PROPER NAMES TN THE LITERARY ITORKS OF NTKOLAJ VASIT ÎE\TIð GOGOL ¡ A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of Grad.uate Studies and Research Unlversity of Manitoba In Partial Fulfillnent of the Requirenents for the Degree Master of Arts by Ìilalter Slipchenko March L966 }1 ABSTRACT An extensive study of the funetlon of proper names in Gogolts vrritings apparently has neve¡, been presented" A.lthough there have been d.iscussions concerning Gogol r s proper names, they have been based upon limited materia-l with a conplete disregard of many personal, historical, mythologlcal and. place names, This has resulted consequently ln undue emphasi-s on certain types o'f pfoper nanes' The purp,ose of this thesls is to investigate the proper names as to the role they perform in Gogolrs compositlon and style. The aims have been (I) to examine most of the proper nanes used. by Gogol, (2) to classify these names ln a ty¡rological scheme as to the role they ptay ín the author I s literary wrltings; (3) to compile a list or lnventory of proper names colleeted., and lastly (4) to elucidate upon many of these Broper names" The stud.y is based or¡ some 11000 proper na.mes whfch have been exeerpted from Gogolrs pros'et poetry and' drama" ^å.11 names, unless otherwlse noted r are categorÍzed accor- d.ing to thelr function" In the analysis of Gogolts names it was found that their various primary functions slere eategorized accordlngly into the following general eategories: meaningful (figurative or significant) names; tlcouleur localett na:mes; rrcOuleur hlstoriquert names and names based on the form of the literary work. iii TABL,] I SYST¡ìIVi O¡- RUSSIAI{ ALPHABTT The follornting iransliteration system ir¡ill be used in chis .Lhesis for transliterating the Cyrillic alphabet: tf Aa ê- ñH -- n El Á' Ð: L¡J - b 0o o ÐR n-D v IIn p f r- s (u) Pp r f r- h (u) Cc ù s (R) Tr t ,i il - d Yy u llJg-Fa â Èql f ë- e !: .L x UUC o- je (u) LI ti L¿.-! .âl - 9rr ùó-ó^ z U¡u q IÃt¡- y (u) i (R) Iir, q SC I i- I (U) 'taÐÞ il I a- ji (u) bln nl-:. ti- j b¡ t 1{v lL & - k UÐâ^ e JIJL- 1 iC to ju 1..Í tø - rt fr.e ìr (U) Ukrainian (R) Ru.ssian iv TABLE II IIST 0;+ LITERJq,RY ',{OBKS B.elow are listed Gogolrs lite.rary \¡ro.rks from which the names were recorded" Although this list aims at relative comptr-eteness,, there are certain fragnents of his v¡ork that have been exeluded., The abbreviations to each story r,rill be used later in the classification of the names, Each r'¡ord has b,een stressed in order to facilitate the pronunciation. PROSE Veðerá na xii.tore b'Ij-z Dihántki The Evenings on a Farm- stead nea.r Dikanka ðastrpérvaja Part I Predislóvie Pred. Preface Soroðínskaja jármarka Sja The .þ-air at Soroëintsi , I Veðer--Ìì nakanúne" lvána ïTIIK Saint Johnrs Eve KupaIa-- -t -.1 . v .- - i'lájskaja noð i].i !íN A l4ay ltight or a utóolennica Dror^med },'iaiden PropávÈajata.t grámota PG The Lost Le,tter dastt vtoraja Part If Predislóvie Pred.2 Prefaee v I v- .l Noð-- péred- roZdestvóm NPR Christnas Eve, StráÉnaja-lv mest t SM A Terrible Revenge .^Ì- IvánI FêdorqviÈ.v SponrkaI Sp!j ivan Fedoroviõ- .v Sponkaü i ego tétu3tca' and hÍs ,{untie Zakoldóvannoe mésto Zf,vI A Place Ber,¡itched 17 TABLE TI (continued) Ivlirgorod lviirgorod ðastr pérvaja lrlirgl Part I Starosvétskie ponéËðiri 5P The old Lancov¡ners Tarást BúI-r- rba (final TB Taras Bulba revised. edition) Iarás Bllltba (early ed. ) TBt Taras Bulba tastr vtorája \4Lrg2 Part II vrj v vii Povest t o ',,om kak 0T lhe story of hor^l Ivan possorllsja lván lván- Ivanovið- quarrelled r,¡ith bvið s Ivänom Nikíforoviðem lvan Nikiforovið Póvesti Petersburg Stories Nos N The Nose Portrét(final revised ed.)P The Portrait Portrét(earfy ed.) Pt The Portrait Sinðrt $ the overcoat Koljáðfa K The Carriage or Coach Ri¡n (a fragment) R Rome Zapíski sumas3ed3ego ZS A Mad.roants Ðiary .i\evsKrJ--' p rosp6tct NF Nevskij Avenue poxoZAéniia Õiðit<óva iti l'ÍD ðiõikovts Journeys o.r M6rtvye aü3i (Tom 1) Dead Souls (Voh:ne 1) poxoZo6ni.ia Õið¡-kóva iri i,iÐz tiõikov's Journeys or Mértvye dti 3i (Ton 2)(f84e ed.) Dead Souls. (Volume 2) PoxoZdénija tiðikóva ili 1:4D2t Ciðikovts Journeys or l,{ðrtvye ¿úHi (Tom 2)(one of Dead Souls, (Volume 2) the first editions) vi TABLE 1I (continued) Gétnan I{etman Néskgltko glav iz Gtr seve-ral- chapters from neokónðennõ¡ povesti an unfinishbo story Krovávyj bandurlst Gz The Bloody Bandurist ,l . f v Gtava iz istoriceskogo G3 A Chapter from an r-omana llistorical Novel Mne nrÍãno vldet t p,olkóvnika G\ I must see the Cotonel Otrfvti Lz náëatyx póvistej Fragments from begun Stori-es StráËnaja ruká SR The Terribil-e Ï{and. Dye glav¡? iz .palorossl¡ sko j sK Two chap,ters from the Little póvesti 'tStráËnyj kaban't Russian- (Ukrainian) story llThe Terrible Boarjr DRAMA Revj-zór Rev The Inspector General Zenlt tba f, The Marriage tenLxl (A play upon r,¡hich 2,en The Suitor Marriaee is based) Dra4atlð;eskie otrfvki i Dramatic fragments and otaé1 tnye sceny separate sceñes t-. Igórki lgr The Gamblers Útro delovógo ëeiovéka Ud.ð An Off icial t s iuforning r¡áäna Tja Ihe Lawsuit Lakéjskaja Lak The Servantsr HalI Otrfvok O A Fragment vii r , tv I utryvoK l-z utracennoj dramy OUD A Fragnent from a Lost Drama Nabróski drámy iz ukralnskoj NDUT Sketehes of a drama from r-stor11 Ukrainian History Átifrea King Alfred the Great POETFY Gane l(juxel tgárten GK Hans Küchelgarten viii TABLE OF CONT,ÌN1]S PAGiI Abstract eoo€oooo ooc o Ò o o o o 0 00 a a o a o a o o o c ii Ta'ole of contents, êo,ao oo aoooo oocc ooa! oo !e oooo e a oo v iiÍ CHAPT'ER I" TNTRODUCTTON ôôôg oo oo o g0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 a o o c o,t o oo o I Statenent of the Problem 4 Present State of Research and Bibllographical Review o ooø.ooacaooo.aoooso 7 Importance of the Study o ooooo o ro o ès o o o e o 9 The Sources Used lo Method of Procedure ocoôoo.oooooooo 13 Organization of the Thesis aoooêco.oooooo 1\ II. SYSTEI,{ OF SLAVIC SURIVA}{ES O gAAO O O,O O Oô O O O O OO T6 System of Surnames c.c.ooo.oocooooôoô ooaoo 20 Cl;¿sss5 of Surnames and Certain Morphological Aspeets o,ooooooo.oo66¿o ooo 2L III" GOGOLTS RiJFLECTIONS ON PROPER NA}4ES IN HIS LITERARY V'IORKS o\coo ooê. c o e... .. ê.c.. c 2) The Russian', Propensity for Curiou.s Names and Nicknames ...o ooc.ùocoooo.ooooo 2B Difficulty in the Selection of Appropriate Namgs o.oco eeo coocoô o. ooooooc 33 The Psychological Aspects of a Proper Name oooooooe.coôo. ooo..ooo6coo... 39 w. THE FUNCTION OF PROPER NAMES OO'O'OOOOOOOOg 4B Meaningful (Figurative or Significant Namgs o.o. ooor.oce..cr.o \B l?Couleur loealetl Namgs ooc.ooo ocooec....,o 5B ItCouleur historiqueil Names o o. c. o c..... e ô o¿ IX CHAPTER PAGE itlames Based on the For¡n of the LÍ,terary Work oooooooooocoôocoe.o o'o o..oc 67 Miseellany oooô.ooocâoocoo.ooooo ooooooooo 69 lypology of the f-unction of Names ooooooc 7o V. NAI4ES IN TlId EARTY i\ND Rír/IS"ED EDITIO¡IS 0F TAnÍ.S BÚI 'BA AND PORTRÉÎ o co a oo c o a c o ô o c o o 72 t Tarás Bril ba o oa o o o a t Û a o a o c o c o o o. a o a c a c o o 73 Portrét o..coccooc oooooo..ooocoooooo 78 VI" CONCLUSIOI{ oo ô ôo oo ô. o o ô ûo e o c o. o e o. c o o c o ooôo B4 BIBLIOGRAIJIIY o cos c o 6 o o o o o o c c o.o. o c c o o ê c o ' o ' o o c c ' o B8 APPEI\TDIX A ôo,oo.e ocoo .oô.ooo..e .o.c'oo' 94 APPENDIX B oôt oo o o ooo o o oooot ô G oo coo ô 'ôc o o oo o o o ô o ô L7g x LIST OF TABLE.J TABLE PAGE I" Transliterati-on System of Russian Alphabet o o o iÍi II" List of Literary lrtrorks oo.ooooooôoû,.oo...oo. iv fII" Listing or the Types of Froper Names foun<f in Tarág Búl¡ba ô oo o c. oc o o. e o o.. o o o o o o... o oo o T3 IV" Listing of the Types of Proper Names found in poft.qåt o o.c oo o..o. c.o o r o o o â, o. c..,.c e o.,. 80 Good name in man and woman, d.ear my lord, Is the immediate jewel of thelr souls; Who steals my purse steals trash; Itis somethÍng, nothing; I T.was mine, t tl s his , and. has been slave to thousands; But he that filches fron me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches hi-mt And nakes me poor ind,eed." --WilJ-ia¡r Shakespeare CHAPTER T ÏNTRODUCTION Literary history is filled with apt and strlking illus- tratlons of the very real importance of a name.
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