Radio Georgia Directory of gen mgr. opns dir & progmg dir; Edith WNGC(FM) -Co -owned with WGAU(AM). May 1948: & prom mgr; Diane Rich, sls dir; Jude Pago, progmg dir Bemelmans. Bonde, prom mgr; Brian Smith, mus dir; Bruce Dartin, 95.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,268 ft. TL: N34 05 02 W83 19 & news dir, George Pass, chief engr. news dir; Bill Burson, engrg mgr; John Davis, chief engr. 18. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Prog sep from AM. Net: NBC. WAFS(AM) -Mar 17, 1922: 920 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N. 25 -54; blue collarto execu- Format: Country. Target aud: TL: N33 48 35 W84 21 23. Suite 600, 1447 Peachtree WJZF(FM) -See La Grange. lovers. Spec prog: Univ. of GA tive, modern country mus St. N.E. (30309). (404) 888 -0920. FAX: (404) 872-1312. WKHX(AM)-July 1, 1938: 590 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. TL: sports/Atlanta Falcons football, gospel 2 hrs wkly. Licensee: Moody Bible Institute of Chicago (group mus dir. N33 4934 W84 18 56 (CP: 4.5 kw -N, DA -2). 6th Fl., 210 Sabrina Gibbons, progmg dir; K.B. Travis, 8-18-89; $2.3 million; FTR 9-5-89). Net: owner; acq Interstate N. (30339). (404) 955-0101. FAX: (404) 953- Rates: $60; 45; 50; 35. Format: Relg. News staff one; news Moody, USA, AP. 4612. Licensee: Capital Cities/ABC Communications 6 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Dr. Joseph WMSL(FM)- October 1987: 88.9 mhz; 1.35 kw. Ant progmg Inc. Group owner. Capital Cities/ABC Broadcast Group 24. Stowell, pres; Dennis Shere, sr vp; Robert Neff, vp; Ray 328 ft. TL: N33 54 25 W83 29 35. Stereo. Hrs opn: (acq 5- 17.85; $6.85 million; FTR 6-3-85). Rep: Katz. For- Hashley, stn mgr, Mary Joe Nkeiser, news dir; Robert Box 1608 (30603); 585 Prince Ave. (30603). (706) 549- mat: Real country. Target aud: 35-64; general. Norman Lipscomb, chief engr. 8900. FAX: (706) 549 -8000. Licensee: Prince Avenue Schnitt, pres & gen mgr; Neil McGinley, opns mgr & Christian School. Net: USA, Moody. Wash atty: Haley, mgr; Andy WALR(AM) -Nov 20, 1965: 1340 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N33 progmg dir; Diane Dalton Verzijl, gen sls Istngg News Bader & Potts. Format: Christian easy 44 56 W84 24 26. Hrs opn: 24. 209 CNN Ctr. (30303). Guzman, prom dir; Johnny Gray, mus dir; Deborah progmg 11 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25.54; General.James (404) 688 -0068. FAX: (770) 688 -4262. Licensee: Allied Richards, news dir; Bill Massey, chief engr. opns dir, news Hutto, gen mgr& musdir, Blake Thornton, Media of Georgia (acq 11- 14.90; grpsl; FTR 12- 3 -90). engr. WKHX- FM- (Manetta). November 1960:101.5 mhz; 99 dir & pub affrs dir, Dan Davis, chief Format: Urban contemp. News staff 2; news progmg 10 kw. Ant 968 ft. TL: N33 4827 W84 2026. Stereo. Hrs opn: hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-64; Black adults. David Dickey, WNGC(FM) -Listing follows WGAU(AM). 24. Licensee: Capital Cities/ABC Inc. (group owner; acq gen mgr; Ted Ronneberger, chief engr. WPUP(FM) -(Royston). Dec 1,1988:103.7 mhz: 25 kw. 11.81). Net: ABC. Format: Country. News staff one. Tar- -U, DA -N. natl sls mgr. Ant 328 ft. TL: N34 14 13 W83 16 03. Stereo. Hrs opn: WAOK(AM)-Mar 15, 1954: 1380 khz; 5 kw get aud: 25 -54. Patrick Gleeson, Athens (30605). (706) 549- TL: N334536 W842845 (CP: 4.2 kw -N). BIdg.400, Suite 24. 255 S. Milledge Ave., WKLS(FM) -Dec 2, 1960: 96.1 mhz; 99 kw. Ant 984 ft. Athena Broad- 800, 1201 Peachtree St., ColonySq. (30308). (404) 898- 6222. FAX: (706) 353.1967. Licensee: 48 27 W84 20 26. Stereo. Suite 1200, 1800 GC! Atlanta II Inc. TL: N33 1 CHR, 8900. FAX: (404)898-8915. Licensee: casting (acq -1 -90; $700,000). Format: Century Blvd. (30345). (404) 325-0960. FAX: (404) 325- Target aud: 18- Group owner: Granum Communications Inc. Rep: alternative rock, new rock. News staff 2. 8715. Licensee: Citicasters Inc. (group owner). Net: Irby, stn mgr; McGavren Guild. Format: Gospel. Target aud: 25 -54. 24. Hugh Christian, pres & gen mgr, Julie NBC the Source. Rep: Katz, Banner. Format: AOR. Proffitt, progmg dir; Herb McCord, CEO & pres; Rick Mack, vp & gen mgr; Sandy Gwyn, gen sls mgr; Anthony News staff one. Target aud: 18-34; primarily mate. Tom Glenn Way, gen sls mgr; Beth Menefee, natl sls mgr; Joe Brian Thomas, mus dir. Connolly, pres & gen mgr, Alan Rothenberg, gen sls mgr; Libios, prom mgr; Connie Flint, progmg dir; Lenair Hol- Pat Ervin, prom dir, Michael Hughes, progmg dir, Beth WRFC(AM)-May 1, 1948: 960 khz; 5 kw -D, 2.5 kw -N, ton, mus dir; Felicia Church, news dir; Sidney Daniels, 24. Kepple, mus dir & news dir; Kevin Zepplin, pub affrs dir; DA -N. TL: N33 59 58 W83 26 00. Stereo. Hrs opn: chief engr. 255 S. Milledge Ave. (30605 -1045). (706) 549-6222. Bob Helbush, chief engr. 1948: FAX: (706)353-1967. Licensee: AM 96 Inc. (acq 10-6-93; WVEE(FM) -Co -owned with WAOK(AM). July 1, 45 20 WNIV(AM) -1948: 970 khz; 5 kw -D, 39 w -N. TL: N33 48 10- 25 -93). Net; ABC /I, CBS. Format: News/talk, 103.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,022 ff. TL: N33 35 W84 FTR 35 W84 21 14.2970 Peachtree Rd. N.W. (30305). (404) 10 hrs wkly. Target 07. Stereo. Format: Urban contemp. Target aud: 18 -49. sports. News staff 3: news progmg (404) 816 -0748. Licensee: Genesis Tony Brown, progmg dir. 365-0970. FAX: aud: 25 -54; community -minded adults. Spec prog: Black Communications Inc. (group owner; acq 5-88: pres & gen mgr; Sandy 15 hrs wkly. Hugh Christian, WATB(AM) -See Cumming. $630,000). Net: CBN. Format: Relg, talk. Newsstaff one; Alexander, progmg dir & pub Gwyn, gen sls mgr; Chester news progmg 4 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-49. Bruce Scott, news dir; Steve Splitt, chief engr. WCLK(FM) -Apr 10, 1974: 91.9 mhz; 2.5 kw. Ant 300 affrs dir; Michelle Maduri, CEO & pres; Robert F. Sterling Ill, CFO; Bob 12; 14; 12. ft. TL: N33 44 56 W84 24 26. Stereo. 111 James P. Rates: $14; Dunker, gen mgr, Ron Theus, vp opns & progmg dir; Brawley Dr. S.W. (30314). (404) 880-8273; (404) 880- mhz; 3 kw. Ant 328 ft. Darlene Chappel, prom dir, John Young, mus dir; Susan WUGA(FM) -Aug 28, 1987: 91.7 8278. FAX: (404)880-8869. Licensee: Clark Atlanta Uni- 14 6 kw). Stereo. Hrs opn: King, news dir; Tom Taylor, chief engr. TL: N33 5513 W83 46 (CP: versity. Net: NPR, PRI. Format: Jazz. Target aud: 25 -49. for Continuing Ed. (30602). (706) 542 -9842. 24. Ga. Ctr. Spec prog: Gospel 17 hrs, reggae 3 hrs, blues 3 hrs, WNNX(FM) -November 1963: 99.7 mhz: 100 kw. Ant 542 -6718. Licensee: Georgia Public Tele- FAX: (706) oldies 3 hrs wkly. Dr. Thomas W. Cole Jr., pres; John ft. TL: N33 46 57 W84 23 20. Stereo. Suite 500, Commission. Net: PRI, AP, NPR; 1,032 communications Hughes, gen mgr; Wendy Williams, stn mgr; Willis Perry, 3405 Piedmont Rd. N.E. (30305). (404) 266 -0997. FAX: Public Radio. Format: Class, jazz, news. Peach State opns mgr; Amy Wright, dev mgr; Sheila Tenney, mktg (404) 364 -5855. Licensee: Susquehanna Radio Corp. aud: General. Spec prog: Folk 6 News staff one. Target mgr; Ben Fagan, progmg dir. (group owner: acq 2-28-74). Rep: Major Mkt. Format: 10 hrs. drama 6 hrs, children 4 hrs wkly. hrs, new age Modem rock. News staff one. Target aud: 18-49; trend- Richard E. Ottinger, pres; Gene Craven, gen mgr & WCNN(AM) -(North Atlanta). Dec 4, 1967: 680 khz; 60 setting young adults. Mark Renier, gen mgr, Reed Hag- Kim Cretors, prom mgr; Robb Holmes, mus kw-D, 10 kw -N, DA -2. TL: N335742 W84 15 48. Hrs opn: progmg dir; gard, gen sls mgr; Joan Marshall, prom mgr; Brian news dir; Phil Allen, chief engr. 24. 1601 W. Peachtree St., Atlanta (30309). (404) 688- dir; Mary Kay Mitchell, Philips, progmg dir; Sean Demory, mus dir, Vic Jester, 0068. FAX: (404) 897 -7363. Licensee: Ring Radio Co. 16, 90.5 mhz; 9.5 kw. Ant 180 chief engr. WUOG(FM) -Oct 1972: (acq 6-15-81). Net: Unistar, CNN. Rep: Banner. Format: kw, 179 ft., TL: ft. TL: N33 57 00 W83 22 02 (CP: 26 ant News, sports. News staff 4; news progmg 130 hrs wkly. follows 2065, WPCH(FM)- Listing WGST(AM). N33 56 59 W83 22 58). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box Jim Prain, gen mgr; Greg Maceri, opns mgr; Bill O'Mal- Hall, 5th Fl. (30602). (706) 1 kw -N, Tate Student Ctr., Memorial ley, pub affrs dir; John Talbert, chief engr. WOXI(AM) -October 1947: 790 khz; 5 kw -D, 542 -7100: (706) 542-6396. FAX: (706) 542 -0351. Licen- DA -N. TL: N334842 W84 21 13. Stereo. 3350 Peachtree see: University of Georgia. Net: Ga. Net. Format: Progsv. WFOM(AM)-See Marietta. Rd. N.E. (30326); One Capital City Plaza (30326). (404) news 4 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -25; Pi- News staff 3; progmg WFTD(AM) -See Marietta. 261 -2970. FAX: (404) 365 -9026. Licensee: Jefferson students & faculty of Univ. of Georgia & Athens area lot Communications Co. (group owner, acq 3- 1 -74). Net: residents. Spec prog; Folk 2 hrs, jazz 6 hrs, dance /rap 4 WGKA(AM)-Sept 1, 1955: 1190 khz; 10 kw -D.
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