Informal Consultation Paper Blackpool Local Plan Part 2: Proposed Site Allocations and Development Management Policies January 2019 Have your say! We want to know what you think of the draft site allocations and development management policies set out in this paper. How to comment: 1. Download the document and comments form from our website at: https://www.blackpool.gov.uk/localplanpart2 2. Read the document and complete a comments form available online and at the locations listed on the opposite page Address for completed comments form: Blackpool Council Planning Strategy Team PO Box 17, Corporation Street Blackpool FY1 1LZ Or via email at [email protected] Comments must be received by 21st February 2019 Where to find the document... Customer First Reception, Corporation Street; Blackpool Central Library, Queen Street; Anchorsholme Library, Luton Road; Moor Park Library, Bristol Avenue; Library @thegrange, Bathurst Avenue; Layton Library, Talbot Road; Revoe Library, Revoe Street; Palatine Library, Palatine Road; Mereside Library, 4b Crummock Place If you would like to contact someone about this document please telephone or email the Planning Strategy Team at: 01253 476239 [email protected] Contents Contents Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Proposed Site Allocations and Designations Site Allocations Potential Housing Sites 5 Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding 7 Providing for the needs of Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople 8 Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople 11 New Allotment 13 Designations Green Belt – Proposed Local Boundary Amendments 15 Town Centre – Primary and Secondary Frontages 19 Local Centres – New Designations and Amendments 21 Countryside Area 23 Open Land Meeting Community and Recreational Needs 25 3 Proposed Development Management Policies Housing Policy DM1: Housing Development in Residential Gardens, Infill and Backland Sites 28 Policy DM2: Housing for Older People 32 Policy DM3: Residential Institutions 34 Policy DM4: Student Accommodation 38 Policy DM5: Design Requirements for New Build Housing Development 41 Policy DM6: Residential Conversions and Sub-divisions 48 Economy Policy DM7: Provision of Employment Land and Existing Employment Sites 51 Policy DM8: Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone 53 Policy DM9: Blackpool Zoo 57 Policy DM10: Promenade and Seafront 58 Policy DM11: Primary Frontages 62 Policy DM12: Secondary Frontages 63 Policy DM13: Amusement Centres, Betting Shops and Pawnbrokers in the Town Centre 65 Policy DM14: Residential Use in the Town Centre 67 Policy DM15: District and Local Centres 69 Policy DM16: Threshold for Impact Assessment – Retail and Leisure Proposals 74 Policy DM17: Hot Food Takeaways 76 Design Policy DM18: Tall Buildings and Strategic Views 79 Policy DM19: Extensions and Alterations 82 Policy DM20: Landscaping 84 Policy DM21: Public Health and Safety 88 Policy DM22: Shopfronts 93 Policy DM23: Security Shutters 97 Policy DM24: Advertisements 100 Policy DM25: Public Art 103 Heritage Policy DM26: Listed Buildings 108 Policy DM27: Conservation Areas 110 Policy DM28: Locally Listed Buildings and Other Non-Designated Heritage Assets 112 Policy DM29: Archaeology 113 Environment Policy DM30: Wind Energy 114 Policy DM31: The Coast and Foreshore 118 Policy DM32: Development in the Countryside 120 Policy DM33: Biodiversity 122 Policy DM34: Allotments and Community Gardens 125 Policy DM35: Open Land Meeting Community and Recreational Needs 127 Community Policy DM36: Community Facilities 128 Policy DM37: Blackpool Victoria Hospital 132 Policy DM38: Blackpool and the Fylde College – Bispham Campus 134 Transport Policy DM39: Transport Requirements for New Development 135 Policy DM40: Aerodrome Safeguarding 138 Appendices Housing Appendix A1: Proposed Site Allocations - Housing Appendix A2: Current housing sites with planning permission Appendix B: Management Plan Scoping Transport Appendix C1: Proposed Parking Standards Appendix C2: Transport Assessment (TA) and Travel Plan (TP) Thresholds Appendix C3: Residential Development Accessibility Questionnaire Appendix C4 : Non - Residential Development Accessibility Questionnaire Tables and Figures Table 1 Housing supply summary Table 2: Potential sites for housing allocation Table 3: Student accommodation floorspace standards Figure 1: Proposed Traveller and Travelling Showman Sites Figure 2: Proposed Allotment Site off Fleetwood Road Figure 3: Proposed Amendment to Green Belt at Faraday Way (North) Figure 4: Proposed Amendment to Green Belt at Faraday Way (South) Figure 5: Proposed Amendment to Green Belt at Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone Figure 6: Proposed Primary and Secondary Frontages Figure 7: Proposed Countryside Area Figure 8: Open Land Meeting Community and Recreational Needs Figure 9: Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone Figure 10: Map showing the Promenade and Seafront Figure 11: Proposed South Shore District Centre amended boundary 1 Introduction 1.1 The Blackpool Local Plan 2012 – 2027 comprises two parts: Part 1 is the Core Strategy which was adopted January 2016 (www.blackpool.gov.uk/corestrategy) Part 2 is the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Document which we are currently preparing. 1.2 Part 2 of the Local Plan allocates sites for development, safeguarding or protecting and sets out a suite of development management policies to guide appropriate development. These development management policies will replace the current ‘saved policies’ in the Blackpool Local Plan (2006) once Part 2 is adopted. 1.3 You may recall that we consulted on the Regulation 18 Scoping Document during Summer 2017 setting out the policies that we suggested should be included in Part 2. We have considered all the representations received and these can be found in the Regulation 18 Schedule of Representations Report (www.blackpool.gov.uk/localplanpart2). 1.4 We are now undertaking an informal consultation on our Draft Site Allocations and Development Management Policies to gain an early understanding of what you think of our initial site selections and policies. In preparing this paper regard has been had to the content of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) published in July 2018. Supporting Documents 1.5 The Local Plan Evidence Base helps us to develop a detailed understanding of key issues and characteristics of Blackpool and the Fylde Coast, and is used to inform and justify the policies in the plan. 1.6 This paper is supported by new and updated evidence which includes: Housing Supply Update and Site Allocations Assessment (December 2018) Blackpool Retail, Leisure and Hotel Study (June 2018) Local Centres Assessment Review (October 2018) Green Belt Review Assessment (October 2018) The use of the planning system to control hot food takeaways (October 2018) Page 1 The Development Plan must be read as a whole. Proposals will be considered against all relevant policies 1.7 These can be viewed at www.blackpool.gov.uk/evidencebase 1.8 In addition, work is currently being undertaken on an Indoor Sports Facilities Assessment the outcome of which will inform the next stage of the plan. 1.9 Other evidence base documents that will be updated and made available at publication stage are the Viability Assessment and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Sustainability Appraisal 1.10 To inform the development of the Local Plan Part 2 a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Scoping document was produced and consulted upon as part of the Regulation 18 consultation. To inform the selection of the draft site allocations set out in this informal consultation paper, at this stage we have considered a range of indicators relating to sustainability issues, including whether a site is brownfield or greenfield, flood risk categorisation and accessibility issues. 1.11 The proposed site allocations, designations and draft policies set out in this paper are currently being subject to a SA by external consultants Arcadis, to ensure we meet the requirements of the plan making process. Arcadis will also be undertaking the Habitats Regulation Assessment. This SA process is a continuous process and representations received to this informal consultation and the comments received from Arcadis will inform the next stage of the plan. Page 2 The Development Plan must be read as a whole. Proposals will be considered against all relevant policies 2 Proposed Site Allocations and Designations Potential Housing Sites 2.1 Policy CS2 of the Core Strategy, sets out Blackpool’s housing requirement to build 4,200 new homes between 2012 and 2027 and identifies where these new homes will be located including: sites within the existing urban area, including major regeneration sites; sites within the South Blackpool Growth area; and windfall sites (sites which become available unexpectedly and are not specifically identified as part of the Local Plan process. They normally comprise previously developed sites) 2.2 A significant proportion of the 4200 new homes have already been built or have planning permission. At 31 March 2018 939 dwellings had been completed with 1,503 dwellings left to be built on sites with planning permission. There are a further 219 dwellings on sites where applications had been approved subject to the signing of a legal agreement1 2.3 In addition to the above, approximately 100 dwellings per year are provided through the conversion and sub-division of existing buildings, particularly former holiday accommodation premises. The Core Strategy recognises that these conversions and sub- divisions
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