ranks, two clubs being Latest Promulgations of the American At Which the Rules Will Be Thor formed for this season. Frank Leland was The Ineligible Catcher to Be Re recognized by the Chicago Base Ball League League and American Association. oughly Discussed With Umpires, as entitled to the League franchise, and his stored by Majority Vote, and Special to "Sporting Life." club will play at Auburn Park, while the Chicago, 111., March 28. President B. B. old corporate organization secured Normal Johnson, of the American League, today an and Rules for Their Deportment Park.
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