Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 6-8-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1962). Winona Daily News. 293. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/293 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Showers Tonight, Ending Saturday; A Little Cooler Andersen Says V >._ If i?S^Sf^ *&m ¦ > ^HB|jB^ 'f v> - * -¦ Hell Run as ,^^^B^.y I Kennedy Pushes t ^^^^ Hu ^HH^^^^^^^Hfl Independent ^^^K^-_-B'_---K <^_----_ 4_^^Si^H^^^^^^^^^ I MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Dele- , ^__________H_f^____Hf^._^_________________r<. »<•*« gates to thie slate Republican , con- _^^^HS_l__^H9«3l^^^^B ^ 1 vention knuckled ' down to the se- j ^^^^^^ BBH ^^Hr * rious business today, but with the 6th District congressional race 5-Point Tax Plan overhanging the deliberations. Announcement by Congressman , , HBL*** Includes Cuts H.. Cart Andersen Tyler that he ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Doctor Sought Litterbug would not seek the GOP nomi- Gets nation, but would run instead as an independent in the general <i-^^nnninMM election/ led to a decision at a Set to Begin 6th District caucus to call a spe- In Murder of ¦ . Clean-Up Order cial endorsing convention. - . - . ' ' *, servmi ELLSWORTH, Wis. - The $25 for depositing debris on a Rep.; . Andersen, veteran of :24 Minnesota State; Conservation Department public highway. The judge or- Next January years service in Congress, has New York Girl said Thursday Floyd N. ;John- dered Johnson to pick up beer been linked with Billie Sol Estes. * By WHITNEY SHOEMAKER NEW YORK (AP) — A police son, 35, Red Wing,Minn.-, had cans and other debris from¦ . WASHINGTON /AP)-President His decision to run as an inde- in U.S. a h abit of throwing beer cans both sides of U . S. Highway.'¦10 pendent came in the midst of: a tft* alarm spread to Canada and -Mex- Kennedy, pins his strategy for ico '.- in a search for a Queens out of the window of his c_r for VA miles. of "dump Andersen" y movement at over a . 30 . mile stretch of high- '•'- .'. the jiid ^e ordered $75 the prosperity on a v five-point tax the convention. Q»ftgre$$ physician after the dismembered way.. : .- . ' • ;. fine to be refunded when John- package that includes across-the- Eland Charles, Hancock, chair- body of a " girl was found in. the son has cleaned up the road. ¦ Pierce County Judge Paul A. board income .tax cuts starting man of the District , said he ex- sewer of his sumptuous home and The department called it an next January.. pects; to call a convention ot the Magdanz has ordered Johnson unusual sentence, Johnson was office. to . clean ujv part of the road or "There is no need for this coun- old district delegates before the forfeit $75. arrested , hy a warden who tes- e-nd 'of the month. "BLAC KOUT" FOR ANDERS EM. Backers men . The "blackout" was engineered after An- However, authorities fear he tified Johnson made the . trip try to stand helplessly by and The district has endorsed And- of State Rep, Robert Odegard pasted their can- dersen had sai d in Washington that he would may have fled to Cuba with which Jbhqspn has pleaded guilty from Red Wing; to Ellsworth watch a recovery run out of gas," ersen and it will be necessary to didate' stickers over the name and- face of Rep. , quit the GOP,. run for re-election in Minnesota's this country no longer has an ex- to two counts in the case. He about four times a week , drank Kennedy told his news conference ¦ ' s remove the endorsement. - H. Carl Andersen at the Republican state con- 6th District this fall as ah independent. (AP tradition treaty. paid a $100 fine for possession beer- along the route arid threw Thursday, . '. ¦" . of beer . in a moving car and empty cans on the highway. "We have a program to boost Charles read a telegram from vention in Minneapolis. Andersen was featured, . Photofax) The victim , identified as Bar- congress- it and . I hope that all those who Andersen announcing he would not ona large poster with five other GOP . bara Lo/rumento, 19, had been cut are concerned about (heir stocks he a candidate for the GOP nom- l up by scailpel and a power saw, or their profits or their jobs will inatidn but would qualify as an apparently after an abortion . help us get action on this pro- independent. Under state law An-] gram," he added. '. dersen needs 1, 000 signatures on ai "It must have taken him many, Tax Cat Wou ld petition. His name .would not ap- All-Day Battle many hours .'' Asst. Medical Ex- Thu* inviting publicysupport, in- pear on a primary ballot but only aminer John Furey said Thurs- cluding support from critics who election. M^ilSpisr^s contend administration policies in the fall day. : "¦ Charles told the district dele- Help Everyone upset the stock , market , Kennedy gates; that Andersen called him on , Seen in The : missing man, Or. Harvey urged Congress to get down to UN- By STERLING F. GREEN business quickly on his proposals, the phone . and said he ex pects -toj Lothringer , 41, disappeared last AP Economic Affairs Writer would) Fire . Tax talk highlighted the news win as an independent and " Bi^ldintis Sunday, some hou rs after the girl _ WASHINGTON W years from now — The tax cut proposed by President Kennedy conference in which Kenned y come back two j By ANDREW BOROWIEC was brought to his office by her for next Jan. 1 would have the stimulative effect of ai multi-billion snapped back at Republican , de- iand ask for the Republican nom- j Nevy fire attacks on government buildings Over Rhodesia ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ALGIERS i^l — and mother . dollar pay raise, for wage earners and a profits boost for industry. tractors and said he would take ination. " ' " . '. ' " > installations were expected today as the Secret Army Or- Kennedy economic . By WILLIAM H, OATIS With him now, authorities be- 's advisers are talking tentatively about a $5-billion net the stump for Democratic candi- Best bet to get the District en- : ganization pressed a scorched earth campaign in Algiers and Oran. reduction in the tax package, the President will ask Congress to ap- dates in Ihe November elections, ; State. Rep. Robert ; UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) lieve, is Theresa Carillo, 25, one- dorsement is Bent on wreaking vengeance as their fight to- block Algerian in- " prove, some think it . should be* He made clear the administra- Odegard, 41/ Princeton , / who . gotj —U.N. delegates foresaw an all- time airline hostess and the doc- dependence looked more and more hopeless, desperate European die- day battle in the General Assem- bigger, some don't want to lose] tion does hot intend to recommend a whopping reception from the" dis* nards turned to tne torcn in at- tor's receptionist-girl friend , who j bly's steering committee today also is missing. ' ' ¦' ¦ ' that much revenue. an immediate cut in income taxes. trict delegates. .'! tacks on symbols of France's de- \ . * . ' The President's decision may] But he ; said he will offer a tax over ah Asian-African ' .'.demand 1 Police- velopment . of the North Africaiy departments of Canada depend on how much of a boosted East Germans reform bill, providing ^ reductions: Dr. Ronald Barr, Montevideo that the assembly discuss white territory. and Mexico are on- the lookout for shot . the economy seems to heed in both personal' .and' , corporate mayor , who had been mentioned rule in the British territory of Lothringer. The Lothringer fam- income taxes^ effective Jan. 1, for as a possible candidate/ took him- Senate Yields Southern Rhodesia. by the time the massive tax re- Flames »M high over Oran — ily— the elder Lothringer is a re- form and reduction bill; goes to congressional action next year. self out of the picture and asked Algeria's second largest city — Indications were that , despite tired physician—has/ a hunting Details are beingyworked out, he the delegates to support Odegard. strenuous British o"bjections , the Congress late this session. Hijack Boat in . Thursday night after a booby- . lodge about 60 niiles north of said,; but . will result in a net State Sen. Stanley Holmqnist , trapped tank truck exploded and 21-nation committee would fe'e- Montreal. Police ' said, a sister, hot By that time the economic im- loss—the reductions "will riot be Grove City, brother-in-law of Gov. A tittle -tm spread flaming gasoline over a pmih'end that the assehibly take further identified , was thought to pact, if any, of the stock market' s wholly offset by other reforms.'" Elmer L, Andersen, told the Sixth new high school used as. a police up the issue at the session .which be in Mexico City. swooning spells and recoveries will DistricUcaucus he had been urged barracks. opened Thursday to debate inde- have shown up in the indexes of Freedom flight Kennedy conceded his goal of a by some friends to run but that Secret army commandos struck pendence for the Belgian trust ter- Miss Carillo is a Cuban -nation- production , income, sales and jobs. By GEORGE BQULTWOQD $570-billion gross national product, he is not interested. Foreign Aid almost simultaneously at a big ritory of Ruanda-Unmdi. al As hostess, her National- Air- the value of the nation 's output, Then a judgment can be made BERLIN (AP) a He said the 6th District has By ERNEST B.
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