pissui u m ii 1 1 4 U U « * • UIC8TST01M, M. A n Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and East Windsor I25TH YEAR NO.—3 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1973 PRICE—FIVE CEN flr ‘Day in Park' College Gives > Cake Contests Are Top Baseball Earns $600 High Award Among Fair Features Player Gets For Fire Co. To D r. Cole When you bake a cake does1 Regional School District. Down- everyone want seconds?' Do your town Hightstown will be closed to Grant-in Aid . „ » . , u . , , Pies disappear while they are cool- traffic for the day as local mer- The 1890’s “Day in the Park” a Dr. Sandford S. Cole of Hrghts- ing? Then it’s time for you gourmet chants hold sidewalk sales. JamieBooths Ivins, an outfielder-pitch­ first endeavor by the Joint Civic „ ♦ t. --------------- O'-- jrvvn mauucu uy vttriUUS liKilViaUH er from Hightstown, has signed a Associations of East Windsor has t Z ' ,aJ ° r^ bak,erS - get OUL y0U„r favorite manned by various individuals and “ M i recipes- The CERC Community service organizations will grant-in-aid with Georgia Southern been famed a success. This event, offer 1973 recipient of the University Fair committee will hold an old such diverse items for sale as College according to a recent an­ held recently at the Melvin H. Alumni Associated s prestigious fashioned bake-off contest during Brazilian art and jewelry, hand- nouncement by head baseball coach Kreps School earned $600 for the RecogniUon Award. the Community Fair Day In down- made paper flowers, mobiles, Ron Polk. East Windsor Volunteer Fire Com­ o £ „ town Hightstown on August 11,1973. houseplants, vegetables, and white Ivins, who hurled three no-hlt pany and the East Wlndosr Rescue Cole, a native of Cuba, N.Y., and First, second, and third place rib- elephant tables. games and two one-hitters while in Squad. Many free attractions in­ high school, hit for a .406 average cluding a continuous stage show, vJ L H^ U,m'T h T Win be awarded 1)0411 pie and Arts and crafts demonstrations - -o-............................. - . f ® ’ h‘ ,to the ldea^ cake categories. Local officials for display and sale will include his senior year and at a .430 clip contests, games, pet show, and an and aspirationsAf his alma-mater, will be doing the judging and inter- macrame, weaving, ceramics, pa-lhis junior season. In compiling an art show, were part of the after­ noon-long activities. J™ L 11 act , J » '? th® ested bakers 0811 Pre-register for per mache, candles, and sand cast-18-2 mark on the mound in 1973, f S.ta4 ,< ege of Ceram' the co«test by calling the CERC Ing. I Ivins struck out 119 hatters in TO The “ Day in the Park" commit­ ™ rSity: Ten yearSt office at ^ 8-4840 ext. 209. , CERC’s Sidewalk Cafe will offer 1 innings pitched. He struck out 70 in tee included: Bill Breckinridge, later he earned the first master of The bake-off contest Is just one charcoal broiled hot dogs and an 39 his junior season, chairman: Mrs. Mary Clemans, science degree in «ra m ic engineer- of the many special events to be assortment of cold drinks for hun- Mrs. Eileen Cronenwett, Carl Hey- a' ! arded bJ. tbe insfatutlon. He held at intervals throughout the gry fairgoers. And if that isn’t man, Jim O’Horo, Mrs. Shirley P ennlvLn.n from day- Activities for children will enough ice-cream, cakes and cook- Monsen, Miss Lynda McCarthy, Pennsylvama State University. start with movie cartoon festival ies, watermelon, home made jams Mrs. Barbara Costa, Tom Bencze, Cole was employed by the titan- that they may attend at any time and jellies, and popcorn will be Sal Ciccolella, and Mrs. Sue Di- turn division of the National Lead during the day. Special prizes will for sale at the food booths. Gaetano. Company for 30 years before his be awarded for a watermelon eat- Over 25 organizations have re- Success would not have been pos­ retirement in the rmd-1960’s. Cur- ing contest, and the Joint Recrea- quested space for a bo'oth. If you sible without the support of the rent y an engineering consultant, tion Commission will have boats or your organization would like to East Windsor Regional School he is a Fellow of the American available at Peddie Lake for rent- join in the fun and add to your Board; Dr. John Hunt, Superinten­ eramic Society and the American al. Weary fair goers will be able treasury, apnlications can be ob- dent of E.W. Schools; Dr. Edgar GIRL AND BOY make love while the Mute oversees the aetkm. Stephen institute of Chemists .. , to sit under the trees at the lake tained by calling Eileen Crown, Thomas, Principal of the Kreps Innocenzi standing over the two lovers played by Diane Roberts and His biography appears in a num- and listen to a series of band con- Fair Committee Chairman at 448- School; Jack Adams, Head Cus­ Edward Cimbala, represents the changes in scenery In the production . , A- Stl n,?afd Jteference works certs throughout the afternoon. 5271. There is no charge for booth todian of the Kreps School; the of “ The Fantastflcs” , the second offering of the Theatre-by-the-Lake, nc ud ng W hos Dho in America The Fair is a total community space and all profits are for the East Windsor Volunteer Fire Com­ directed by J. R. Holcombe and Frank Towne. Performances will be and American Men of Science I happening sponsored by CERC, benefit of your organization. Space pany; the East Windsor Rescue held July 12,13 and 14 in the Geiger-Reeves Hall at 8:30 p.m. During his campus days at Al- the Community Education Re- however, is limited so to be as- fred, Cole was a distance runner source Center of the East Windsor sured of a place call now. Squad; the E.W. Police; and mem­ Theatre Announces bers of the various joint Civic As­ m*** track. In 1922 irehf scivcuserved as cap -1- 1 ------------------------ — — I , , ... tain of the U nfcrsity’s cross Cranbury Man Joins sociations. Second Tryouts Rec-Group country squad. Coje Thanks to the talent (Windsor- Medicare Adds Theatre-by-the Lake announces barter *m eXr of Ooinion Research Staff Hights Community Band, “ Trip" its second tryouts on Thursday and Gets Time the Alfred chapter of Kappa Psi Jeffrey Lawlor has joined the Zeigler, jazz organist; Diane Har­ Full Friday,, July 5 and 6 at 7 p.m. on Uusilon fraternity. staff of Opinion Research Corpora- ris, singer and guitarist; Potpour­ New Services “ Jamie is one of the few Fresh- the stage of the Geiger-Reeves A few years ago Cole established tion as an assistant survey direc­ ri; Barbershoppers; and “Good . men that we feel can help Georgia Hall on the Peddie School campus. Director Here an Alfred University scholarship tor. He will be sales - and market- Friends” who are currently at The Effective July 1, Medicare can Southern College in his first year The tryouts will be for “ Butterflies fund as a memorial to his mother, ing coordinator for Caravan Sur Prime Rib) who donated their help pay for limited chiropractor’s of competition. He has proven him- Are Free” , the Broadway hit com­ The new Joint Recreation and Inez Bassett Cola, ... veys. Lawlor previously served as time, to entertain. Thanks also to services under Medical Insurance, j self both in the outfield and or the edy that ran for 3 years in New Parks Commission of Hightstown- a quality control technician at Per- Decker’s Dairy for the loan of a but only under certain conditions, j mound and we are looking forward York City. Later it was turned in­ East Windsor has begun to func­ Letters to macel and as a lab technician at truck and to all the local mer­ according to Brendon W. Richards, | to having Jamie with us for the to a film starring Goldie Hawn tion as an official autonomous pol- Johnson & Johnson. chants who contributed to the Auc­ Dear Friend Social Security District Manager next four years,” commented Polk. which broke all records in Radio i ley-making body for the two com- He received his B.S. from Tren­ tion: " - I am a verf' I individual. In Trentpn, New Jersey m 22 games his semoi' year, he- City Music H al. munlties. Chairman of the Joint ton State College In Business Ad- One of the highlights of the after­ Richards pointed out the chiro- miiw-tpA M hit. jn 64 at-bats Directors J.R. Holcombe and Commission is Mrs. Faith Sara- I am alive and that in itself is ministration and also attended Z “ “ lro' collected 28 hits in 64 at-bats while noon was the Art Show and Crafts Francis Towne advise all interest­ fin and Vice Chairman is Mr. An­ pretty great I am also functioning Middlesex County and Rider V a ® bCenS®d or legab j striking out only once. He aoenunt- well both mentally and physically. Fair, co-ordinated by Mrs. Shir­ ed in trying out for parts to he on drew Ellmer. weii both mentally and physically. ]eges eULawlor w lorUHresaantd^ lives at R n eNoC0;Mr, 1 ' 1.. , , ’ '-miupiai.- ' ed for «*five e Adoubles, " * * - ‘threethree triples.triples, ley Monsen. The judges, Bruce Most people would call me an . , Cranburv. New J * ™ a"dUZZU droveU1UVO litin 13Jl«J Zruns. UHO. AHe 1C banged time at the South Main street and The new Commission has hired Box 142,2 Cranbury, New Jersey.
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