Charity für Kinder in Not Mit ihrer großartigen Unterstützung können wir täglich Hilfe schenken! www.SOS-Kinderdorf.de/Charity If you enjoy www.victorianlondon.org why not ... Victorian London - Charities - list of charities see also Herbert Fry's Royal Guide to the London Charities (1917) - click here "The Charity for the Houseless Poor affords nightly shelter and sustenance to the absolutely destitute working- classes, who are suddenly thrown out of employment by inclement weather. The asylum accommodates 600 persons; the amount of relief afforded in night-lodging is one and a half millions, and in rations of bread over three and a half millions. "The charities for relief of specific distress comprehend one for accidents, two for widows, several for relief of small debtors, three for distressed sailors, one for Scotch, one for foreigners, two for French, one for Germans, one for Poles - making over seventeen, with an aggregate income of 30,000l., two-thirds of which are raised by annual subscriptions. The Jewish miscellaneous charities comprise over· twenty-five institutions, with an average income of about 12,000l. There are over twenty for the benefit of needlewomen, servants, and other industrious classes, and for aiding emigration, with an aggregate income of about 10,000l. a year, the result of subscriptions. There are six Benevolent Pension Societies, with about 600 pensioners. There are six requiring specific claims, with between 600 and 700 pensioners, of about 24,000l. a year, half of which is raised by subscriptions. There are fifteen for granting aid to aged and necessitous clergymen and ministers, and their families, possessing about 36,000l. a year, half of which results from subscriptions. We must specially note here the 'Friend of the Clergy Corporation,' whose benevolent objects are much crippled by the inadequacy of its income. There are thirty-two professional and trade benevolent societies, which spend about 54,000l. a year. The City Companies are also intrusted with large funds, the amount of which it is difficult to ascertain Cruchley's London in 1865 : A Handbook for Strangers, 1865 [ ... back to main menu for this book] Charities,—The following are the principal Charities, with their objects, according to official returns furnished at the Editor's request by their respective secretaries. The Charities omitted are those from which his request for information has failed to elicit any reply: ANNUITANTS' HOMES Soc., letter to Miss Sheppard, 27 Hereford-rd, W. Gratuitous homes gentlewomen ARCHBISHOP TENISON'S SCHOOLS, Head Master, Leicester-square. Boys St. Martin's & St.James's ARMOURERS AND BRAZIERS' COMP. ALMSHOUSES Clerk, 81, Coleman-st ARMY& NAVY PENSIONERS' EMPLOYMENT Soc., Chair.,44 Charing-cross. To procure situations for all pensioners of good character. ARNEWAY'S CHARITY, daily, betw. 10 and 3, 9, Victoria-chambers, S.W. To lend to poor occupiers, &c ARTISTS' ORPHAN FUND, Secretary, 24, Old Bond-street. Education of artists' orphans ASYLUM FOR FATHERLESS CHILDREN, Sec., 6, Finsbury-place-south BAKERS' COMPANY'S ALMSHOUSES, Clerk, 16, Harp-lane, Tower-street.. BAPTIST ANNUITY FUND, Sec., 19, Castle-street, Holborn BAPTIST BUILDING FUND, Secretary, 29, Castle-street, Holborn. To assist to build chapels. BAPTIST COLLEGE, Secretary, near North-gate, Regent's-park. Students for Baptist ministry. BAPTIST FUND (PARTICULAR), Secret~, 19, Castle-street, Holborn. For ministers, and churches. BAPTIST HOME AND IRISH MISSIONS, Secretary, 29, Castle-st, Holborn BAPTIST MISSIONARY, Secretary, 59, Castle-street, Holborn BAPTIST PASTORS' COLLEGE, Pres., Metro. Tabernacle, Newington BAPTIST TRACT SOCIETY, Secretary, 3, Bolt-court, Fleet-street BARTHOLOMEW'S (ST.) HOSPITAL SAMARITAN FUND, Smithfield. Patients leaving hospital. BATTERSEA TRAINING COLLEGE, Principal, Terrace House, Battersea.. Masters for church schools. BAYSWATER EVENING HOME, Apsley House, Bayswater BENEVOLENT BLUES, Sec., 85, Tufnell-park-rd, and Kennan's Hotel. For the relief of "Old Blues" i.e. of persons educated in Christ's Hospital, their widows and orphans BENEVOLENT OR STRANGERS' FRIEND SOCIETY, 7, Exeter Hall. Sick poor of London BLIND, ASSOCIATION FOR WELFARE OF THE, Manager 28 Berners-st. Employment and teaching trades BLIND, BRITISH & FOREIGN Assoc, Hon. Sec., 33, Cambridge-square, W. Education and employment BLIND, CHRISTIAN RELIEF, Hon. Sec., 59, Burdett-road, E. Pensions 5s. per mth., 25. 6d. wk. BLIND, HETHERINGTOH'S CHARITY TO AGED, October, Christ's Hospital. Pensions of £10 a year BLIND, HOME FOR CHILDREN, Miss Newbury, 127, Portsdown-road, W. Train blind children BLIND, HOME TEACHING FOR THE, Sec., 34, New Bridge-sc, Blackfriars. Teaching blind at own homes BLIND, HUMSTON'S CHARITY, Clerk, Vestry Office, St. Botolph, E. St. Botolph (Aldgate), St John (Wapping), St. Paul (Shadwell) BLIND, INDIGENT VISITING, Secretary, 27, Red Lion-square, W.C. Visits, relieves, and educates blind poor BLIND, LONDON Soc. FOR TEACHING, Sec Up. Avenue-rd, Regent's-pk. On Lucas's system BLIND, MAN'S FRIEND, Treasurer, 34, Savile-row Pensions of £12, £16 or £20 BLIND, MISSION TO THE, Superintendent, 140, Southwark-bridge-road.. BLIND, POOR RELIEF, Hon. Sec., 48, Hunter-st, & 255, Gray's-inn-rd, W.C. Homes, bread, meat, grocery, coals, pensions, employment clothes, and casual relief. Unsectarian BLIND, PROTESTANT PENSION, Hon. Sec., 3, Bartholomew-lane, E.C... Pensions of £12, £9, and £6 BLIND, ROYAL NORMAL COL. & ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Prin., Up. Norwood. Education, general and musical BLIND, SCHOOL FOR THE INDIGENT, Chap., St. George's-flds, Southwark Indust. school for chil. and adults BLIND, SURREY ASSOCIATION FOR THE GENERAL WELFARE OF THE, Superintendent, 3, Albion-place, Peckham-road BOWYERS' COMPANY'S EXHIB., C. B. Arding, Esq., 22, Surrey-st, Strand Exhibitions £10 Oxf. and Cam. BOYS' HOME, Treasurer, Regent's-park-road, N. W. Destitute, not convicted BOYS' HOME AND REFORMATORY, FRIENDLESS, Sup., Spanish-road, Wandsworth-common. Whether convicted or not BOYS' REFUGE, Commercial-street, Whitechapel. Between 11 and 14 years old BOYS' S. ANDREW'S HOME & CLUB FOR WORK., Sup., 71, Dean-st, Soho. Homeless boys BRITISH AND FOREIGN ANTI-SLAVERY Soc., 27, New Broad-street. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE, Sec., 146, Queen Victoria-street BRITISH AND FOREIGN SAILORS', Sec., Sailors' Inst., Mercer-st, Shadwell. Missionaries, libraries, insti., &c BRITISH AND FOREIGN UNITARIAN Assoc., Sec., 37, Norfolk-st, Strand. Publications, missions, &c. BRITISH LADIES FOR REFORMING FEM. PRIS., Sec., 195, Mare-st, BRITISH NURSING ASSOCIATION, Lady Sup. Rl. Free Hos., Gray's-inn-rd. Provides Protestant nurses BRITISH ORPHAN ASYLUM, Secretary, 73, Cheapside, E.C For orphans of those once in prosperity BRITISH SYRIAN SCHOOLS Sec., 11, Buckingham-street, Strand. Training of Syrian children BROCKHAM HOME, Hon. Mrs. Wray, Wonham Manor, Reigate Trains orphan girls for service BURDETT-COURT (THE BARONESS) MODEL LODGING-HOUSES, Sup., Columbia-sq. Bethnal Green BURLINGTON CHARITY SCHOOL, Treasurer, Boyle street Savile Row. Girls of St. James's Westminster BUTLERS' ALMSHOUSES. Clerk, Little Chapel-st Westminster.. Two poor men and their wives CABMENS' MISSION AND SHELTER FUND, Minister, 27 Holford-sq, W.C. CABMENS' SHELTER FUND, J. Dennistoun, Esq., Union Club, S.W. Twenty-two shelters erected on various cab ranks CAMBERWELL – WILSON'S FREE GRAM. SCH., Govs., 3a, Finsbury-pl-st. For boys of Camberwell CAMBRIDGE – ROYAL ASYLUM, Sec., 40, Charing-cross, any day but Sat. Widows of N.C.O. and privates CAMDEN & KENTISH TOWN ALMSHO., Trus., Lit. Ranclolph-st, Camden Tn. For old women CARON'S ALMSHOUSES, Trustees, Vestry Hall, Kennington-road For poor old women of Lambeth CARPENTERS' COMPANY, Clerk, 68, London Wall. Exhibition to Cambridge. CATHOLIC (ROMAN) CHARITIES: CATHOLIC POOR SCHOOL COMMITTEE, Sec., 22, Portman-street,W. Training and primary schools CONVENT OF FAITHFUL VIRGIN, Mother Superioress, Norwood. Orphanage for girls. CRECHE, THE B. BENEDICT JOSEPH'S, Mother Sup., 4 Bulstrode-st. Infants from 3 weeks to 3 years. LONDON SEC. CLERGY FUND, Administrator, 22, Abbey-road, NW. Westminster and Southwark LONDON SECULAR CLERGY, NEW FUND, Sec., 13, Grove-road, N.W. Ditto NAZARETH HOUSE, Rev. Mother, Hammersmith Hospice for aged men and women NIGHT HOME, Rev. Mother, 9, Lower Seymour-street. For girls of good character REFUGE, Crispin-street, Bishopsgate-street. For men, women and children REFUGE OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD, Hammersmith. For penitent women. REFUGE OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD, Rey. Mother, East End, Finchley. Female prisoners. ST. AGNES'S ORPHANAGE, Lady Superioress, Leyton, E. Boys under 7 years of age. ST. ANN'S CATHOLIC ORPHANAGE, 24, Alpha-road, Regent's park . For poor girls. ST. ANN'S INDUST. SCHOOL & ORPH., Sister Sup., Cale-st, Chelsea. For poor girls. ST. ANSELM, Secretary, 31, Queen-square, Bloomsbury. To disseminate books ST. EDWARD'S REFORM., Man., Archb. Ho., Francis-st, Westminster. For boys ST. ELIZABETH'S HOME, Mother Abbess, Portobello-rd, Notting-hill. Train girls for service ST. HELEN'S ORPHANAGE, the Very Rev. Canon Kyne, Brentwood. To train poor boys. ST. JOHN & ST. ELIZ., HOSP. OF, Mother Prioress, 47, Gt. Ormond-st. Incurable women. ST. JOHN'S INDUST. SCHOOL, Supt., Shern Hall-st, Walthamstow, E. For boys ST. JOSEPH'S ALMSHOUSES, Secretary, 31, Queen-sq, Bloomsbury. Homes for reduced persons with pensions of £30 a year to as many of the inmates as funds will allow. ST. JOSEPH'S ALMSHOUSES AND POOR SCH. FOR GIRLS. Sec., Ingatestone- hall ST. JOSEPH'S HO. ASY. FOR AGED POOR. Rev Moth., Portobello-rd, W. All denominations. ST. MARGARET'S INDUST. SCH., Man., Holcomb Ho., Mill-hill, Hendon. Girls from London workhouses. ST. MARY'S INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, Lady Superior, Eltham. For girls ST. MARY'S ORPHANAGE, Manager, Archbp.'s House, Westminster.. Orphan girls for service. ST. MARY'S ORPHANAGE, Hon. Secretary, 17, Portman-street. Sons of respectable Rom. Cath. ST. MARY'S ORPHANAGE. Manager Archbp's. House, Westminster. R.C boys partly at exp. of friends ST. MARY'S TRAINING COLLEGE, the Principal, Hammersmith. Train pupil teachers as masters ST. NICHOLAS'S INDUS. SCHOOL, Director, Manor Hse, Little Ilford.
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