WE HAVE COAL. COAL. THIS LARGEST AND ONLX HALL * WALKER padded furniture Wellington Colliery MOVING VANS Co. IN THE cm. I2S1 GOVERNMENT M, Burt's Wood Yard Phone M Fhone 838. 738 Pin dors An, NO. 142. VOLUME 47. VICTORIA, B. 0., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1909. VANCOUVER‘S OFFER. HARRIMAN'S illness. RUMORED DEATH OF | RE-ENACTS THE SEVERE ’(WAKES Businessmen May Purchase Michigan FOURTEEN ARE BETTING HELD Austrian Surgeon Says Magnate is Suf­ EMPEROR MENELIK tiuildlny at À.-Y.-P. Exposi­ fering From Nervous Aliment. MURDER OF GIRL IN CALIFORNIA tion. KILLED BY HEAT TO BE NO SIN Vienna. June 23.—Dr. Holxknechi, a Seattle, Wash., Juno 21.—Buslnesir- noted surgeon, is to-day In possession Report Which Has Been Re­ men of Vancouver. B. C.. have made a of an X-ray photograph of E. H. tentative offer to purchase the Michi­ Harrtman, the American railroad mag­ INTENSE SUFFERING REV. FATHER O’REILLY POLICE CONTINUE TO ceived at Rome is Not SHOCKS IN NORTHERN gan hulldlng at the exposition, and to nate. which he says shows that there assume the indebtedness on the struc­ is nothing radically wrong with the Credited. PART OF STATE ture. At a meeting of the Michigan IN NEW YORK CITY DEALS WITH QUESTION system of the distinguished patient. “SWEAT” CHINAMAN club last evening at the fair grounds /---------------- The surgeon says the photograph cor­ * ’ » the IniUdlng committee was given full roborates the statement of Professor power to act. in an address to the Streumpell, who is Harrlman’s phy­ (Times Leased Wire.) Residents of Grass Valley and Thousands Sleep in the Open Jesuit Priest Now in Victoria sician, that the railroad man Is suffer­ Hope to Secure Information Rome. June 23.—Reports from Abys­ club, Daniel Earle, secretary of the building committee, said that it was ing from nothing more than a nervous sinia state that King Mcnclik Is dead Nevada City Rush Into Air in Efforts to Secure Puts Restrictions on ailment. For that complaint Harrtman Regarding Wherabouts of necessary to raise about $3,000 to main­ and that Empress TAltu Is In charge tain the building and to discharge the will take a prescribed cure. The Harrl- Leon Ling. Streets. Relief. ’■< Practice. man party Is to-day spending a few of the government. debt to the contractors. hourii at the Somme ring, a mountain The messages say that the king’s The hulldlng committee wa* Instruct­ resort fifty miles from Vienna. The re­ death Is being kept secret while the ed by the club to use its efforts «luring the next few day? to secure additional (Times Leased Wire.) “Benins la not a sin in itself. It turn to the Austrian capital will be (Times Leased Wire.) Empress is organising the new regime (Times Leased Wire.) subacriptlo—, so that Michigan people New York, June 23.’—Fourteen person» tv. *n*y, however, become a sin if done made shortly. New York, June 23.—Re-enacting the and making her position secure. Ran Francisco, Cal., June 21.—Two se­ Officials here are jidt Inclined to be- vere earthquake shocks were felt In might have an opportunity to make are dead and scores prostrated to-dap under certain circumstances. There so tragedy of the murder of Elsie Sigel, ilqve the report until It Is verified, but northern California late last night, ac­ their wishes ktibWn In the matter. ns the result of three days sweltering many other things which depend on' It. the white missionary, by Leon Ling, it is generally believed th$t Menelik is cording to reports received fiVN Id-dAy. heat in New York City. Suffering 1» It a man stake» hi» 4a»y wage which her Chinese admirer. Chung 81», who BODY OF MINER in very poor health If not yet dead. No serious damage was done, but the intense op the crowded East Side t« needed for the support of his wife witnessed the crime, to-day demon­ shocks were of sufficient violence to IMPRISONED IN where the poverty-stricken Inhabitants and family it Is wrong.’* This was the strated to the police what took place awaken the people of several towns. ure unable to buy ice at the prohibits- opinion expressed by Father O’Reilly, FOUND IN LAKE In his friend’s room on the night of Vibrations in both Instances were from the Jesuit priest, who, In connection June 8th. KAISER CONTROLS north to south. The first • shock, which tive rate of forty cents a hundred occurred at 11:25 p. m., was of 15 sec­ BURNING MINE pounds > tf with Father Ghlappa, Is conducting a Chung showed how he had looked mission at the Roman Catholic cathe­ onds’ duration. The second felt at Thousands of persona slept In the MAY HAVE BEEN through the keyhole of his room, ad­ 11:1» p. m., was brief. dral this week. NATION'S DESTINY joining that decupled by Llngltind the The trembles were felt most plainte parks, on roofs and on the sands of -Th», two priests have Invited titles- VICTIM OF FOUL PLAY EIGHTY-FIVE MEN r.moy Island last night in a vain ef« tiens from member* of the congrega­ girt, and declared that he saw hie at Grans Vattey and Nevada City, tion which might have some bearing countryman strangling Miss Sigel with SAYS PRdGRESS IS where the frightened people rushed Into CAUGHT IN WORKING^ fort to alleviate their sufferings. It la the streets in fear of disaster*»Marys­ estimated that 20.000 persons slept out­ on the conduct of the lives of members a handkerchief. He reaffirmed all of of the congregation and on which they ville, Chko and Colfax also were doors at Coney Island alone last night. Money Which He Carried hi slat emends made to District Attor­ HIS DIRECT CHARGE shakon perceptibly and the populace were not clear. One of the members At 3 o’clock this morning the mer­ ney Jerome yesterday, but refused to awakened. asked if It was sinful to attend the When He Arrived at Seattle reveal anything ne*, although he was Three Are Known to Be Dead cury had mounted to 81 degregp and horse races and to bet thereon. Be Warmest weather of the season was "sweated" constantly by the detec­ experienced here yesterday and it was w-s steadily climbing upward. Later fore commencing his lecture last night is Missing. tives. Opponents of financial Policy and Over Score of Others on the sacrament of penance. Father unusually hot in the early hours to­ In the day the heat became almost un­ After making the demonstration In ils y, while a blue hase hung over the Injured. O'Reilly undertook to answer the ques­ Ling's room, where the murder took Guilty of Unpatriotic bearable. -At no time during the night tion. city. were the heat-stricken people relieved * (Times Leased Wire.) place, Chung was removed to police Father O’Rellley said it was ho sin News of the ’quakes In the northern Seattle, Wash., June 23.—The police headquarters where he identified the Actions. part of the state, coupled with the for the temperature hovered about thé to go to the races which were simply (Times Leased Wire.) to-day are investigating the death of trunk in which the girl’s body was weather here, created a panicky feel­ eighties even at midnight. an innocent amusement. "You may go hidden. He also Identified the canvas Wehrum. Pa., June 23.—An explosion all you Ilka and enjoy yourself." were Frits Schultx, a miner, whose body ing among visitors, who did not know Conditions on the Bast Side were ter­ was found in Lake Union late yester­ blanket in which the corpse was wrap­ (Times Lewd Wire.) of Ran Francisco’s climatic vagaries, his words. When it came to betting, ped. occurred In the mine of the Lack­ rible. At every window a head on a day afternoon, and It Is believed that Berlin, June 28.—That he and the but caused no apprehension among the however, he was more guarded. While awanna Coal Ml Coke Company to-day. pillow might be seen and. hundreds of the rase witt develop a murder. One Detectives who are attempting to order residents. he said that betting was alright for extract further information from the "Oiir 'IiekL Urn 'destinies of' their re­ mothers, bent upon saving the lives of of the man’s pockets had "been turned Spend Night to Open Air. One hundred men were working in the the man who could afford it, there Chinese have not allowed him to rest spective nations in the bellows of their little babes, slept upon the side­ were certain conditions under which It inside out and the money he was Nevada City, Cal., June 23.—Nevada mine at the time of the explosion, known to -have had when he came here since he was taken into custody. They ir bends, and ere directly responsi­ walks. Mattresses were strewn along would be wrong. have worked In relays, one set resting and Sierra counties were severely last Wednesday was missing. ble to God for the faithful execution which was due to an accumulation of the streets until they resembled great “H you have the money with which while another kept Chung answering shaken last night by two earthquake to bet," continued Father O’ReUfy, An examination last night failed to of their true ta, was the declaration of shocks. No material damage was done, gas. bedroorhs and scores of heat victims laff disclose any marks that would indi­ questions. These tactics finally resulted there may be danger of acquiring a In the prisoner’s confession yesterday the Kaiser In a speech at Hamburg, although a quantity of crockery and Fire broke out In the mine this af­ upon the bare sidewalks.
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