.,. t'1r'. ~- ... 11 ~fter ! • I .' splant corneal transplants. r resides at Wauwatosa doctor and the nur~ bandages were removed the hospital. Then the were returned and he home with instructions them for three my wife took the It tbok Ilbo4t an • I was ~ble to ' keep the \ ' When tne ,eye rr~aUy ~ , I was in ~ the ' kitchen It . was won~trul to design on the floor:. the cabinets, I ncv~r wood could be so pretty. 01 OWQn the tears wcre nO\\" 1 Servin The State Universit 0 I(Jtca Iowa Cit were togetber and like Christmas Eve to :;;~s;.;.ta;;.;b;.;;li;;.;sh;;.;e:..:d;;.;i::.;n...;1:..:86:.:8:..-_F:..I:.:· v..::e...;Ce:..:.:;n:.::ts:..a::....::c;.:0.::;py::..... ___......., ___________-=-~ _______...; M::.:..::.em;::.:;b;;.;e r:..;;.;o f:..:..:A:.:sS:..::o;.:c :..::ia:.::te:..::d:..:..P.:.;re:..::SlI::.:.....---=.A.;;;P....;;Le;.:.;;;ase;;.:.:;d_w~i r..::e;;.;a;.;.n;.:d~P:..h;;.;O;,;t o;..:Se~rv;.;.ic:.;e~ _____-:' _________________ -;- __..;I,;. ow~a ..;C_it.::.y..:.., ,;.Ia;.... Thill·sday. NOI'embe r 22, 1956 I made a slow lour whole house lOOking nook and corner. The the painting were so ~Spi~e' Ev~ns nter • • ING! -Pead at 66 ARNOLDS PARK (.4'J - R. M. (Spike) ~I'ans, one oC the nalion's top 'N~w y?u Ar~ Fleeing Hungarians , , agricultural officials during New Deal days, died unexpectedly of a hear~ attack Wednesday - only two weeks after losing his Democratic Until bid for election to the U.S. Senate. He was 66 years old Nov. 4. In the only race for elective oC­ With Friends, Shot Near Border fice during his lifetime, Evans lost to B. B. Hickenlooper, the Re­ Refugees Told VIE A (.4'J -Soviet sold; rs are - publican incumbent, by II margin rcporled shooliJ1" Hungarians 'Off",." I' Sf Ok of about 91,000 votes in the Nov. 6 CAMP KILMER N.J (.4'J _ again, this time in an effort. to h.la n e GHT ........ general election. He ran well , .' stem the now of refugees IDtO ahead of Adlai Stevenson, the Laughing children and their gr.ate- Auslria. C II d I H Democratic presidential nominee, Cui parent s - the va nguard of One who did not gel through was a e In ungary L CO. who lost Iowa to Eis e nhowe~ by a Hungarian mig ration wave set Ia Hungarian man who fell Wed- BUDAPE T IA'! - lIungarlan CORALVILLE 230,000 votes. off by Iron Curtai n tyranny - nesd a~ under .gunfire fron~ khaki- workers. clamJ)('d ~n ornci~I, thre~­ Evans was sitting in a chair, moved into this Ar my bas Wednes- lad nnemell ID a bord r mCld nt day stnke on thiS Ru Isn-rult-d reading a newspaper, when he d d th k d G d f th" witncs ed by Rep. Francis Waller capital Wednc.;ddY ill retaliation slumped over about 10:30 a.m. ay an an e 0 or elr I ID-pa), Cor gOl'crnmt'nt in t~rferenct' in 3 Wednesday. He was in tbe home new home. 11 happened bt'slde a canal not meeting of th~ alional Council oC to which he retired in 1954' after The group o[ 60 refuge 5 touched I fa r (rom a Hungarian checkpoint. Work~rs. completing 12 ycars as a member the free soil of America at noon Wal ter heard shooting LInd <aw a Only the food industry was ex­ of tile Federal Reserve Board. when thei r 4-cnglne plane wi nged man running along the canal. empted from the strike cal1, j~sul'd Mrs. Evans summoned aid.. but . I "1 G' AI F B about 100 yards away. with sol- by th Workers Council oC Greater ID 0 "c U1re r orce ase. d' . h' Bl dapest Evans was dead when a physician Icrs Clnng at 1m. The man tum- I . arrived. They were .broug hl here In Army Ibled on the canal bank as though Premier Janos Kadur's police Evans had campaigned vigor­ buses to the cheers of Lh ousands. he h3d be n hit. and troops, backt'd by Hussian ously during tile Call but Jakl! They left the plane in ilence The broad charge that Russian t&nks. 1~3d prevenl~d mt'mber . of More, Democratic state chairman, withou t betraying any emotion. soldier are shooling to block es- the allOnal COl~neJl from mel'tmg . as scheduled In thc Budapest R. M. 'Spike' Evans said "when I talked with him just But later the women burst Into cape of th Hungarians came from Sports Hall. a few days ago, he seemed to be tears as Ar my Secretary Wilber the Geneva ornce of the N high - -------- ---\ in . good spirits, had taken the commissioner for refugces. BULLETIN outcome oC the election in stride M. Bruc ker promised them a life A spok sman for that agency and was making plans for a well­ of "space and t, anquility." said nearly 52.000 Hungarians hal'e Stop Deportations, UNITED NATIONS IAII - Bri­ earned rest." tain, France and I,rael have i.,... As they wept, the secretary, ned to Austria since the revolution Evans was bOrn In Cedar Rap­ UN Urges Russ formed SeclJ.!A.(Y.:iane.r.l D-s touched, departed from his pre- opened Oct. 23, including about UN ITED NAT IONS. N.Y. 1M - - i1ainmarsklold-.!1ey a ... with­ ids where his father rtlal!aged th~ pared text to say: 8,000 who arri\'ed ill the Eisen tadt street railway. He graduated from The General Assl.'lllbly called by drawing parts of their forces " Now you arc among friends." arca in WIC last fcw da,bo an ovcrwhelminlol vole Wednesday from Egypt, diplomatic sources Iowa State College in civil engi­ A reCugec aboard the plane, " Refugees arc eonti nu ulg to neering in 1913, worked for a time Co r an end to the deportation of . said Wednesday night. Father Jotsef Mate, 34-year-ol d cross the border in gl'eaL nu m­ Hungarians by Lhe Russians and in New York City, Australia and Catholic seminary studcnt who has bers," he said. They arc arriving New Zealand, served with the AEF COl' the admission of UN observers spent five years in a Communist in freezing t ~mperatures with their in World War I, and later went to Hungary. " prison, responded with a bene- clothing drench d th rough cross­ Thc Assembly voted 55-10 in fa­ to Laurens where he became an , diction . ing the marshes of the Neusiedl er Arrest Student Iowa farmer .. vor oC a Cuban r~solulion urging Lake. With President Roosevelt's in­ "I greet America in the name the Soviet government and Hun­ auguration in 1933, Evans became of the Lord ," he said in Hungarian. That was the swa mpy orca visit­ ga rian authorities "to take imme­ Iowa AAA chairman and soon And then in the English he ed by Walter. diate steps to cea e the d porta­ In Dormitory went to Washington as · special as­ practiced aU the way from Vien­ In gcneral, the border thcre still tion or Hungarian citizens" and to sistant to Secretary of Agriculture na : seemed open. Ma ny of the refu­ restore those already deported. Wallace. In 1938 he became na­ "I thank ,you and God bless you .!' gees came across a narrow bridge It approv d, 57-8, another pro­ Aging folk and cooing Infants, spanning a canal which forms part posal urging Hungary to let _UN fire Deaths tional administrator of t~e Agri­ cultural Adjustment ,Act. From the lame and the stl'ong, al\ moved oC the frontier. Machine gun and Secretary Gen. Oag Hammar­ rifle shots and the rattling of tanks skjold send observers in to travel 1942 to 1954 he was agriculture's out of the big DC-4 chartered by MOSCOW, Idaho "" - Paul D. were heard. Creely and report back lo him. Matovich, 20 , University of Idaho member on the Federal Reserve the Intergovernmental Committee freshman , was charged with first­ Board. During World War II, for European Mi gration to be / The Weather greeted by brass bands and a degree arson Tuesday night and Roosevel~ sent him to England to LINES warm handshake from high offi­ the state law1enforcement commis­ help the British wiLh theit' food 'Stalinist Mol'otov sioner said his arrest solved a dor­ problem. cials. The last man off wa s a paraplegic in a wheel chair. mitory fire on Oct. 19 in which . Henry Wallace. at his home at three students perished. Colder A brisk wind rippled the Ameri­ South Salem, N.Y., said when in­ can flag and an Army band played Commissioner Earle Koehler said formed of Evan~' death: Gets Powerful Post Hungarian dances the arrest also solved three other "Spike Evans was one ' of the and After an interview with immi­ dormitory fires at the university on Cinest administrators I knew dur­ MOSCOW IA'I - V. M. Molotov, relieved less than five months ago gration officials and a physical Ott. 12, 13, and 14 . ing the entire time I was in Wash­ as foreign minister, was named Wednesday as the hcad of the Ministry Colder checkup by the Public Health Serv­ I Matovich waived preliminary ington. He was undoubtedly one of State Control. ice, the visitors were given "home­ hearing and was bound over for of the best friends the Iowa farmer In this key office he will be a watchdog over operations of the cooked" food prepared by Army circuit court under $40,000 bond.
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