THE SPECTRUM North Dakota State College VOLUME X LV. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1930 NUMBER 41 Luther Next Commission President GOLD STAR BAND : : I ERIC NORDSTROM WINS Hundreds Throng BROADCASTS OVER WDAY I HEADS COMMISSION FREE THROW . TROPHY Over 600 Votes • • • • The Gold Star band broadcast a Eric Nordstrom was presented with radio program over WDAY last night Polled During Armory To Honor the free throw trophy by the athletic consisting of the following numbers: department for garnering the most The North Dakota Hymn", a march; attempts from the free throw line Student Election Prexy Shepperd Old Hickory by Al Sweet; an Over- during the past season. ture—Fest in C, Turandt by Lachner; Made Permanent Head of School both movements from the Unfinished Eric, a member of Alpha Kappa "Voting Is Closest Recorded Symphony by Schubert; a selection Phi fraternity, was the spark plug of Here," According to By State Board from the Desert Song by Romberg; the team after the injury of Vern Monday and last, the Yellow and the Green. Goodwin and from then on proceeded Madsen Dr. Putnam reports that he has re- to set the pace in scoring. CONGRATULATED ceived many complimentary calls and The cup was awarded on a percent- NEW COMMISSION AT CONVOCATION telegrams about the program and that age basis over the longest time play- TAKES OFFICE MON. it came through more clearly than ed. With several men in the contest, any other program they have given. Eric was finally determined winner Art Cayou Chosen Frosh Pub- Representative Group Pkaises with 57% of his shots good. Leo lication Member By Selection of Most Able Thomasson and George Fairhead both Single Vote Leader McGrath, May Have had a 100%, Thomasson making the out of one, and Fairhead gathering Places of Honor In five out of five of his attempts, but Leonard Luther of Mandan defeat- Hundreds of students, friends, and neither had sufficient shots to war- ed Horace McGrath in the race for townspeople filled the armory Wed- rent the cup. President of the Student Commission. nesday morning to pay honor to Dr. Junior Prom Line With over 600 votes cast, the ballot- John H. Shepperd' after word had been ing at the close of yesterday's elec- received that the State Board of Ad- Tickets Will Go On Sale Marionettes Live tion gave Luther 318 and McGrath ministration had selected him as per- Monday for Formal 298. The new president will succeed manent head of this institution Mon- Leonard Luther Lawrence Parsons. Victor Madsen, day evening. Dean Minard acted as Party Leonard Luther swept into the When Sarg Gives Commissioner of Elections, character- chairman in charge of the program. office of Student Commission presi- Horace McGrath and Leo May will ized the voting as the closest recorded dent when he defeated Horace Mc- here. The program was formally opened be third and fourth in line in the Puppets Reality by the "North Dakota Hymn" played Grath in the elections yesterday. Luther is president of Alpha Gam- grand march of the Junior Prom at Luther is a member of Alpha Gamma by the Gold Star Band under the the Crystal Ballroom on April 23, ac- "Rip Van Winkle" Delights ma Rho fraternity and a junior in the Rho fraternity. school of agriculture. As president of direstion of Dr. Putnam. Miss Bertha cording to an announcement made by Audience Of Fifth R. Palmer, State Superintendent of Bernhard Benidt, Prom manager. the Pep club he guided that organi- Schools and a member of the Board Lyceum Number zation through one of the most suc- McGrath, as president of the Junior of Administration of this college, was Oriental Dancers cessful years in its history. , the first speaker. Miss Palmer, told class, is accorded this honor following Wallace Lovsnes defeated Gertrude a new policy adopted by the Prom Tony Sarg and his Marionettes once how Dr. Shepperd had been tried and Sword Killers again .held two packed audiences of Lee for Commissioner of the Judi- tested and had proven to the Board committee this year. May has been ciary. The finad count showed that recognized because of his ability as widely varying interests and ages en- his leadership and executive ability. In Recital thralled as the gayly dressed animated Lovsnes received 354 to 250 for Lee. She congratulated the college for its outstanding athlete of the class. Be- Lovsnes is a member of Sigma Phi nidt will lead the grand march fol- puppets danced and sang on the little fine leader. Oriental dancers, gossipy Polish stage. The afternoon performance Delta fraternity and takes the post lowed by Leonard Friberg, assistant now held by Everett Knutson. Following Miss Palmer, Lawrence Prom manager. friendship frolicers, and Moslem was planned especially for the school Parsons gave a speech on behalf of children of Fargo, and included three Carlson Defeats Seitz Prom tickets will go on sale Mon- sword killers will be featured in the the Student Commission, pledging the annual college dance recital to be held different parts, the first, an elabor- In the Commissioner of Elections cooperation of the commission and day, according to Charles Headlund, ately set version of the old fairy race, Frank Carlson defeated Blair chairman of the committee on tickets in the Little Country theater Aprii congratulating the students and Dr. story, "The Stolen Princess", the sec- Seitz. Carlson received 312 votes and finance. Committee heads will be 10 and 11, on Thursday Friday at 8:15 Shepperd, p. m., •according to Miss Dorothy Cole, ond a pseudo-minstrel show, "Happy while 296 were cast for Seitz. Carl- in charge of their sale. All frater- son is a member of Sigma Phi Delta Shepperd Expe;t Judge head of the physical education depart- Days", and the last a faithful repre- nity houses will assist in the sale of fraternity. He will succeed Victor President Weir of the Alumni As- ment. sentation of the history of the animals the tickets. Madsen. sociation credited the "Canny Scott", The Nautch dancer, done by Miss and the robbers which has delighted Informal dancing will begin this James Moore was elected to the (Dr. Shepperd), as being an expert Alpha Knight, depicts the oriental several generations of fourth-graders. year at 9:00 instead of 8:30 as has office of Commissioner of Finance, de- judge of both livestock and men. He professional dancing girl, who obliges The evening performance consisted been the custom in past years and feating Gertrude Almos. Moore re- spoke of the progress that the North at festivals and religious times in In- of the romance of one "Rip Van will continue until 12:30, it was an- ceived 327 votes while 280 were cast Dakota State college had shown dur- dia. Miss Helen Jensen, Walterine Winkle", and was as beautifully set nounced after permission had been se- for Almos. Moore is a member of ing the past 40 years and looked for- Berry and Rhoda Marr are the group and executed a piece of marionette cured from the chairman of social af- Kappa Psi fraternity. He will take ward to the successful college at its of Polish dancers who stop their steps work as even Sarg has perhaps ever over the office now held by Bob Olson. 50th annnversary, 10 years hence. fairs at the college. to gossip about each other to each done. It was elaborate, faithful as to Meanwhile, he said, the Alumni As- other. Glittering, genuine swords will detail, and vividly real. Mr. Sarg Lloyd Clark defeated Leo May for sociation was "keeping its ears to the be used by Misses Dorothy Smith and himself made the charmingly informal the post of Commissioner of Ath- HOWARD WILLIAMS letics. Clark garnered 333 votes while ground" and striving always for the TO VISIT COLLEGE Crystal Mannes in the Moslem Sword introductions and explanations, and course that meant best for the wel- dance—but don't be worried, neither after the performance demonstrated May received 274. Clark is a member fare of the school. outdoes the other! to those interested the mechanical of Alpha Kappa Phi fraternity. He Howard Y. Williams, New York All total 50 participants in this an- features of the puppets. will assume the position now held by In the absence of Mayor Leonard of City, will visit State college about Horace McGrath. Fargo, who was unable to attend the nual event. The recital is being held The company were the guests of the April 24. Mr. Williams led the YM- two nights in place of one this year, Edwin Booth. Dramatic club at a ban- Samuelson Without Opposition convocation because of business, Mr. YW students' conference at Minot last Emily Samuelson swept into the John Nystul spoke in behalf of the according to Miss Cole, because they quet held in the Lincoln Log Cabin at year. He is known in this part of the found the armory too crowded to hold 5:30,, following the afternoon and pre- office of Social Commissioner without City Commission and Fargo as a opposition, polling 551 votes. Miss country as the former pastor of the the capacity crowd last year. All ceding the evening performance. whole. He said that Fargo realized Peoples' Church, St. Paul—the man Samuelson is a member of Phi Omega that the North Dakota State college types of interesting dances will be who scared the twin-city politicians presented and only those who are Pi sorority. She will succeed Grace was a cultural and economic addition about three years ago. 13 GIRLS CHOSEN FOR Reynolds. to the city and that the city was members of the various gymnasium and dancing classes will participate.
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