University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 9-19-1996 Central Florida Future, Vol. 29 No. 08, September 19, 1996 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 29 No. 08, September 19, 1996" (1996). Central Florida Future. 1415. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1415 • • • • • • Candidates strut their • stuff at campus forum by DARREN CROVITZ pursuing plans for a much larger Fitness News editor Center. • Following Hess's remarks, Koenig took Late on a stormy Monday afternoon center stage. The former SG senator spoke this past week, Student Body Presiden,tial and briefly of redirecting SG attention back to­ • Vice-Presidential candidates convened at the wards the student body, and restoring a re­ Wild Pizza for a SGA-sponsored public fo­ spectful SGA tradition at UCF. Koenig rum to present their platforms for the upcom­ pledged his support on a state level, vowing to • ing elections. Punctuated by thunder rum­ deal directly with Tallahassee when neces­ bling through the building, each candidate sary in regard to student concerns. presented his vision for SG leadership to a Finally, Aaron Scavron took the stage sparse but attentive audience of about 40 with his running-mate, Stacey Geo~ge. Both • students. members of the ticket took turns speaking of Three tickets remain on the ballot for their plans for the coming year. Predominant . next week: Mike Hess, former Interim Stu­ among Scavron's ideas is establishing UCF . dent Body President, with running-mate as a credible economic proving ground and Brooks Emerson; senate member Kevin prep-site to boost local business interest and Koenig, with Dominic Fariello in the VP slot; to increase post-graduate student employ­ and Aaron Scavron, who has served as SG ment. Scavron concluded his remarks with a Asst. Chief Justice, running with Stacey list of incentives designed to increase school George. The forum began with each presiden­ spirit at UCF. tial candidate addressing the gathering from Accompanied by their Vice-Presiden­ the podium, followed by ahalf-hourquestion­ tial hopefuls, the candidates next stood en and-answer session with each ticket fully masse before the assembly, fielding ques­ represented on stage. tions from the audience. Concerned student • Hess was first in presenting his case for Tom Amundrud began the session, querying presidential consideration, and drew immedi­ Hess, Koenig, and Scavron as to the almost­ ate attention to his experience within the halls secretive nature of the forum, pointing out the • of student government. Among his objectives noticeable lack of publicity for the event. The included instituting campus-wide SG memos detailing all government expenditures, and • Health fee to face campus • referendum in election • by DARREN CROVITZ the same charge for health services. Prorat­ News editor ing the system would allow students to be • charged individually, per credit hour, and With the diversity that characterizes may result in students taking more than the UCF population, one of the few com­ twelve hours paying more in the future. mon denominators for all students is the Option three would leave the Health Student Health Fee. On every fee invoice Fee in its current state, at a standard per for every student attending UCF resides the semester rate for all students, regardless of same number-$47.30-tacked on to tu­ credit hours taken. • ition charges for a total semester's charges. Finally, students have the option of Soon, however, students will be given writing in their own suggestions for renova­ the chance to express their opinions regard­ tion of the Health Fee policy. • ing this mandatory cost. The Student Gov­ Rosibel Monserrate, Chief Elections ernment Presidential Elections, slated for Commisioner, notes that even though the Tuesday and Wednesday, September 24 Health Fee Referendum was originally slated • and 25 (for the main ~F campus,) will for the cancelled spring Presidential Elections most likely feature a Referendum that will of last year, the measure most likely will be poll student attitude towards the Health Fee included on next week's ballot. Students will have four options when The Referendum is designed to give voting. The first-repealing the fee-would students a voice in the selection of a Health most likely result in privatization of the Fee policy. It is not a legally binding docu­ • Health Center, and a "per visit" system of ment, but rather one that expresses the opin­ charging students for visits. Option two ion of the student body ofUCF. This opinion, would prorate the Health Fee. This option of course, carries weight with the UCF Ad­ would probably favor those students who, ' ministration and the Board of Regents, and • photo/SAGINARIO for example, have only one class and yet will likely be addressed by the incoming Campus life, unfortunately, includes health fees--use your voice & vote! under the current guidelines must still pay Student President and the SGA. • In this issue: N~:ws 1-~ • Gridiron Reuort 7-10 O;uinion 6 Featur~~ 11-14 Suorts 15-16 ... • 2 •The Central Florida Future• September 19, 1996 I LooK AT ALL You GET! • • • • • INVESTORS EXPO '96: FOR ROCKERS: The nation's largest and most impor­ Music Search '96 is looking for some • tant conference on investing will be serious rockers. Please submit a three presented by the National Association song caf:sette no later than Sept. 30 and Only UCF Stmlen~, Faculty,· oflnvestors Corporation (NAIC). Visit get a chance to win a production deal. .. representatives from more than 150 of Interested parties should call 1 (888) America's leading publicly traded 8MUSIC8. and AdministfatQrs . companies. Attend FREE educational • seminars presented by nationally-re­ SAVE THE MANATEE: nowned_experts. For more info, call Central Florida restaurants will join l?e1· ·.\.. t·.t. Buena Vista Palace Hotel in the Walt forces for the first annual "Taste of ; lj ., • Disney Village (407) 897-2661. Orlando" to benefit the Save the Mana­ ;~ tee Club on October I I, 12and 13. For FOR YOUR HEART: more info call 800-414-0650. • On Sept. 22 the American Heart Asso­ ciation will present the 1996 Metro Or­ PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC: lando Healthy Choice American Heart The 4th Annual Alachua MUSIC Har­ • Walk along with Florida Hospital at vest (presented _by GAMA inc.) will Lake Eola beginning at 7:30 a.m. For run October 4, 5, and 6 at the Alachua ftimatl more information about taking a walk in County Fairgrounds in Gainesville. The the park, please call 843-1330. festival features George Clinton and • the P-Funk All-Stars, Bootsy Collins, THE CYBER WITHIN: Parliament, Funkadelic, Brides of ) •neetifll~ Ifyouareinterestedinwritingforthe21st Funkenstein, Bernie Worrell, They • Century, then hop on our cyberwaves Might Be Giants, and over 50 of and surf the net here at The Central Florida's best original bands. Three­ t~ iliet~Uf~et ~itli" ;~ ~ F!,orida Future. We are actively looking day weekend passes are only $15 in • for knowledgeable people to be our advance, and are available at internet writers.You willleamcool things. TicketMaster Call (352) 375-6427 for SnriDt~f Link E-mail [email protected] more information. • ;< E ff s ., . ·1.:.::...• ,•. ·re.:_· - • ;,.~;(:: c '.· OI' \ .. ab· r.::: fol' Candidates present platforms • ,,. .. ;'Jnlitn~·ed ~o~rate! 0 CANDIDATES, from page 1 For the next twenty minutes, all six .. ~11!.P a" ~~er executive branch candidates answered que­ candidates took turns responding, prom- ries ranging from addressing diversity on • :~:==~ \'~.. )sing u~animously to make student gov- campus to re-establishing trust with the stu­ • Fu11 • .,. ·;, nevv · emment a campus-wide interest for stu- dent body. PresidentJohn C. Hitt concluded access I ,sgroup dents. the forum, and spoke of his hopes that next • • Yi " .c.• The atmosphere inside the Wild week's election will begin to "restore integ- our ow . ,· ~-rnau acne Personal . Pizza soon began to mirror the inclement rity and the system of checks and balances" •n add1·"' t· . ·. ount weather outside as another student vehe- to student government. Hitt then urged stu­ • top · •on mently peppered the panel with ques- dentstoattendthePresidentialdebate,sched­ • A eg·asus1 ·a-._ccess t tions concerning last year's SGA mis- uledfor5:30pmonThursday,Sep.19atthe · ' 11 9h s o Sprih:t' management. Hess defended his contro- Wild Pizza. The event will be sponsored by • ' •And ,!~:1 net"'1Q8,.kl versial stance of supporting the the Campus Activities Board. administration's decisio11 to suspend stu- - Elections begin on Monday, Sept. 23 dent government last spring, while for the Brevard and Daytona campuses; Koenig similarly stood firm, insisting his UCF' s main campus will hold elections on • Major Brain Food. own non-involvement with the affair, bothTuesday,Sep.24andWednesday,Sep. though Hess mentioned later that. the 25. TheCentralFloridaFuturewillpresent judicial branch "rolled over" facing pres- a special Election Day issue next Tuesday, • ...•.....·... ... ..s.. : ·...···: .•:..·· ·e.. •..:·.· .•.':·.·.·.•. ·.•• ·.•.·.••.· ..• ·... ·:.:.' .j sure from the administration rather than with profiles of all candidates and their J;~~i~Ii~1lS~·aina ·~iQg·Jacr~through ~~l:S·~·F·~R.tu,f;.·..j~ . ~_w· :._.·.~_·.··. ~ ... ~"·,'.;,·:·:·.·.:·'·.·:·.·· :..~ . yo·oriedtnputer and taking a more assertive approach. respective platforms. straight into your head. ETAN SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY.IS ACCEPTING APPLI­ CATIONS FOR FIELD REPRESENTATIVES. APPLICANTS MUST HAVE THE HOURS BETWEEN 1-PM - 4PM AVAIL­ ABLE TO GO OUT TO AT LEAST 5 SCHOOLS A WEEK PRESENTING ETAN SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY SER­ • VICES TO VARIOUS COACHES AND OTHER SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVES.
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