t tapam ow 10/16/70 Mfttft row want somoont know you anprwctofo ovofythtng about hot, Try a prodout gom from IUPUI News Wo know you goto ■ lot Students make parking hard for handicapped uoahowyquhowtotolhor. byJehaRaatey Student* at IUPUI are making a dtl la OUbart, an iaeatod hcuit altuatloo warn by cenUnut* to aide at Blake Straat Library whan tha lag dock ana. at both M b Straat Igaora univanity regulation by pari- tag »a spaces raaarvad far uaa by baa- dkappad atudonta and staff, tayi Ma­ areat at tha lav acbool. waat of the It la important tor tha studant body jor John OUbart ot tha ua!vanity Union Building, on Middle Street araat to watch out for Um ot tha Nuntng Building, aouth of Riley Gilbert laid White no proctea (Utiatica ara avaii- ot ear* toured APO sets blood drive record by JehnKmky APO plant to have another blood coataa* that at many aa T or I can a A record waa aat by the aomi-annual * t n , in coopantton with Um Central day have bean towed from ouch teca- Omega (APO) blood (blve Indiana Regional Blood Cantor in ttoaa. Tha importance ot maintaining bold at IUPUI during the Pobranry, according to Oermaan, tbaao apacoa for Um hambeappod waa flrat weak at October After two dnye and It tentatively la planning to devote atnaaoa by Don Wakafleid. director ot at taking pledgee and throe daya at re­ ana day at Um frtve to each at Um ceiving dona tiaaaot blood, thefrator mN at IUPUI lUPUI'a Hambeappod Student Sor- nity obtoinad l « pinto at wboto blood ricoa, arhoa boaaid that the phyaicaliy for Um Central Indiana Regional Blood Cantor IUPUI Band organizes igaatad for handicapped parting have Jim Tagbort, co-chairman at tbo baaa datign to mittgato Um taadkapa APO blood *tvo, termed the drive aa Tom Woodward, IUPUI Band Dir actor, taid that aU inatrumonta ara ■aid. due prlaaartiy to tbo good they got ttekatod and towed away, la naodad for tbo three phono program dly the prapaa goto and tbo w that Um tocatMa waa poorly marked which will Include the boakotboil pop ■oaa ot IUPUI atodaata to volant Join the i at band, a jssi onoomblo, and a < the lack of parting spaces atoswharm. OUbart cioltMid, saying that tba IUPUI handicapped parking ipacea are woU- markad and that whila tba problem to dooate. Thia could bo due to tha ot fort made by APO with parking may ha w« othar activltias will be announcod BAND PROGRAM at Um eligibility roquiromonto and to have atudonta pledge donation In ad­ Students who wish to play but don't should attend the — Basketball Pep Band— apacoa ara marked with a aign which vance, said Tagliori. According to Karen Oarmaaa, — Jazz Ensemble— capped pormits only, hoaatdThaatu- dent that ignoroa the aign will hag)van — Concert Band- first time that APO used a multi pic- aonnot attend Um meeting i a » ticket and will be towed away at sit* blood drive The drive was hold in and loo vo UMtr namoo and a (usually In Um both Cavanaugh Hall and Um Union M4-I0M Woodward can ai Organizational Meeting Building on conoocuUvo days. (acted evening* at MM1M Monday, October 23— 8:30 pm IUPUI Union Bulbing Cafeteria Further information: 264-2044 Cover: Man's beat friend (undar Um Mr. Tom Woodward, Director coda) la this concrete Dalmatian It Tba IL'Ptl-Dowatewa Metre Diacount coupon* (or tha event will can bo found faithfully standing Eipreea will make otopo at the be available In the Student Activitiea guard in front at a dog-grooming Convention Center on Friday. Oct SO Office on tbo metaanint floor of Um to make it easier for atudonta and U i............ Street every day at tba weak (photo IUPUI CATHOLIC STUDENT CENTER faculty to gat to Indiana's Inter­ by Don Gorman) national rsstival Tt, according to entertainment and food, will run peasants Tom Bocxklewict. festival director through Oct B A word ot warning to any groups who put handbills, flyers or anything A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY •to* in Sagamart racks: We'U throw your stuff away Period. A mutti-madia program ol ipirltuAl gro«1h and o i . f n . Tuaaday Evening* - 7:104:10 p.m. 4 O CT. 24— NOV. 7 at the Can tar (1S0» W. Michigan St.) IUPUI Newt.........page 2. Our View............... page 4 Lettera...................... page 4 Salmon Patti...........pages Register NOW! Limited Kelly It Duke...........pages Midwest Arts cup and Mod « • » ragiairatkm laa <W) to: Gaaette..........pages 1,7 CATHOLIC STUDENT CENTER Calendar Central... page • This is Ihe aUlieat itnfftvtr I heard ISM W. Michigan Stroet Congressional IN 4#302 WUliam Shakespeare Insight.................pages A Midtammer Night's Dream Claulfleda............ page 11 Act V. Scene I KVWN Future holds problems for IU; declining enrollment costly Indii W Ryan staled that IU w« university although problem* loom in th* futur Ryu annual address to faculty (Ivan on Oct 10. aaylng, "the overriding fact la that W* itand high in tha aataan of the there are more than TV BOO atudanta on academic world, Ryan said And ourcampuaaa While we canaidar thha we itand In the Mtaam of the world of meaning* of the MM who (bd not coma to our campuaea tha year, let ua not forget the TS.1M who (bd came He Ryan aaid the moat apparent of IU * "good health" la the fact that the la lain on* of the largeat program* in ita hiatory Ha pointed to the library now being lilt on the north***! campu* In Gary, the new Busineea/SPEA at IUPUI, end th* Floe Aito "But wa muat roaol without panic,” Building In Bloomington i continued "Tha character of thu At tha next aaaatoo of tha Oonaral Aaaambly. Ryan aaid, IU will aah far century and a half, and It la approval of plaaa to build a long undaratood by tha people of Indiana to needed addition to Uto Medical bo a uni vanity holding to high range of higher learnii* in tha arta, atton at IUPUI humanitiaa, acioocoa and profee uni vanity I* giving urgent priority for Ryan aaid it to hie belief the people rooourtoa to permit e of Indiana will expect the univoreity addition to the School of to hold ita character in apile of tha predictable enrollment declinea In tha of Law building yean ahead Ryan aaid tha total value of the** "Let enrollment change If It muat," and other project* la currently non of th* uni vanity" than half of the aupport tha univoreity IU . fall ragtatntion ahowed a total enrollment of 7S,lt0 atudenta -a While the phyaical condition of the decree** of MM and a 3 « percent regional campu*** la generally sufficient, Ryan aaid thia waa not true Each campua, aaid Ryan, nt IUPUI, experienced a decltne-from one- lagged far behind* quarter of one percent at New Albany development of program* Ner la It to more than 11 percent at Gary IUPUI had a total decline of 1,118 continued, where the phyaical atudenta, or i t percent reaourcea of a century ago and a even Ryan told the faculty that IU * reapona* to th* enrollment drop muat for th* educational, raaaarch and public aervice activities of today muat be admlniatrative and The moat ominous throat. Ryan academic, and it muat be pereonal aaid, la Inflation. , I SAVE *10® NOW activity of university to all comer* of the slate requests far 1*7*41, four of every five When You Order Your ULTRIUM* and to all communltie* whose dollar* will do nothing more than pay knowledge of. and support for. IU for th* higher coats of inflation, he may have an impact on the college COLLEGE RING decision of the high school student He "Only one out of every five dollars said be waa asking university vice will be left to advance the work of the Plus!. your choice of the following options when president and chancelion to redouble university." he said Students, faculty aUgibh ordering an ULTRIUM* OR10k GOLD RING! Nikon/Nutshell sponsor • Imperial Cut Birthstones • Simulated Diamonds annual photo contest • Sunburst Stones • Genuine Jade • Genuine Tiger Eye • Genuine Earth Stones The (th Annual Nikon/Nutshell First place winner* In each af the Photo Contest, sponsored Jointly by two categories (black and white or NSso cameras and NatoheU Mags- color) will receive SUM to Nikon tine, la now underway on collage cam- equipment Two i puses for student! and (acuity win $1000 In ★ * SPECIAL COUPON ★ ★ "The purpose of the content is to an- place winners OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 27. 1978 courage photographers to express equipment The same prtaaa will be themselves creatively through pho- awarded In the (acuity competition, tography," at*tod Myron Charnaaa, which Is Judged separately from the MEDICAL & CAVANAUGH BOOKSTORES director of public relation* for Nikon. student coolest "For thia reason, the contest la open to faculty as well as students Thar* la Coolest autry blanks ar* available no content them*, no restriction on at participating Nikon photo dealers, the number of photos aotored, and « any type of still i 4 Sagamore 10/16/76 t o F o n e t m r s m s m a . Our View Goodbye to gas guzzlers The Senate finally made some progress on President Carter's energy program last week, coining up with a plan to tax energy- inefficient automobiles. Under the plan, new cars would be taxed, beginning with I960 models, on the basis of number of miles driven per gallon of gas used Autos manufactured for 1960 w ill, under provisions of the bill, have to get at least 15 mpg to avoid being taxed; by 1986, new J r ® .
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