Versatile . .. adaptable . .. flexIble The Kltbasher's Dream The walls have no openings. You cut the window and door openings where you want them; to fit whatever door or window size or style you select - either from those furnished with the kit, or those available separately The plastic cuts easily, but it's not a beginner's kit. N and S scalers will want to check this one out (00 . to see what they can create. using Grandt Line windows doors for their respective scales. Look for the bright blue box on your dealer's shelves. Plkestuff Prefab Warehouse 511.95 Also check out our new Yard Storage Building. You can use this several places on your layout. In fact. power and light companies and other industries have a lot of uses for a building this size. Plkestuff Yard Storage Building 53.95 Pikestuff PO Box 6406 Evansville. IN 47712 PENNSYLVANIA HO 8-1 SWITCHER Alpha Models first, a finely detailed HO electri c by Sam­ hongsa of Korea. A limi ted quanlity wi ll be imported - don't be left out - check your dealer. Watch for more Pennsy and other electrics. he operational shortcomings o f Athearn diesels lie not in the gearing Tbut in the motor itself. NWSL now offers a re-power ing kit featuring precision Sagami motors which reduce top speed and improve operation. Three kits are offered ; 0/1 include motor. machined brass flywheel. and replace Wh.ew put, lJt& TJIAt.b, ~ PU8~~;:E. ,n directly the original motor assembly. coup­ ling directly to the existing universals. ?~ 'R~ ~J\4de&,",,1&& A~ D. Kits 161-4 & 163-4 feature the 18x36 flat ',--- By MICHAEL KUDISH, Ph.D. can motor & produce slightly more power. Fits 0/1 Athearn diesels except SW·s . ('-- "g A detailed description from the Civil War to the present_ \. Passenger service. lumber operations. mining. the tourist trade_ 00-40. or rubber bond drives. j ~::;;" Includes all known referen ces and over 70 maps and schematics. 161 -4 $22.95 (18x36 motor) _ .•~_ " detailing all lines. stations. crossings. sidings and yards. A 162-4 $19.95 (20x32 motor) / ::-r" browsing delight as well as a complete reference. 163-4 $24.95 ( 18x36 - for Athearn SO -40) t-..jI.. .. Hardbound - 8 27.95 150 pages 8'12 " x 11" Replacement half-a x le wheelsets are also / /1 Softbound - 8 15.95 (NYS residents please add 7%) available. See your NWSL dealer. ._" Please add 83.00 to couer shipping and handling ~~~A~'i:~~m: '''''If • The Chauncy Press NorthWest Short Line ___~. Turtle Pond Road, Dept. PM Box 423 Seattle. Washington 98111 . ~"" ",~", Saranac Lake, New York 12983 2 PROTOTYPE MODELER Probtype ........ _-- The MODELER'S Magazine Publisher Kevin McKinney Vol. VIII, NO.2 F14 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1985 Editor Jim Six Ed itorial Coordinator features Harold A. Edmonson Athearn + Atlas Realistic PRR F7's .............. 6 Senior Editor Jim Six Mike Schafer Art Director Allen Ambrosini/GRAVITY GRAPHICS Nickel Plate Geeps earned their stripes .......... 14 Technical Ill ustrator PM Staff Rick Johnson Reseorch & Assista nce Prototype portfolio: MN8rS Glenwood transfer ..... 18 John H. Kuehl Steve Glischinski John B. Hilbron Ci rculation/Office Manager Modeling Conrail: Part 2 ........................ 23 Chrys Repking Victor Hand photography EL's best became Conrail's biggest: SOP45 ....... 26 MEMBER RI!I PM Staff I'ROG.css l I."SrnllfC MOC - 10 feet AAR 40-footer ................. 34 Wayne Sittner Advertising inquires: Contact Terry Stuart at W. Terr y Stuart & Associates , PO. Box 38106, Cleveland , OH 44 1 ~8 , (216) 861 -8646; E&B Valley's mill gondola ........................ 37 or cont3ct PTJ Publish ing , PO. Box 860, PM Staff Homewood , IL 60430. (3 12) 957-RA IL. P ROTOTYPE MODElER (ISSN 0734·1482) IS published b,· The Prototype Modeler's Notebook: monthly by PT J Publishing. Inc .. 2024 HIckory Rood. PO 80x 860. Homewood. illinoIS 60430. (312) 957·RAIL Sec· MOC's two-bay covered hopper .............. 38 and closs postage poid at Homewood.llI. and at addi­ tional office. (USPS 710-590). SUBSCRfPTtON RATES : In Jim Six the U S. and ils possessions S14 for 6 issues. S24 for 12 issues Canada and Mexico S17(U S.) for 6 issues. S28(U .S.) for 12 issues. Oulside Norlh Amellca S20(U S) for 6 issues. S34(U.S.) for 12 issues. CHANGE OF ADDRESS : Please send change-ot·address notice at least 11-6 weeks prior to moving. POSTMASTER : Send form 3579 departments 10 PTJ Publishing. P.O Box 860. Homewood. IL 60430 Now arriving ............................................. 4 Correspondence regarding new subscriptions, renew­ als. circulation, changes of address, book. binder and PM junction ............................................. 42 back issue orders, manuscript and photo submissions and any other business related to PR010rYP( M ODELER Society page ...... ... .. .. .............................. 44 should be sent 10: PROTOTYPE MODELER PTJ Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 860 On the cover: Th e old brick-walled lineside industries of the Ea st are quickly disappearing from Homewood, Illinois 60430 today's railroad scene, but they make an appropriate backdrop for Jim Six's models 01 Pennsylvo­ nia FTs as they appeared in the early 1960's. The prototype photo, by Steve Glischinski, shows the Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Railway's Glenwood transfer behind SD39 No. 41 at Crystal, Minn. Note to contributors and manufacturers: We 01 PROTOTYPE MODELER welcome your feature orticles and photography. Conditions permitting, features and/or photographs and artwork are paid for within 90 days following publication. All published maleriaL with the exception of original color slides. becomes property of PTJ Publishing: original color slides will be returned to the contributor. Unsolicited material. if not accepted, will be returned only if return postage and self-addressed packaging are included. PTJ Publishing cannot assume responsibility for unsolicited material. LeHers, products for review (including books and periodicals), club information and news, etc., are considered gra tis contributions. JANUARY· FEBRUARY 1985 3 Be the TRAIN o 10 Manufacturers: We 'll be happy to spotlight your new products in ~~~=~~~i~~~ Now Arriving . Sample products and/or a photo of the product. a ~ description and price list should be sent to PT J Publishing P.O. /,- Box 860. Homewood. IL 60430. It ems submitted are accepted as ";\ gratis in exchange lor announcement and cannot be retu rned . A; .. UP It The Futej Foundry, 1376 Greenhill Avenue, West Chester, PA 19380, a new manufacturer, Pla y this fast-paced computer video game offers an HO-scale 40-foot wood flatcar that that's so true-to-life t ha t a major railroad indi­ was used in the logg\\\g operations at Cass, W. cated they use it in dispatcher training. Va .. and other area locations. The kit includes a cast metal underframe, plastic flat bed, sills, TRAIN DISPATCHER's 24 displays help you stake pockets, cylinder, brake wheels and make crucial decis ions. RAPIDLY. You're under Wm K. Walthers, 5601 W. Florist Ave .. Milwaukee. WI 53218, has come up with a way brass wi re for truss rods and air lines. An pressure. but in control - th rowing switches. interesti ng feature of the prototype cars, clearing and cancelling sig nals. constantly ma­ for modelers to simu late the end-of-car several of which still exist, is the use of wooden neuve ring both east and westbound trains. cushioning devices used on many freight cars. Keep the t racks clear ahead of all you r trains The Cushion Coupler Pocket kit (item 933- timbers for the tru ss rod queen posts. Couplers and watch your score go up! 1030) at $1.95 contains enough parts to and truc ks are not included. Pri ce is $12 plus modify four HO scale cars and accepts horn­ $1.50 for postage and handling. Action packed. yet non-violent. TRAIN DIS­ hook or Kadee No.5 couplers. PATCHER's 5 levels of play chall enge playe rs fro m age 8 to 80. Work your way up from " Cub Dispatcher" to Chief Dispatcher" o r even " Train­ master." GM&O Historical SOCiety, c/o Ron Created by designers of computerized traffic Manwaring, 714 ~,. 6th Street, Murphysboro, IL control systems for operating railroads. TRAIN 62966, offers the fourth in a se ri es of custom­ DISPATCHER will increase your apprec iation produced freight cars- a 40-foot Athearn for actual railroad operations. steel reefer representing cars GM&O leased TRAIN DISPATCHER comes complete with beginning in the late 1940's to handle import Instruction Manual and keyboard template. fruit traffic th rough the Port of Mobile (Ala.). It has orange sides (with black lettering) and '- _ Color TV Recommended ~, mineral brown roof and ends. Th ere are CHECK ONE: actually four versions: Specify whether you Vic 20' Tape 0 or Disk 0 want a car lettered for lessor MDT in one of I Requires 16 K Memory Expanderl .. 1$24.951 two numbers- 12552 or 12567- or a car Ata,,· 800 Tape 0 or Di sk 0 I I lettered for lessor NRC in one of two I Requ ires Basicl 1$ 24.951 I Atari· 400 Tape 0 numbers- 19914 or 19968. Price per car is $7 I I Requires 8as,cl ........ .. ......... 1$24 .951 (including UPS shipping) or $25 for all four. Co mmodore' 64 Tape 0 or Di sk 0 ... 1$24.95) I Apple II·. 11+ and lie Disk 0 ....... 1$29.95) I Manual On ly 0 1$4.00 if purchased separately) I Name _______________________________ I RR BOX 132 . STANHOPE. IA 502 46 Stree_ t__ _________ N Scalers! /£ODELS/ I City State __ Zip _______ I USA & CANADA add $2.50 postage & handling Victorian Tower N·102 $9.95 1$4.00 foreign) for each game ordered.
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