www.megazyme.com es at dr hy o rb a C • s e t a r t s b u S e m y z n E • s e m y z n E • s t i K y a s s A Plant Cell Wall & Biofuels Product Guide 1 Megazyme Test Kits and Reagents Purity. Quality. Innovation. Barry V. McCleary, PhD, DScAgr Innovative test methods with exceptional technical support and customer service. The Megazyme Promise. Megazyme was founded in 1988 with the We demonstrate this through the services specific aim of developing and supplying we offer, above and beyond the products we innovative test kits and reagents for supply. We offer worldwide express delivery the cereals, food, feed and fermentation on all our shipments. In general, technical industries. There is a clear need for good, queries are answered within 48 hours. To validated methods for the measurement of make information immediately available to the polysaccharides and enzymes that affect our customers, we established a website in the quality of plant products from the farm 1994, and this is continually updated. Today, it gate to the final food. acts as the source of a wealth of information on Megazyme products, but also is the hub The commitment of Megazyme to “Setting of our commercial activities. It offers the New Standards in Test Technology” has been possibility to purchase and pay on-line, to continually recognised over the years, with view order history, to track shipments, and Megazyme and myself receiving a number many other features to support customer of business and scientific awards. needs. From a technical point of view, it Today, Megazyme is a recognised world leader holds a host of product information such as in the development of high quality, innovative Data Booklets, MSDS, Certificates of Analysis test technology; eight of its tests are USA (COA), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), recommended and/or Official Methods and Product Performance information and Mega- many of its methods are industry standards Calc™ EXCEL™ based calculation tools. The worldwide. Success in achieving these goals value and functionality of this site has been has been due to innovative research together recognised through several business awards. with an understanding of the needs of our Since 2003, Megazyme has expanded through customers. the introduction of a Molecular Biology Megazyme has its research and manufacturing Division, allowing the production of enzymes facilities in Bray, Ireland and has sales and for incorporation into new test kits. This distribution agreements in over 30 countries. new platform technology has resulted in the The company exports over 98% of its products launch of a range of new research/analytical to over 60 countries including North America, enzymes and many new and improved test Europe, Australasia, Middle East and kits which are finding rapid adoption in the the Far East. The success of Megazyme is wine, dairy and food industries worldwide. not just related to our impressive product More recent research has been directed portfolio (~ 500 products), but to the towards the needs of the Biofuels industry, standard of excellence achieved in developing, with the production and supply of a wider manufacturing and marketing quality products range of enzyme substrates, oligosaccharides that meet market demands. In our creed, the and research enzymes. customer truly does come first. Dr. Barry V. McCleary Chief Executive Officer ISO 9001:2008 Registered Cat. No. Product Cat. No. Product ASSAY KITS K-RSTAR Starch (Resistant Starch) K-CERA a-Amylase (Ceralpha method) K-TSTA Starch (Total Starch; GOPOD format) K-AMYLSD a-Amylase (Sprout Damaged method) K-RSTCL Starch Controls (Resistant Starch) K-BETA3 β-Amylase (Betamyl-3 method) K-TSHK Starch (Total Starch; Hexokinase format) K-MALTA Malt Amylase K-SUFRG Sucrose/D-Fructose/D-Glucose K-AMYL Amylose/Amylopectin K-SUCGL Sucrose/D-Glucose K-ARAB Arabinan K-TREH Trehalose K-ARGA L-Arabinose/D-Galactose (Rapid) K-AZOWAX Xylanase (Azo-Wax format) K-CELLG3 endo-Cellulase K-XYLS Xylanase (Xylazyme AX format) K-CELLG5 Cellulase Assay Kit K-XYLX6 Xylanase (XYLX6 Method) K-ETOH Ethanol K-XYLOSE D-Xylose K-TDFR Fibre (Total Dietary Fibre) K-INTDF Fibre (Integrated Total Dietary Fibre) CARBOHYDRASE TABLET K-RINTDF Rapid Integrated Total Dietary Fiber TESTS K-TDFC Fibre Controls (Total Dietary Fibre) T-AMZ Amylazyme K-FRUCHK Fructan (Hexokinase format) T-ARZ-200T Arabinazyme K-FUCOSE L-Fucose T-AMZBG-200T Amylazyme BG K-GALM Galactomannan (Carob or guar) T-AMZRD-200T Amylazyme Red K-BGLU β-Glucan (Barley & oat; mixed linkage) T-AMZHY Amylazyme HY K-YBGL β-Glucan (Yeast & mushroom) T-CAF-1000T Cellazyme AF K-EBHLG β-Glucan (Yeast-enzymatic) T-CCZ Cellazyme C K-MBG4 β-Glucanase/Lichenase (MBG4 Method) T-CTZ Cellazyme T T-DEXT-200T Alpha-Dextrazyme K-MBGL β-Glucanase (Malt & microbial) T-LDZ Limit-Dextrizyme K-GLUM Glucomannan T-GLZ Galactazyme K-GATE D-Gluconate/D-Glucono-δ-lactone T-BGZ β-Glucazyme K-GAMINE D-Glucosamine (D-Glucosamine sulphate) T-PAZ-200T 1,3-β-Glucazyme K-GLUC D-Glucose (GOPOD format) T-CUR-200T 1,3-β-Glucazyme HS K-GLUHK D-Glucose (Hexokinase format) T-MNZ Mannazyme K-DLATE D-/L-Lactic Acid T-RHAM-200T Rhamnozyme K-LATE L-Lactic Acid T-XAX Xylazyme AX K-LACGAR Lactose/D-Galactose (Rapid) T-XAF-1000T Xylazyme AF (1000; 40 mg tablets) K-LACSU Lactose/Sucrose/D-Glucose K-MASUG Maltose/Sucrose/D-Glucose K-MANOL D-Mannitol/L-Arabitol ENZYMES E-OGLYEF Recendo-a-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase (E. faecalis) K-URONIC D-Glucuronic/D-Galacturonic Acid E-AMANTM a-(1,2,3,4,6)-D-Mannosidase (Thermotoga maritima) K-AGLUA a-Glucuronidase E-ANAGM Reca-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase (microbial) K-MANGL D-Mannose/D-Fructose/D-Glucose E-BNAHP Recβ-N-Acetylhexosaminidase (prokaryote)NEW K-PECID Pectin Identification E-AXEAO RecAcetylxylan esterase (Orpinomyces sp.) K-PULLG6 Pullulanase/Limit Dextrinase (PULLG6 method)NEW E-AXSEC a-Xylosidase (Escherichia coli)NEW K-RAFGA Raffinose/D-Galactose E-ALGLS RecAlginate lyase (Sphingomonas sp.) K-RAFGL Raffinose/Sucrose/D-Glucose E-ANAAM a-Amylase (A. oryzae) K-RHAMNOSE L-Rhamnose E-BLAAM a-Amylase (B. licheniformis) K-SORB D-Sorbitol/Xylitol E-PANAA a-Amylase (Porcine Pancreatic) K-SDAM Starch Damage Purchase Online at www.megazyme.com 3 Cat. No. Product Cat. No. Product E-BARBL β-Amylase (barley; liquid) E-BGOSPC Recβ-Glucosidase (thermostable) (P. chrysosporium) E-BARBP β-Amylase (barley; powder) E-BGLAEC Recβ-Glucuronidase (E. coli) E-BAMBC Recβ-Amylase (B. cereus) E-AGUBS Reca-Glucuronidase (Geobacillus stearothermophilus) E-MAL6M Glucan 1,4-a-maltohexaosidase E-HYLSP RecHyaluronate lyase (novel specificity)(soil prokaryote) E-AMGDF Amyloglucosidase (A. niger) E-ENDOIAN Recendo-Inulinase (A. niger) E-AMGPU Amyloglucosidase (Rhizopus sp.) E-EXOIAN Recexo-Inulinase (A. niger) E-AMGDFNG Amyloglucosidase (Aspergillus niger) Glycerol Free E-INVRT Invertase (fructofuranosidase) (yeast) E-EARAB endo-1,5-a-L-Arabinanase (A. niger) E-INVPD Invertase (powder) NEW E-ABFAN a-L-Arabinofuranosidase (Aspergillus nidulans) E-ISAMY Isoamylase (glycogen 6-glucanohydrolase) E-AFASE a-L-Arabinofuranosidase (A. niger) E-MNHPF RecMannitol dehydrogenase (P. fluorescens) NEW E-ABFBO17 a-L-Arabinofuranosidase B17 (Bacteroides ovatus) E-LLDHP L-Lactate dehydrogenase (Porcine) NEW E-ABFB021 a-L-Arabinofuranosidase B21 (Bacteroides ovatus) E-MAST Malt Amylase Standard NEW E-ABFB025 a-L-Arabinofuranosidase B25 (Bacteroides ovatus) E-PCLYAN Pectate lyase (Aspergillus sp.) E-AFASE a-L-Arabinofuranosidase (A. niger) E-PCLYAN2 Pectate lyase (Aspergillus sp.) Rec E-AFAM2 a-L-Arabinofuranosidase (novel specificity) E-LICHN Lichenase (endo-1,3(4)-β-D-glucanase) (Bacillus sp.) Rec E-ABFCJ a-L-Arabinofuranosidase (C. japonicus) E-BMANN endo-1,4-β-Mannanase (A. niger) Rec E-ABFCT a-L-Arabinofuranosidase (C. thermocellum) E-BMABC Recendo-1,4-β-Mannanase (B. circulans) Rec E-ABFUM a-L-Arabinofuranosidase (U. maydis) E-BMABS endo-1,4-β-Mannanase (Bacillus sp.) Rec E-ARBACJ endo-/exo-Arabinanase (C. japonicus) E-BMACJ Recendo-1,4-β-Mannanase (C. japonicus) E-CBHI Cellobiohydrolase I (T. longibrachiatum) E-BMATM Recendo-1,4-β-Mannanase (T. maritima) E-CBHIIM Cellobiohydrolase II (microbial) E-AMANBT a-D-Mannosidase (Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron) E-CELAN Cellulase (endo-1,4-β-D-glucanase) (A. niger) E-BMOSCF Recβ-Mannosidase (C. fimi) Rec E-CELBA Cellulase (endo-1,4-β-D-glucanase) (B. amyloliquefaciens) E-PCLYAN Pectate lyase (Aspergillus sp.) Rec E-CELTM Cellulase (endo-1,4-β-D-glucanase) (T. maritima) E-PLYCJ RecPectate lyase (C. japonicus) E-CELTE Cellulase (endo-1,4-β-D-glucanase) (T. emersonii) E-PGIBS RecPhosphoglucose isomerase (B. subtilis) E-CELTR Cellulase (endo-1,4-β-D-glucanase) (T. longibrachiatum) E-PGIEC RecPhosphoglucose isomerase (E. coli) Rec E-FAERU Feruloyl esterase (rumen microorganism) E-PGISC RecPhosphoglucose isomerase (S. cerevisiae) Rec E-FAEZCT Feruloyl esterase (C. thermocellum) E-PGM Reca-Phosphoglucomutase (microbial) E-FRMXLQ Fructanase mixture (purified; liquid) E-PMIEC RecPhosphomannose isomerase (E. coli) Rec E-FUCM 1,2-a-L-Fucosidase (microbial) E-PGALUSP endo-Polygalacturonanase M2 (A. aculeatus) Rec E-FUCHS a-(1-2,3,4,6)-L-Fucosidase (Homo sapiens) E-PULKP Pullulanase M1 (K. planticola) Rec E-FUCTM a-Fucosidase (thermostable) (T. maritima) E-PULBL Pullulanase M2 (B. licheniformis) E-EGALN endo-1,4-β-D-Galactanase (A. niger) E-RHAMS Reca-Rhamnosidase (prokaryote) Rec E-GALCJ endo-1,4-β-D-Galactanase (C. japonicus) E-SUCR Sucrase (maltase) (yeast) Rec E-GALCT endo-1,4-β-D-Galactanase (C. thermocellum) E-SUCRBG Sucrase plus β-Galactosidase Rec E-GALDH Galactose dehydrogenase (soil prokaryote) E-TREH RecTrehalase (prokaryote) Rec E-GALMUT Galactose dehydrogenase/Galactose mutarotase E-UAO RecUricase (eukaryote) E-AGLAN a-Galactosidase (A. niger) E-XANLB RecXanthan lyase (Bacillus sp.) E-AGLANP a-Galactosidase (A.
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