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The access to the contents of this doctoral thesis it is limited to the acceptance of the use conditions set by the following Creative Commons license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/?lang=en Universitat Aut`onomade Barcelona The theory of quantum coherence by Mar´ıaGarc´ıaD´ıaz under supervision of Prof. Andreas Winter A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Unitat de F´ısicaTe`orica:Informaci´oi Fen`omensQu`antics Departament de F´ısica Facultat de Ci`encies Bellaterra, December, 2019 “The arts and the sciences all draw together as the analyst breaks them down into their smallest pieces: at the hypothetical limit, at the very quick of epistemology, there is convergence of speech, picture, song, and instigating force.” Daniel Albright, Quantum poetics: Yeats, Pound, Eliot, and the science of modernism Abstract Quantum coherence, or the property of systems which are in a superpo- sition of states yielding interference patterns in suitable experiments, is the main hallmark of departure of quantum mechanics from classical physics. Besides its fascinating epistemological implications, quantum coherence also turns out to be a valuable resource for quantum information tasks, and has even been used in the description of fundamental biological processes. This calls for the development of a resource theory which rigorously formalizes the notion of coherence, that further allows both to quantify the coherence present in physical systems and to study its manipulation in order to better leverage it. This thesis intends to make a contribution to the recently built resource theory of coherence in a number of ways. First, we show that coherence, as formalized by its resource theory, is soundly grounded in the physics of interferometers—at least in the con- text of Strictly Incoherent Operations—and thus embodies its operational foundations. Second, we note that states can be thought of as constant-output channels, and start to generalize the coherence theory of states to that of channels. In particular, we propose several measures of the coherence content of a channel and further compute them when considering two different classes of free operations: Incoherent Operations and the largest set of Maximally Incoherent Operations. Finally, we investigate the question whether coherence can witness some other manifestations of non-classicality (we mean, beyond interference effects). In particular, we analyze the connection of coherence to the non-classicality of quantum stochastic processes both in the Markovian and in the non-Markovian regimes. v Resum La coher`enciaqu`antica, o la propietat dels sistemes que es troben en una superposici´od’estats capa¸cde donar lloc a patrons d’interfer`enciaen els experiments adequats, ´esel segell distintiu de la mec`anicaqu`antica. M´esenll`a de les seves fascinants implicacions epistemol`ogiques,la coher`enciaqu`antica resulta tamb´eun recurs valu´osa l’hora de dur a terme diferents tasques qu`antic-informacionals i ha estat fins i tot emprada en la descripci´ode certs processos biol`ogics.Per aquest motiu s’ha fet necessari el desenvolupament d’una teoria de recursos que formalitzi rigorosament la noci´ode coher`encia,i que permeti aix´ıquantificar la coher`enciapresent en els sistemes f´ısics,aix´ı com estudiar la seva manipulaci´oamb vista a un millor aprofitament d’aquest recurs. Aquesta tesi doctoral pret´encontribuir a la teoria de la coher`enciade la seg¨uent manera. En primer lloc, demostrem que la coher`encia,tal com la teoria la formalitza, est`as`olidament ancorada en la f´ısicadels interfer`ometres—almenys en el context de les Operacions Estrictament Incoherents—, i encarna, per tant, el seu propi principi operacional. En segon lloc, despr´esde fer notar que els estats poden ser entesos com a canals de “output” constant, emprenem la generalitzaci´ode la teoria de la coher`enciadels estats a la teoria dels canals. En concret, proposem diverses maneres de mesurar el contingut en coher`enciad’un canal qu`antic i el calculem considerant dues classes diferents d’operacions del tipus “free”: Operacions Incoherents i Operacions M`aximament Incoherents. Finalment, investiguem si la coher`enciapot ser tamb´etestimoni d’alguna manifestaci´ode no classicitat diferent dels propis efectes interferom`etrics. En particular, analitzem la connexi´ode la coher`encia amb la no classicitat dels processos estoc`asticsqu`antics, tant en el r`egimmarkovi`acom en el no markovi`a. vi Resumen La coherencia cu´antica, o la propiedad de los sistemas que se encuentran en una superposici´onde estados capaz de dar lugar a patrones de interferencia en los experimentos adecuados, es el sello distintivo de la mec´anicacu´antica. M´as all´ade sus fascinantes implicaciones epistemol´ogicas,la coherencia cu´antica resulta tambi´enun recurso valioso a la hora de llevar a cabo diferentes tareas cu´antico-informacionales y ha sido incluso empleada en la descripci´onde ciertos procesos biol´ogicos.Por este motivo se ha hecho necesario el desarrollo de una teor´ıade recursos que formalice rigurosamente la noci´onde coherencia, y que permita as´ıcuantificar la coherencia presente en los sistemas f´ısicos,as´ı como estudiar su manipulaci´oncon vistas a un mejor aprovechamiento de este recurso. Esta tesis doctoral pretende contribuir a la teor´ıade la coherencia del siguiente modo. En primer lugar, demostramos que la coherencia, tal y como la teor´ıala formaliza, est´as´olidamente anclada en la f´ısicade los interfer´ometros—al menos en el contexto de las Operaciones Estrictamente Incoherentes—, con lo que encarna su propio principio operacional. En segundo lugar, tras hacer notar que los estados pueden ser entendidos como canales de “output” constante, emprendemos la generalizaci´onde la teor´ıade la coherencia de los estados a la teor´ıade los canales. En concreto, proponemos diversas maneras de medir el contenido en coherencia de un canal cu´antico y lo calculamos considerando dos clases diferentes de opera- ciones de tipo “free”: Operaciones Incoherentes y Operaciones M´aximamente Incoherentes. Finalmente, investigamos si la coherencia puede ser tambi´entestigo de alguna manifestaci´onde no clasicidad distinta de los propios efectos inter- ferom´etricos. En particular, analizamos la conexi´onde la coherencia con la no clasicidad de los procesos estoc´asticoscu´anticos, tanto en el r´egimen markoviano como en el no markoviano. vii Acknowledgements I would like to sincerely thank a number of people without whom this thesis would, most probably, never have existed. First of all, my parents, aunt and grandparents—the four of them—, for having made an oasis for me in this (so-many-times) desertic world. I would specially like to dedicate this work to the latter, as I am sure they are (or would have been) proud of it, also noting that an academic trajectory will never make anyone better or wiser than they actually are (or were). Since family also includes the one that is chosen, I would furthermore like to send a warm hug to Laura, Sabina, and the rest of special people that have made Barcelona an even more beautiful place to live in. Thanks also to Carmen Lauret, my Physics teacher in high school (and one of the best teachers I have ever had), for turning physics into such a poetic subject. Thanks to her metaphors, I will always imagine the laws of physics in the same pleasant way I imagine landscapes when reading novels. I would also like to express my gratitude to Miguel Ferrero, my Quantum Mechanics professor at university, for having conveyed to us in such an enthu- siastic way what I believe is the most important lesson of quantum physics: that the realist worldview of classical physics is not absolute at all—nothing in this world is—, and that this fact allows to bring arts and sciences closer and closer together. Thanks to Susana Huelga and Martin Plenio, for having generously hosted me in their group in Ulm and for having planted in me the seed of coherence ix theory which would finally lead to this thesis. Thanks also to Jochen Rau, for his friendship, and for all our deeply motivational conversations. Thanks to Andrea Smirne and Dario Egloff, for having continued to mentor me (both in physics and, most importantly, in life matters), and to the rest of my family in Ulm, for having always turned coldness into warmth. My deep thanks to Andreas Winter, my thesis supervisor, for having accompanied me in such a peaceful way along these three intensely fruitful years. Thanks for his creativity, wit, understanding, and for never having put one drop of pressure on me. Thanks as well to John Calsamiglia, for the very same reasons, and to Michalis Skoniotis and Matteo Rosati, for having been such nice coworkers and companions. I will always have so fond memories of my years in Giq, so thanks to each and every Giqui that ever was or ever will be, for creating the coziest possible atmosphere. A special hug goes to Carli, for being the best “husband” I will ever have. My final acknowledgements go to Anna Sanpera, for her support and valu- able advice while applying for the ‘la Caixa’ grant (LCF/BQ/DE16/11570017) that has allowed me to carry out my doctoral studies, and to ‘la Caixa’ Foundation—with an affectionate mention to Elisabet Linero Artell, who has taken care of us so well during these three years, and to the rest of the fellows.
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