FRAUNHOFER INSTITUTE FOR INDustriaL MATHEMATICS ITWM ANNU AL REPORT [email protected] www.itwm.fraunhofer.de 2011/12 EDitoriaL note © Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik ITWM 2012 Address Fraunhofer-Platz 1 67663 Kaiserslautern Germany Phone +49 (0) 6 31/3 16 00-0 Fax +49 (0) 6 31/3 16 00-10 99 E-mail [email protected] E-mail of our employees is <surname>@itwm.fraunhofer.de Internet www.itwm.fraunhofer.de All rights reserved. It is not permitted to reproduce the book or any part of it by photocopying, microfilm or any other form or to transfer it to a language suitable for machines, especially for data processing systems, without the express written permission of the editors. The same holds for the rights for public reproduction. Trademarks are used without guarantee of free usability. This annual report is also available in german language. Editing Ilka Blauth Steffen Grützner Marion Schulz-Reese Layout Gesa Ermel Photography The editors wish to thank all cooperating partners for placing the corresponding photos at their disposal. FCC Gothenburg (S): pages 86, 87 iStockPhoto: pages 64, 66, 89 Fotos: Fraunhofer ITWM, Gesa Ermel Printing KD Medienpark Faber GmbH, Kaiserslautern ANNUAL REPORT 2011/12 1 2 CONTENT 4 Preface 84 Fraunhofer-Chalmers Research Centre for Industrial Mathematics FCC 6 Retrospection 92 Talks 8 Felix Klein Center for Mathematics 97 Teaching Activities 12 Profile of the Institute 98 Publications 13 Organizational Chart 104 Scientific Graduation Theses 14 The Institute in Numbers 105 Participation on Fairs and Conferences 16 Costumers and Cooperation Partners 107 Awards and Prizes 18 Board of Trustees 107 Own Events 18 Fraunhofer ICT Group 108 Guests 19 The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft at a Glance 109 Collaboration in Boards, Editorships 20 Transport Processes 28 Flow and Material Simulation 36 Image Processing 44 System Analysis, Prognosis and Control 52 Optimization 60 Financial Mathematics 68 Mathematical Methods in Dynamics and Durability 76 Competence Center High Performance Computing 3 PREFACE Fraunhofer ITWM benefited from the positive development of years to make mathematics more interesting for students as the German economy in 2011: Revenue increased by 9 % and well as to generate a greater student interest in MINT subjects actual operating income as a share of the operating budget and to bring the new role that mathematics has occupied in (the share of industrial revenues) was 43.2 %. Almost half of industry and organizations over the past decades into the the industrial revenues came from successive projects with ex- schools. These efforts include the mathematic modeling weeks, isting customers; while an additional 60 new customers joined multi-day events in which groups of students, instructors, and us from very diverse sectors. This clearly demonstrates the capa- student teachers get together to work on externally generated bilities, economic relevancy, and currency of the research topics problems. A very nice encouragement to continue this activity being pursued at ITWM. The revenue forecasts are optimistic, and engagement in the same direction came in the form of win- the employees are highly motivated for new challenges, and ning the top prize in the “Schools meet Science” competition we anticipate a resurgence of economic growth in 2012. The endowed with 50,000 euros by the Robert Bosch Foundation. completion of our new building expansion with new office space and labs, an extended and modernized IT infrastructure as well All of the separate divisions of ITWM continued to develop es- as new classrooms creates the perfect framework conditions tablished and new competencies and business segments in 2011. for the continued success and growth of Fraunhofer ITWM. The particularly strong growth of the Competence Center for High Performance Computing is attributed to the expansion of More orders, the expansion of business areas, and new research the collaboration with the crude oil industry in the area of seis- challenges all demand more human resources. Overall in 2011, mology and new in-house product development. In the respect, 37 new employees were hired. In this context, it was extremely for example, Fraunhofer Parallel File System FhGFS solidified its gratifying that almost half of the new hires were sourced from leading position in Europe with many new installations, espe- local resources – graduates of TU Kaiserslautern and its PhD cially, at university computer centers. A special highlight of 2011 programs. was the introduction of the interactive photorealistic visualization of a complete car in full HD resolution. The Financial Mathe- The close cooperation with TU Kaiserslautern and the institutes matics division has had to suffer in recent years from the effects of the Science Alliance constitutes an important element in of the global financial crisis – fewer contracts from banks and the successful development of ITWM. Fraunhofer’s innovation insurance companies, the tarnished reputation of financial cluster “Digital Commercial Vehicle Technology”, the Innova- mathematics, and many personnel changes. The division con- tion Centrum for Applied System Modeling, the Center for solidated in 2011: In addition to current research topics, new Mathematical and Computational Modeling, and the Felix areas (valuation of exotic interest derivatives, extreme risk in Klein Center for Mathematics each represent major structural the financial sector, data use) were developed, the customer components that facilitate the collaboration of mathemati- base expanded, and advance education seminars and in-house cians, computer scientists, natural scientists, and engineers. A training have all been implemented for the World Bank. The special highlight was the inauguration of the new building for Mathematical Methods in Dynamics and Durability division the Felix Klein Center. The name represents a joint label, un- continued development on the Fraunhofer Innovation Cluster der which mathematics in Kaiserslautern can be developed DNT – Digital Commercial Vehicle Technology. The ongoing over the long term into a leading national center for mathe- activities with Bosch, Daimler, John Deere, Liebherr, Schmitz matics. One focus of the center is the reform of the mathe- Cargobull, and Volvo were expanded by new topics such as matics curriculum: Fraunhofer ITWM and the Department of energy efficiency and soil structure interaction simulations. Mathematics at TU Kaiserslautern have endeavored for many The Virtual Measurement Campaign project, a multi-year joint 4 venture with five of the leading truck manufacturers is working tin Spies for their work in ultrasonic testing of bronze casting on a geo-referencing information system for automotive de- alloys: They were honored with the Deutsches Kupfer-Institut velopment. The Transport Processes division has made the Prize for outstanding and innovative scientific achievement for transition of the simulation tool FPM (Finite Pointset Method), their research on the material copper. which is based on a gridfree process, from purely a flow solver to a continuum mechanics tool with a broader application spec- In 2011, an employee survey was conducted at all institutes trum. A new version of the FIDYST software was created to and at the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft headquarters. The 88% facilitate the simulation of filament dynamics in turbulent participation at ITWM was very high and in many categories flows. This will ensure efficient handling of more complex we attained outstanding results. Overall, the results showed problems in filament and nonwovens production in the future. strong employee satisfaction with employment conditions, The Optimization division was awarded large, multi-year con- management culture, and the working climate at ITWM. Of tracts from BASF and Siemens for the design of interactive, course, action is required in some individual areas and these decision support tools for the multicriteria optimization of the will be followed up on intensively in a subsequent process. My technical design of chemical processes and photovoltaic power appreciation goes out to our staff and our PhD candidates, stations. Furthermore, with the creation of a demonstration who demonstrated again in 2011 high levels of identification process for gemstone processing, funded with a strategic invest- and autonomy in a variety of projects and created a climate of ment, a broad approach to the commercialization of optimized mutual respect and recognition of one another’s abilities, which volume processing of gemstones has begun. The Flow and is what makes the many scientific and economic successes of Material Simulation department has attained a certain unique ITWM possible. position with the development and provision of application- specific software tools suitable for industrial use and based on I also thank our customers and project partners for placing their multiscale and multiphysics methods. The year-long presence trust and confidence in ITWM and look forward to accepting of the Bessel-Humboldt Prize winner Yalchin Efendiev strength- new tasks and challenges together in the year 2012. ened our long standing cooperation with Texas A&M and our partners in the Interpore Society network through collabora- tive research projects. The Systems Analysis, Prognosis and Control department is developing interesting new opportuni- ties for sophisticated control systems in addition to the estab- lished activities in power plant controls. Advances in the simu-
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