,11,,111111.1111 VOLUME 108, NO. 44 FRIDAY APRIL 4, 1997 SPORTS 1 Profile of gymnast, April 6: Don't forget to senior Tara Law set your clock forward Page 4 Jose State University Since 1 9 3 4 SiiiiitTAN DAILY Hale-Bopp returns Comet last rounded Earth in 2213 B.C. By Mark Steidel around right now," Hale said on the web. farther from the sun than other comets, Spartan Daily Staff Writer site, "CNN Interactive." "If you don't venting 20 times as much gas at 600 mil- believe me, go out and look at the comet lion miles away and 100 times as much Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a ... and sec for yourself if there's anything dust as Halley's comet at the same dis- plane. It's Hale-Bopp, the comet that last there. And if you still don't believe me, tance. When it was discovered, at was 250 visited our inner solar system in 2213 I'm selling tickets to the alien landing." times brighter than Halley's comet at a B.C. Hale-Bopp. scientists believe, began similar distance from the sun. The Hale-Bopp comet The comet was discovered on July 23, life like any other comet just another Astronomers say it could be one of the 1995 by Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp, appears, top right, over clump of swirling gases and stardust aim- brightest comets of the 20th century. San Jose by making a who were more than 400 miles apart from lessly wandering at the edge of our solar "It's at its brightest right now, and it double exposure each other. Hale, who has a Ph.D. in system billions of years ago. Millions of will be until the middle of April." said Astronomy, calls the discovery of the years ago, it is speculated, it was either SJSU Physics Professor leslie Tomley. "In photograph of the San comet at the same time as Bopp, an ama- knocked or pulled into the sun's gravita- the next three weeks, it will move closer to Jose skyline then of the teur astronomer, "pure coincidence." tional field. Now it's humming along at the sun and get harder to see." Hale-Bopp comet. The Hale-Bopp has spent almost as much 40,000 miles per hour on an orbital path Tomley teaches an astronomy lab and Comet actually appears time in the tabloids as it has in that takes it past Earth every 4.000 years. has incorporated Hale-Bopp into it. He is in the North-western sky "Astronomers Digest" lately. As a result of While it began life like most of its fel- allowing students the option of observing about 30 to 45 degrees numerous rumors associating it with low comets, Ilale-Bopp is vastly different the comet and keeping a journal on what from the horizon. The UFOs and the Heaven's Gate cult's mass from more typical comets, like comet they see. Its large size enables stargazers of ...P. best time to view the suicide last week when they concluded Halley's. At a nucleus size of 40 km (25 all experience levels to view the comet Hale-Bopp comet is at that the comet was a sign of the end of the miles), more than three times the size of without special viewing equipment. sunset. world, Hale has had to deal with many comet Halley's, it's the largest comet to "Some students have told ow that PHOTO BY supernatural questions. move into clear view of modern scientific "There's a lot of nonsense flying See Hale-Bopp, page 6 MAX BECHERER instruments. It also became active much Spartan Daily Flight team soars high at regionals By Terri K. Milner events, too, and that's neat because it Spartan Daily Staff Writer opens things up to lots of people." were numerous: on campus I.and contests Not many students events in which a San Jose State computer accuracy know about the slide rule, called the "Whiz Flight team, but circular University Precision is used to calculate flight that flew against Wheel," the three colleges distance and ground speed; sim- regional competition sure time, them at the ulator events in which competitors do. while sitting in a 152 follow a set pattern the team, flying primarily -functional ground train- -wing Ccssnas, placed instrument and 172 high aircraft identification events; the over the weekend of March er; second SCAN test which involves the calcu- 22- 24 in Livermore, Calif. and federal individual lation of flying problems With events that pit 20 and a pre-flight one another, aviation regulations, competitors against which the competitor must from each event in equaling five entrants intentionally broken things are air as well as land identify school, there with or on the plane. events. hack in the air, events on our team is a Meanwhile, "Not everybody ranged from "power off' landings pilot," said Scan Hogan, the team's safety officer. "There are ground See Flight, page 3 lit .. `: .. *141i -:01%, . Group home ,-i ,Ve../.,, .. ,..- plan may fill jail there By Andrew Hussey to keep them in jail, and then Spartan Daily Staff Writer will be no place for these individuals to go to get help," said Amy Moore, International new group the passing of the staff aide to County Supervisor Jim home plan in San Jose could dramat- Beall. ically increase the number of inmates last week, the county jail reached at she county jail, according to the 120 percent of its capacity, a new Santa Clara County Board of record for the number of inmates, palate Supervisors. according to Larry Carr, organiza- At a recent Board of Supervisors Top: Oscar Reynolds of the Brazilian band Karrumanta Jamuyku supplies tional consultant for the Coalition for meeting, several members of the Services and some traditional Brazilian music for the International Food Bazaar Thursday. Responsible Social board voiced fears that, with courts The bands playing today range from hip hop to reggae to jazz with the Quality Neighborhoods. no longer given the option of refer- homes plan, those music starting at 11 a.m. With the group ring cases to local group homes, the who could have been referred to a Santa Clara County Jail would be group home under the Jail Diversion Left Steve Glavas, left, and Claus Peterson of Denmark make sure the unnecessarily burdened. Program would he forced to either Shish kebabs are ready for sale at the International house booth during the "We know that if we can't refer International Food Bazaar Thursday. The food bazaar continues today from people to a group home, we will have See Group homes, page 6 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with food from around the world. PHOTOS By BRANDON GARCIA Spartan Daily Editorial Monday Alt (dud phase-out needs athlitional Baseball takes on preventive prokrams TCU this weekend Page 2 1111,111, S.J. police department recruits women Trial for Ray The Rev. Jesse located 011 the community outreach tool to wt,tiicii whit By Kimberly Lemke "Liege might were hoping this lair will help genet - Jackson insists James Spartan Daily Staff Writer campus, will offer participants the be interested in law enforcement ale more women applicants." opportunity to ask female SJI'D offi- careers but are unsure of the demands Catherine [lough, Administration Earl Ray tells all Can San Jose women cut it as cers what careers in law enforcement the job might place on an individual. of justice major, said she'll be attend- Page 3 police officers? entail. Attendees will also have the "We think that giving women ing Saturday's fair and is looking for- San Jose Police Depanment offi- chance to view the site of the Police interested in law enforcement jobs the ward to the help it should provide. cers will try to answer this and other SJSU gymnastics Academy and try their luck it the chance to talk to women already in "Women typically don't do AA well questions for all attendees of the physical agility test or "obstacle law enforcement is a very effective on the physical portion of the test. men's and women 'I Women's Career Exploration Fair at course" of which a passing grade is way to get first-hand information to We don't have the upper body teams qualify for Evergreen Valley College Saturday. required before hiring. recruits," Mason said. "We aren't get- strength men do," I lough said. tournament The fair, taking place at the SJPD Recruiting Officer William ting the number of women applicants Mason agreed that the most difil- Criminal Justice Training Center Mason said the Page 4 fair will serve as an we'd like to have across the board and See Recruitment, page 6 Friday, April 4, 1997 2 OPINION San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY Alcohol prevention programs needed in addition to alcohol ban with increased drinking, t the age ril 19, Matthew Patrick allegedly drunk, died after falling off the iv Although the ban might curb alcoholic factors associated Library of was a pledge for Lambda roof of his fraternity house. incidences at these Greek organizations, the according to the National Garofalo Editorial on Alcohol. Chi Alpha fraternity in Iowa. At a In another incident last year at the banning of alcoholic substances doesn't nec- Medicine MEDLINE Database are especially house party, Garofalo was drinking alcohol University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, essarily address alcohol abuse at fraternities; These kinds of programs four students were killed and found intoxi- announced the phasing-out of the use of fraternity members may still opt to drink at important for incoming freshmen pledging -- despite Iowa's legal drinking age of 21 alcohol in their national chapter houses by and consumed about 12 ounces of alcohol, cated, according to a medical examiner's a bar, a private apartment or the local cam- fraternities.
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