II. DIGESTIV SYSTEM TESTS General data 1. CS The organ represent: a) a structure made up by three layers b) a hollow element c) a part of the body built by complex of tissues integrated to realize the common functions d) a parenchymatous formation located in abdominal cavity e) a formation constituted by epithelium, vessels and nerves 2. CS The visceral apparatus is considered: a) The organs of different systems with diverse structure involved in performing some functions. b) the organs of neck region c) the organs located in the lesser pelvis d) the organs realized protective function e) the organs located at the border between thoracic and abdominal cavities 3. CS The primary gut is developed from: a) ectoderm b) mesoderm c) endoderm d) dermatome e) myotome 4. CS From which embryonic layer is developed the primary intestine : a) entoderm b) ectoderm c) sclerotome d) mesoderm e) splanhnopleura 5. CM The Viscera represents: a) the organs localized in abdominal cavity b) the systems of organs realized the connection of the body and external environment c) the organs and system of organs located in body’s cavities which realized the metabolic functions to sustain the life d) the complex of organs from abdominal and pelvic cavities e) the complex of organs from thoracic cavity 6. CM According by structure the organs are divided in: a) serous b) parenchymatous c) glandular d) epithelial e) hollow 7. CM Name two functions of the organic stroma: a) secretory b) trophic c) hematopoietic d) metabolic e) sustaining 8. CM The hollow organs distinguish the following layers: a) mucous b) submucous c) muscular d) membranous e) serous 9. CM The mucous coat of the hollow organs has three : a) adventitia b) muscularis mucosae c) epithelial layer d) subserous foundation e) proper lamina 10. CM The adventitia or serous realized: a) connection to neighbor organs b) connection to cavity`s walls c) form the cavities for organs d) form the ligaments e) connection between organs of thoracic and abdominal cavities 11. CM The striped muscles exist in following organs of the digestive system: a) duodenum b) vermiform appendix c) pharynx d) esophagus e) straight intestine 12. CM The primary serous layers of embryo are: a) somatopleura b) ectoderm c) splanchnopleura d) mesoderm e) endoderm 13. CM From primary ventral mesentery is developed: a) the falciform ligament of the liver b) the round ligament of the liver c) the coronary and triangular ligaments d) the lesser omentum e) the mesentery of the transverse colon 14. CM The serous coats of the body are: a) peritoneum b) pleura c) adventitia of the hollow organs d) pericardium e) tunica vaginalis testis 15. CM Which following structures are developed from primary dorsal mesentery: a) mesentery of the small intestine b) lesser omentum c) greater omentum d) mesocolon transversum e) coronary ligament of the liver 16. CM The portions of the primary mesentery are attached to stomach : a) ventral mesogastrium b) mesentery c) mesosalpinx d) mesorectum e) dorsal mesogastrium 17. CM From umbilical loop of the primary gut are developed : a) stomach b) duodenum c) jejunum d) ileum e) colon 18. CM The abdominal cavity is divided in: a) peritoneal cavity b) supramesocolic storey c) inframesocolic storey d) retroperitoneal space e) omental bursa 19. CM which of following organs are emplaced in retroperitoneal space: a) duodenum b) kidneys and adrenal glands c) ureters d) pancreas e) aorta and inferior vena cava 20. CM For digestive tube we distinguish next parts: a) superior or cranial b) injestive c) inferior or caudal d) digestive e) ejestive 21. CM The injestive part of the digestive tube is constituted by: a) stomach b) esophagus c) duodenum d) pharynx e) mouth 22. CM The digestive part of the digestive tube includes: a) small intestine b) esophagus c) stomach d) coecum e) sigmoid colon 23. CM The ejestive part of the digestive tube is formed by followed organs : a) ileum b) coecum c) esophagus d) ascendant and transverse colon e) descendent, sigmoid colon and rectum 24. CM The anatomic antireflux device of the esophago-gastric junction is constituted by : a) phreno-esophagian membrane (Laimer-Bertelli) b) intraabdominal pressure c) His angle d) cardiac valve of the stomach e) gastro-esophagian muscular ring 25. CM The structure of the full organs include: a) hilum b) cist c) lobes d) segments e) lobules 26. CM Position of the organs depend on: a) intraabdominal pressure b) age c) constitutional type d) gender e) the special modality of attachment of organs to posterior abdominal wall 27. CM Name the possible types of position of the organs: a) dolichoviscerosis b) antiviscerosis c) visceroptosis d) posteroviscerosis e) visceronorma 28. CM Visceroptosis and dolichoviscerosis are dependent on: a) fixation of viscera to posterior wall of the abdominal cavity b) diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles c) gender d) the morphological particularities of the rectus abdominis muscles and white line e) the constitutional type 29. CM the role of sphinctero-valvular apparatus const in: a) prevent the entrance of the air b) prevent the reflux c) regulate the movement in single direction d) form one barrier of protection of the digestive tube segment with different functions e) regulate the secretion 30. CM The primary gut is constitutes by : a) superior or cranial intestine b) proenteron c) metenteron d) inferior or caudal intestine e) mesenteron 31. CM From pharyngeal portion of the primary gut are developed: a) liver b) jejunum c) mouth d) pharynx e) esophagus 32. CM From foregut are differentiated : a) pharynx b) esophagus c) pancreas d) liver e) stomach 33. CM From foregut is differentiated the epithelium of: a) pharynx b) posterior part of the oral cavity c) esophagus d) thyroid gland e) sublingual and submandibular glands 34. CM From midgut are developed: a) jejunum b) pancreas c) ileum d) coecum e) duodenum (partly) 35. CM From hindgut are differentiated: a) rectum b) coecum c) descendent colon (partly) d) cloaca e) ileum 36. CM The anatomical iliocecal device is constituted by: a) lips of ilicecal valve b) the valve of vermiform appendix c) ileocecum d) the junction "T"-shape of ileum with cecum e) the transversal position of ileocecal fissure 37. CM During disturbance of process of fixation organs to posterior abdominal wall can appear the following abnormalities with exception: a) the presence of ascending mesocolon b) the presence of descending mesocolon c) mobile duodenum d) Meckel`s diverticulum e) common mesentery 38. CM The Viscera represent: a) organs localized in abdominal cavity b) the systems of organs which realized the connection to external environment c) the organs and complex of organs located in body cavities and performing necessary function to maintain the life d) a complex of organs from abdominal and pelvic cavities e) the complex of organs from thoracic cavity Oral Cavity. Tongue 39. CS In the thickness of the cheeks is embedded next muscle: a) masseter b) mylohyoideus c) buccinator d) orbicularis oris e) geniohyoideus 40. CS In oral vestibule is located: a) glossoepiglotic folds b) parotid papilla c) sublingual caruncles d) incisive papilla e) lingual tonsil 41. CS Name muscles which take part in formation of the oral floor: a) mm. digastrici b) m. stilohyoideus c) m. mylohyoideus d) m. genioglossus e) m. palatoglossus 42. CS At edentate persons we establish: a) microcheilia b) ortohcheilia c) opistocheilia d) procheilia e) macrocheilia 43. CS The Uvula has the main purpose: a) separate the rhynopharynx from buccopharynx during swallowing. b) facilitate the passage of alimentary bolus. c) contribute in phonation . d) participate for sucking . e) delay the descent of the mandible in vertical position of the body. 44. CS Inspecting the pharyngeal isthmus and ask the patient to pronounce the sound „a” we observe that uvula deviate to left. Which muscle could be injured? a) m. uvulae. b) m. tensor veli palatini. c) m. levator veli palatini. d) m. palatoglossus. e) m. palatopharyngeus. 45. CS In deglutition the nasopharynx is separated by buccopharynx by action of: a) m. uvulae. b) m. tensor veli palatini. c) m. levator veli palatini. d) m. palatoglossus. e) m. palatopharyngeus. 46. CM The inferior wall (floor) of the oral cavity is constitute by: a) mm. genioglosses. b) diaphragm of mouth. c) sublingual region. d) tongue. e) hypoglossal muscles. 47. CS In reference to styloglossus muscle function: a) flattened the tongue b) get off the tongue c) pull the tongue behind and up d) pull the tongue behind and down e) narrowed the tongue 48. CS In reference to hyoglossus muscle function: a) pull the tongue behind and down b) narrowed the tongue c) flattened the tongue d) get off the tongue e) pull the tongue behind and up 49. CM The oral cavity: a) is located in inferior part of the facial skull b) constitute the initial portion of the digestive system c) by choanae communicate to nasopharynx d) communicate to pharynx by pharyngeal vestibule e) is delimitate bilateral by arches of the teeth 50. CM The oral cavity poses the following walls: a) superior – palate b) inferior – oral floor c) bilateral – cheeks d) anterior – lips e) posterior – pharyngeal vestibule 51. CM When jaws are closed proper oral cavity communicate to oral vestibule by: a) pharyngeal vestibule b) interdentar spaces c) rima oris d) retromolar space e) does not communicate 52. CM between lips and neighbor formation we distinguish the next grooves: a) nazolabial b) geniolabial c) palatoglossus d) palatopharyngeal e) mentolabial 53. CM In the proper oral cavity are located next structures: a) glossoepyglotic folds b) parotid papilla c) sublingual caruncles d) incisive papilla e) lingual tonsil 54. CM In oral vestibule are opened: a) excretory canals of the buccal glands b) excretory canals of the labial glands c) excretory canal of the parotid gland d) small excretory canals of the sublingual glands e) excretory canal of the incisive gland 55.
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