; Every Dollar You Give to the Red^Cross Is a Dollar for Humanity! Average Dsily CirctilsUon For tkajifoatk of November, 1941 H U I M A A_ m A rE 6 6 H I — .A .a a .a, ^ a A l ~~ ^ 1 M A A , -a A H The Weather FonoM t of U. 8. W Mtker Bmrmm 7,010 • ' V. Member of ths Audit A’ lacreaelag eloadiaeaa aad aat oa Bareaa ot <Olrealatlaaa eoM this afternoon and tonight. Manchestot— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXI., NO. 70 (ClMzIfled Advertizing On Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1941 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE Navy Discloses Third Submarine Attack Troops Holding New Japanese Invasi Map of Japanese Strategy Mediterranean Area 30 Survivors Saved Attack Is Expected; In Lahaina Sinking; Decisive Phase Near Use 80 Transport Given Reason Why Hit* Swift Move to Close Joint Plan Japanese Destroyers and Four Crew M ei ler Should Take Over Sea in Effort to Sal­ Transports Iftriven Off Urges Crew Supreme Command of Lost a s Ship S i To Combat vage Libyan Campaign By Heavy Guns and In First W ed k German Army After And Offset Retreat in To Destroy Landing Prevented at W ar; ‘All Shots Dismissal of Field Axis Begun Russia Seen in As­ One Point; Tanks Be­ Mark’ in Attack Marshal Von Branch* sumption o f Command All Enemies ing U |^ in Heavy Steamship Sam oa itsch; Soldiers Told to Roosevelt Holds Confer­ Of Nazi Armies by Hit­ Andi^Bloody Fightmg Andrews Urges Destruc- California Coast; Hold Fast in East. > ences with Russian, ler; Drive in Making. North o f Manila Today tu»n of Every Manu Casualties o r D ai Chinese and Dutch En­ Berlin, Dec. 22.— (OiTiciil London, Dec. 22.— (/P)— A By Clark Lee festation of Evil Broadcast Recorded by A P ) voys to Washington. Washington, Dec. 22,- source which often has had — The war is approaching its remarkably accurate behind- Manila, Dec. 22.— (5:05 p. Infection Quickly. — A third submarine at decisive phase and it is there­ Washington, Dec. 22—(P)— In m., 3:05 a. m., e.s.t)— (JP)— on American shipping off i the-scenes information said conferences with the Russian, fore understandable that today that Adolf Hitler’s as Hard-fighting American and New York, Dec. 22— 6P>— Rear ifomia over the weekn Beichsfuehrer Hitler should Chinese and Netherlands envoys to Filipino soldiers are more Admiral Adolphus Andrews, com­ sumpticin of full command of was disclosed by the Navy the United States, President Roose­ than holding their own mandant of the Third Naval Dis­ now take over supreme com­ the German Army and new day along with word that velt today took preliminary steps trict todsy called on the officers mand of the Army in order In “Joint planning for unity , of ac­ Axid movements indicated against a swarm ot thou­ survivors had been rescu to achieve even greater con- tion,” by the countries combatting the Germans were preparing sands of Japanese soldiers un­ and crew of the new destroyer and four crew memben Id centrmUona of German forces, the Axis. for a swift attack to cloM the loaded from 80 transports off Hambleton “ to destroy as ruthless­ in the sinking of the st said a German military apokes- The chief executive scheduled the Mediterranean. The object, he the Lingayen gateway to ly and as Quickly as possible the Lahaina l^tween HawaU source and every manifestation of man today. Thla comment was ^ d , would be to aalvage the Manila, it was announced official­ Francisco in the first week of made in connection with Hitler's (Continued On Page Sixteen) Libyan campaign and to offset the ly today. “ At one point Japanese war. A submarine, pre (CeatiDoed Oa Page SIxteea) announcement yesterday at the retreat in Ruaala. destroyers and transports were Japanese, fired sheila and a diamlssal o f Field Marshal Gen. The campaign “ which ebvkmi driven off by our heavy guns and do* iY th'e 'ateamahip. Sa Walther Yen BUniddtacn^'frimi that landing was prevented," said California Saturday but alt la In the making,” tbl^ source By tbeae thniste (arrows) Japanese apparenUy hope to seize his post a* commander In chief Employer Can the communique. "Our troops are the attack araa from clooa : said, may take the form of a alaWi control o f the Philippines-East Indies area of the Pacific: An attack and the Fuehrer's proclamation to behaving well." Holding Enemy a Navy communique said, through Spain and Portugal, a on Hong Kong: a drive through French Indo-Chlna and Thailand on bis soldiers and SS troops telling Walthig for Landiag Shota mlosed~ their mark" drive through Turkey at Suez, or Malaya and Singapore; an invasion of Sarawak; a pincer attack on them to hold fast In a war of de­ Express View The Par Eastern command de­ “ there were no casualties or i .both, or It may he's combined air the Philippines; and a thrust at Guam. Broken arrow indicates ex­ fense In the east lihtll spring. clared tanks were being used in At Hong Kong, age." and tea jump Into North Africa p e n d drive on the Burma road. Open arrow Indicates Allied aelxure Big n iags In Offing the heavy and bloody fighting from Greece and Italy ll]fe that OT Portuguese part o f Timor. JapMese weret reported withdrawing Ontmaneavcrs' Fan Tha speaker said the winter On Labor Row made Into Crete. troops from North China (A ) to use elsewhere. along a stretch of sheltered coast­ Poor Japanese marli . rest, mentioned in Hitler's appeal Point to New Campaign line some 100 miles northwest of London Hears also enabled the tanker referred merely to the east front These factors were [minted to the Philippine capital. The Amer­ world to outmaneuver ite f and declared that there fvere vari­ Supreme Giurt, in 7 to as supporting the belief .that i icans long have anticipated the reach port safely but the ous hther battlefields where it new campaign is about bo start: Japanese would attempt a major Information Is Based on Emidio was shelled and 0 Decision, Returns tp landing there and were waiting was believed big things are in the 1. Hitler's warning that Ger Tripolitania Force Excerpts from Mes­ and abandoned by its crow.' offing soon. Labor Board Litiga* mans are "facing a decision of for it. ty-ono survivors, five of world wide Importance,” his favor' While the fighting went on una­ Jured, were brought to There la no rift between Hitler sage Late Yesterday and Brauchitach, the spokesman tion on Power Firm. ite phrase In heralding action. bated on the shore, s spokesman Calif., today. Two of th a . emphasised, and the Army has re­ 2. His declaration that t.<e dif­ at the Far Eastern command head­ From Colony’s Head. were killed and five are ficulties of "organizing communt Quarters aai^'nimbrs were heard ceived a atrong Impulse through Washington, Dec. 22—(Pi—The Surprised by Stab The text at the communique! cationz” In Europe and "stretching of the sinking of Japanese trans- "Atlantic theater. Supreme court held today that the as far as North Africa" must be p o ^ in Lingayen gulf. He added, London, Dec. 22.—(ff>)— The Jap­ (Continued On Pnge Sixteen) anese were "being held" at Hong 'There' are op new develop Wagner act does not prohibit an overcome. however, that the rumors had not to report. • employer ‘Yrorn expressing Its 3. Hla further declaration that been verified and that there Jiiad Kong up to late Afternoon Sunday despite furious assaults, the Colo­ ■ “ E ^ e r ii Pacific. view on labor policies or prob- other “ defensive war measures are been no new advicea from the nial office said today. "The S. 8. Samoa was lema." about to be taken." • O f British Patrol northern front Aetna-Owned by an unknown submarine off 'i Justice Murphy made this as­ 4. The recent withdrawal of i t Meet Stiff Oppealtioa The brief announcement was coast of California during sertion in a 7 to 0 opinion return­ laast 500 airplanes from the Rus­ The Japanese invaded the Lin­ based on a message from Sir Mark ing to the Labor B<Mrd litigation sian front. Action Indicates Main gayen gulf area of Luzon island Young, governor o f Hong Kong,, Firm Curbed (Continned On Page SlxtaOti)] Involving The Virginia Electric 6. Reports of increasing air rein­ in force thiA afternoon, only to which was issued in tfie embattlM British Forces Press­ Large Draft m eeL'atiff oppoaitlon from the and Power Cotnpany for "a rede­ forcements In Sicily, troop nlove- island at 5:30 p. m., Sunday, Hong termination of the isaucs in the ments through. southern Italy and Ammeana and FUipinoa in t ^ Kpng time (4:30 a. m., Sunday, South Dakota Official light , of t)ita opinion." the Peloponnesus of Greece and ing Westward at Top strategic ofea. e. a. t ) Bill Is Signed H ie boaitl had found that a Italy's reported declaration of a Speed; Exact Site of It was announced' officially that The Colonial Office said its in­ Puts Ban on Writ* at one point the Japanese attempt- formation WM based on excerpts Flashes ing Fire.' Insurance. (CbnUaned On Page Sixteen) (Contlaned On Page Slxteex) Daring Swoop Not (Lat^ Bolletiae ol the (S) By Roosevelt (Couttaned Oa Page SIxteea) (Coatianed On Page Sixteen) Given; Destroy Planes Pierre, 8. D., Dec. .38— (P) — Slay Use Grotoa Flaat The South'Dakota insurahee com' W ashingten, Dec. Seufiie Hears Demands mlaalnner was withholding per- Cairo, Egypt, Dec.
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