M R MARS H ALL N. ON OE T HOMAS OH N H FULT N J . O S ecre tary E M UN SEYM UR 45 D D O , Wall Street H UGH M CL ELLAN H CLARK JO N C . ILL IA M B TT N N E BUR N HAM W H . U JOH . O KI N DAR W I N P. csLEY H F K A MUNSEY S . P. PELL RA N . L W F H T APPAN E I S W . RAN CIS W . P N R . W EBB 3. I AT S N W A. ( A E, J J O ‘ R" HALL P MC U H H . Y C L L UG JULIU S SE MOU . O U U N HAN A G STUS . D Dinner IRV NG H AYNES I S . T H MAS R P W ELL H N C . CL ARK O . O JO B B R BUTT N H N . U N HAM W ILLIAM H . O JO S U S AUGU T N. HAND A uditing AU USTUS N H AND G . P M LwUGH ALL M C UL U H HALL . cCU H P. C LO G EDMUND SEYMOUR I I —OB ECT S ARTICLE . J The Objects of this Association shall be : To assemble in social gatherings ; to renew and extend affiliations ; to perpetuate the his to rical traditions and to promote the welfare o f the Lake Champlain Valley . —M B RS P ARTICLE III . EM E HI o f There Shall be four classes members , as follows s — SECT ION 1 . Active member persons who at some time have been residents or property owners in the Lake Champalin Valley or o o r . neighb rhood , who are interested in its history and development 2 — the SECTION . Associate members persons not residing in City of New York or within fi fty miles thereof , who are or at some time have been residents or property owners in the Lake Champlain Valley or neighborhood . e — SECTION 3 , Hono rary m mbers the Governor of the State of ‘ New Go York , the vernor of the State of Vermont , the Lieutenant Of Governor the Province of Quebec , and such others as shall be o f th elected by unanimous vote e Board of Governors . m SECT ION 4 . Any person eligible to me bership may become a life member and be entitled to all privileges of active membership by f payment of One Hundred Dollars in lieu o dues . — ARTICLE IV . OFFICERS o fli cers t : The of the Association shall consis of A President, - four Vice Presidents , a Secretary , a Treasurer, and an Historian . “ They shall be elected by the active members of the Association at its i c annual meet ng, except that the Se retary and Treasurer shall be c th e f ele ted by Board of Governors , and all o ficers shall hold office ne for o year and until their successors are elected . 3 a a At le st thirty d ys before the Annual Meeting in each year, n n 1910 n begin i g with , the Board of Gover ors Shall elect a Committee to nominate a ticket to be voted for at the annual election , and a list of such nominees shall be sent to each active member of the Associa h tion at least fi fteen days before such annual meeting . Not ing herein contained shall prevent the nomination and election to office at such meeti ng o f any membe rs who have not been nominated by the Co m mi e tt e . I - D S R ART CLE V . POWERS AND UTIE OF OFFICE S - The President or, in his absence , one of the Vice Presidents , shall o f preside at all meetings the Association . The Secretary sha ll issue all notices of meeti ngs Of the Associa f r the o . tion, Board Gove nors and the standing committees He shall keep records of such meetings and conduct the correspondence of the Association . The Treasurer shall collect , and under the direction of the Board o f o G vernors shall disburse , the funds of the Association and shall e o keep prop r accounts there f . I —T H E B R OV R AR TICLE V . OA D OF G E NORS There shall be a Board o f Governors consisting of the officers Of the Association and fi fteen other members . Such fi fteen other mem a f bers shall be elected by the Board , five each ye r , to hold o fice for l three years and until their successors are elected . The Board shal have charge of the business affairs and shall appropriate funds for the ex o f o r penses the Association , but it Shall not contract authorize any indebtedness exceeding the net balance then remaining unappropriated r r in the t easury . It shall have power to fill , for the unexpired te m , ma any vacancy which y occur from death , or resignation among the fii cer e o f o s or memb rs the Board and shall , as occasion may require , m - a nd e . ak by laws , rules regulations , and appoint standing committees —A SS To M B RS P D S ET R VII. M I I N EM E HI UE E C . A TICL D O , , SECTI N 1 e O . Candidates for admission to memb rship must be proposed by a member of the Association in wr iting. The applica a tion must st te the name , occupation and residence of the candidate, 4 he SECTION 4 . T Board of Governors shall have power by vote of a maj ority o f its members to suspend o r expel any member of the Association for conduct on his part calculated to endanger the welfare , r c a t the n n inte est , or har c er of Association , an opportu ity bei g first gi ven such member to be heard before the Board in his defense . —M T ARTICLE VI II . EE I NGS o f SECTION 1 . The annual meeting the Association Shall be held o . at a t ime and place, designated by the B ard of Governors In connec for d n arrange a inner to be held u der the auspices of the Association . 2 o SECTION . Special meetings f the Association may be called e th i shall be given to th members of all meetings of e Assoc ation . I" —AM EN MENTS ARTICLE . D No amendment o f the Constitution Shall be made except written request o f at least ten members of the Association or m o recom endation Of the Board of G vernors , and then only ffi - a rmative vote of three fourths of the members present . a i o u r United St tes , to dr nk to the health of beloved country and the E e . President, His xc llency, Warren G Harding I will ask you to rise and drink a toast . (The guests arose and drank a toast to the President . ) It has seemed eminently fitting to your Board of Governors that we should pause a moment in our festivities and remember the losses in a that we have sustained during this past year the de ths of Julius H . Seymour, Walter C . Witherbee , and Charles E . Bush , all loyal mem f i and bers o th s Association . The first last have be en members from e its foundation and also memb rs of the Board of Go vernors . Suitable ou r memorials will appear in Year Book, but it seemed right that we Should pause here and testify to the love and esteem in which we held o u r these men . I will ask y to rise and d ink a silent toast to the o f e r s f memory thes th ee member o the Association . (The guests arose and drank a Silent toast . ) I would like to take this opportunity of thanking the members of this Association for the honor conferred upon me by being elected . ff your President I esteem this as a token of regard and a ection . I f r thank you o it . l We have never , in my recol ection, made any distinct reference to the ladies who have been present at our various dinners, who made n them such a success, and who are here in such lovely evide ce tonight . o f The Champlain Valley rings with stories and deeds men , but so far 6 o f the part tha t the women played in the development Of this section f t o u r o the country: I would throw o u the suggestion to members , that it mi ght be and it is a very worthy theme for someone to write “ an adequate hi story of the Women o f the Cha mplain Valley . th f Our first speaker comes to us from e State o Vermont . He th e t o f t also represents that gem of State , the Ci y Burling on , and hi gh up overlooking that city stand th e buildings of the Oldest univer r o f o f i 1791 si y that State , the University Vermont , founded n , with which he is connected . The speaker has told me what his subj ect is—“ The Lake that Is f t . the Gate o the Country . Well , I have been hinking over that You know it is not the duty of a toastmaster to anticipate the points that to sa a speaker is going make , and I venture to y that possibly he has not thought o f cons idering his subj ect in the same light that I am f going to presently .
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