DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY USS STERETT (CG 31) L,../ FPO SAN FRANCISCO 96678·1154 Fran: eatlDanding Officer, uss STEREI'r (ex; 31) To: Director of Naval. History(OP09BB) , Washington Navy Yard, washington, D.C. 20374 Subj: 1984 CIMWm mS'IDRY Ref: (a) OPNAVINST 5750.32: Ene1: (1) ChrOJD1ogy of Events (2) Narrative 1. In accordance with reference (a), enclosures (1) aOO (2) are subnitted. f:t3 R. B. SHIELDS, JR. By direction CHlQQOOY of EVENTS 01 JAN - 04 JAN Inport Subic Bay, RP 05 JAN - 03 FEB AATII Picket, Indian ocean 04 FEB - 09 FEB Masirah Anchorage 10 FEB - 27 FEB AATII Picket, Indian ocean 28 FEB - 03 MM. Masirah Achorage 04 MAR - 23 APR AAT1l Picket, Indian ocean 24 APR - 27 APR Inport Singapore 28 APR - 30 APR , Enroute Phattaya Beach 01 MAY - 06 MAY Inport Pbattaya Beach 07 MAY - 10 MAY Enroute Subic Bay, RP 11 MAY - 03 JON Upkeep, Subic Bay, RP 04 JON - 08 JON INSURV Subic Bay, RP 09 JON - 10 JON Inport Subic Bay, RP 11 JON - 14 JON CSMR Subic Bay, RP 15 JON - 17 JON Inport Subic Bay, RP 18 JON - 09 Am BRA Subic Bay, RP 10 Au:; - 12 Am RFS Subic Bay, RP 13 Am - 16 Au:; sea Trials, SOUth China sea 17 Am - 23 Au:; C34R Subic Bay, RP 24 AOO Enroute Manila, RP 25 AOO - 26 m:; Inport Manila, RP 27 Am - 28 Au:; Enroute Yokosuka, JA 29 AOO Inport Subic Bay, RP Typhoon Evasion 30 AOO - 03 SEP Enroute Yokosuka, JA 04 SEP - 16 SEP TRAV Yokosuka, JA 17 SEP - 23 SEP Enroute Subic Bay, RP 24 SEP - 25 SEP Inport Subic Bay, RP 26 SEP - 28 SEP CTF 75 CcmDaOO Inspection, Subic Bay, RP 29 SEP - 30 SEP Inport Subic Bay, RP 01 ocr - 20 ocr REFTRA Subic Bay OPAREAS 21 ccr - 22 ocr Inport Subic Bay, RP 23 ocr - 25 ocr MISSlLEK 85-1, Poro Point 26 ccr - 04 lUJ Inport Subic Bay, RP 05 tJ:N - 11 trN Enroute Yokosuka, JA 12 f!DV - 13 l'J:N Inport Yokosuka, JA 14 f!DV - 16 f!DV ASWEX 85-lJA 17 l'J:N - 18 l'J:N Inport Yokosuka, JA Typhoon Evasion 19 l'JJV ASolEK 85-lJA 20 t¥:N - 21 lUJ Inport Yokosuka, JA Typtkx>n Evasion 22 OOV - 29 lUJ ASolEK 85-lJA Enclosure (1) 30 tnT - 02 DOC sea of Okhotsk OPS 03 DOC - 04 DOC sea of Japan OPS 05 DB:: - 07 DOC Enroute Hong Kong 08~-UDOC Inport IicnJ Kong c ~ -13 DB: -14 Enroute Subic Bay, RP 15 DOC - 31 DOC Inport Subic Bay, RP c I' .i V Enclosure (l) 2 NARRATIVE The USS S'l'ERErr began the year inport Subic Bay, RP making final pre~ aratioos for a deployment to the Indian ocean. On 5 January S'l.'mErI' got underway am proceeded SOtJthfest to the Malaoca Strait which she transited on 11 January. On 16 January, S'nmETl', as part of Battle Group Alfa with USS Midway, relieved the USS Ranger and Battle Groop Ectx> in the Indian ocean. SliERF:I'I" s primary mission in the Battle Groop was ANiI picket until 4 February when she Jl¥X)red at Masirah Anclx>rage for an availability period alongside USS yosemite. On 10 February STmErI' was underway and returned to her AAW picket station. A change of cxmnand cerem:>ny was held at sea on board S'I'ERE:rI' on 15 February when captain Jimmy H. Mc:Coy asstDed duties as cemnarding Officer fran Captain George E. Sullivan. srERE11O' remained at her AAW picket station until 28 February when she IlDOred at Masirah Anctx>rage alongside USS Prairie for five day availability. SI'EREIT was back on station as AAW picket 00 4 March. The traditional -Crossing the Linen cerem:my was held on 19 April at 00-00 1atitude and 083-l2E longitude as SliERE'l'l' was enroute to Singapore. On 24 April S'l.'mErI' arived in Singapore for a four day port; visit. S'I'ImE'I'l'got underway fran Singapore 00 28 April and prooeeded to Phattaya Beach, Thailand, arriving 00 1 May for a six day port; visit. On 7 May STERErI' was lD'lderway, enroute to her 1DDep:>rt of SUbic Bay where she arrived on 11 May, having cunp1eted a four DDnth Indian ocean cruise that oonsisted of 100 ex>ntinoous days at sea. With the Indian ocean deployment behind her, STmErr a:mnenced a much needed upkeep period in Subic Bay 00 11 May in preparation for an Underway Material Inspection which began on 4 June. S'1'EREIT underwent a canbat Systens Material Review (CSMR) on 11 June prior to a three J1DI1th repair availability at Ship's Repair Facility, Subic Bay. On 13 August S'mREI'I' was declared ready for sea and began her operational schedule with sea trials in the South China sea. After a post-SRA CSMR, STmE'l'I' hosted a dependents cruise on 24 August and sailed to Manila for a weekend port; visit. She returned to Subic Bay for a brief stop on 27 August to disembark the dependents am set sail for Yokosuka, JA for a two week training avai1ibi1ity. Due to a very active typl'xxn season, STERErl' was forced to take the first of several typhoon evasion measures and returned to Subic Bay on 29 June to escape the wrath of TYPhoon June. A break in the weather on 30 August allowed STERErI' to resme her schedule and she proceeded to Yokosuka arriving on 4 september. At the exnp1etion of TRAV on 17 september, STEREIT oonducted a Group Sail with Canadian Destroyer Squadron Four of the Royal Canadian Navy, enroute to Subic Bay. S'l'ERE:1'I' arrived in Subic Bay on 24 september and made final preparations for a Ccmnand Inspection by Camodore Paul D. Butcher, CXMNAVSURFGRU WESTPAC, on 26 september. Enclosure (2) On 1 october S'JERErr ccmoenced three weeks of Refresher Training (REFTRA) CXX¥iucted by Fleet Traini.I¥] Group, Yokosuka, in the Subic OPARFAS. Upon cxmpletion of REFrRA, S'mRE'r1' participated in MISSlLEX 85-1 in the vicinity of c Poro Point and sucx:essfully fired a telemetry configured Terrier missile. S'l'mErl' was back in Subic Bay 00 26 OCtober and began making preparations for ASWEK 85-lJA. With crF 75 and ~ NINE embarked, the flagship was underway on 5 November, enroute to Yokosuka where she arrived on 11 NovE!nber. Following two days of briefs with the Japanese Maritime self Defense Force, SI1SRE'l"I' was underway on 14 NcM!mber for the AS4EX OPARFAS. However, Typhoon Bill caused SI"ERElil" to return to Yokouska 00 17 Ncwember for typixlon evasion. The exercise reslilled 00 19 November only to be delayed the following day when SI"EREIil" returned to Yokosuka to seek haven fran TypiXXXl. Clara. The weather finally broke long enough for the exercise to continue on 22 November and was cxmpleted on 29 N<7.7ember when SI"ERE'l'l' detached and proceeded oorth to the sea of Okhotsk for Operation Kennel Punch. On 3 December srERE'I'l' turned south and transited the sea of Japan operating for several days with the USS Midway and USS Carl Vinson Battle Groups enroute to Hong Kong. She arrived on 8 December for a five day port visit. ~ departed Bor'¥1 Kong on 13 December and sailed to Subic Bay arriving on 15 December for the remainder of 1984. Enclosure (2) .
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