Flashback Florida International University

Flashback Florida International University

Florida International University FIU Digital Commons FIU Yearbooks Special Collections and University Archives 1989 Flashback Florida International University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/yearbooks Recommended Citation Florida International University, "Flashback" (1989). FIU Yearbooks. 2. http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/yearbooks/2 This work is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections and University Archives at FIU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in FIU Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of FIU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Ron I. KIM e EE, Kim IW!. i on RM IV IR1 Yil. J W I1 Iad m"aa t r * WON f 1 fi4' F t s' IX.' f ., 1. ' A' 'JYI f 1 l mi'm .. I 13f 11w, IMM B1I{ g ME u "if r *%M 1 Y n , a" r e « " - " .. ,- ,,.f , _i .}," 4A r w.. S ., +.i A +.. - .. +fir mH :~'Y ' :.t .J r -, 4 " ~yg, n . " , _ , .. the wall. r "_ '' £+ " ' a- ...- ,,. ^ .x ; r. .. aw ,..q" . , ,." Against ' This is where all students are at one Dint in time. The n rt r , ;.._ . , " "' - . r^ x ^ " "svW : ' to § '" , ",h } ya , .. " {'" difficulty begins when all aspects of stpdent ife join with ,." i - - r ~ _ It + ! i° - " J.. - - " y,-> '' ,"' the pressures of the outside world. But in the long run, i 'b "" ,,,..r - -.. ,~ r.= , : r , Fy - r.- F _ . ;., " ;+." ' . the pressure, red tape and gene frustration are fi'+ overlooked in order to meet the ultim a goal of GRAD- ,:#"-"' " "/' ^ a ,,,," ' ' r J> " - , - i 't' t A W ':rxr s UATION. Photo by Tony Asbury. r~ "+r y -. I t " i..,,. o," ,. t d. 0., i r t r. 7 +*"ne i ". .*. ., - .. .3 J-.r is Y " ' . + - p t#..,.., "',.'L esq. + f " ... d:. i r"^t^ ^.. , ,ix , ,t a,, .faa . , n " y 7 , : ." w , ' 2 't.: t ~"y[} ..... :.*"'. Cy~",. ","7r'q ' ( n -t' " x: a '.r r% y/ , / .. v w r M. ... .", "r i' - 'y'Aj yy ;V r1 4 .. ' .s..,r:l.<, t^Y sY. ' ..... _. .J" .rr +":Mw . :. / 4' """ " # . .'f""yrw seeellx .- te7, w"i a 1, 4Hr1 ++, -.. f Y " ,x " ,'rt'"1 r ' / .' s n - a.., .. _rs.: k ... q'!-r -tt±^{?'" ,_'! "wt. a ,. ,Q,. r. I .;.+r x Y z . ,".., +4t ' +" " y" +. '. - N , .. 4 f.. r .. t' :.f 'X M ... "m . 1 :y Al. X rY : il' n.E "' { , "" ' X .. r... , 3 -t , .t $'f : - r Jr " ~t s'' >« fr, i J,' u - "-:, J. ,. -, -'- -) r" P v Q x r _.. ' e e , x .a', £r " .:.: ' f ., "( ,Yp n.Y v , t (' i , f,. .' Y ' ' , V. iy'J d xr,,; , .f ., ,. .s,. } ,,f i"' ",r T F Yk y t. r x ".f}. :+r,". ilk it - " - ' +. "'ia. , - x. ""#M l .. A "}''w", ,t k" a pii',' .n+w , w-*'- .. rti"a-- 'R.3, TA "I' ".W,, i°:("11 t .^i+As."waAW .I yi 'SiRit i .. x"swn,, .,." Iw S a M1,4 .Y , Y.-X", j. .. 3Yr at . !, , - ,. s ': .' ' ,~ f' 41 ,k *. ,C' ".. j ,/ Si, x ,. , i.-"i f a '..., . JIC " k m-. } " -ti y. ! f;, . A.. '!5 " ;t X"'J ,r - 1- i / s .'st ' rr +' p ?f P r 1l )OkI Al r~ r- ,' °"" .. : ,i , ". , <" r ., a::~ ';. !" ;, r - r , ,rl _ -- 14 '.: , . y'' -" ."fir;.8 .: ,, t'is. '.,, "'p'" " F...i+.' ,,.'"_' ' " h.: ,.:" -. '--r*-"-"T' " - +,.. .... ,";,~ Y ., ,. it fie,,Y"'-. ""h .. ... -' i .l^ .A "^T"R.1 .. M., - .w / -+ 1. _....wr"' ^Vrro. , " t z e .",rte."_ " t X °r , Y" ry'f'i""'r " l ME' , F.,, .ex : l r - ," "" 5, ""'..,.L. _4 " ' r t T .. " " ' t > i "',_ x .taa Y+ , :':..n, ,".... a ,. , ' '-I: IT " , i r {. 'i A t j Y r. 'L . - °' ' tl/, V," x. i - J 7' j£ .. r x . .. 'y ,y. " t ., t., A. " t a" , t t".. S 4% i If r ' r t. CONTENTS r ' . N ,-b . r " "4t'v .'.;'f{[ryw,..r ! t / J i '. f 9 y :! y J _: j#' '1j, : x " y , fa . 7 i'vr r 1 ,t.+r : - ' " I " " "r ." "a+"+.{ - r P"" x a' "r . - ,f I, Y x.' r '[-} i ®pening...... 'V. ." " " .. r. l .V -f7l irk '% r "' "t " s !rr'"'« '' ° Student Life ........ e4 C v '1 y 'tr ' Athletics ......... Groups/ anizati s. a .4 sl 1 r ',, J 'f4.-.S rT , _ Jil 4 r anJ f./.. xr ; + r, "'i". ", " t x w': Is1rrY-f"°i' "' 1 ,'r 'v f ;r.- - ,''' .: y f " ,w .; ; _Greeks .. ;. .. .... 96 ' 1rt...Z,. t .. r y. t ^ r . ' r , " 1 Academi+csi ... ...... 106 ': f - =- " . - ., People . f ..13&. i -... t - ., -r- ,: r'"" _ --". .x , , r ', pi Commun ty/Index ..... 190 -. - n J.Y .r' 1 Y:" ," _ _r 4_0 -i ell, +- , Closing ........ .206 II"1'Iel" '"r .1"+r.A. be" BI- A,, C " , ^ " ry i ,r ' ",sue.',. , _! ,. mom 4 !U! _J Jell -I I d P t 7 , . Ht I. i ,1 r >:' -9 Vf I ~W1LL s a j\K1 ,/!w i I « " .I r i { I% 2-- z0- _ , r ;5 w_- , ;r ., 1r . r ,if qtr<i. - ,a.III :,f. ii ,; _- -. t.w X _.. , 3. ' . ds 1 I y: I f} f '.' 1f 1/ '# K II~%i~;K ~ 7 'I ,- 4% ; 1 .t I, i 3 , n ^. ~ ,; f 4F i.'tynK l,_1 E ttRR V 1/i~ S n 6 tI 'C- Cf f, .' .1 "T ,rc _- - I - ONLtAN ILLUSI What pens after college? sife and m college students have to adjus s.. to'th ne of growth. Pe.ter Guerrero and Marga? yGrana '. evplve through this wall I, of har hips to obtain a piece of paper called diploma. Photos by Tony Asbury. \j I - 9 - 8 - 9 Florida International University University Park Campus FlL ASH Miami, Florida 33199 B A C K Volume II ____FlU < ,F °:e': _.; __ _ as ......... .. .... "'I"% , P" :''' ~ U~ : o r~ : -,y : <U: 7 _ ^.:;n >e f "°y° y Fl ., o, -,-C', :: e. _ .'" fig' U ; <. e.ae4 s _=; ,U~ <~4~ U>- UU:U °Sys. agee Vt ' 'r.',I M--: '197- TT-170 "n-1--m"?, "t. i/t ' 2~-~ IT ILi .1iI ~ 7~UV7~ U'> ' , ; 'U'> _._.:.r:.:._ ,.. i1 ,. _ 7. i w N14, . g^ e U>' '47' Balancing Act U;> 1~> By Julie O'Dell . hrhhhggrh!l!! Frustration, deadlines, ;. ,, 'U 71' <U'UU'U~47U<'~U term papers, working, mid-terms, pres- r , .> 1''t. ,: , i ' . : ; " /. ,Ow, s'y tv"' rl ,, sure. We all felt it. All of these gripping f nlf ^r PrIk. r IWI' ,%, .U .rv"~L components comprised the college lifestyle. ;9:? L " w ;u f r ., Inevitably, at one point in time as students, we rl W jyA 7 <U''s lliA __ ; U~ '>~177>77'7~14447 4"">'77$~ b-. I .*1- found ourselves in a state of turmoil. A term was L; 4'> "<UU"U'U tAt'U,'> . U coined that described this life we lived Against U7VT~4U'~. ,lJ ~U$~ >~1U :. ILN, t,. r , "7 7';U~C;U'7U,"U:'~"7 ~U>-~ the Wall. The wall could be considered an obstacle 'I W -: '7,> -re ' U,, U V 1,' to be conquered in order to obtain a goal. Students Q." .; . ~j were forced to balance all facets of life in order to F' IV ; To u° 'U> ~ki f:.] ~ ~7.~7V~>,U "7 make schedules conducive to the college lifestyle. "7 A '7.. W 1It Lunch breaks were used for study time and social events were di 1 , i : r . ..<. ~ m , nllli, Ei'U op "o w b ._ III ; a "'7"'>'',. _ second on the priority list. Homework was always an infinite 1 o U U'> 1 isI ";a . I1 '\ I nag. The wall was there, everyday. No one ever said ',, it was 3I k.f,i ,,,,,U4U"> 77' >'V I Nk '.771 going to be easy. &V3 1'.lb Ft ,w'l . , } Pi' 11 CHARGE!!! ' 5 :,, .-" 4'..,,, to a victory during the homecoming game is Manny Lamazares as he 1 ~ Trumpeting the team . *, U~ plays a rendition of the rally song "CHARGE". Photo by Julie O'Dell. #1R $* a r.- Z1. _71Y1 ~ 47 V.. r w .. Graduation greetings. 1,* U ~ ~ 1988 Graduates were the first class to hold outdoor ceremonies at the University Park J%. * 1 4 ;i P r ' Campus. Fortunately, the skies were clear and the commencement went well for Gloria '1 41 Rodriguez as she adjusts her cap. Photo by Darmo Redondo. '-. ~ Lad :, ~ i - rA I ~ ~ .La *~vtr- s }:t .r -c: z~x <.. : . .. ''7.. Hs... .«. '' 'L«. tF:. .:..w..«/S: .5'.... 'ry....ti'. 'L. '}.w..' N i 't ., 5.o 61 ".w'757 «+S.S 7.'{%:.'.'ST'' . .. w .. 'SdGr G U 3 . r.Sw 1. Kim hi"." :Y """ '.ti' ,,,,,,te,rr Y ' ti ;yam .tY :?r a .ra b s tt 4 j s :i}a. s-..{s ,t? ::, Y. " .a c :ta '' =i ° t4 ,. , ,,, . M7 a '.Ct r, . .'4:7 ? s.,".:r.:.sw-nr,{'; .sFy .a' =.t a ts ' +a' ., t: "t3 stjyy,: ;r} zr } } srr r :r}: y V a .. t ,..rr.7~ .t} ""tt . a £ -s".i rms's. _ i z. k r .. , csr ir"' °w" s?.. s' , :sue y x t ,.. '}}sL}:..ti , M rr a; 2 Opening NO, " u ' . " s'a Y- k: r ::. " 9...?si'r' '....{ ' t.. _ " : st'i" : ? 'c"': sz ate.« "lir'4 s"" t i'fr ' : Opening 3 $: , sr1=i;:_d _ trP! _h tr-. :r+r..r : S~ s"ts. i 33 l -- -i .1i 0 t .. " - i. 711-IT-1 ;' a Nl . ' .. ,_.. _.e. _ " _ _ . ,.; .. d i i. o .

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