Warning Signs of Dyslexia Preschool at First Baptist Church School • Delayed speech • Mixing up sounds and syllables in long words • Chronic ear infections • Severe reactions to childhood illnesses • Constant confusion of left vs. right • Late establishing a dominant hand • Difficulty learning to tie shoes • Trouble memorizing address, phone number, alphabet • Can’t create words that rhyme • Has a close relative with dyslexia Elementary • Dysgraphia (slow, non-automatic handwriting, difficult to read) • Letter or number reversals continuing past end of first grade • Slow, choppy, inaccurate reading • Difficulty with spelling and memorizing sight words • Trouble telling time • Struggles to find the correct word when speaking • Messy bedroom, backpack, desk • Dreads going to school Highschool - Adult All of the above plus… • Limited vocabulary and poor written expression Ann Kleine, M.Ed., LDT, CALT, QI • Unable to master a foreign language Discovery Learning Lab Director • Difficulty reading printed music Email [email protected] • Poor grades, may drop out of high school • Slow reader, may have to read same passage repeat- 533 Ockley Drive providing one-on-one remediation for edly to understand Shreveport, LA 71106 students with Dyslexia and other • Difficulty putting thoughts onto paper Phone 318-869-2361 language differences • Difficulty with right vs. left and poor sense of direction Visit us at www.fbcschool.org TheTheThe ContentContentContent ofof of ProgramProgram Program PrinciplesPrinciplesPrinciples ofof of InstructionInstruction Instruction DiscoveryDiscoveryDiscovery LearningLearning Learning LabLab Lab • • • PhonologyPhonologyPhonology and and and Phonological Phonological Phonological Awareness Awareness Awareness • • • Simultaneous,Simultaneous,Simultaneous, Multisensory Multisensory Multisensory (visual, (visual, (visual, auditory, auditory, auditory, atatat First First First Baptist Baptist Baptist Church Church Church School School School • • • Sound-SymbolSound-SymbolSound-Symbol Association Association Association kinesthetic,kinesthetic,kinesthetic, tactile) tactile) tactile) • • • SyllableSyllableSyllable instruction instruction instruction • • • SystematicSystematicSystematic and and and Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative • • • MorphologyMorphologyMorphology (Latin (Latin (Latin & & &Greek, Greek, Greek, Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Saxon, prefixes, prefixes, prefixes, • • • DirectDirectDirect Instruction Instruction Instruction OverviewOverviewOverview of of of the the the Program Program Program roots,roots,roots, suffixes) suffixes) suffixes) • • • DiagnosticDiagnosticDiagnostic Teaching Teaching Teaching • • • SyntaxSyntaxSyntax (grammar, (grammar, (grammar, mechanics, mechanics, mechanics, sentence sentence sentence variation) variation) variation) • • • SyntheticSyntheticSynthetic (part (part (part to to towhole) whole) whole) and and and Analytic Analytic Analytic (whole (whole (whole to to to FirstFirstFirst BaptistBaptist Baptist ChurchChurch Church SchoolSchool School offersoffers offers aa a specialspecial special programprogram program • • • SemanticsSemanticsSemantics (direct (direct (direct instruction instruction instruction in in incomprehending comprehending comprehending the the the part)part)part) Instruction Instruction Instruction inin in multisensory multisensorymultisensory structured structuredstructured language languagelanguage remediation remediationremediation to to to meaningmeaningmeaning of of ofwritten written written language) language) language) helphelphelp students students students in in ingrades grades grades 1 1 –1 – 8– 8 with8 with with learning learning learning differences differences differences achieveachieveachieve success successsuccess at at at school. school.school. The TheThe Discovery DiscoveryDiscovery Learning LearningLearning LabLabLab provides provides provides academic academic academic support support support for for for students students students with with with docu docu docu-- - ResearchResearchResearch mentedmentedmented learning learning learning differences. differences. differences. Students Students Students in in inthe the the program program program DyslexiaDyslexiaDyslexia InsightsInsightsInsights receivereceivereceive one-on-one one-on-oneone-on-one and andand small smallsmall group groupgroup instruction instructioninstruction with withwith • • • ReadingReadingReading problems problems problems affect affect affect 17 17 17 to to to20% 20% 20% of of ofchildren children children carefulcarefulcareful monitoring monitoring monitoring and and and the the the use use use of of ofappropriate appropriate appropriate teaching teaching teaching DefinitionDefinitionDefinition • • • GirlsGirlsGirls are are are affected affected affected as as as often often often as as as boys boys boys Dyslexia Dyslexia Dyslexia is is isa a aspecific specific specific learning learning learning disability disabilitydisability that that that is is is neu neuneu-- - methods.methods.methods. • • • ChildrenChildrenChildren are are are unlikely unlikely unlikely to to to“grow “grow “grow out” out” out” of of ofthem them them rologicalrologicalrological in in inorigin. origin. origin. It It isIt is ischaracterized characterized characterized by by by difficulties difficulties difficulties with withwith accurateaccurateaccurate and/orand/or and/or fluentfluent fluent word wordword recognition, recognition, recognition, and andand by byby poor poorpoor ChildrenChildrenChildren who who who are are are poor poor poor readers readers readers at at atthe the the end end end of of offirst first first grade gradegrade TeachersTeachersTeachers inin in thethe the DiscoveryDiscovery Discovery LearningLearning Learning LabLab Lab areare are CertifiedCertified Certified spellingspellingspelling and and and decoding decoding decoding abilities. abilities. abilities. mostmostmost often often often are are are poor poor poor readers readers readers in in infourth fourth fourth grade. grade. grade. AcademicAcademicAcademic Language Language Language Therapists Therapists Therapists who who who utilize utilize utilize Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic These These These difficulties difficulties difficulties typically typically typically result result result from from from a a deficita deficitdeficit in in in the the the Phonics,Phonics,Phonics, the the the primary primary primary Orton-Gillingham Orton-Gillingham Orton-Gillingham based based based multisen multisen multisen-- - phonologicalphonologicalphonological component component component of of oflanguage language language that that that is is isoften often often un un un-- - sorysorysory structured structured structured language language language program, program, program, while while while also also also incorpo incorpo incorpo-- - PoorPoorPoor Readers Readers Readers Don’t Don’t Don’t “Catch “Catch “Catch Up” Up” Up” expectedexpectedexpected in in inrelation relation relation to to toother other other cognitive cognitive cognitive abilities abilities abilities and and and the the the • • • 74%74%74% of of of children childrenchildren who whowho were werewere poor poorpoor readers readersreaders in in in third thirdthird ratingratingrating the the the Take Take Take Flight Flight Flight curriculum curriculum curriculum from from from the the the Texas Texas Texas Scottish Scottish Scottish provisionprovisionprovision of of ofeffective effective effective classroom classroom classroom instruction. instruction. instruction. gradegradegrade remained remained remained poor poor poor readers readers readers in in inninth ninth ninth grade grade grade (Fran (Fran (Fran-- - RiteRiteRite Hospital Hospital Hospital as as as well well well as as as Project Project Project Read Read Read written written written expression expression expression Secondary Secondary Secondary consequences consequences consequences may may may include include include problems problems problems in in in cisciscis 1996) 1996) 1996) andandand reading reading reading comprehension comprehension comprehension strands. strands. strands. readingreadingreading comprehensioncomprehension comprehension andand and reducedreduced reduced readingreading reading experiexperi experi-- - • • • 99 9of of of 1010 10 children children children deficientdeficient deficient in in in reading reading reading in in in firstfirst first grade grade grade enceenceence that that that can can can impede impede impede growth growth growth of of ofvocabulary vocabulary vocabulary and and and back back back-- - werewerewere poor poor poor readers readers readers in in infourth fourth fourth grade grade grade (Juel (Juel (Juel 1988) 1988) 1988) TheTheThe Discovery Discovery Discovery Learning Learning Learning Lab Lab Lab staff staff staff works works works closely closely closely with with with the the the • • • 88 of8 of of10 10 10 children children children with with with severe severe severe word word word reading reading reading problems problems problems groundgroundground knowledge. knowledge. knowledge. classroomclassroomclassroom teachersteachers teachers toto to helphelp help meetmeet meet individualindividual individual needsneeds needs ofof of atat atthe the the end end end of of offirst first first grade gradegrade were werewere below belowbelow average averageaverage at at theat the the students,students,students, and and and each each each student’s student’s student’s progress progress progress is is isclosely closely closely moni moni moni-- - beginningbeginningbeginning
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