CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY BEGINS DR. SHANKS' LATEST BOOK IS OFFICIALLY NEXT MON­ REVIEWED BY DAVID R. McKee DAY, 8:30 A. M. -ON PAGE 2 Vol. XXXVI, No. 19 THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, HOMEWOOD, BALTIMORE, MD., DECEMBER 15, 1931 Price 5 Cents To Address Liberals Hopkins Professor Recognized Engineers Will Give BERNARD ADES Dance In Levering FOUR SENIORS As Peer Of Tall-Story Tellers Hall Friday WILL TALK TO Lowell Thomas, Preserver Of The Tradition Of "Whop­ The Ambassadors will furnish ARE APPOINTED pe~s,'' Acknowledges Professor's the music for the Engineers dance Rare Ability to be held in Levering Hall, De­ L.I BE RA L CLUB cember 18. Members of the fac­ TO JUNE WEEK ulty will serve as chaperons. The Since the time of the famed erine Brush, Theodore Dreiser Noted Labor Defense Attor­ dance is not limited to engineers ; Baron l\liinchausen the technique and Bernarr Macfadden. Levy, Dukehart, Quick, and ney Is Hopkins anyone may attend. Subscrip­ Gutman, Are of story telling has become a lost In the interest of reviving this tion will be $1, couple or stag. Graduate art. Like the secrets of the Sphinx lost technique, Lowell Thomas Chosen and the pyramids, the mystic has for the past year been bring­ TOPIC WILL BE magic of the Ancient Chaldeans, ing into thousands of homes via GREEK SYNTAX AND KNEIP OUTLINES SHORE LYNCHINGS and the necromancy of Merlin, it radio the best examples of the art PROBABLE PROGRAM has perished with the men who of prevarication that this degen­ GRAMMAR, TOPIC OF Makes Comments On Wil­ knew it, and ·modern civilization erate age can produce, and it is 'S BOOK Claims Much Depends On liams Lynching; Mooney for all its progres and advance- not strange that Hopkins, so long Payment Of Senior ment mourns an art which it has the leader in all other sciences, DR. MILLER Case BERNARD ADES Class Dues been unable to rediscover. should be active in this field aiso. Hopkins Professor Uses Plays The Tall Story Lowell Thomas' story for this Bernard Ades, reputed to be The history of story-telling is Announcement of the appoint­ week was told by a man whom Of Aristophanes As one of Baltimores most outstand­ long and involved, and includes ment of four members of the 1932 J.H.U. PROFS. RECEIVE Hopkins can call her very own. Basis ing labor lawyers, is scheduled to among its famous such names as June Week Committee was made It is with distinct pride that we address the Liberal Club meeting Aesop, Schenaerazade, Ali Baba, last week by Walter F. Kneip, OVER ONE-HALF OF reprint the text of his Tall Story, HAS WORKED ON at Levering Hall on Friday at 1 Greise, and President Hoover. chairman of the group. which was broadcast last night P. M. The topic will be '·Law En­ The legitimate form is, of course, TEXT MANY YEARS The four men are: r. Cyrus Gut- UNIVERSITY INCOME over the N. B. C. system, and forcement on the Eastern Shore." technically known as the "Tall . man, treasurer; Ronald Levy, A. which, in many years from now, Mr. Ades, who has been at­ Professor Says Hopkins Pays ,Story" or prevarication, although Believes That His Work Pre- E. Quick, and Edwin Dukehart. torney for the International may become the BeouJUlf of sentsldea Helpful To Later appointment of a Junior 65 Per Cent In Salaries degenerate reactionary forms America, the epic of 'the degen­ Labor Defense League, will de­ y l have appeared from time to time, Greek Study selected by the president of the scribe the conditions as to the ear Y e.g., the "short story," whose erate days of '31. Junior Class will be determined lynchings which have recently oc­ cause is today espoused by Kath- (Continued on page 4, column 5) In order to make. more easy \vithin the next month, it is ex­ cured on the Shore. HIGHEST PROPORTION the ·study of the Greek lang­ pected. William Weitzel, as presi­ Cites Williams Case uage, Dr. C. W. E. Miller, Francis dent oi the Senior Class, is ex­ "The only difference between AMONG COLLEGES DR. T. z. KOO SPEAKS REYNOLDS T0 LEAD White Professor of Greek, is officio member of the committee. the \Villiams lynching and many Believes High Building Costs ON MANCHURIA HERE JAY ELEVEN IN 1932 completing a grammar on the Lacrosse To Be Featured other recent hangings is that a In outlining the probable pro- Responsible For study on the syntax of the plays trial was overlooked," Counsellor gram of the committee for the Will Discuss Sino-Jap Situation Flashy Sophomore Back Biggest of Aristophanes. Ades stated . Condition June Week events, Kneip stated At Supper Meeting Threat Of Blue Team In In ordinary methods of . the The main purpose of the Inter­ that efforts are being made to ar­ Tonight Past Season teaching of Greek, according to national Labor Defense League is At a recent meeting of the range for a special lacrosse game "Dr. Miller, it is difficult for the to take up the defense of class­ American Association of Univer­ feature, wl1,ich is always in­ sity Professoi:s, Professor Hen­ T. z. Koo, vice-chairman of MANAGER student to acquire a knowledge war victims. All attacks or trials cluded. The ~oming of the Olym­ the World's Christian Student DIETZ ELECTED of· Greek accent and at the same of laborers and Negroes are in­ derson, physiologist and former pic playoffs during that time Federation and representative of time a knowledge of the various vestigated. This defense has sent chairman of the Yale Chapter of should add a great deal of inter­ Chinese thought in America, will ''Curly" Byrd Addresses Football syllables of the language. The lawyers to 90 per cent of all the the A. A. U. P., gave some en­ est to this phase of the festivity. speak tonight on the Sino-Japan­ Banquet; Promises Annual result, he continued, is that one labor trials in the United States. lightening figures showing how In order to achieve a more in­ ese situation in Manchuria at a Terp Tilt or the other is neglected and a l\lr. Ades is said to be greatly in different universities paid their teresting set of attractions, it was supper-meeting in Levering Hall. confusion of both usually results. accord with this cause. professors and instructors. declared, a great deal will depend Having come directly from Man­ Pete Reynolds: flashy halfback, Aristophanes Basis Comments On Mooney Hopkins Leads upon the payment of Senior Class The following were the figures churia around the first of Decem­ will lead the Jay eleven as cap­ Dr. Miller's plan is to use Aris­ Commenting on the Mooney dues, part of which finance the as to the proportion of university ber, Dr. Koo will speak on the tain in 1932, as a result . of the tophanes as the basis of the ma­ Case, Mr. Ades is certain that committee. Those who fail to pay ncome paid to professors: Johns supject from first hand observa­ elections held last week. terial. offered the student. The Mooney is another of th~ many dues will have their tickets for Hopkins, leading all other univer­ tion. advantage of using the comedies class-war victims. Early this Reynolds was a real threat in the occasion withheld. sities, paid 65 per cent of the uni­ Immediately before the supper of this ancient playwright, he ex­ year Mooney asked the Inter­ the Blue backfield during his Limited Membership versity income to professors; national Labor Defense to take meeting at 6 o'clock, the speaker freshman year, until he sustained plained, is that the language is in The committee is limited in University of Chicago came next will meet informally with the the form of meter, and the verse his case. They have done this by an injury to his neck in the game membership chiefly in order to with 52 per cent; Princeton, 42 stirring up mass protests, and Cabinet of . the Y. M. C. A. and with Pennsylvania Military Col­ employed is very close to the naintain effectiveness. Last year's per cent; at Yale 40 per cent ten encouraging the sending of letters anybody else wishing to make his lege. After carrying his head language of prose. Also, due to committee, led by John Yellott, years ago;-34 per cent last year to Governor Rolf of California. acquaintance at 5 o'clock in. the and neck in a cast for several the humor and interest of the was composed of eleven men, but with an income three times as This mass pressure a:ll over the Conference Room of Levering. months, the plucky Jay athlete subject matter, the student would it was believed that the inclu­ country 0 has made most of the large as that of ten years ago; Active In World Affairs gain much pleasure from the Dr. Koo is a graduate of St. showed up for track practice, and sion of too larges a number tend­ officials in favor of liheration, it at Harvard, where "the fire of reading. Johns University at Shanghai, and made an enviable record as a dash ed to make it unwieldy. was said. Mr. Ades believes that learning was lit," according to "The employment of this meth­ was one of the three representa­ m.an for the cinder-pounders. It is expected that the attend­ Rolf woul<l like to liberate Moon- Professor Henderson, the salaries od," Dr. Miller stated, "gives im­ tives of his country at the Second This fall he returned to football, ance to the activities will be re­ ey, but California sentiment i! have dropped to the lowest pro­ portant information not gotten Opium Conference in Geneva in and the rest is still being talked stricted to Hopkins students and anti-Mooney.
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