www.JamestownGazette.com Your Community FREE WEEKLY Your Credit Union /JamestownGazette @JtownGazette Federally insured by NCUA Chautauqua Marketing Solutions, LLC The People’s Paper. Vol. 4 • No. 24 | Week of June 16, 2014 A NTS? The Class of 2014: Ready to Succeed Guaranteed Article by attending Niagara University, ma- joring in Psychology and English." Results Katrina Fuller Thank You All! Ehrlich Amid excited chatter and the "I cannot thank my teachers, Pest Control rustling of papers, pride swells and coaches and parents enough for emotions run high. Bright lights helping me become who I am to- FREE ESTIMATES beam off a glistening stage, ready day," says Southwestern senior Mi- 800-331-BUGS for the wide array of speeches, chael Bova. "My heart keeps saying guests and footsteps to grace the we must be dreaming…it has gone platform. Waves of 'Pomp and Cir- too fast. The new friends, the old IN THIS ISSUE cumstance' drift through the air as friends and my lifetime friends have Editor’s Message .....................3 young graduates await the end of made this moment a true triumph. Entertainment .........................4 their high school careers, the end My journey continues at SUNY Class of 2014.........................6-9 of an era as one begins anew. Buffalo toward a career in law." Employment ....................10-11 PHOTO CREDIT: DRIFTVALLEY.COM Families, friends, administra- Graduation brings together the Community ....................12-13 tors, teachers and students gather joys of success, bittersweet remem- Seniors ...............................14-15 New Plans and High Hopes part of all the sports and groups I together to celebrate the success was involved with that came along brance and the desire to push on Sports .................................16-19 After thirteen years of early ris- and achievement reached through with my high school experience, into one grand night of celebration, ing, structured scheduling, rigor- Puzzles ..................................... 19 years of hard work. In the next few however, I am very excited to be tears and laughter. Graduates will Business .............................20-22 weeks, the class of 2014 prepares ous coursework, and the kinship going to SUNY Buffalo, majoring walk across the stage, and with di- Around Town ......................... 23 to venture forth into the unknown, that comes along with it, seniors are in Mathematics." Nicholas hopes ploma in hand, stride onward into choosing their paths and finding faced with adulthood: college, the for a career as an actuary or a statis- the future, bettering themselves themselves along the way. job market, and a plethora of deci- tical analyst in sports or business. and their communities. Setting out sions to make. Many area seniors are to pursue their goals and enrich VISIT US ONLINE The month of June brings gradu- choosing to attend college, taking Alexis Lecceadone remembers their lives, these seniors make their ates excitement and anxiety, a up the mantle of higher education. hard work and determination. "I've way into the world, passing from strange balance of eagerness to "College is being too poor to afford been waiting for this moment for so childhood into adulthood with continue forward while still miss- chocolates." Jessica jokes. She plans long, and I couldn't be more excit- youthful zeal and passion for life. ing the excitement of high school. to attend SUNY Geneseo in the ed." This Randolph Central School "High School is like a box of choco- fall, majoring in International Rela- student is eagerly looking forward "It's time for me to pursue all of my lates: sweet." says Jessica Golden, a tions/Political Science. to bright horizons. "While many hopes and dreams - it's a great time in graduating Panama Central School. around me are sad to see it end, my life!" Alexis exclaims. The Class "Graduating is like realizing you ate "It's kind of a bittersweet event," I'm going full speed ahead. I'm not of 2014 is ready to excel, adapt, and all the chocolate faster than you muses Southwestern senior Nicho- scared of my future, but enthusiastic thrive - a force to be reckoned with… wanted to." las Gustafson. "I will miss being a and one hundred percent ready to and trusted with everyone’s future. www.JamestownGazette.com Olympic Champions Meryl Davis & Charlie White to Headline Jamestown Skating & Gymnastics Spectacular Article Contributed by • Two-time Olympic silver medal- U.S. all-around champion John Orozco ist, three-time World champion and • Olympic silver medalist (team) and MERYL DAVIS & Jamestown Savings seven-time Canadian champion Elvis World champion (team) Samantha CHARLIE WHITE Bank Arena Stojko Peszek • Four-time World champion and four- Additional star gymnasts will be an- The Jamestown Savings Bank Arena in time Canadian champion Kurt Brown- ing nounced in August following U.S.A. collaboration with Disson Skating is excit- Gymnastics'national championships. ed to be presenting for the third consecutive • World ice dance champion and ten- year the Progressive Skating & Gymnastics time Canadian ice dance champion In addition, an Olympic dream team is Spectacular on December 13, 2014. Shae-Lynn Bourne coming back to host the show in James- • Two-time U.S. champion Alissa Czisny town and includes:Olympic figure skating The cast features the most decorated • Canadian silver medalist Shawn Saw- champion Kristi Yamaguchi, three-time dance team in US figure skating his- yer U.S. champion Michael Weiss, and Olym- tory,2014 Olympic Champions and two- The cast is also scheduled to include the pic gymnastics champions Nadia Co- time World Champions Meryl Davis and maneci and Bart Conner. Charlie White, who return to Jamestown following gymnastics stars: following their victory in Sochi. Following • Olympic champion (team), World all- The musical guests for this year are two the Olympics, Davis and White competed around champion, and two-time U.S. young artists that are climbing the charts. in the eighteenth season of ABC's Danc- all-around champion Jordyn Wieber First up is Cody Simpson, a teenage heart- ing with the Stars. Davis was crowned this (member of the Fierce Five® from the throb from Australia that has been crank- year's champion with her partner Maksim 2012 Olympic Games in London) ing out hits since 2010. His new single Chmerkovskiyon May 20, 2014. • 2013 U.S. all-around, parallel bars & "Surfboard" is going to be a summer an- high bar champion and three-time them, and he is one of the hottest tickets The star-studded figure skating cast, in NCAA all-around champion Sam Mi- for teens right now. Simpson also compet- addition to Davis and White, is scheduled kulak to include: • Two-time World medalist and 2012 SKATING & GYMNASTICS, PG. 17 COURTESY PHOTO JAMESTOWN GAZETTE 2 www.JamestownGazette.com June 16, 2014 WCA School Of Radiologic Technology Marks 45th Commencement COURTESY PHOTO From left: Cecil M. Miller III, WCA Hospital Vice President of Support Services; Christina Slojkowski, MSRT (R) School of Radiologic Technology Program Director; 2014 radiologic technology graduates, Kacie Peterson, Kyle Ingraham, Aleesha Milks (JRCERT Certificate of Excellence recipient); Zachary Fellows, Hannah Eklund, Cole Burke (Murray S. Marsh award recipient); Amanda Bender, RT (R), WCA Hospital School of Radiologic Technology Clinical Instructor; Steve Kilburn, Chair, WCA Hospital Board of Directors. Article Contributed by M. Eklund, Frewsburg, tal leadership for their pital-based program. WCA Hospital New York; Zachary W. guidance. All didactic and clinical Fellows, Jamestown, courses are provided on Dr. Ashby Dalton, Jamestown Gazette’s New York, Kyle D. In- Six students received who delivered the com- the hospital grounds. graham, South Wales, their certificates and mencement address, With its small class size New York; Allesha E. STAYcation graduations pins during shared his personal life- and faculty / staff, stu- Milks, Frewsburg, New the 45th commence- learning experiences dent ratio, the program Full Color Stapled Booklet York; and Kacie E. Pe- ment exercise of the with the graduates and is able to provide indi- terson, Lakewood, New June 2014! WCA Hospital School left them with parting vidual attention with York, received their cer- of Radiologic Tech- words of wit and ad- an emphasis on clinical If You tificates and join the 198 Featuring Events nology. The evening vice. “As you leave here experience. Upon com- Missed Out proved to be an excep- graduates in the school’s Last Year... & Places to visit tonight, remember—al- pletion of the program, tional graduation night history to celebrate the Call and Schedule ways raise the bar and the student receives a in and around for the Class of 2014 as conclusion of two years Your Ad for our do not settle for medi- certificate of completion the graduates were given of study and clinical ro- Next issue! the Chautauqua ocrity,” said Dr. Ashby. and is eligible to take the accolades from parents, tations. “Use your whole brain. American Registry of County Area!! friends, school faculty, The Murray S. Marsh And lastly, don’t cry Radiologic Technolo- and hospital leader- Reaching... Outstanding Student when you don’t win.” gists (ARRT) exam as ship for their milestone Award was presented • Chautauqua, Cattaraugus well as eligibility for achievement. by Brian Meagher, MD, Steve Kilburn, WCA & Warren Counties! New York State licen- board-certified radi- Hospital Board of Di- Including Chautauqua Institution! Board-certified Radi- sure. • Posted ONLINE ologist on staff at WCA ologist on staff at WCA rector’s newly appoint- Hospital, W.C.A. Foun- at www.jamestowngazette.com! Hospital, Dalton Ashby, ed Chair, and Amanda Opportunities for ca- dation, Inc., Vice Chair, Bender, also a gradu- • DON’T MISS OUT! M.D., gave the com- reer advancement are and awarded to Cole W. ate of the school, Class mencement address. excellent following the Burke. of 2002, presented the required 2-year basic Members of the student certificates and Call Today The Joint Review education.
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