Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-17-1996 The BG News September 17, 1996 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 17, 1996" (1996). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6045. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6045 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Opinion H E Sports Brandon Wray discusses the costs Falcon football team looks to keep of dining in BG. Page 2 intensity after victory. Nation Page 7 Scores Astronaut Shannon Indians 4 Orioles 16 Lucid to touch down White Sox 3 Tigers 6 on Wednesday. Padres 8 Royals 6 Page 5 NEWS Reds 0 Twins 5 Tuesday, September 17, 1996 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 83, Issue 157 The News' Briefs Baker pleads not guilty Jack Buehrer The Fostoria resident sat mo- change the plea at any time. to drop the death penalty, the rent, claiming a blood test at this Legal Studies offer- The BG News tionless with his head bowed "We reserve the right to file first thing I'll do is contact Tara's stage is more an issue of search ing program throughout the proceedings, ap- any other pleas to the indictment and Julie's family, and get their rather than an issue of evidence. The ninth annual De- The alleged murderer of a pearing to be deep in thought should they become appro- Input," he said. "My feelings are Judge Williamson ordered partment of Legal Studies University student pleaded not while his family and friends wept priate," Cimerman told Wood that they didn't have a choice to Baker's bond to be held at Symposium: "The Dy- guilty to all charges in an ar- quietly in the gallery. County Common Pleas Court get involved in this, but now that $500,000, despite Mayberry's namics and Impact of an raignment hearing Monday Public defendent, Adrian Judge Gale Williamson. County they are, they have the right to request for a complete denial of Environmental Regulatory morning. Cimerman entered Baker's plea Prosecuter Alan Mayberry said give their opinion." bond due to the "great prepon- Investigation on a Corpora- Craig M. Baker, 19, is charged of not guilty on one count of ag- he was not suprised by Baker's Mayberry asked last week that derance of evidence against tion" will take place today with the Sept. 7 murder of Uni- gravated murder, two counts of plea, and he is not open, at this the court order a sample of him." from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in versity senior Julie Kane and the aggravated burglary and one point, to plea bargain. Baker's blood. Cimerman re- Baker's next appearance be- 101 Olscamp. The presen- assault of her roommate, Tara tation will feature the de- count of aggravated assault, quested to deny the motion for a fore the court will be Sept. 27 for fendant Jim Smith, Smith's Fahringer. however, he left the door open to "If [Baker's] attorneys ask us blood test without a search war- a pre-trial hearing. attorney Mike Magasin and The Los Angeles District Attorney Cliff Klein. Slides Phone Ready for action and videos will be shown for about two hours, and then the floor will be open for a question and answer forum. pranks Don Boren, Department of Legal Studies chairman, said this is not just for the legal minded. Boren said cause for that the presentation brings up moral and ethical issues that all can relate to. concern Dawn Keller Career course for The BG News adults being offered The second most reported A five-week course for crime at the University, tele- adults considering a career change or going back to phone harassment, can result in school is being offered by fines. University sanctions or jail Continuing Education, In- time. ternational and Summer In 1995, there were 99 reports Programs at the University. of phones harassment made on Titled "Crossroads: campus. That is down from 141 in Choosing New Directions," 1994, and 174 in 1993. the course will be taught by Barbara Waddell, public in- Lois Sonnenberg, assistant formation officer, said telephone director of adult learner harassment calls are usually services, and Cynthia Fi- made by someone who knows the sher, adult learner intern. It will meet from 7 p.m. to 9 /ictim. p.m., and run from Sept. 24 "The majority of telephone to Oct. 22, on the University harassment calls are usually not campus in 2 College Park done by the same person," Wad- Office Building. The fee for dell said. "It's not one person who the class is $25. randomly calls. We do have some The course will focus on random calls. Often we have individual needs of the class telephone harassment calls members. Participants will where the perpetrator knows the investigate various alterna- victim or the victim's room- tives for their lives and sort out what is important to mate." them by defining their per- Waddell said students need to sonal values. They will also recognize telephone harassment take inventories to help as a crime and report it. Eric Cray/The AiMclited Pre.. them identify their career However, she added one hangup Members of the 1st Cavalry Division remove equipment from I day. At least 3,000 troops are on standby and may be sent to Ku- interests and personality ammunition carriers at the motor pool in Fort Hood, Texas, Sun- wait. preferences. See TELEPHONE, page three. For more information or to register, call Continuing Education, International and Summer Progams at 372-8181. University's first child-care Organizations Reeve says there is facility celebrates opening hope Darian».l_ Wamocklll._*>L tingrillll startedrtllliMl with.IiitVl a,i fewf children..-lx '. I Amtr^wm to»F> putnut the«lx.. process 1In — place.Hlkaa Cur- looking to fill SAN JUAN CAPIS- The BG News in the facility. rently, 30-40 families have been TRANO, Calif. - Christoph- "They're getting the wrinkles accepted into the program. er Reeve says he's sure Celebrating the opening of the out now," Chibucos said. "I know Karen Freeman, director of the volunteer jobs scientists will find a way to University's first child-care fa- there is some concern, but I think child care facility, said spaces help people like him walk cility, a tour and lecture was of- it's going to take about a year." are immediately available for again. fered Friday to introduce the Rochelle Converse "We really do live In an children. She said the biggest The BG News "I know from age where nothing is impos- community to the new re- demand now is for infants and sible," the "Superman" star lationship between WSOS Child "They're getting the toddlers, but that the children A variety of volunteer op- experience that if Development Program and the said during a weekend of are always moving up, creating portunities are available for University. wrinkles out of it employers see that fund-raising for a spinal in- new spaces. students who want to build James Garbarino, author on a now. I know there is jury research center bear- "Children move on quickly," their resume and gain valua- you have ing his name. Reeve was range of child and family issues some concern, but I Freeman said. "There are always ble experience. left paralyzed from the spoke to the University commu- going to be openings." volunteered, you neck down after a horse- nity about issues surrounding the think it's going to Natalie Vorst, volunteer Chibucos said the spaces will outreach coordinator for St. have given of riding accident last year. child-care facility. He was start to fill up more quickly once Also Sunday, the first take about a year." Thomas More University Par- yourself without brought to the University by the the community becomes more Christopher Reeve department of Family and Con- ish, can connect students with Research Medal was a- familiar with the program. being paid, then sumer Sciences to discuss build- agencies that are looking for warded to a Swiss nerve Tom Chibucos "We need to have them feel volunteers. how much more regeneration researcher ing the best environment far chairman for Family and comfortable In the environ- who has found a way to children to live and learn. ment," he said. "The University Numerous organizations will you give if you block molecules that inhibit Tours of the new center, which Consumer Sciences needs to get behind doing this. exist in Bowling Green where are being paid." central nervous system opened on May 20, were available They're starting to see the Im- students can become involved. growth. to Introduce the University Technically, the University's portance." Some opportunities include Natalie Vorst Martin E. Schwab of the community to the idea of an on- program Is divided with the helping with Habitat for Hu- volunteer outreach coordinator University of Zurich was campus child-care facility. The HeadStart program. Although Applications are still being ac- manity and Martha's Soup given $50,000 by Joan Ir- facility, located at 812 North Col- the children share common cepted for new families. They Kitchen Students also can vine Smith, a philanthropist work with children or juven- networks for you," she said.
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