Nature & Biodiversity LIFE PROJECTS 2012 LIFE Nature Environment Introduction to LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity 2012 LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity 2012: Commission funds 92 nature conservation and biodiversity projects in 24 countries with €139.3 million The European Commission has approved funding for 92 new nature conservation and biodiversity projects in 24 countries under the LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity programme 2012. These projects will tackle a wide range of problems affecting species, habitats and biodiversity in Europe. The projects are led by ‘beneficiaries’, or project promoters, based in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden and the UK. They represent a total investment of €247.4 million, of which the EU will provide some €139.3 million. LIFE Nature & Biodiversity in 2012 project proposals per year. LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversi- ty is one of three thematic components under the LIFE LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity projects aim to improve programme. The other two components, LIFE+ Envi- the conservation status of endangered species and ronment Policy & Bio¬diversity and LIFE+ Information habitats. Of the 258 proposals received under the & Communication, focus respectively on supporting 2012 call for proposals, the Commission selected 92 pilot projects that contribute to the development of projects for funding. These projects will be carried innovative policy ideas, technologies, methods and out by partnerships of conservation bodies, govern- instruments; and on disseminating information and ment authorities and other parties located across 24 raising the profile of environmental issues, or provid- Member States. In total, they represent an investment ing training and awareness-raising for the prevention of €247.4 million, of which the EU will provide some of forest fires. €139.3 million. The majority (82) are Nature projects, contributing to the implementation of the Birds Directive and/or the Habitats Directive and the Natura 2000 network. The other 10 are Biodiversity projects, a LIFE+ project cat- egory for pilot initiatives that tackle wider biodiversity issues. The total amount invested in Biodiversity pro- jects will be €24.2 million. Background LIFE is the EU’s financial instrument to support envi- ronment and nature conservation projects throughout More information on each LIFE+ project is available at: the EU, and in certain non-EU countries. Since 1992, http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/project/Projects/ index.cfm LIFE has co-financed some 3 900 projects, contrib- uting approximately €3.1 billion to the protection of Contact details for the relevant national authorities the environment. LIFE+ is the European financial in- can be found at: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/ strument for the environment with a total budget of contact/national-contact/index.htm €2 143 billion for the period 2007-2013. During this period, the Commission is launching one call for LIFE+ Index of Nature & Biodiversity projects selected in 2012 Location Project number Title of project AUSTRIA LIFE12 BIO/AT/000143 Reason for Hope - Reintroduction of Northern Bald Ibis in LIFE Northern Bald Ibis Europe LIFE12 NAT/AT/000321 Natural wood lands, bogs and habitat network around LIFE Ausseerland Aussee BELGIUM LIFE12 NAT/BE/000166 Restoration of natural habitats for critically endangered Life - OZON species by defragmentation of the Sonian Forest LIFE12 NAT/BE/000252 Grassland restoration in the East Coast polders LIFE Oostkustpolders LIFE12 NAT/BE/000438 Grote NeteWoud: wilderness on a human scale LIFE Grote NeteWoud LIFE12 NAT/BE/000596 Habitat Restoration of alluvial forests and creeks within LIFE+SCALLUVIA the flood controlled Scheldt estuary site Kruibeke-Bazel- Rupelmonde LIFE12 NAT/BE/000631 FLemish And North-French Dunes REstoration Life FLANDRE LIFE12 NAT/BE/001098 To get heath restored Life Together BULGARIA LIFE12 NAT/BG/000572 Enhance conservation of globally threatened imperial LIFE for safe grid eagle in Bulgaria by reducing mortality caused by power lines LIFE12 NAT/BG/001011 Conservation and restoration of rheophilic fish species LIFE FREE FISH and their migratory routes in key SCIs in Bulgaria LIFE12 NAT/BG/001218 Preserve Key Forest Habitats of the lesser spotted eagle LIFE for Eagle’s Forest (Aquila pomarina) in Bulgaria CYPRUS LIFE12 NAT/CY/000758 Improving the conservation status of the priority habitat LIFE-RIZOELIA types *1520 and *5220 in Rizoelia National Forest Park CZECH REPUBLIC LIFE12 ENV/CZ/000629 Preservation of species-rich Nardus grasslands in pSCI LIFE Beskydy Beskydy DENMARK LIFE12 NAT/DK/000183 Raised Bog Restoration in Eastern Denmark LIFE: Eastern Bogs LIFE12 NAT/DK/000803 Restoration of Wet Habitats in the Jerup Beach Ridge Plain LIFE WETHAB LIFE12 NAT/DK/001073 Restoration of Danish Coastal Habitats REDCOHA-LIFE ESTONIA LIFE12 NAT/EE/000860 Conservation and restoration of petrifying spring habitats LIFE Springday (code *7220) in Estonia LIFE12 NAT/EE/000871 Restoring the integrity of fresh water habitats in Alam- LIFE HAPPYRIVER Pedja Natura 2000 area – bringing the River Laeva back to life FINLAND LIFE12 NAT/FI/000367 Safeguarding the Saimaa ringed seal LIFE Saimaa seal Location Project number Title of project FRANCE LIFE12 NAT/FR/000107 Integrated habitat management for birds of Community LIFE des Alpilles interest in the Alpilles area LIFE12 NAT/FR/000538 Networking nesting habitats along the French Mediter- LIFE+ ENVOLL ranean coastline for conservation of colonial Charadrii- formes LIFE12 BIO/FR/000979 Alsace Life hamSTER: Demonstration project to preserve LIFE FRENCH BIODIVERSITY European biodiversity in Alsace ALISTER GERMANY LIFE12 NAT/DE/000091 Heathland alliance: Biodiversity and habitat network in LIFE Heide-Allianz Nördlinger Ries and in the Wörnitz Valley LIFE12 NAT/DE/000093 Bogs, flowing waters and nardus grasslands in the Bavar- LIFE+Nationalpark BayWald ian Forest National Park LIFE12 NAT/DE/000133 Rhine bend in Orsoy in the bird sanctuary “Lower Rhine Life Orsoyer Rheinbogen Area” LIFE12 NAT/DE/000136 Conservation and restoration of raised bogs in southern LIFE-Projekt Egge Moore Egge mountains LIFE12 NAT/DE/000144 LIFE sand grasslands in the area Dahme-Seengebiet LIFE Sandrasen GREECE LIFE12 NAT/GR/000275 Sustainable management and financing of wetland biodi- LIFE-Stymfalia versity – The case of Lake Stymfalia LIFE12 NAT/GR/000539 Restoration and Conservation of Priority Habitat Type LIFE JunEx *9562 Grecian Juniper Woods in Prespa National Park LIFE12 BIO/GR/000554 Good practices to minimize impacts of wind farms on bio- LIFE WINDFARMS & diversity in Greece WILDLIFE LIFE12 NAT/GR/000688 CYCLADES: “Integrated monk seal conservation in North- CYCLADES Life ern Cyclades” LIFE12 NAT/GR/000784 Conservation actions for improving conditions of human- LIFE ARCPIN bear coexistence in Northern Pindos HUNGARY LIFE12 NAT/HU/000593 Restoration and conservation of Alluvial forests with Alnus KASZO-LIFE glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior in Kaszo LIFE12 NAT/HU/001028 Conservation of dry grasslands in Central Hungary HUGRASSLANDSLIFE LIFE12 NAT/HU/001188 Restoration of Pannonic sodic wetlands in the Kiskunság LIFE sodic wetlands IRELAND LIFE12 NAT/IE/000995 The sustainable management of the priority Habitats Di- LIFE Aran rective Annex 1 habitats of the Aran Islands ITALY LIFE12 BIO/IT/000213 Control and eradication of the invasive exotic plant spe- LIFE Alta Murgia cies Ailanthus altissima in the Alta Murgia National Park LIFE12 BIO/IT/000231 Development of an innovative and user-friendly indicator AQUALIFE system for biodiversity in groundwater dependent ecosys- tems LIFE12 NAT/IT/000370 SPIN Strategy for the Implementation of Natura 2000 in SPIN4LIFE Sicilia LIFE12 NAT/IT/000395 Ligurian Invasive Fauna Eradication pro indigenous Emys LIFEEMYS orbicularis restocking Location Project number Title of project ITALY LIFE12 NAT/IT/000416 Protection of the largest population of Puffinus yelkouan LIFE Puffinus Tavolara on Earth and containment and eradication of invasive al- ien species LIFE12 BIO/IT/000556 Techniques to reduce the impact of ghost fishing gear and LIFE Ghost to improve biodiversity in North Adriatic coastal areas LIFE12 NAT/IT/000807 Wolf in the alps: implementation of coordinated wolf con- LIFE WOLFALPS servation actions in core areas and beyond LIFE12 NAT/IT/000818 Semi-natural dry-grassland conservation and restoration LIFE Xero-grazing in Valle Susa through grazing LIFE12 NAT/IT/000937 Reduction of sea turtle mortality in commercial fisheries TARTALIFE LIFE12 NAT/IT/000940 Trout population RecOvery in central ITAly LIFE+TROTA LIFE12 NAT/IT/001052 Conservation of the last Italian peninsula population of LIFE+ Tetrax Tetrax tetrax LIFE12 NAT/IT/001122 An integrated approach to the conservation of intertidal LIFE VIMINE salt marshes in the Venice lagoon LIFE12 NAT/IT/001185 Land-And-Sea Actions for Conservation of Caretta Caret- LIFE Caretta Calabria ta in its most important Italian Nesting Ground (Ionian Calabria) LATVIA LIFE12 NAT/LV/000118 Restoration of Bittern habitats in two coastal lakes in Lat- LIFE COASTLAKE via LIFE12 NAT/LV/000509 Improving of the conservation status of specially protect- LIFE Birds in Adazi ed bird species in Natura 2000 site “Adazi” LIFE12 BIO/LV/001130 Alternative use of biomass for maintenance of grassland LIFE GRASSSERVICE biodiversity and ecosystem services LITHUANIA
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