Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your OCTOBER 4, 2020 minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is honourable, TERHAD PP 8460/11/2012(030939) whatever is just, whatever is commendable, if there ISSN: 1394-3294 excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, Vol. 27 No. 39 THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY think about theses things. Phil. 4:6-8 Pope calls for new economic model to rebuild post-COVID world ATICAN: Pope Francis has To prepare for this healing mission, he ex- called for a new economic plained, it was essential to “contemplate and appreciate the beauty of every human being Vmodel to help rebuild the and every creature,” recognising Christ espe- world after the coronavirus pan- cially in the poor and suffering. demic. He said that Christians were called to help In his general audience address in the San society emerge from the pandemic in “a Damaso Courtyard, within the Vatican’s ap- human way,” rather than a “mechanical ostolic palace, Sept 30, the Pope criticised way,” displaying the tenderness that is “the “trickle-down theory,” which proposes that tax very sign of Jesus’ presence.” breaks for high-earners will ultimately yield He said: “A small virus continues to cause economic benefits for the rest of society. deep wounds and to expose our physical, so- He said: “And certainly we cannot expect cial and spiritual vulnerabilities. It has laid bare the economic model that underlies unfair the great inequality that reigns in the world: and unsustainable development to solve our inequality of opportunity, inequality of goods, problems. It has not and will not, because inequality of access to health care, inequality it cannot do so, even though some false of technology, education: millions of children prophets continue to promise the ‘trickle- We cannot expect the economic model that underlies unfair and unsustainable development to solve our cannot go to school, and so the list goes on.” down’ that never comes.” problems. It has not and will not, because it cannot do so, even though some false prophets continue to “These injustices are neither natural nor promise the ‘trickle-down’ that never comes. (FMT photo) He added: “You have heard yourselves, the inevitable. They are the work of man, they theory of the glass: it is important that the glass has highlighted and accentuated. The malaise by hope and by charity. Here we have found come from a model of growth detached from is full, and then overflows to the poor and to was already there: the pandemic highlighted it, solid help so as to be transformers who dream the deepest values ... And this has made many others, and they receive wealth. But there is it accentuated it.” big, who are not stopped by the meanness that people lose hope and has increased uncertainty a phenomenon: the glass starts to fill up and “We have walked the paths of dignity, soli- divides and hurts, but who encourage the gen- and anguish. That is why, to come out of the when it is almost full it grows, it grows and it darity and subsidiarity, paths that are essential eration of a new and better world.” pandemic, we must find the cure not only for grows, and never overflows. We must be care- to promote human dignity and the common He challenged pilgrims, who sat spaced the coronavirus — which is important! — but ful.” good. And as disciples of Jesus, we have pro- apart in the courtyard as a safety measure to also for the great human and socio-economic The audience began with a reading from posed to follow in His steps, opting for the prevent the spread of COVID-19, to keep their viruses.” Hebrews 12:1-2, in which St Paul the Apostle poor, rethinking the use of material goods and eyes fixed on Christ. He continued: “We need to set to work ur- urges Christians to keep their “eyes fixed on taking care of our common home.” “Jesus, who renews and reconciles every gently to generate good policies, to design Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith.” He continued: “In the midst of the pandemic creature, gives us the gifts necessary to love systems of social organisation that reward The Pope said: “In recent weeks we have re- that afflicts us, we have anchored ourselves and heal as He knew how to do, to take care participation, care and generosity, rather than flected together on how to heal the world that to the principles of the social doctrine of the of all without distinction on the basis of race, indifference, exploitation and particular inter- is suffering from a malaise that the pandemic Church, letting ourselves be guided by faith, language or nation,” he said. ests.” — CNA Vatican proposes renewal of agreement with China on bishops’ appointments VATICAN: The Vatican has proposed to “the results have been positive, although The US Secretary of State also tweeted between the pastors of the Chinese Catholic the Chinese government that they extend an limited, and suggest going forward with the that “the Vatican endangers its moral author- Church with the bishop of Rome and with the agreement signed in 2018 regarding the ap- application of the agreement for another de- ity, should it renew the deal,” a public tweet bishops throughout the world.” pointment of bishops. termined period of time.” that one Vatican official described as “mega- “The goal of the provisional agreement, The agreement, the details of which have Tornielli’s article in Vatican News and in phone diplomacy.” therefore, has never been merely diplomatic, never been made public, is set to expire Oct L’Osservatore Romano was published Sept. Tornielli wrote that from the moment the much less, political,” he said. It was “always 22. 29, the day before US Secretary of State Vatican announced the agreement, it made genuinely pastoral. Its objective is to permit “By October, a decision is expected re- Mike Pompeo was scheduled to arrive in clear that it did not cover “direct diplomatic the Catholic faithful to have bishops in full garding the Vatican proposal to extend the Rome for a conference on religious freedom relations between the Holy See and China, communion with the successor of Peter who provisional agreement ad experimentum (on and meetings with officials of the Vatican the juridical status of the Catholic Chinese are, at the same time, recognised by the au- an experimental basis),” wrote Andrea Torn- Secretariat of State. Church, or the relations between the clergy thorities of the People’s Republic of China.” ielli, editorial director of the Vatican Dicast- Urging caution over renewing the agree- and the country’s authorities.” In the two years since the agreement was ery for Communication. ment, Pompeo had written an article for the Instead, he said, the agreement deals only first signed, only a handful — five or six — The COVID-19 pandemic and its travel- magazine First Things Sept 18 asking the with “the process for the appointment of bishops acceptable both to the Vatican and related restrictions slowed negotiations over Vatican to use its “moral witness and author- bishops: an essential question for the life of to Beijing have been named. — By Cindy extending the agreement, Tornielli said, but ity in support of China’s religious believers.” the Church and for the necessary communion Wooden, CNS 2 FORUM / REFLECTION HERALD October 4, 2020 Building hope, one brick at a time he country has been in a state of flux othy Day as an inspiration in the struggle in recent weeks as political leaders Sunday Observer against oppression, war and injustice. Day Tmake their moves to secure positions herself inspired others like Thomas Merton or wrest power. By and the famous Berrigan brothers, Daniel While the momentum towards more in- and Phil, who were at the forefront of the clusiveness moves on inexorably, it encoun- Anil Netto anti-war movement. ters resistance. [email protected] They all worked from the ground to cre- In politics, the momentum is often sty- ate awareness of injustice and struggle for mied by a mixture of wheeling and deal- change. ing, money politics, unethical practices and unethical and corrupt practices through their to enhance the people’s wellbeing? Will Jesus himself spent most of his time on compromises — all of which chip away at silence and inaction. these leaders improve public education and the ground, meeting the outcasts and forgot- good governance. There is nothing new about all this. This healthcare and build more homes within the ten in society, to herald the good news of Many politicians succumb to the temp- was going on even during the time of the reach of the people? the kingdom. He put forward his simple but tations of power, wealth and personal am- Roman Empire when the emperors knew We can never move forward if we don’t radical charter for the transformation of so- bition. Some of them may turn into ‘ka- what it took to impress the people and win restore principles and ethics into public life. ciety, the Beatitudes. taks’, disappointing the voters who elected popular support — extravagant building Politicians need to take principled positions He stayed away from the centres of power them. Betrayals and political backstabbing projects, lavish gladiatorial games, hand- on socioeconomic and environmental is- for the most part of his ministry, shunning abound. outs, perhaps even starting a war to win sues, to promote social solidarity and uphold the movers and shakers of his time.
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