COBISS: 1.01 NEW DATA ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BARADLA CAVE (HUNGARY, AGGTELEK KARST) Novi podatki O razvoju jame Baradla (Madžarska, AGTELEšKI kras) Veress MÁRTON1 Abstract UDC 551.435.84(439) Izvleček UDK 551.435.84(439) Veress Márton: New data on the development of the Baradla Veress Márton: Novi podatki o razvoju jame Baradla (Ma� Cave (Hungary, Aggtelek karst) džar ska, Agteleški kras) The development of karst landforms of the Aggtelek Plateau Raziskovali smo pomen rečnih dolin na razvoj jame Baradla was investigated concerning the role of these valleys in the na Agteleški planoti. Novi podatki, pridobljeni z električnim genesis of the Baradla Cave, which is located on the Plateau. sondiranjem v izbranih zaprtih depresijah na dnu dolin, New data were collected by geophysical method (Vertical Elec- kažejo, da te niso nekdanji ponori, pač pa korozijske vrtače. trical Sounding) from a few dolines of a selected valley of the Iz morfoloških značilnosti dolin na planoti sklepamo, da te Aggtelek Plateau. The geophysical profiles confirm that the ne predstavljajo nadaljevanja dolin današnjega pokritega kra- dolines of the valley bottom did not develop from sinkholes, sa. Nekdanje napajalno območje teh dolin bi lahko bila sama but they are solution dolines. Morphological characteristics of planota oziroma območje severno od doline Kecső. Dna dolin the valleys of the Plateau suggest that these valleys are not the so nagnejna na jug. Točke podzemnega odtoka voda teh dolin continuation of the valley of the recent covered karst. The for- so bile verjetno v bližini današnje linije ponorov. Pomembno mer catchment area of these valleys might have been on the vlogo v razvoju jame Baradla, so verjetno imeli tudi sedimenti Plateau and north of Kecső valley. Their bottoms tilted into gruščnate formacije Borsodi, erodirani nad obravnavanim southern direction. Therefore the subsurface capture places of območjem. their streams might have been near to the recent sinking line. Ključne besede: Jama Baradla, kriptokras (skriti kras), pono- The sediments (Borsodi Gravel Formation) which were eroded rna črta, vrtača, Agteleška planota, epigenetske doline, doline z from the above mentioned areas also contributed to the genesis nizom vrtač, električno sondiranje. of the Baradla Cave. Keywords: Baradla Cave, cryptokarst, sinking line, sinkhole, Aggtelek Plateau, epigenetic valley, valley with row of dolines, VES measurements. Introduction In this paper we present the evolution of the valleys of The Aggtelek karst was described by Hevesi (1989), Aggtelek Plateau, furthermore we analyse the role of the Baradla Cave was described by Takácsné Bolner these valleys in the karstification of the Plateau and the et al. (1989) in English. The Plateau belongs to Aggtelek development of the Baradla Cave. The Plateau is between Mountain, which is part of the Gömör-Tornai karst. The the Aggtelek-Jósvafő highway and Kecső Valley (Fig. 1). Hungarian part of this karst is called Aggtelek-Rud- 1 University of West Hungary, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Karoly Gáspár tér 4, Szombately, Hungary, e-mail: [email protected] Received/Prejeto: 5.7.2011 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 41/2-3, 193–204, POSTOJNA 2012 VERESS MÁRTON abánya Mountains, which includes two karst areas: the According to Láng (1955) four morphological hori- Aggtelek Mountain (or Aggtelek karst) and Alsó-hegy zons can be distinguished on the Plateau which have dif- (Lower Hill). Its Slovak part is termed the South-Slovak ferent altitudes: 1. on the west there is a doline horizon karst (Figs. 1 & 2). at the altitude of 450–500 metres, on the east there are Fig. 1: The Gömör-Tornai karst and the sinking line. Legend: 1. karst plateau, 2. cryptokarst, 3. sinking line, 4. tilt direction of cryptokarst, 5. sinkhole, 6. site of Baradla Cave (approximately), 7. cave entrance, 8. stream, 9. lake, 10. frontier, 11. village, 12. Plate- ous, 13. Aggtelek Plateau, 14. Pitics Mount, 15. Teresztenye Plateau, 16. Eastern part of Ga- lyaság, 17. Szalonna Mountains, 18. Rudabánya Mountains, 19. Kecső Plateau, 20. Haragistya Plateau, 21. Szinpetri Plateau, 22. Szilice Plateau, 23. Alsó- hegy (Lower Hill). Fig. 2: The Aggtelek Plateau. Legend: 1. bottoms of older val- ley and the bottoms of tributar- ies of the older valley, 2. bottom of the tributary valley which de- veloped on the floor of the older valley by the headward erosion of the Kecső and Jósva, 3. valley- floor divide (saddle), 4. bottom of the Kecső and its tributary valley (which did not develop at older valley bottom), 5. ridge, 6. mound (hum), 7. the margin of the Kecső Valley, 8. Valley side, 9. doline, 10. stream, 11. lake, 12. cryptokarst, 13. road, 14. fron- tier, 15. valley bottom with VES measurement sites. 194 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 41/2-3 – 2012 NEW DATA ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BARADLA CAVE (HUNGARY, AGGTELEK KARST) Fig. 3: The Baradla Cave (Source: Kordos 1984). mounds without dolines, 2. several planar surfaces with Pliocene gravels. The mountain has a nappe structure dolines at altitudes of 350–450 metres, 3. non-limestone (Less 1998) and has been dismembered into horsts dur- horizon at altitudes of 300–350 metres, 4. non-limestone ing its uplift. The horsts and horsts group appear as surface at altitudes of 250–280 metres. karstic plateaus. The number and size of caves of the Aggtelek karst The Aggtelek Plateau and its surroundings were de- are great (for example such large-sized caves are the Ba- scribed as a type of allogenic karst by Jakucs (1956a). His radla Cave, Szabadság Cave, Imre Vass Cave, Kossuth study has great importance and it is a classical work. He Cave, Béke Cave etc.). The Baradla Cave is the longest distinguished phase I and phase II during the karstic de- and the most important of them (Fig. 3): its length is velopment of the plateau. Phase I is of Upper-Miocene 25–30 km. It includes a main corridor and its connecting (Pannonian) Age. Then the streams of the Upper-Mio- tributary passages. Sinkholes are connected to the tribu- cene surface which reached the Kecső and Jósva Valleys, tary corridors which carry the water of the cryptokarst had created the Baradla, Mész and Hideg Valleys by this situated south of the Aggtelek Plateau. Its great size is time because they were already epigenetic valleys. The due to the ponors and the large catchment area which is valleys were transformed into doline-row valleys with- on the cryptokarst south from the cave. out water flow during phase II. Namely the sinkholes Many karst researchers investigated the cave: for ex- which developed at the sinking line drained the season- ample Vass (1831), Dudich (1930, 1932), Konrád (1930), al streams which are on non karstic rock surface of the Maucha (1930), Kessler (1933, 1938, 1939), Cholnoky cryptokarst into the Baradla Cave (Fig. 1). The author (1935), Jaskó (1935), Jakucs (1952, 1956a, 1956b, 1959, only suggests that sinkholes developed on the former 1960, 1977), Wagner (1965), Szentes (1965), Szenthe valley junction in the case of doline-row valleys. Later (1970), Lauritzen-Leél-Őssy (1994), Zámbó et al. (2002), the development of the sinkholes moved to southern di- Bosák et al. (2004), Berényi et al. (2006), Veress (2008). rection to the recent sinking line because of the recession Cholnoky (1935) interpreted the development of the Ba- of the junctions of the valley. Therefore the older sink- radla Cave as it was created by mechanical erosion pro- holes which had northern direction of prevailing sinking cesses, due to waters and deposits coming from the bor- line, changed into dolines (Fig. 4). This theory was pro- dering cryptokarst. Jakucs described the development posed to explain the development of doline-row valleys model of this type of erosion cave and its morphological at the Aggtelek karst and the Bükk Mountain (Hevesi characteristics during the investigation of the Baradla 1978, 1980; Móga 2002a). Cave (Jakucs 1956a, 1977). According to Jakucs (1956a) We would like to mention that the number of the the sediments (mainly gravel), which were transported valleys, or valley-like forms, is greater than mentioned trough the sinkholes, caused the erosion enlargement of above. Zámbó (1998) described 14 doline-row valleys the cave. This process favoured the creation of large cor- on the Plateau, which are presently dry valleys. They can ridors. be trunk or tributary valleys. Some of them (such as the The Aggtelek karst is mainly made up of Upper shortest ones) developed due to solution, but the shape and Lower Triassic limestone and dolomite, while its and the size of the longer valleys could be changed main- covering deposits are Miocene sands and clays and ly through solution. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 41/2-3 – 2012 195 VERESS MÁRTON The karst genetic investigations were extended to which is a part of the Gömör-Torna karst). These inves- other plateaus of the Aggtelek karst (the Slovak karst tigations show that the development of the various karst plateaus was independent and different from other pla- teaus. On those plateaus which were covered (from ex- ample Szilice Plateau, Derenk Plateau) the valleys cut into the superficial deposit inherited from the cover on the limestone (Móga 1999, 2002b). Sinkholes developed during epigenetic processes. The valleys changed into doline-row valleys because of the recession of the sink- ing point (Móga 1999). Other plateaus are autogenetic karst type (for ex- ample Szilas Plateau, the Haragistya, Móga 2001, 2002b). There are plateaus which are allogenic karsts (for exam- ple Kecső Plateau). There the karstic rock lies in lateral Fig. 4: Development of doline row valley during recession of sub- contact with non-karstic rock (Móga 2001). But there are surface capture (based on Jakucs 1977; Hevesi 1985). plateaus whose lower margins are covered (Teresztenye Legend: I. planimetric representation, II. profile, 1. limestone, Plateau).
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