Road Condition Management of Low Traffic Volume Roads in the Northern Periphery ROADEX SUB PROJECT A PHASE I STATE-OF-THE-ART STUDY REPORT PROJECT IS FUNDED BY ERDF, ARTICLE 10 NORTHERN PERIPHERY PROGRAMME ROAD CONDITION MANAGEMENT OF LOW TRAFFIC VOLUME ROADS IN THE NORTHERN PERIPHERY ROADEX SUB PROJECT A PHASE I STATE-OF-THE-ART STUDY REPORT I INDEX 1. Introduction - the project 1 7. Maintenance and rehabilitation 1.1. Roadex project 1 measures 39 1.2. Sub Project A: Road Condition Management: 7.1. Special maintenance techniques Goals and Focus 2 for gravel roads 39 7.2. Special maintenance techniques 2. Introduction to the area 3 for paved roads 40 7.3. Rehabilitation techniques for paved roads 41 2.1. General 3 7.3.1. Stabilisation 41 2.2. Lapland, Finland 4 7.3.2. Recycling 43 2.3. The Northern Region, Sweden 5 7.3.3. Reinforcement techniques 44 2.4. Troms County, Norway 6 7.3.4. Insulation techniques 45 2.5. The Highlands, Scotland 7 7.3.5. Other structures 45 7.3.6. New materials, industrial by-products 46 3. Roads and road administration 7.3.7. Drainage improvement techniques 47 in the Northern Periphery 9 3.1. General 9 8. Research activities in NP partner 3.2. Lapland Region, Finland 10 road districts 48 3.3. The Northern Region, Sweden 11 8.1. Lapland, Finland 48 3.4. Troms County, Norway 11 8.2. The Northern Region, Sweden 51 3.5. The Highland Council, Scotland 12 8.3. Troms County, Norway 52 8.4. The Highlands, Scotland 54 4. Design and dimensioning of low traffic volume roads 13 9. Special techniques to overcome 4.1. Standard road structures and bearing capacity problems dimensioning principles 13 4.2. Frost design principles 16 in the NP area; 4.3. Comparison of pavement structure designs; Best practice identification 55 three cases 18 9.1. Partner Districts´ Choices 55 4.4. Road construction materials 19 9.2. Best practices - Work Group chairman´s opinion 62 5. Traffic load restrictions 22 5.1. Allowed normal axle loads, 10. General observations about other requirements for heavy vehicles 22 the NP partner districts 65 5.2. Temporary load restrictions 24 5.3. Controlling the implementation of axle 11. Summary and conclusions 69 loads and load restrictions 26 5.4. The effect of load restrictions; now and future aspects 27 6. Road condition management 30 6.1. General road condition problems 30 6.2. Road condition data bases 32 6.3. Road condition evaluation methods 33 6.3.1. Roughness and rutting surveys 33 6.3.2. Pavement distress / defect mapping 34 6.3.3. Bearing capacity and pavement structure measurements 35 6.4. Road quality standards - worst allowed road condition 38 II PREFACE When Roadex project was initiated the goals, given by national practices on road and rehabilitation design pro- the Steering Committee for sub project A (SPA) were to cedures, material specifications and about heavy trans- look for the best practices in the field of low traffic vol- port and load restrictions. The work group has also ar- ume road condition management, focusing especially on ranged seminars and interviews in each partner district, ways to optimize the use of traffic restrictions or to min- excursions to monitor and compare the road condition, imize the damages to the road network if restrictions are as well as visits to special test sites in each district. not applied. Apart from surveying technical solutions used across the partner road districts, the work group was also This state-of-the-art report, which completed phase I given the goal of comparing different monitoring and is based on questionnaire answers, interviews and field decision making practices when dealing with bearing trips in each partner district as well as a literature review. capacity problems. The project has two phases: phase I: The report covers only a small part of the extensive data state-of-the-art study which was concluded in 1999-2000 collected by the work group and this data will be pub- and phase II: field tests focusing on best practices during lished in the final report. Work group members represent- 2000-2001. The final report in a form of multimedia CD ing partner districts have prepared data and the text for will be prepared during 2000-2001. the national practices and techniques. Ulla Maijala from Roadscanners has arranged and preprocessed the data. The Roadex steering committee nominated Timo This report is edited and written by Johanna Saari and Saarenketo from Roadscanners Oy, Rovaniemi, Finland Timo Saarenketo and the language has been amended by to be the Sub Project A (SPA) work group chairman. The Kent Middleton, all from Roadscanners Oy. Several peo- other nominated work group members, representing each ple in each partner district have also helped with this re- district, were: Stuart Bell from The Highland Council, port and a special thanks is addressed to them. Roadex Scotland, who is the committee secretary, Geir Berntsen Project Steering Committee and its chairman Tapani Pöyry from Troms County, Norway, Peder Henriksson (1999) have provided encouragement and valuable guidance for and Sara Sundberg (2000 - ) from the Northern Region, the work. Sweden and Erkki Vuontisjärvi from Lapland Region, Fin- land. Rovaniemi July 16, 2000 The SPA work group has been very active, it has had Timo Saarenketo, chairman meetings in Rovaniemi, Luleå and in Inverness in 1999 and in Tromsø and Kukkolaforsen in 2000. The biggest project the work group has accomplished is the comple- tion of a questionnaire focusing on the general informa- tion about the partner districts and their areas as well as III ROAD CONDITION MANAGEMENT OF LOW TRAFFIC VOLUME ROADS IN NORTHERN PERIPHERY AREA 1. INTRODUCTION - THE PROJECT 1.1. Roadex Project The road districts of Lapland in Finland, Northern Re- The project was started in 1998 as a pilot project be- gion in Sweden, Troms County in Norway, and the High- tween the four road administration bodies. The work is lands in Scotland have initiated a technical, transnational divided into two sub projects: Sub project A deals with collaboration. The aim of this collaboration is, through road condition management issues; and sub project B stud- the exchange of experience, to identify best practice strat- ies winter maintenance problems common to the partner egies and develop procedures in order to deal with com- road districts. Both sub projects aim at technical exchange mon challenges associated with the maintenance of low through studies, discussions and trials, and at identifying traffic volume road networks in sparsely populated north- the most effective strategies in the studied issues, which ern regions. could be applied in other Northern Periphery road dis- The Roadex project is partly financed by an EU tricts. Roadex project will be completed by the end of (ERDF, Article 10) funded Northern Periphery Pro- 2001, but technical partnerships between partner road gramme, which is a cooperation between the northern- districts are to continue via professional networks estab- most regions of Finland, Scotland, Norway and Sweden. lished during this pilot project. 1 1.2. Sub Project A: Road Condition Management: Goals and Focus At present, the main inter-urban highways of Scotland, This report presents the results of phase I of the project, Norway, Sweden and Finland are in relatively good con- a comparison study of each road district’s current poli- dition. In comparison, the less frequently trafficked rural cies and techniques in tackling the issues. The data col- roads have suffered from financial neglect and fall well lection for this study was carried out during 1999 through below modern standards. They have not been designed to a large questionnaire, work group sessions, interviews and cope with the combination of seasonal freeze/thaw cy- field excursions in each partner district. Besides present- cles of the northern climate and the heavy axle loads of ing the operational conditions of the partner road districts modern transport. The quality of road performance in this and their practices in low traffic volume road manage- part of the road network will cause much debate in the ment, this report also attempts to identify state-of-the-art years to come. practices from each partner road district. The focus of this sub project is on low traffic volume The identification of current and best practices has roads of the partner districts of Lapland, the Northern been worked out by individual partner districts following Region, Troms County and the Highlands, which have the guidelines established in the work group. Evaluations less than 1000 vehicles average daily traffic (AADT). In of the group chairman are given in addition. When se- the four partner districts, these roads total 32.800 km, lecting the best practice techniques, attention has been which is 85% of their total road network. Gravel roads given not only to the functioning of a practice or tech- are also given special attention, as they have some dis- nique in the given environment, but also to its transfera- tinct characteristics and a notable role in the local road bility to other partner districts. networks of the Nordic partner districts. In the next phase of this project, cases of selected state- A special interest of this sub project is in the use of of-the-art techniques will be examined and verified in co- traffic restrictions in the partner districts. During a peri- operation. The final results of the Roadex project will be od of thawing the road structure can deteriorate dramati- published during autumn 2001 as a multimedia CD. cally in a very short time. Basically, road district manag- ers can deal with the problem in two ways: (a) by impos- ing load restrictions for the sensitive road sections, or (b) by improving the road structure layers.
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