The Inventory of the Everett Raymond Kinstler Collection #1705 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Kinstler, Everett Raymond #1705 8/9/05 Preliminary Listing I. Printed Material. Box 1 A. Chronological files; includes news clippings, periodicals, bulletins, and other items re: ERK and his artwork. 1. "1960-62." [F. 1] 2. "1963-64," includes photos. [F. 2] 3. "1965-66." [F. 3] 4. "1967-68." [F. 4] 5. "1969." [F. 5] 6. "1970." [F. 6] 7. "1971," includes photos. [F. 7] 8. "1972," includes photos. [F. 8] 9. "1973." [F. 9] 10. "1974." [F. 10] 11. "1975." [F. 11] 12. "1976." [F. 12] 13. "1977." [F. 13] 14. "1978." [F. 14] 15. "1979." [F. 15] Box2 16. "1980." [F. 1-2] 17. "1981." [F. 3-4] 18. "1982." [F. 5-6] 19. "1983." [F. 7] 20. "1984." [F. 8] 21. "1985." [F. 9] 22. "1986." [F. 10] 23. "1987." [F. 11] 24. "1988." [F. 12] 25. "1988-89." [F. 13] 26. "1990." [F. 14] 27. "1991." [F. 15] Box3 28. "1992." [F. 1] 29. "1993." [F. 2] 30. "1994." [F. 3] 31. "1995." [F. 4] 32. "1996." [F. 5] 33. "1997." · [F. 6] 34. "1998." [F. 7] 35. "1999." [F. 8] 36. "2000." [F. 9] Kinstler, Raymond Everett (8/9/05) Page 1 of 38 37. "2001." [F. 10-11] 38. "2002." [F. 12-13] 39. "2003." [F. 14] 40. "2004." [F. 15-16] II Correspondence. Box4 A. Letters to ERK arranged alphabetically; includes some responses from ERK. 1. Adams, James F. TLS, 5/16/62. [F. 1] 2. Adams,(?). ALS, Aug. 5, no year. 3. Aiken, Comad. ALS, 6/2/58. 4. Aldridge, E. C. TLS, 2/12/91. 5. Ames, Avery. TLS, 4/29/82. 6. Anderson, Robert. a. TLS, 12/8/73. b. TLS, 12/2/82. 7. Arends, Leslie C. a. ALS, no date. b. TLS, 6/2/78. c. TLS, 6/16/78. 8. Art Digest (from ERK). TLS, 2/28/51 9. Auchincloss, Louis S. TLS, 5/6/68; includes response. 10. Averyt, E. F. TLS, 5/14/70 11. Bakus, L. S. ANS, no date 12. Baker, Rev. Richard H. a. ALS, 2 p., 2/8/65. b. TLS, 2/12/65. 13. Baker, Tom S. a. TLS, 1/7/71; includes response. b. TLS, 2/15/71. c. TLS, 4/7/71. 14. Ball, Joseph H. a. TLS, 6/27/56. b. TLS, 1/20/57. c. TLS, 12/3/60. d. TLS, 10/1/68. e. TLS, 12/20/71. 15. Barker, Raymond Charles. ANS, Mar. 25, no year. 16. Barnet, Will. a. TLS, 5/5/80. b. TLS, 6/25/81. c. TLS, 6/29/81. 17. Bartle, WandaM. ALS, 8/11/64. 18. Barto, Emily. TNS, 10/14/62. Kinstler, Raymond Everett (8/9/05) Page 2 of 38 19. Baskerville, Charles. a. ANS, 4/16/81. b. ANS, 4/18/86. C. ALS, no date. d. Obituary, 10/23/94. 20. Batchelor, Charles, D. a. TLS, Jan. 12, no year. b. 8 ALS, no date. c. ANS, no date. d. ANS, 4/22/64. e. 5 ALS, no date. f. TLS, 2/6/62. g. ANS, 9/15/65. h. ANS, no date. 1. 7 ALS, no date. J. TLS, no date. k. ANS, 1/5/73. 1. ALS, no date (marked "reply 8 AG"). m. ANS, no date. 21. Batson, Charles A. TLS, 6/18/81. 22. Beach, Stewart. TLS, 2 p., 8/5/67 (marked "reply 17 Sept"). 23. Beach, Tina. TLS, 6/28/91. 24. Becker, Benton. TLS, 9/21/81. 25. Bednarski, Karen. a. ANS, 5/22/96. b. TLS, 6/5/96. 26. Beinecke, William S. a. TLS, 2/17/77. b. TLS, 5/3/78. 27. Bemelmans, Ludwig. a. TNS, 12/10/57. b. TLS, Nov. 1958 (includes photocopy), on verso ofTLS from ERK, 11/26/58. c. TLS, 10/28/59. d. ALS, 11/18/60. e. ANS on front of exhibition brochure, no date f. TLS, 12/14/61. g. TLS, 4/21/62. h. TLS, 7/27/62. 28. Bemelmans, Madeline. 3 ANS, no date. 29. Bennett, Tony. a. ANS, no date. b. ANS, 4/11/85. 30. Bensing, Frank C. ALS, 1/24/69. Kinstler, Raymond Everett (8/9/05) Page 3 of 38 31. Bensing, Thomas. ANS, 10/28/63. 32. Benton, William. TLS, 12/1/59. 33. Berendt, John. a. ANS, 8/21/94; includes copy of TL, 2 p., 8/7/94, from ERK. b. Press clipping, New York Times, 8/25/94. 34. Berenstein, Theodore M. TLS, 8/19/63. 35. Betts, Edward. TLS, 3/13/85. 36. Bierman, Florence. TLS, 1/6/56; includes response. 37. Bing, Rudolf. a. TLS, 4/10/56, includes TL from ERK, 4/6/56. b. TLS, 2/24/73. 38. Bishop, Isabel. ANS on front of gallery card, no date. 39. Blackmun, Harry A. a. TLS, 11/21/94. b. TLS, 2/23/95. C. TLS, 2/28/96. 40. Bleecker, Lyman C. a. ALS, 2/21/62. b. ALS, 4/6/62. c. TLS, 10/29/62, includes copy of special resolution on behalf of ERK. 41. Bloomfield, Coleman. a. TLS, 12/9/83. b. TLS, 4/30/85. c. TLS, 11/26/85. 42. Blum, Robert E. ALS, 4/14/81. 43. Bobker, Lee R. a. TLS, 10/7 /70. b. TLS, 2/7/73, signed "Otis B. Driftwood." C. TLS, 4/2/73, signed "Sneed Heam." 44. Booker, J. M. ANS, Nov. 1966. 45. Booker, J. M. (Mrs.) 2 ALS, no date. 46. Borch, Fred J. a. TLS, 5/23/69. b. ALS, July 7, no year. 47. Boudreau, Betty Jane. ALS, no date. [F. 2] 48. Boudreau, Eugene N. TLS, 2/23/61. 49. Bovard, James M. a. TLS, 2 p., 11/21/67, includes press clipping. b. TLS, 12/13/67. c. TLS, 1/15/69. d. ALS, 1/5/72, marked "reply 1 Feb." e. TLS, 5/14/75. Kinstler, Raymond Everett (8/9/05) Page 4 of 38 50. Bowden, A. Bruce. TLS, 8/22/73. 51. Bowen, Otis B. a. TLS, 1/9/81. b. TLS, 6/25/81. c. ALS, 4/27 /87. 52. Brademas, John. a. TLS, 6/23/82. b. TLS, 1/17/85. c. TL, 12/17/85. d. TLS, 12/18/85. e. TLS, 2/26/86. f. TLS, 6/24/86. g. TLS, 1/30/95. 53. Bragdon, Paul. a. TLS, 11/19/68. b. TLS, 4/19/71. c. TLS, 2/1/73. d. TLS, 6/1/76. 54. Braislin, Gordon S. TLS, 10/11/77. 55. Breckenridge, Robert. ALS, 4/5/73. 56. Brennan, Peter J. a. TLS, 1/7/74. b. TLS, 4/14/75. c. ALS, 5/13/75. 57. Brindle, Harry R. (Mrs.) ALS, 7/10/65. 58. Brittingham, Thomas E. (Mrs.) a. TLS, 11/3/61. b. TLS, 1/13/61. 59. Brooker, Eric E. TLS, 4/20/82. 60. Brooks, Van Wyck. ALS, 11/28/53. 61. Browning, Colleen. a. TNS, 3/13/74. b. ALS, Feb. 14 no year. 62. Brubeck, Dave. TLS, 7/4/03. 63. Brustein, Robert. a. ALS, 7/30/43. b. TLS, 7/25/50. c. TN, 9/21/55. d. TL, 9/26/55. e. TN, 10/5/55. f. TLS, 7/20/61. g. TN, 8/4/63. h. TLS, 5/3/65. 1. TLS, 5/18/65. Kinstler, Raymond Everett (8/9/05) Page 5 of 38 J. TN, 8/4/65. k. TLS, 8/3/66. 1. TLS, 1/23/67. m. TLS, 4/26/67. n. TLS, 5/26/67. o. TLS, 8/3/67. p. TN, 8/5/67. q. TLS, 8/22/67. r. TLS, 1/27 /69, includes press clipping from New York Times, 1/29/69, p. 28. s. TLS, 8/5/69. t. TLS, 8/19/71. u. TLS, 11/24/71. v. TLS, 6/10/75. w. TLS, 8/3/76. x. TLS, 8/30/76. y. TLS, 8/28/79. z. TLS, 8/3/81. aa. TLS, 12/5/85. bb. TLS, 2/17/88. cc. TLS, 2/12/92. dd. TLS, 3/23/92. ee. TLS, 2/24/93. ff. TLS, 9/12/94. gg. TLS, 10/4/94. hh. TLS, 10/20/94. ii. TLS, 3/16/95. JJ. TLS, 12/18/97. 64. Buechner, Thomas. a. TLS, 9/25/69. b. TLS, 11/26/69. c. TLS, 12/10/70. d. TLS, 4/8/71. 65. Burke, Ned. ANS, Feb. 1995. 66. Burke, Ginnie. ANS, 2/5/95. 67. Burnett, Carol. a. ANS, 1/21/95. b. ANS, Jan. 1996. c. ANS, 6/19/96. d. ANS, 3/13/99. e. ANS, 8/28/01. 68. Burrell, Constance P. ANS, 5/6/75. 69. Bush, George H. W. a. TL from ERK to Pres. Bush, 6/1/94. Kinstler, Raymond Everett (8/9/05) Page 6 of 38 b. TLS, 617194, includes photocopy. C. TNS, 1/31/95, includes photocopy. d. TNS, 5/23/99, includes photocopy. e. TNS, 1/22/99, includes photocopy. 70. Button, James W. TLS, 5/10/81. 71. Bye, Ranulph. TLS, 1/31/69. 72. Cadmus, Paul. ANS, 5/2/88. [F. 3] 73. Cagney, James. TNS, 9/12/80. 74. Cain, Walker. a. ANS, 12/18/86. b. ANS, no date. C. ANS, no date. 75. Califano, Joseph, Sr. ANS, 6/18/81. 76. Califano, Joseph, Jr. a. TNS, 6/25/81. b. TNS, 10/6/81. 77. Canaday, John. TNS, 11/24/59. 78. Caniff, Milton. a. ANS, 11/5/75.
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