Gulf and Caribbean Research Volume 9 Issue 1 January 1994 The Scientific Publications of Charles Eric Dawson (1948-1990) Stuart G. Poss Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Elizabeth Heal Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Follow this and additional works at: https://aquila.usm.edu/gcr Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Poss, S. G. and E. Heal. 1994. The Scientific Publications of Charles Eric Dawson (1948-1990). Gulf Research Reports 9 (1): 69-73. Retrieved from https://aquila.usm.edu/gcr/vol9/iss1/8 DOI: https://doi.org/10.18785/grr.0901.08 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by The Aquila Digital Community. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gulf and Caribbean Research by an authorized editor of The Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Gulf Research Reports. Vol. 9. No. 1,69-73.1994 Manuscript accepted August 30.1993 THE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES ERIC DAWSON 194811990 STUART G. POSS AND ELIZABETH HEAL Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 7000. Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39546-7000 INTRODUCTION Ingle,R.M. andC.E. Dawson. 1953. A survey of the Cedar Key area. Flu. St. Bd. Cons., Tech. Ser. By the time Charles Eric Dawson died on February 11, 9:l-26. he had produced a of published papers. His Ingle, R.M. and C.E. Dawson. 1953. A survey of 1993, total 150 Apalachicola Bay. Flu. St. Bd. Cons., Tech. Ser. contributions represent an important chapter in the 1O:l- ichthyological investigations of marine fishes. His work on 38. fishesofthe ofpipefisheswill Dawson, CE. 1954. A bibliography of the lobster and the Americasandonthetaxonomy spiny lobster; families Homaridae long be remembered as two of his most sisnficant and and Palinuridae. outstanding achievements. Althoughtribute tothis Canadb- Spec. Publ. Flu. St. Bd. Cons. 86 pp. American Ichthyologist and longtime Senior Ichthyologist . 1955. Observations on the incidence of Dermocystidium marinum infection in oysters of and curator of the ichthyological research collection at the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory is elsewhere Apalachicola Bay, Florida. Tex. J. Sci. 7( 1):47-56. presented A contribution the hydmgmphy of (Overstreet and Poss, Copeia it is . 1955. to 1993(3):921-925), Apalachicola Bay, Florida. Publs. Inst. Mar. Sci., appropriate that the extensivebibliography of oneof GCRL's most productive scientists is compiledandmadeavailableto Univ. Taus.4(1):13-35. A study of the oyster biology and hydrogra- other marchers who will follow in his footsteps. 1955. These phy at Crystal River, morida. Publs. Inst. Mar. Sci., publications are listed chronologically. Univ. Taus.4(1):279-302. 1957. Balanus fouling of shrimp. Science PUBLICATIONSOF c. DAWSON 126(3282): 1068. E. 1957. Studies on the marking of commercial shrimp with biological stains. US.Fish Wildl.Serv. Spec. Sci. Gathman, C.A. and C.E. Dawson. 1948. The use of the Rept. Fish. 231:l-24. plastic laminating press for themounting of fish scales. 1958. Observationson the infection of the shrimp, Quart. J. Flu. Acad. Sci. 10(4):153-154. Penaeus semisulcatus, by Epipenaeon elegans in the Dawson, C.E. Florida crawfishresearch. Proc. Gulf 1949. Persian Gulf. J. Parasitol. 44(2):240-241. Carib. Fish. Znst. 1:21-28. A study of the biology and life history of the Tiemey, J.Q. andC.E. Dawson. The Florida sponge . 1958. 1949. spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lac6pede, with special industry. Proc. Gulf Carib. Fish. Inst. 251-54. reference to South Carolina. Contrib. Bears Bluff Ingle, R.M. and C.E. Dawson. 1950. Variation in salinity Labs. and its relation to the Florida oyster; salinity variation 289-48. 1958. Prehimy report on the effects of closing in Apalachicola Bay. Proc. Gulf Carib. Fish. Inst. Caligogue Sound, South Carolina, to shrimp trawling. 3:3542. Spec. Sci. Rept. Bears Bluffkbs. 13 pp. Dawson, C.E. and C.P. Idyll. 195 1. Investigations on the Records of marine fishes new to South Florida spiny lobster,Panulirus argus (Lamille). Flu. 1959. three Carolina. Copeia St. Bd. Cons., Tech. Ser. 1959(4):343. 21-39. Starksia ocellata (Steindachner), a new Ingle, R.M. and CE. Dawson. 1952. of the 1960. Americanoyster,Crassostreu virginicuGrowth (Gmelin). Bull. sponge inquiline from South Carolina. Copeia Mar. Sci. GulfCarib. 1960(1):75. 2(2):392-404. Notes on a second record of Branchwstoma Smith, F.G. Walton and CE. Dawson. 1953. The Gulf of 1961. Mexico sponge investigation. Flu. St. Bd. Cons., Tech. from Louisiana. Copeia 1961(2):242. Ser. .1962.Length-weight andstandadlength-totallength 1:l-28. relationships of South hogchokers, Trinectes Dawson,C.E. 1953. AsurveyoftheTampaBayarea.Flu. Carolina St. Bd. Cons., Tech. Ser. maculatus. Trans. Amer. Fish. SOC.91(1):89-90. 8:l-39. Noteson American Heremsomata Dawson,C.E. andC.P. Idyll. 1953. Definitionsofcommer- -1962. anomalous cial fishing gear used in Florida. Marine Lab.. Univ. with descriptions of five new records. Copeia Miami. Spec. Serv. Bull. 6:l-8. 1962(1): 138-146. 69 70 Poss AND HEAL Dawson, CE. 1962. A study of the fmof the offshore Abbott, W. and C.E. Dawson. 1966. Responses of some waters of Louisiana. Proc. First National Coastal and anomuran and brachyuran crustaceans to high-speed Shallow Water Research Conference, October, 1961. centrifugation. Nature 21 l(5055): 1320-1321. pp. 445-446. Dawson,C.E. 1967. Notice of the occurrenceof the alpheid . 1962. Anew gobioid fish, Microdesmus lanceolatus, shrimp Leptalpheus forceps Williams in the northem from the Gulf of Mexico with notes on M. longipinnis Gulf of Mexico. Crustaceana 12(2):224. (Weymouth). Copeia 1962(2):330-336. 1967. Paragunnellichthys seychellensis, a new . 1962. New records and notes on fishes from the genus and species 'of gobioid fBh (Microdesmidae) north central Gulf of Mexico. Copeia 1962(2):442- fromthe WestemIndianOcean. Proc. Biol. SOC.Wash. 444. 80~73-82. 1962. Partial albinism in the fish Astroscopus .1967. Contributionsto thebiology of thecutlassfish y-graecum Cuvier. Copeia 1962(4):837-838. (Trichiurus lepturus) in the northem Gulf of Mexico. 1963. Kyphosus sectatrix (Linnaeus) in the Gulf of . Trans Amer. Fish. SOC.96(2):117-121. Mexico with a new record from Mississippi. Copeia -. 1967. Callianassa latispina (Decapoda, 1963(1): 181-182. "hassassinidea), a new mud shrimp from the northern . 1963. Notes on Stenopus scutellum Rankin and Gulf of Mexico. Crustaceana 13(2):190-196. Neopontonides beaufortensis (Borradaile) from the . 1967. Supplemental notes on the flatfish genus northem Gulf of Mexico. Crustaceana 5(2):155-157. Gymnachirus. Copeia 1967(3):679-680. .1963. Length and weightrelationshipsof young red . 1967. Three new records of partial albinism in snappers from the northem Gulf of Mexico. Trans. American Heterosomata. Trans. Amer. Fish. SOC. Amer. Fish. SOC.92(3):3 10-3 11. 96(4):400-404. 1963. Notes on Gobiosomu longipala Ginsburg, . 1967. Notes on the species of the goby genus with a record of its occurrence in Mississippi waters. Evorthodus. Copeia 1967(4):855-857. Copeia 1963(3):585-586. 1967. Notes on teratological gobioid fishes from .1964. Records of Cephalochordata from the west- Louisiana and Maryland. Proc. La. Acad. Sci. 3074- em Persian Gulf. Copeia 1964(1):229. 79. 1964. A bibliography of anomalies of Gulf . fishes. 1968. Report - Grant No. 4242 - Penrose Fund Res. Repts. 1(6):308-399. (1966) - A revision of the wormfishes (Gobioidea: . 1964. A revision of the western Atlantic flatfish Microdesmidae). Amer. Phil. SOC.Yrb. 1967:256- genus Gymnachirus (the naked soles). Copeia 257. 1964(4):646-665. 1968. Two new wormfishes (Gobioidea: . 1965. Length-weight nAatio~of some of Microdesmidae) from the Indian Ocean. Proc. Biol. Mexico Trans.Amer. Fish. 94(3):279-280.Gulf fishes. SOC. SOC.Wash. 8153-68. 1965. Rainstorm induced mortality of lancelets, .1968. An adventitiousdorsal fm-rayinMicrogobius Branchiostoma, in Mississippi Sound. Copeia gulosus (Pisces: Gobiidae). Anat. Anz. 122498-501. 1965(4):505-506. 1968. Eastem Pacific wormfishes, Microdesmus . 1965. Records of two headfishes (Family Molidae) dipus Giinther and Microdesmus dorsipunctatus sp. fromthenorth-centralGulf of Mexico. Proc. La.Acad. nov. Copeia 1968(3):512-531. Sci. 2896-89. 1968. Contributions to the biology of the Mexican . 1966. Gunterichthys longipenis, a new genus and flounder, Cyclopsetta chittendeni in the northem Gulf species of ophidioid fish from the northem Gulf of of Mexico. Trans. Amer. Fish. SOC.1968(4):504-507. Mexico. Proc. Biol. SOC.Wash. 79:205-214. 1968. Meristic and morphometric data on the . 1966. A new marking method for soft x-ray flatfish Citharichthys gilberti frompanama, GulfRes. negatives. Progr. Fish. Cult. 28(3): 145. Repts. 2(3):325-329. 1966. Observations on the anacanthine fish . 1969. Three unusual cases of abnormal coloration Bregmuceros atlanticus in the north-central Gulf of in northem Gulf of Mexico flatfishes. Trans. Amer. Mexico. Copeia 1966(3):604-605. Fish. SOC.98(1):106-108. 1966. Studies on the gobies (Pisces: Gobiidae) of . 1969. Studies on the gobies of Mississippi Sound Mississippi Sound and adjacent waters. I. Gobiosomu. and adjacent waters. 11. An illustrated key to the Amer. Midl. Nut. 76(2):379-409. gobioid fishes. Publ. Gulfcoast Res. Lab. Mus. 1:l- . 1966. A bibliography of anomalies of fishes. 59. Supplement 1. GulfRes. Repts. 2(2): 169-176. 1969. A new eastem Pacific sand stargazer, ,1966. Additionstotheknownmarine faunaofGrand Dactyloscopus byersi (Pisces: Dactyloscopidae). Isle, Louisiana. Proc. La. Acad. Sci. 29:175-180. Copeia 1969(1):44-51. PUBLICATIONSOF C.E. DAWSON 71 Dawson, CB. 1969. Anew seven-spinedgoby, Gobiosoma Dawson,C.E. 1972. E‘resentknowledgeof themicrodeanid (Austrogobius) polyporosum, from the Pacific coast of fishes (Gobioidea) of Mexico. Mem. N Congr. Nac. Panama. Copeia 1969(3):510-514. Oceunogr. (Mexico). pp. 213-216. .1%9. Citharichthysabbotti,anewflatfii(B0thidae) Herald, E.S. andC.E. Dawson. 1972. A new subspeciesof fromthe southwestemGulfof Mexico. Proc. Biol. SOC.
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