CVCU»T»' SUM •!•«• T:a« a. n». S»a S«ta #:f • a. a». Blcycia liiumi aiMt b« UcMaal at THE ESTABUSHED MAY 1O, 1887 PLAINFIELD, N. J>, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY^8.-1902. Two CENTS A COPY—$5 A YEAR. METHODISTS MET. ± i Week of grayer Services Con- tinued at First M. K. Church IY I*a*t Kvealag. j The eveniig of prayer at the Vint M. E. church, !••* evening, Was in IS IN the nature of an evangelistic service. Geo. C. M. Smith Describes 'Will Take Until Spring: to {There was a goodly representation Unusually Large Attendance Funeral Services of the Late present from the three congregation* the German City Where fully Repair the Washouts I of the Methodist denomination in at Its Opening Session John D. Titsworth Held •1 Near Mauch Chunk. i Plainfield. Yesterday Morning. Stranger Fell Exhausted on He ia Stud Rev. Dr. W. C Snodgrass, pastor of Yesterday Afternoon. Griggs, Dryden or Stokes the First M. E. church, was in charge City Streets Late Yeeterf- STRANGE THINGS BEEN. CAUSES MANY DELAYS. of the service and he was assisted by GRAND JUKI'S WORK. THE FLORAL TRIBUTES. Will Probably be Next Rev. Dr. F. S. Hoyt, formerly; editor Senator From Jersey. day Afternoon. : TRACK SWEPT AWAY FOR A i SOME OF THE MOST REMARKABLE DIF- ON of the Western Christian Advocate, WH. SWEENEY AMONG THOSE TO REV. C. L GOODRICH AND REV. A SWEDISH JOTJRNiXIST. FERENCES FROM AMERICAN CITIES. STRETCH Of THIRTY MILES. who is a retired clergyman residing COME BEFORE It. OR. A. til. LEWIS IN CHARGE. THE GOVERNOR'S DAT. in Ohio, Rev., John McMurray, pas- Had Katen Nothing for Three OIU-Fashloned Hand-Fire Knglnes Coinpelled to Lay New TrturU. iitor -of the Monroe Avenue • M. E. •t Will Investigate- Death of Words of Comfort Were Spoken All Candidates But Two Were church, and Rev. G. W. Gardner, Day. anfc Hud Walked r^o Are Still In I te There—Wretched Mauch Chunk [on Account pastor of Grace M. K. church. Her. Little George Frederick Welrh- and the Memory of Departed at Trenton Yesterday, Put New York Here Kn Route ' Trolley Service—Many Other ' lof Washout — Aecounts for * Dr. Hoyt offered a fervent pwyer at ers—Former Mayor Bonnett, One Was Praised—Singing Nothing Oefialte Was Ac- to Home of Friend In Phila- Courlous Things. ' Lateness of Trains. the beginning of the service. The sei- of Rllzabeth, I* Foreman. by Quartette—The Bearers. complished—Oeaeral Opin- mon was delivered by Hev. Mr. Gard- delphia ^e Was Sent On. An interesting letter descriptive of Tlie extreme seven iy of the flood (Special to The Daily Pita.) A Urge number of relatives, neigh- ion Is One of Three.1 ner, who took for his text: "Christ, Elizabeth, Jan. 8—There was an A pitiful talc was revealed, to theWeimer, the principal city of theand washout experienced^by the Penn- the Truth, the Way and the Life." bors and business associates gathered, The man who is to succeed the late police, last evening, when John An- Grand duchy of Saxe-Weimer-Eisen- sylvania towns along the Lehigh unusually Urge attendance at theyesterday afternoon, to attend the fun- It was a short but moving appeal for opening of the January term of the William J. Sewell as United State* derson, a refined appearing young ach, has been • received by The Daily rivf r, two weeks agrt-, is daily becom- all to follow the Lord. eral services of the late John Davies Senator from New Jersey still re- Swede, propped from exhaustion in Press from George C. M. Smith. Mr. ing more apparent. While the damage Union county court yesterday morn- Titsworth, which were held from the This evening an union prayer meet- ing. Particularly was this the case mains an open question although moat front of Johnson & Barnes' store on Smith is a son of Charles Smith, of was roughly estimated at the time at home in Madison avenue at 3 o'clock. authorities conoede that the choioe Craig place, and he is now taking a hundreds of thousands of dollars it is ing will be held in the same church as respects members of the bar. Park avenue. The man was literally edifice and a large^ congregation is ex- The high esteem, in - which the de-has practically sifted down to three starving to death, having been with- Tse_Ui music, especially on thenow certain tliat tne original figures Among the lawyers from Plainfield ws s held, was evidenced by pected to attend. • were Craig A. Marsh, William M. men, John W. Griggs, John F. Dry- out food for three days. Despite violin7~aT~the~fainouE conservatory at will be tripled. thoae present from the vatfous walks den and Edward C. Stokes. Charles this fact, he net oat to -walk from Weimer. He graduatedTrom-ilieNorth The greatest sufferers from the Stillman, Francis J. Blatx, W. a of life. All felt a personal sorrow at Angleman and William Newcorn. M. Bacon, the Trenton correspondent Newark, yesterday morning, to Phila- Plainfield High School, last June, anche of water, which swept the sudden termination of such a life of the Philadelphia Record, adds the delphia, when nature asserted itself •while at that institution was well down~^the~_little river, ordinarily a Former Mayor Peter Bonnett, of of helpfulness and comfort, for Mr.name of David C. Baird. No one can andihe was forced to give up the an-known as a violinist of no mean few feet deep7~were:the Jersey Cen- this city, is tlie foreman' of theTitsworth was a person beloved by all tell, however, which of these men la equal struggle. ability. • tral and Lehigh R WAS GIVEN A VERDICT FOR $5,000 Grand Jury. Judge VanSyckel made who knew him. likely to be named. in particular. A goodly portion When his plight became apparent to As Jie describes it, Weimer is a pe- GAINST CENTRAL RAILROAD. no special charge. He notified the Another evidence of esteem was It. was thought that something the kind passersby who assisted him culiar city, when contrasted with thethe Lehigh track from Easton to Scran- jury to select its constables which witnessed in the -beautiful floral trib- ton was saved by reason of its being definite might oiane out of Governor's to Armstrong's pharmacy, provision typical municipalities of this country. it did before retiring for delibera- utes. There were many large wreaths Day, yesterday,; at" Trenton. While was at once made to have his imme- Railroads owned by the government, higher up than that of the Central on Salt AgalBst^-TroUey Company tions. On the adjournment of theof galax leaves, a pillow at the head the opposite side of the river. all the candidates but Congressman diate wants attended to. It was some trolley cars without conductors, Was Next Takeu lJp~-l*. the Circuit court. Judge Vail convened a of the bier was inscribed "Husband," Gardner and John W. Herbert, of time after Anderson was found tliat churches where- no coHectiqns are At Mauch Chunk, there is a bend Somerset t'ouaty Court. lion of the general Common Plea*. another pillow from Jerusalem Lodge, Middlesex, were there,. there was •TtheCommon Pleas the following he was able to tell anything about taken, with all eipense*borne by -the in the river and here the Central suf- Somerville, Jan. 8—The jury in the No. 26, F. and A. M,. bore the Mareall- y but little accomplished. Nearly 'himself. It was the oft-repeated tale municipality, and a bureau where all fered the most. The tracks and road- icenses were-granted before adjourn- sonic emblem, still another pillow was all of the members of both houses of case of Mrs. Nora O'Brien against the ment : of a stranger 4n a strange land, with- must register intentions to become a bed for miles were swept away and New Jersey Central Railroad Com- inscribed "V. M. L. Til," from Plain- the Legislature: were present and out funds or friends, bat plenty of resident or to leave the municipality, has or will be entirely rebuilt. Every pany, went oat yesterday morning at Stephen <_}. EnunonsT^UBiim; Fred- field Council, Royal Areannm, while there were many conferences held. manly pride. are some of the features which make available laborer has been pressed 11 o'clock and returned three hours erick Coriell. New Providencfr-s-Ajin beautiful floral trumpet bore an in- All the candidates appeared singularly He came to. this country] a fewit odd when viewed by an American. into service making repairs but delate- r with a verdict in favor of theWarner, Union: Edward L. Han ription "Exempt Firemen." There hopeful and in excellent humor. weeks ago from Sweden, intending to In some respects the city excels the spite day and night shiftr, the pro- plaintiff for $5,000. As told in theFan wood; John Vogel. Linden; Mary were^many other tributes, both large According to the poll of the legis- secure work at his vocation, that of average one in this country while in gress is slow. Press Mrs. O'Brien sued for $25,000 Doyle, Cranford; George V. Adelfin- and smaUT^afidnot the least was onelators made by- the Trenton True a journalist. He had a little money others it is behind the times. At present all the Central's through damages for the loss of three toes, ger, Clark : Geo. J. Clark, Linden; from the firm of-Merck & Company, American, the votes for the different hut it soon disappeared when he In the course of his letter he says: traffic, eastward from Scranton, is car- which was cansed by her being struck Edwin T.
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