I iifo.ii. ... ; ........ ....... an I S A T U ltD A Y , M A R C H 26, 19S6 AveniririJaily NAPreaaROT The Weather y V -FACE TWELVE Far tha^ Week Enfiefi Foraenst of V. S. Wenthor Bnrona ^nrl]f?Btrr Emning l|]?ral& 28. 1985 Slowly diininitaMng winds, fU r wise toT^iamioe the effects of Open Campaign 11,685 «Bd eold ngain tonight. Low bsM sports on the values of youth. M M H Outgrowing Facilitiea, Sfin. f U r nnd not as ooU Tneofiny. A b o u t To w n Someone has to lose in almoat DONT Member o f tko AuMt High 4#-45. Heard Along Main Street every contest. Has anyone heard of To Rai86 Funds' Bwfonu ofC&fialnUoH M anchetter^A Ciiy of ViUage Charm a real "good loeer” lately T t h r o w " t h e m a w / y T b « MottMwtiooil ot M w y MoUi- Se§ Need fo r New Addition Still plenty of wear left la •rm O rel* wUl me6rt Monday at 8 And on Some of Manche$ter^» Side StreeU, Too New Bamstaaryf For Scholarship I ekoee when bronght kern ter p.m. with Mrt. G. L.#o Hofan, 85 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. MARCH^28. 1955 (damtlled Afivertiabig eu Pegs 12) PRICE FIVK CENTS W e have been doing a little re­ • ' expert repairing. y O L . LXXIV. n o . 150 (FOURTEEN PAGES) HoUitaM ltd. Dr. H. J. Malona wUl The possibility that a new wingipfar as the admission of non-emer- i search on the earlier story this A campaign to raise *1,000 for a WORK DONE WHILE bnfuaat apMkar. wiU have to be added to Manches­ gency patients la ooncemed. Miss week about the curious! T) bird scholvalm it being launched YOU W A IT T which wormed Its way into Police ter Memorial Hospital in the not Johnson haa said in the past that W, ^Jodfray Gouiley of Provldant the hospital pgUcy is to keep 10 Monday In the Greater Hartford Headquarters. tix> distant future was hinted at ML by the Hartford-Chapter of Mutual life Inauranca Co., Phila­ In one way or another, almoat beds available. for emergencies at Reuther at Convention delphia, Pa., haa qualified to at­ yesterday in the hospital's publi­ all times. ^ the Upiverilty of Connecticut SAMYULYES Boioii Court everyone who works there was Alumhi Aeen. The drive will run tend the Provident Round Table, involved in the thing. cation, the "Lamp." In other words, when the hos­ 15 Maple St.— Aoroee From top aalea club of the company, at According to Miss Eva M. pital censiu reached 180 in Febru­ through April 11, according to an Flrat National Parklhg Lot For example, Michael MacDon­ announcement made by Df. Gil­ Ita meeUnf in Boca Raton, Fla., ald, the building mistodian, was Johnson, assistant superintendent ary the capacity of the institution To Air Suit March 98 through *1. Mr. and Mrs. and editor of the hospital mohtK' was "dangerously" taxed. bert L. Mellion. president of the Oourley and their young aon, seen on Tuesday making odd mo­ Hartford chapter. U.S., tions in several parts of the bond­ ly, "The hospitel is already out­ Produces Btatlstles David, live at 60 Cooper Hill St., ing. On Wednesday he explained growing its 1953 dress!" Writing In an effort to point up the re­ Winner of the *1,000 echoUrehlp Manchester. that he was trying to scare away in the Lamp, Mias Johnson said, markable development of the local last year waa John E. Whitham, O v,er S a a r "In Febi;uary (1955) the census hospital in recent years. Miss John­ 43 Gersrd St., now a freshman in M aiy B. Cheney Auxiliary No. the birds, which evidently like the NIBUO aUOTION courthouse and police station as-a reached an all time high of 180 son in her Lamp article produced tha School of Agricultute at the 18 United Spanish War Veterans, place to rear their young. and, up to the middle of March, some statistics for Manchester unlverelty. Whitham, with the Notice Is hereby given that on Karlsruhe, Germany, will have a social mMUng Monday it was as high as 178. Memorial Hospital back in 1931. ''winner of the award in 1953 and St 8 p.m. In the Sude Armory. MacDonald, a somewhat irascible Tuesday, March 29, 1955 at 10 March 28 (/P) — West Ger­ character as far as the birds are "W ith 30 to 35 medical' and "The superintendent’s report for with Dr. Mellion, will appear over Guests will be members of Ward a.m., to eattefy repair bill, the many’s federai eonstitutional on concerned, is not going to have an surgical cases waiting for admis­ January 1921 indicated that 83 Station 4CNB-T. Channel 30, Mon foUowIng property abandoned Cheney Camp.- sion each day, the Admitting Of­ court agreed today to hear a m aviary there if he can help it. He patients had been treated, 21 op­ day between * and 4:30. on the premlaea will be told to 'S figures fireworks might help. fice is forced to cancel or post­ erations- performed aifd that*on The appeal to raise the acholar< the higheet bidder, to wit: One Socialist suit challenging the "Spring Songl* la the theme An anonymous prisoner was also pone 10-15 prospective '■patients January 31, 38 patients were in ship funds is being directed to 1941 PI}-moatk 2-door eedoa. French-German Saar agree­ theI <Ssrm^ooirl3rmphoov FiFa!>'ashlon Show Tues- sresent when the grackel was daily. • the h o s te l; also that more nurses graduates, former etudente and 4lay at 1 p.m. in the Oentinel Hill Wing Seems iMvltable were needed." friends of the imlVersity in the ment. r Battle in Brussels Street iberated from the photographic Tho Socialist seek to have''the P eace Spur High L evel HMl. in celebration of the sinfh darkroom and fingerprint room. "The Board of Trustees and the In nuriced contrast, February Greater Hartford area. Checks- Dor Willis Oaraso anniversary of the'Women’s Auxil­ medical staff are already talking 1955 statistics show an average ahoOId he made payable to the pact declared unconstituti<maI, L t Walter Cassells was accom IS Main St., Manchester,' Conn. and thus th ro" In jeopardy the iary of the Hartford Symphony Or­ panying him and was surprised to in terms of another addition, the dally patient census of 153.3 with Hartford Chapter, Unlverelty of chestra, at which Mrs. Robert B. building of which seems to be 328 o^rations being performed. Connecticut Alumni Assn., and Dated at Manchester, Conn., Paris treaties to which it ik linked. find the room already pccupied by Oiancellor Konrad Adenauer’s Seen at Ike Aides Study Kolodney of Hartford will preside. the destructive little winged in­ inevitable." Comparative statistics for may be mailed to William B ^ ley Uila 24th day ef klarch, 1955. Fashions for men. women and chil- The milllon-dollar additions February 1955 and February 1954 treasurer, 250 Sigoum'ey St., Hart' government violated the Bonn (jon- truder. etltution I»y agreeing to European­ dr«Ai will be modeled. Mrs. Fran­ Sgt- George McCauglie:’' was on completed in 1953 culminated follow: ford. cis R. Ahem, hospitality chairman some two and a half years of 1955 1954 ise the Sear T e rrit^ ', the Soclal- C onference R ed A ction hand as well and L t Casoelle la tete argue. and members <d the Women’s authority for the statement -that building, plus several years of Days of treatment 4.266 4.M3 Auxiliary, will be hostesses at a planning, designing and fund- The (Jonstltutlonal CJojrt direct­ McCaughey’s strong suit la not Births - 77 ' 76 Washington, March 28 social Ume to M low the show. raViing. The latest additions Other patients ad­ 10 Local Agents ed the federal government to eub- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS bird catching. mlt ite vie'ws on the Socialist — Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson Anyone wishing to become an ac­ Evidently the bird traveled brought the capacity of the hos­ mitted 580 607 The State Department said tive member of the Women’s Auxil­ pital to about 190 b<^. Highest no. pts. any spectacular challenge by AprU 7. TTie court (D -Tex) said today he is opti­ t<^ay the United States, Brit­ aboiA a good deal in the H>ace ■ Attend Conclave said the Socialists would have un- iary is invited to attend tlOa meih' between the roof and the ceilings The new 'wiiigs were dedicated one day. 180 171 mistic that Republican and ain and France are holding bershlp meeting. in May 1953, less than three short Ave. patient days’ tU April 18 to reply, after which of the rooms on the second floor, Democratic leaders can agree “top level discussions” on years ago. stay 6.5 5.8 Ten representatives of the Man­ the court ■will fix a date'to hear the for the assistant clerk of court at White House conferences Motion picture films relating to According to Miss Johnson, the Anesthetics given 293 303 chester branch of the Prudential LONG CAM. Russians favorable -attitude said she heard strange noises over­ Yeeterday the SoclelUte an p ^ c e work and Civilian Defense head all during Ihe day on Tuer- 190-bed capacity of the hospital is Emergency out­ Insurance Co.’s Hartford - District this week on a “positive pro­ toward a Big Four meeting. somewhat misleading, at least so patients ^56 156 Will attend a two-day company nounced they ha*' obtained the re­ gram” for advancing peace.
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