227. INFANTERIE-DIVISION - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1939/02/02 Duesseldorf, Wehrkreis VI Activation of 227.ID (3.Welle) by conversion of 227.LdwD, training 1939/08/25 Wehrkreis VI Operational readiness C.O.: Gcn.Maj. Friedrich Zickwolff, 1939/09/01-1941/04/12 1939/09/05 Bitburg, Trier Transfer, border security, training 1939/10/25 Muenster, Duelmcn, Wesel, Movement, preparations for the invasion Emmerich, Rheine, GoesfeId, of the Low Countries Ahaus (source: Potsdam catalog and situation maps of Lage West) 1940/05/01 Ahaus Assembly Subordinate to: AK 10, 1940/01/01-1940/05/22 1940/05/10 Haakshergen, Zutphen, Deventer, Invasion of the Netherlands, AOK 18, 1940/05/23 Zwolle, Utrecht, Leiden, offensive engagements, AK 26, 1940/05/24-1940/05/25 Katwijk aan Zee, security duty, AOK 18, 1940/05/26-1940/05/27 Rotterdam, Dordrecht assembly AK 9, 1940/05/27-1940/05/28 1940/05/20 Antwerp, Leopold Canal, Ghent, Movement into Belgium, AOK 18, 1940/05/29-1940/06/10 Lys River, Roulers, Thielt security operations 1940/06/08 Izegem, Belgium, Lille, France Assembly, AK 3 zbV, 1940/06/11-1940/06/15 Arras, Amiens movement AK 1 zbV, 1940/06/15 HGr. B, 1940/06/16 1940/07/01 Le Havre, Fecamp, Dieppe, Somme Coastal defense, security duty, AK 32 Hoeh.Kdo., 1940/06/17-1941/06/01 River, Le Treport, regrouping, training Saint-Valery-en-Caux 1941/05/28 Maubeuge, Douai, Valenciennes, Occupation and security duty, C.O.: Gen.Lt. Friedrich von Scotti, 1941/04/12-1943/06/07 Cambrai, France, Charleroi, Mons, regrouping, training Subordinate to: AK 37 Hoeh.Kdo., 1941/06/01-1941/09/27 Soignies, Tournai, Belgium 1941/10/01 Gatchina, Soviet Union via Lyck Trans fer HGr. Nord, 1941/10/01-1941/10/05 (Elk), Kaunas, Pskov, Luga AK 1, 1941/10/05-1940/10/08 1941/10/08 Mga via Lisino, Tosno, Shapki Movement AK 39 Pz, 1941/10/08-1941/10/13 1941/10/14 Mga, Gaytolovo, Sinyavino, Lipka, Defensive and assault operations, AK 1, 1941/10/13-1941/12/01 Lake Ladoga, Petrokrepost coastal defense, regrouping AK 28, 1941/12/01-1942/05/09 www.maparchive.ru [email protected] DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1942/08/02 Gorodok, Petrokrepost, Lake Ladoga, Defensive and assault operations, AK 26, 1942/05/10-1943/01/29 Lipka, Dubrovka coastal defense First Ladoga battle, 27 Aug-15 Oct 1942 C.O.: Gen.Maj. Theodor Fischer, mFb, 1942/07/31-1942/09/05 1943/01/12 Petrokrepost, Lake Ladoga, Lipka, Defensive and assault operations, Sinyavino, Gaytolovo, Second Ladoga battle, 12 Jan-5 Apr 1943 Staroladozhskiy Canal 1943/01/19 Kirsino, Chudovo Movement, rehabilitation Subordinate to: AK 28, 1943/01/30-1943/02/12 1943/02/14 Volkhov and Polist Pavers, Defensive and assault operations, AK 1, 1943/02/13-1943/09/14 Chudovo, Gruzino Third Ladoga battle, 22 Jul-24 Sep 1943 1943/09/26 Mga, Gaytolovo, Sinyavino Defensive and assault operations C.O.: Cen.Lt. Wilhelm Berlin, 1943/06/07-1944/07/10 1943/12/31 Withdrawal to and defense of the Subordinate to: AK 28, 1943/09/15-1943/09/25 Mga position AK 26, 1943/09/26-1943/12/31 Records of the 227.ID are reproduced on rolls 1699-1710 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history. Although no records of this division dated later than 1943/12/31 were available in the National Archives, situation maps of Lage Ost (where the division appears alternately as Kampfgruppe 227) show: 1944/01/01 Mga, C-atchina, Volosovo, Defensive operations in A A /m /on vi^~i ~~~~ M~~, .,> r\i *• MM r~v* *v«***«s%«t •#• •*» «» »«-k*vB**«« *• r* J..-»T-T/ wx/ t.\j I\J.H>^JLOC|_/P , iifij. vn l'±CI ^11 k-.Cl^CIIHJI I \. HHt WHICH \. 3 1944/05/11 North of Lake Peipus Movements, defensive operations 1944/07/23 Aluksne, Madona, Tirza, Smiltene, Withdrawal, defensive operations C.O.: C-en.Maj. Maximilian '.Vengler, mFb, 1944/07/10-1944/10/01 Riga, Tukums, Saldus, Latvia (source: general officer personnel files) 1945/01/23 Libau (Liepaja), Danzig Transfer by ship 1945/02/01 Tuchola, Chojnice, Koscierzyna Withdrawal, defensive operations 1945/03/24 Sopot, Poland Probably captured Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S. Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain references to the 227.ID as follows: Leningrad area: NS D-280 (F:insatz der 227. Infanterie-Division im Flaschenhals der Ladogafront, Herbst 1941 bis Fruehjahr 1943) by Gen.Lt. Friedrich von Scotti and P-143d-14 (Selected Regimental (Kampfgruppen) operations on the eastern front, Jan 1943, Ausbruch aus dem Kessel,Gren.Rgt. 328) by Gen.Lt. Rudolf Sperl, www.maparchive.ru [email protected] 46 227. INFANTERIE-DIVISTON CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST FBAME la, KTB 2. Training and preparations for the invasion 194 0/01 /3 1-1940/Gb/30 227.ID Wf>123/1 1699 1 of the Netherlands in the Muenster, Duelmen, Wesel, Emmerich, Rheine, Coesfeld, and Ahaus areas, 1 Jan-30 Apr 1940; assembly and invasion in the Ahaus and Haaksbergen areas; movement to and offensive engagements in the Zutphen, Deventer, and Zwolle areas, 11-14 May; collapse of the Grebbe line on 14 May; movement via Ni~jkerk to secure the Utrecht, Leiden, Katwi-jk aan Zee line; capture of Rotterdam; assembly; movement by ship to north of Antwerp, 20-23 May; crossing and securing the Leopold Canal in the Terneuzen and '•Jatervliet areas; movement via Ghent to secure the Lys Eiver bridges in the Roulers and Thielt araas; assembly in Izegem, Belgium and Lille, France, movement to Amiens via Arras; and relief of the 57. ID in the Somme and Seine Rivers area, la, Anlage A1 zum KTB 2. Orders, reports, and messages 1940/03/25-1940/05/22 227.10 H6123/2 1699 35 pertaining to training, invasion of the Netherlands, 10 May 1940, movements, offensive engagements, security activity, and the surrender of the Netherlands Armed Forces, 15 May 1940. A casualty report, special directives concerning signal communications, and-an afteraction critigue relating to the battles along the Ijssel River and Grebbe lines, 10-15 May 1940. (There is no indication that KTB 1 mit Anlagen for the period 25 Aug-30 Dec 1939, record items W77a-b as listed in tha Potsdam catalog, were ever in National Archives custody.) la, Anlage A2 zum KTB 2. Orders, reports, messages, 1940/05/23-1940/06/30 227. ID W6123/3 1699 2'43 and maps pertaining to transfer by ship to north of Antwerp, movements, offensive engagements, security activity, collecting prisoners of war and booty, surrender of the Belgian Army, 28 May 1940, movement to and coastal defense in the area between the Somme and Seine Rivers, and control of refugees in northeastern www.maparchive.ru [email protected] 227. INFANTERIE-DIVISION CONTENTS DATES ITRM NO. ROLL 1ST FBAME France, 8-30 Jun 1940. la, Anlage D zum KTB 2. Radio messages concerning 1940/05/10-1940/05/14 227. TD 36123/6 1599 430 offensive activity of Schnelle Gruppe Mitte. la, Anlage E zum KTB 2. Radio messages relating to 1940/05/10-1940/35/17 227. ID W6123/7 1699 431 offensive actions of Schnelle Gruppe Sued. Id, Anlage F zum KTB 2, Panzerzuege 3 und 4. Reports 1940/02/10-1940/05/10 227. ID H6123/8 1599 525 relating to activities and progress of armored trains, la, Anlage G zum KTB 2, IR 328. Radio messages 1940/05/10-1940/0b/30 227. ID rf6 1699 534 concerning movements, combat and security activity, collecting prisoners of war and booty, and coastal defense by IR 328. la, Anlage H zum KTB 2. Radio messages concerning 1940/05/13-1940/06/30 227. TD H6123/10 1700 movements, combat and security activity, collecting prisoners of war and booty, and coastal defense by IP 366. la, Anlage I zum KTB 2. Radio messages concerning 194 0/05/1 0-19 40/06/30 227.10 W6123/11 1730 116 movements, combat and security activity, collecting prisoners of war, and coastal defense by IR 412. la, Anlage K zum KTB 2. Radio messages, reports, and 1940/05/10-1940/06/30 227. ID #6123/12 1700 279 maps pertaining to the activities of AR 227, 256, and 697. la, Anlage L zura KTB 2. Radio messages and reports of 1940/05/14-1940/06/30 227. ID S6123/13 1730 351 Radf.Btl. 227 concerning its movements, combat and security activity, occupation duty, exploitation of the French economy, especially for motor fuel, and training, la, Anlage H zum KTB 2. Radio messages and reports 1940/05/1 1-1940/06/30 227. ID H6123/14 1733 538 concerning the activities of Pi.Btl. 227 and Brueko (Br ueckenkolonne) 227. la, Anlage N zum KTB 2. Radio messages, reports, and 1940/05/17-1940/06/30 227. ID H6123/15 1700 635 maps concerning the activities of Pz.Jg.Abt. 227. la, Anlage 0 zum KTB 2. Radio messages and reports 1940/02/01- 1940/06/12 227. ID W6123/16 1700 730 concerning the activities of Nachr.Abt. 227 and Feld.Ers.Btl. 227. la, Anlage P zum KTB 2, Denkschrift ueber Holland. A 1939/11/23-1940/05/03 227. ID W6123/17 1730 318 www.maparchive.ru [email protected] 227. INFANTERIE-DIVISION CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST ?K&ME manuscript with maps concerning geographic, economic, military, armament, communications, and defense data relating to the Netherlands.
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