JOURNEY VOL 10 JAN - JUN 2016 | 1 NOTE FROM MD A BRAND NEW YEAR TO ALL. A BRAND NEW CHAPTER FOR LBS. ᳄᱕⩌䯳ఏ Hello readers! I hope you had a fruitful 2015. As I look back by Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong XIV ⮱̭Ꭱڕ to the year, LBS launched 14 projects. The key project Almu’tasimu Billahi Muhibbuddin Tuanku Alhaj Abdul contributors are located at Klang Valley, contributing Halim Mu’adzam Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah 84% of the total sales. Bandar Saujana Putra, one of on 6 June 2015. 「⮱̭ڕ the most significant contributors, launched BSP 21, BSP Village, BSP Rumah Selangorku. Meanwhile D’ Island As a Managing Director of LBS Bina Group Berhad, I Residence launched Corallia, Skyvilla and Nautilus 2. am delighted with our achievements and look forward ऱѺ䄨㔲喆ጹ᱈ҍЙ᠒ᰶ̭͗͝Ⰸ⮱ᎡȡࣨᎡᄦλ-#4Გ䄡Ό᭜ࢀᰶ᩵⮱̭ Other launches came from Pahang, Kuantan, and these to continuing to taking LBS further and contributing to ⮱ᩜᠮ̸喑Йጟ⣝ࣨᎡ䃏̸ϬБश⮱䨭ਜ਼Ⱋᴴ喆ᄦڠprojects are Midhills and Sinaran Mahkota respectively. the industry, country and beyond. Lastly, I would like to Ꭱȡౕ̻Й⮱ݖ⯷Ⱕ wish everyone a Happy Prosperous Year ahead and 䓻 λᎡহ᱗Გ⮱ᬒၽ䛹喑ᄳ㜡߈ិ-#4ፓݝᰡ倅ᅯ⁎喑ВԊЙ⮱㗎͉Й䘪㣤ᓄ International business wise, the bilateral relationship ᭒ᣒ⺼喆 between Malaysia-China is strengthened when Zhu 㞜ສ⮱ݖ⯷ఋ亵ȡ Xiaodan, Governor of Guangdong Province came for official visit on 19 September 2015, co-witnessing with TYT Tun Datuk Seri Utama Mohd Khalil B. Yaakob ࣨᎡ喑-#4ᣕܧγ䶦ࣾᆂ䶦Ⱋ喑㔹ᰭ๔ࣾᆂ䶦Ⱋ⮱䉎⡛᭜Ѻλጡ⩌䅤⮱๗ၽ喑 the MOU signed between LBS Bina Group Berhad and ࢍγᕨ䨭ਜ਼䷊⮱喊ȡ-#4ᰭⳖⰛᬄ㝝ࣾᆂ䩴̭⮱๗ၽᣕܧ#41喑#41 Zhuhai Jiuzhou Holdings Group Berhad Corporation Limited for the “Zhuhai International Circuit Upgrading 7JMMBHF喑#41 3VNBI 4FMBOHPSLV喑हᬣ㔍⎃ᣕܧ$PSBMMJB喑4LZ7JMMBহ/BVUJMVT ⮱4JOBSBOͦڠЃጋᆋ⮱ࣾᆂ䶦ⰛຯѺλᒚϕጋ⮱Ąξ䶣㔍㟾ą喑হ͉⊤ᇥڣand Transformation Plan”. 喑 While 2015 had been a difficult year, we had overcome .BILPUBȡ the challenges and had a remarkable year. Coupled with the continual support from our stakeholders, we ㈨̻ߎव҉喑͚పᎬ͉ⰮⰮ䪬ᱞᄼͦλᎡڠγߍᑧ͚ప̻侙Გ㺬χ⮱ࣹ䓦㏼䉥ͧ achieved our 2015 sales target of RM1 billion! Although ጋٰ仃᪓㣘৵᱘ࢎ⿸㕣䅤㻮䃮᳄᱕⩌䯳ఏহ͚ప⤍⊤Ί⩟ښis forecasted to be even more challenging, I am ᰵᬒ㢲͡๔侙喑Ꭳ̻侙 2016 committed to bring LBS to higher levels. This is my vision ≟ᣔ㗎䯳ఏカ㒟γव҉ᘼाΓ喑ࡴ⤍⊤ప䭲䊈䒓౧ࡴ㏔হ䒙ಸ䃎ܿȡ and commitment as the key leader of LBS for over 30 years. This year I am truly honored that this commitment has been recognized when I was conferred ϻ❣ϟᣒ᷿ऻͧ䯳ఏͨ㺮⮱䶳ᄩ㔲喑䔆็ᎡᲒ⮱ᙬᮜ᭜̭Ⱑጹ᱈ិ-#4ᣕݝओ two prestigious awards, namely The BrandLaureate Hall of Fame – Lifetime ̭͗倅ምȡࣨᎡ喑Όᒵ㢐Ꭵ㷘ᢵε͗Ⰸऺ⮱䶦喑ࢠ᭜ 5IF #SBOE-BVSFBUFऺϧയ Achievement Brand ICON Leadership ㏵䏘ᅞ৮❹ᴴᔄᕔϧ➖ࣷ᱙ϧ⼜Ხᣕߕহߍᑧ๔侙̻͚ప喍Ꭼ͉Ⱞ喎⮱ࣹ䓦व҉ Award 2015 & World Chinese Economic ㈨㔹㣤ᓄᎡ̓⩹ࡻϧ㏼≻ምч喍8$&4喎䶮ࣾ㏵䏘ᅞȡڠ Summit Lifetime Achievement Award for Enhancing Relations with China especially Guangdong Province. ₑใ喑᱙䯳ఏ⮱ប㵹㦐θ̭喑᳄ᶲ仆হ䅏ͽٰܳݘౕᎡᰵᬒহᰵᬒ㷘ᒚϕ On top of that, a few of our ጋ㟼ͦ䭬᱘⇆̸⃬ᄮ䉽ͧĄᠬⲐą߸㶁ȡ㔹ౕᎡᰵᬒ喑᱙ϧΌᒵ㢐Ꭵౝ㷘పუ members of Board of Directors 仃〜䭬䘪৵᳄䮈̸ᆮࡻ䄋ᄮ䉽Ąͦ䛹ą߸㶁喑ᆋजૉज䉧ȡٰ were conferred with new titles. Alan Chia and Cynthia Lim, Executive Directors of LBS Bina 㘪์䓫ݝࣨᎡ䃏̸⮱䨭ਜ਼Ⱋᴴ喑䯳ఏᬄ̸⮱ࣾڡ䏘ͧ᳄᱕⩌䯳ఏ⮱㦐θ㏼⤳喑ᒵ倅 Group Berhad were conferred with the Dato’ titles ᆂ䶦Ⱋ㷘ᢵεऱ䶦হ㦐θ䘕⮱অ㢐㛧ᠬⲐ߸㶁喑ߍ̷᱙ϧ⼜Ხᣕߕߍᑧ͑ప䬡 by Sultan Haji Ahmad ㈨㔹ߗ߈ȡⰥԎ䔆ψ㢐㾶ᄳិ-#4㐔㐚ᣕाᰡ倅̭ᅯẩȡڠ⮱ Shah Al-Musta’in Billah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Abu Bakar Ri’Ayatuddin ᰭऻ喑ౕₑ⺊䉧๔უᎡᔘͽ喑̴θຯᘼ喑䓻᭒ᣒ⺼喆 Al-mu’adzam Shah (Pahang) on 5 June 2015 and 6 March 2015 respectively. For myself, I was honoured to be ⛏㖼ⲿ Managing Director conferred the Tan Sri title ☈㙱⼢⡁㓹 Tan Sri Lim Hock San 2 | JOURNEY VOL 10 JAN - JUN 2016 JOURNEY VOL 10 JAN - JUN 2016 | 3 SALES & PROPERTY DIRECTORY CONTENT HQ BATU PAHAT CAMERON HIGHLANDS PLAZA SERI SETIA, LEVEL 1-4 NO.22 JALAN KUNDANG B-G-10 & B-G-12, BLOCK B NO.1 JALAN SS9/2 TAMAN BUKIT PASIR JALAN ROYAL LILY 1, TAMAN ROYAL LILY 47300 PETALING JAYA 83000 BATU PAHAT 39000 TANAH RATA, CAMERON HIGHLANDS SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA JOHOR DARUL TAKZIM, MALAYSIA PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR, MALAYSIA T +60 3 7877 7333 F +60 3 7877 7111 T +60 7 438 8688 F +60 7 438 8233 T +60 5 491 5017 F +60 5 491 5022 IPOH MITC SDN BHD MITC ENGINEERING SDN BHD NO.17 MEDAN IPOH 1A NO.321 & 322 PLAZA SERI SETIA H-6, SUNWAY PJ@51A MEDAN IPOH BISTARI NO.1 JALAN SS9/2 JALAN SS9A/19, SEKSYEN 51A 31400 IPOH 47300 PETALING JAYA 47300 PETALING JAYA PERAK DARUL RIDZUAN, MALAYSIA SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA T +60 5 255 8820 F +60 5 254 4225 T +60 3 7877 7333 F +60 3 7861 8077 T +60 3 7874 5888 F +60 3 7874 5889 SALES OFFICES D’ ISLAND RESIDENCE BANDAR SAUJANA PUTRA MIDHILLS, GENTING PERMAI 12 NO.3 JALAN TIMUR 9 NO.2 & 6 JALAN SPU 1 LOT 15360, MUKIM BENTONG D’ ISLAND RESIDENCE BANDAR SAUJANA PUTRA DAERAH BENTONG 47130 PUCHONG 42610 JENJAROM, KUALA LANGAT PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR 2 NOTE FROM MD SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA MALAYSIA 4 PROPERTY DIRECTORY 36 TAN SRI LIM HOCK SAN CONFERRED WITH WCES T +6011 1233 0899 / 0877 T +6011 1233 0566 / 0577 / 0655 T 1700 81 8998 6 28 WONDERFUL MOMENTS FOR LBS IN 2015 LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT 2015 38 THE SUCCESSOR: LBS BINA GROUP KUANTAN BRINCHANG SQUARE PROPERTY BERHAD B3-31-G, BRINCHANG SQUARE B16 JALAN GAMBUT 1 40 LBS BINA GROUP & JIUZHOU SIGNED MOU 25000 KUANTAN JALAN BESAR BRINCHANG 10 VACANT POSSESSION FOR UPGRADING OF ZHUHAI INTERNATIONAL 39100 CAMERON HIGHLANDS PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR, 11 AN EXTENDED NEIGHBOURHOOD CIRCUIT (ZIC) PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR, MALAYSIA MALAYSIA 12 BSP 21. WHY IT GARNERED THE COVETED 42 LBS MEDIA APPRECIATION NIGHT 2015 T +60 5 491 5018 F +60 5 491 5020 T +60 9 513 8500 APPA AWARDS 44 LBS LAUNCHES THE NEW HEIGHTS OF ISLAND HP +6012 206 7334 / 012 209 7334 14 RETAIL VILLAGE EXPERIENCE WITH LIVING IN KLANG VALLEY PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY SPACES TO BRING THE 45 FENG SHUI TRAINING AT MIDHILLS, COMMUNITY TOGETHER GENTING PERMAI 16 REDISCOVER THE PLEASURABLE SIMPLICITY 46 LBS REWARDS ANUGERAH HIJAU 2015 JOURNEY WITH LBS IS A BI-ANNUALLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY OF LIFE CHAMPION 18 THE NEW HEIGHTS OF ISLAND LIVING IN 47 LBS SPONSORED ASTRO INTERNATIONAL KLANG VALLEY HUA HEE KARAOKE 20 COME HOME TO A PLACE WHERE MEMORIES 48 LBS NEWS ECHO FOREVER 49 LBS’ DIRECTORS’ COMMITMENTS IN ALL 22 NAUTILUS: PHASE 2 IS COMING ASPECTS WWW.LBS.COM.MY 24 THE FIRST & LARGEST INDUSTRIAL PARK 52 ZHUHAI INTERNATIONAL CIRCUIT UPGRADING & IN TELOK GONG, KLANG TRANSFORMATION PLAN FEEDBACK & INQUIRY [email protected] 26 THE VIBRANT GROOVE WITHIN THE LOOP 54 LBS CLUB PRINTED BY KUAN PRESS SDN BHD 28 DISCOVER THE PERFECT ESCAPE AT THE NO. 9 JALAN SR3/7, TAMAN SERDANG RAYA SECTION 3 43300 SERI KEMBANGAN, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA MIDHILLS SHOW GALLERY AT GENTING PERMAI! LIFESTYLE PQ1780/2059 30 IVORY GARDEN DESIGNED BY WONDE CREATIVE 31 MAGMA GARDEN 58 WEAK RINGGIT WEIGH ON MARKET WWW.WONDECREATIVE.COM SENTIMENT LBS FIRST QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER HOME WAS INTRODUCED IN 2011, BUT EVENT 60 WHY MUST YOU BUY NOW? EVOLVED INTO QUARTERLY MAGAZINE FORMAT JOURNEY WITH LBS IN 2013. IN 2015, JOURNEY WITH LBS WILL BE A BI-ANNUALLY PUBLICATION, 62 THE 12 ANIMAL SIGNS FOR 2016 ISSUED IN JANUARY AND JULY. 34 TAN SRI LIM HOCK SAN AWARDED WITH THE ALL INFORMATION IS CORRECT AT TIME OF PRINTING. BRAND LAUREATE LIFETIME ACHIVEMENT AWARD 2015 4 | JOURNEY VOL 10 JAN - JUN 2016 JOURNEY VOL 10 JAN - JUN 2016 | 5 AWARDS EVENTS 14 Celebrate 65th glorious years for the chairman, Dato’ Seri Lim Bock Seng & 01 Datin Seri Liew Sok Boon. Winning 3 awards 28 at the Asia Pacific Property Awards: the Five Star Development WONDERFUL Congratulations to LBS & Jiuzhou signs Showcased gratitude towards the Marketing award for 15 our Assistant General MOU for upgrading of continuous support given by the its BSP Township, the 19 media throughout the year with a Lamdeal Investment Manager in Zhuhai, Zhuhai International Five Star Architecture Limited, a wholly- Victor Gu in winning Circuit including spectacular media night. Single Residence for its MOMENTS FOR owned subsidiary 3rd placing of ‘I am collaboration on Barrington Homes, and Signing framework agreement with of LBS, signed a Speaker’ competition, transformation plans. Highly Commended Stone Master Corporation Berhad in Memorandum of a TV programme in Apartment for its BSP relation to the products and service 20 Understanding with China. LBS IN 2015 21 development. coupled with interest free vendor the Chief Minister of 18 financing services offered with the Malacca (Incorporation) Being one of the credit limit up to RM300 million. to establish a cultural 16 museum, one-stop 10-episodes of The Executive Director, Datuk Successor, a Chinese Wira Joey Lim Hock Guan 03 centre and Made-In- 17 documentary production 21 was officially elected as the Managing Director, Tan Sri Lim Hock San Malaysia Excellence Executive Director, Dato’ Executive Director, Dato’ by Astro, showcased talent President of Persatuan Hokkien being conferred the Darjah Panglima Setia exhibition hall within Chia Lok Yuen being Lim Mooi Pang being developing, goodwill, of Sungai Way Selangor. 02 Mahkota (P.S.M.) which carries the title of Zhuhai International conferred the Darjah Indra conferred the Darjah Indra 04 Circuit to show case the culture and value inherited Tan Sri. Mahkota Pahang (D.I.M.P.) Mahkota Pahang (D.I.M.P.) Managing Director, Tan Sri Lim Hock heritage and culture of throughout generations of which carries the title of which carries the title of San was successfully elected as Malacca.
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