Coast Guard, DHS § 3.70–20 latitude 47°32′00″ N, longitude 123°18′00″ due south to latitude 40° N.; thence due W; thence west along latitude 47°32′00″ east to longitude 150° W.; thence south- N to the outermost extent of the EEZ; easterly through latitude 5° S., lon- thence northeast along the outermost gitude 110° W. extent of the EEZ to the Canadian bor- der; thence east along the Canadian [CGFR 61–40, 26 FR 10352, Nov. 3, 1961, as amended by CGFR 70–150, 36 FR 912, Jan. 20, border to the point of origin. 1971] [USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36326, July 2, 2007] § 3.70–10 Sector Honolulu Marine In- § 3.65–15 Sector Portland Marine In- spection Zone and Captain of the spection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. Port Zone. Sector Honolulu’s office is located in Sector Portland’s office is located in Honolulu, HI. The boundaries of Sector Portland, OR. The boundaries of Sector Honolulu’s Marine Inspection Zone and Portland’s Marine Inspection and Cap- Captain of the Port Zone comprise the tain of the Port Zones start at the State of Hawaii, including all the is- Washington coast at latitude 47°32′00″ lands and atolls of the Hawaiian chain N, longitude 124°21′15″ W, proceeding and the adjacent waters of the exclu- along this latitude east to latitude sive economic zone (EEZ); and the fol- 47°32′00″ N, longitude 123°18′00″ W; lowing islands and their adjacent wa- thence south to latitude 46°55′00″ N, ters of the EEZ: American Samoa, longitude 123°18′00″ W; thence east Johnston Atoll, Palmyra Atoll, King- along this latitude to the eastern Idaho man Reef, Wake Island, Jarvis Island, state line; thence southeast along the Howland and Baker Islands, and Mid- Idaho state line to the intersection of way Island. Sector Honolulu’s Marine the Idaho-Wyoming boundary; thence Inspection Zone also includes the Inde- south along the Idaho-Wyoming bound- pendent State of Samoa. ary to the intersection of the Idaho- [USCG–2010–0351, 75 FR 36277, June 25, 2010] Utah-Wyoming boundaries; thence west along the southern border of Idaho to § 3.70–15 Sector Guam Marine Inspec- Oregon and then west along the south- tion Zone and Captain of the Port ern border of Oregon to the coast at Zone. latitude 41°59′54″ N, longitude 124°12′42″ Sector Guam’s office is located in W; thence west along the southern Santa Rita, Guam. The boundaries of boundary of the Thirteenth Coast Sector Guam’s Marine Inspection Zone Guard District, which is described in and Captain of the Port Zone comprise § 3.65–10, to the outermost extent of the the Territory of Guam and the adja- EEZ at latitude 41°38′35″ N, 128°51′26″ W; cent waters of the EEZ, and the Com- thence north along the outermost ex- monwealth of the Northern Mariana Is- tent of the EEZ to latitude 47°32′00″ N; lands and the adjacent waters of the thence east to the point of origin. EEZ. Sector Guam’s Marine Inspection [USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36326, July 2, 2007] Zone also includes the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Is- Subpart 3.70—Fourteenth Coast lands, and the Federated States of Mi- Guard District cronesia. [USCG–2006–25556, 72 FR 36326, July 2, 2007, as § 3.70–1 Fourteenth district. amended by USCG–2010–0351, 75 FR 36277, (a) The District Office is in Honolulu, June 25, 2010] Hawaii. (b) The Fourteenth Coast Guard Dis- § 3.70–20 Activities Far East Marine In- trict shall comprise the State of Ha- spection Zone. waii; and the Pacific Islands belonging (a) Activities Far East’s office is lo- to the United States south of latitude cated in Yokota, Japan. The bound- 40° N., and west of a line running from aries of Activities Far East’s Marine 40° N., 150° W. through latitude 5° S., Inspection Zone coincide with the 110° W.; the ocean area west and south boundaries of the Fourteenth Coast of a line running from position 51° N., Guard District, which are described in 158° E. to position 43° N., 165° E.; thence § 3.70–1, excluding those areas within 51 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:47 Aug 20, 2010 Jkt 220130 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220130.XXX 220130 erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR.
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