Eur J Anat, 16 (3): 212-215 (2012) CASE REPORT Variation in termination of facial vein - a rare case report Shilpa Bathla, Ritu Singroha, S.K. Srivastava Department of Anatomy, Pt. B.D.Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak-124001, Haryana (India) SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Despite the fact that the blueprint of the Deviation from the normal pattern in the whole body is unraveled, faultlessly during vascular system is a common feature, and it is the growth and development of an animal; more common in the veins than in the arteries amazing variations do occur. During routine (Hollinshead, 1982). The complex embry- dissection of head and neck in our Department ological development of the vascular system of Anatomy, an unusual drainage pattern of often results in a myriad of clinically relevant the facial vein on the left side of the face of a anatomical variations and anomalies. Usually, middle aged male cadaver was observed. The the facial vein begins at the medial angle of facial vein presented a normal course from its the eye as the angular vein, by the union of the origin up to the base of mandible, and then it supra-trochlear and the supra-orbital veins. crossed the base of the mandible posterior to The superficial temporal vein unites with the the facial artery. Thereafter, it bifurcated with maxillary vein to form the retromandibular one limb terminating into the anterior jugular vein. The retromandibular vein divides into the anterior and the posterior divisions within vein and another into the external jugular the substance of the parotid gland. The ante- vein. In addition to that, we also noticed a rior division joins with the facial vein to form variation in the formation of the external the common facial vein and it drains into the jugular vein on the same side, which was internal jugular vein. The posterior division, formed by the anterior and posterior divisions after union with the posterior auricular vein, of the retromandibular vein and the posterior continues as the external jugular vein which auricular vein. Sound anatomic knowledge of drains into the subclavian vein (Standring, the variations in the veins of the head and the 2006). neck is essential to the success of surgical pro- Knowledge of the variations of the superfi- cedures in this region. cial veins of the head and neck is important to surgeons as these veins may be used as patches Key words: Anatomical variation – Facial for carotid endarterectomy and for oral recon- vein – External jugular vein – Retromandibu- struction surgeries, where facial vein is often lar vein – Posterior auricular vein needed for microvascular anastomosis Corresponding author: Dr. Ritu Singroha. Dept. of Anatomy, Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS Rohtak, H. No. 39, Submitted: July 5, 2012 Sector-4, Rohtak-124001, Haryana (India). Phone: 09034377847. Accepted: September 3, 2012 E-mail: [email protected] 212 Shilpa Bathla, Ritu Singroha, S.K. Srivastava (Sabharwal and Mukerjee, 1998). The external tion of mandibular condylar fractures jugular vein is increasingly being utilized for (Kawakami et al., 1994). The vein and its cannulation to conduct diagnostic procedures tributaries have to be identified and ligated or intravenous therapies (Gupta et al., 2003). during surgeries to prevent excessive bleed- The external jugular vein is easier to visualize ing. than the internal jugular vein and may give a Variation in the drainage pattern of the reliable estimate of central venous pressure. veins of the neck and face has been reported Permanent catheterization for haemodialysis earlier (Choudhry et al., 1997; Kopuz et al., via is a simple procedure without any severe 1995; Peuker et al., 2001). The present article complications (Skandalos et al., 2005). In reports the case of anatomical variation in the addition, the retromandibular vein is used as a termination of the facial vein and the forma- guide to expose the facial nerve branches in tion of the external jugular vein on the left superficial parotidectomy and in open reduc- side of a cadaver during dissection. Figure 1. Dissection of the left side of the face and neck showing the facial vein and external jugular vein. FV: Facial vein, Ad RMV: Anterior division of retromandibular vein, Pd RMV: Posterior division of retromandibular vein, EJV: External jugular vein, PAV: Posterior auricular vein, AJV: Anterior jugular vein, SCV: Subclavian vein. 213 Variation in termination of facial vein - a rare case report CASE REPORT et al. (2010) found an undivided retro- mandibular vein which continued as the During routine dissection of head and neck external jugular vein with the facial vein for undergraduate students, a variation was draining into it. Although some cases of facial noticed on the left side in a middle-aged male vein draining into the external jugular vein cadaver. The facial vein presented a normal have been reported, no connection of the facial course from its origin up to the base of vein with the anterior jugular vein was mandible, and then it crossed the base of the noticed in any of these cases, and, moreover, mandible posterior to the facial artery. the mode of formation of the external jugular Thereafter, it bifurcated with one limb termi- vein was either normal or a continuation of the nating into the anterior jugular vein and undivided retromandibular vein. another into external jugular vein. The level of Pikkieff (1937), based on the study of 96 drainage of facial vein into the external jugu- subjects, gave accurate numerical data con- lar vein is just 4 cm. prior to the termination cerning the frequency of variation in course of external jugular vein into the subclavian and direction, branches and their anastomoses, vein. In addition to that, we also noticed a of the subcutaneous veins of the neck. He variation in the formation of the external found that vena facialis anterior drains into the jugular vein on the same side, which was anterior jugular vein in 15.1% cases and into formed by the anterior and posterior divisions the external jugular vein in 12% cases. of the retromandibular vein and the posterior auricular vein. The common facial vein was Deslaugiers et al. (1994) defined a certain absent (Fig. 1). The venous drainage pattern number of notions concerning the afferent on the right side of the face and neck was veins, the mode of termination and the valvu- found to be normal. There were no other lar system of the external jugular vein. They notable variations in the cadaver. found transverse cervical vein in 88% cases; the suprascapular vein in 47% cases; the ante- rior jugular vein in 46% cases and the cervical DISCUSSION vein or anastomosis with the latter in 13% cases. In 60% cases, the external jugular vein Deviations from the normal pattern in the drained into the jugulo-subclavian venous venous system are quite common. Like most confluence; in 36% cases, into the subclavian superficial veins, the external veins of the head vein at a distance from its junction with the and neck are subject to variations in their internal jugular vein and in 4% cases in to the morphology, size and termination. The veins trunk of the internal jugular vein. draining the regions of the head and neck The available literature does not depict establish their identity only after the develop- such type of variation in which anterior and ment of the skull. The external jugular vein posterior divisions of the retromandibular arises as a secondary channel from a capillary vein joined the posterior auricular vein to plexus derived from a tributary of cephalic form the external jugular vein. Moreover, the vein, from the tissues of the neck and anasto- termination of the facial vein into both exter- moses secondarily with the facial vein nal jugular vein and anterior jugular vein (Standring, 2006). makes it a rare special case. The variation of In the present study, we noticed that the the external jugular vein and its tributaries are facial vein on the left side was terminated into of great importance since this subcutaneous the anterior jugular vein, as well as into the vein has many clinical applications in recon- external jugular vein. The retromandibular structive microsurgeries and diagnostic proce- vein divided into anterior and posterior divi- dures. Any malformation and variations of sions, which reunited and joined the posterior veins of the head and neck should be kept in auricular vein to form the external jugular mind preoperatively, as this helps surgeons to vein. 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