Vestfield Sales Days - Today - Tomorrow -- Saturday DRIVE THE WESTFIELD LEADER SAFELY THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY second Class Postage Paid PuMlnhed TENTY-FOURTH YEAR—No. 23 at Westfleld, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1964 Every Thursday 36 Pages—10 Centa Won't Seek Rights Leader Scores New Term, Special Committee Towl Says Report Reviewed Mayor's Statement On Business Pressures Cited by Mayor In Declining to Run Personnel Practices Mayor Burr A. Towl Jr. Tuesday The announcement that a state- offered terse "no comment" replies said the difficulties in the works Mayor Burr A. Towl Jr. now serv- ment on the report would be issued to questioners. department could be partially cor- ing his fourth year as head of West- night said that the recent report of drew representatives of the West- The Human Rights committee rected by improved management field's governing body, today an- the Special (Council) Committee field Civic Improvement Association which investigated two complaints through its spokesman-president, Dr. controls and procedures. He cited the nounced that he will not be a can- and the Westfield Area Committee complete lack of official job designa- didate for reelection. of alleged discrimination in the Pub- Erwin Schoenewaldt, however, rap- for Human Rights to the council ped the mayor's statement as "total- tions and wage scales, which give lic Works Department indicated that chambers. The Mayor, who is completing his the misunderstandings and com- ly inadequate" terming the entire rise to Irregular pay rates, misun- second term this year, cited increas- plaints of injustices developed as a Following tile release of the statement as ... "being a shocking derstanding and suspicion among ing business pressures as the reason result of lack of communication mayor's statement on the report at admission of bad management in the employees concerned. for his decision. He is an assistant within the department rather than the conclusion of the council session, the Public Works Department." The mayor recommended a num- general counsel for The Buckeye —Classic Studio as a product of discrimination. representatives of the civic group In his full statement Mayor Towl ber of steps to be taken including 5ADY FOR SALES EVENT—Saul Drittel, left, chairman of the Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce Pipe Line Corp. in New York City. setting up of job classifications, pe- tall division sales day committee, aided by Herman Farber, right, one of the participating merchants, In his announcement Mayor Towl riodic review of employee perform- ice a banner announcing Hie three-day sales event starting today. Looking on are, left Everett E. said, "A number of residents have 3 Ordinances OKd; ances and posting of job openings as omas, executive vice president of the Chamber, and Richard Townley, right, Chamber president. asked whether or not I would be a they occur with accompanying data candidate this year and I feel my Trinity Forum Offers on required qualifications where position should be made completely Bogart Appointed nccssary. Adult School Lists clear at tills time. It has been a The statement also suggested that hopper Throngs Due great honor to serve the residents Program Innovation Town Council establish all necessary of Westfield as Mayor two terms. safeguards to insure that admission However, I feel that the pressure Tax Collector Registration Mon. For the first time, at least in this area, three participants in the to the Volunteer Fire Department Is of business has so increased and open to all qualified candidates will continue to increase, that I will, Second Vatican (Ecumenical) Council in Home will take part in an inter- Picrson St. Vacation, Sales Days Start faith discussion and appraisal of the council to date next Wednesday without regard to race, creed or At Edison JHS after this year, be unable to devote 12-Hour Parking color. Membership in that organize- the amount of time that is required night at 8:15 in the Holy Trinity High School auditorium. The occasion Is Today marks the start of a three-day February sales event by West- ion has been under fire by a num- to properly fill the position." the concluding program of the ninth annual Trinity Forum presented by Zones Approved ber of groups. I retail merchants extending through Saturday. The program is being Glasses Scheduled the lay organizations of Holy Trinity Mayor Towl added that personal Town Council Tuesday night in the isored by the Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce and merchants To Start Feb. 10 parish. Mayor Towl also pointed out that considerations were involved as he Tile speakers, one of whom is a Mrs. Moses Given Council chambers gave final en- i final recommendation, that tho anticipating an influx of shoppers from miles around. For Spring Term was desirous of having more time prominent delegate observer to the dorsement to vacating a part of nayor and council establish a per- Saul Drittel, manager of Milady's Shop and chairman of the Chamber's available for his family than has council from non-Catholic churches Picrson St., and to two other ordi- manent committee to meet when il division cited the efforts and Registration night for the West- been possible the past four years, nances setting up a 12-hour parking field Adult School will be Monday and organizations, are: Dep. Court Post necessary to probe any future al- usiasm for the event shown by In his role as Mayor of Westfield, Bishop Joseph A. Costcllo, Chan- zone and establishing meters for the leged acts of discrimination occur- 63 participating merchants to night from 8 to 9 o'clock at Edison Mr. Towl followed in the footsteps Mrs. Raymond.Moses of 134 Wind- area. Paganini Quartet Junior High School. Many of the cellor of the Roman Catholic Arch- ing within the municipal govern- ;c the sales days an outstanding of his father who also served as diocese of Newark; sor Ave., Tuesday night was ap- The Pierson St. vacntlon was en- ment, had already been acted upon. Instructors will be available at reg pointed deputy court clerk by Town iram this year. Mayor of Westfield from 1929 Dr. George Hunslon Williams, Hol- acted in order to provide an ex-He referred to the recent appoint- istration to answer questions con- through 1930. Council. She will assume the post ith the expectation that shoppers To Give Concert cerning their courses. lis Professor of Divinity and former panded play area for McKinlcy ment by him of a full four member be thronging into town many Mayor Towl entered the political Monday. A part-time employee she School. A new street is being cut committee for this year. Registration in the Adult School acting dean of the Harvard Divinity will receive $1.25 per hour. chants have added personnel for arena in 1960 when he upset the then School; through to provide access to W. Dr. Schoenewaldt attempted to is available to any adult regardless Councilman William H. Baumer in Mrs. Moses, whose first name Is comment on the report at the Coun- r convenience. Marked reduc- Tonight at HS James J. Norris of Rumson, as- Broad St. > will be found in Items ranging of residence. Classes are scheduled the GOP primary. In the Novem- Geiiienda, is the first member of The 12-hour parking zone is on cil session but was stopped by the The Paganini Quartet, the fourth to begin Monday, Feb. 10 and will ber balloting ho defeated Democrat sistant to the executive director of her race to be appointed to a muni- wearing apparel, appliances, Catholic Relief Services and the only Kim St. between Orchard and Cow- Mayor, who said remarks from tho attraction in this year's series of end April 13. Arthur Fried to win the mayoral cipal post here other than in the audience could only pertain to Coun- iture and gifts to automobiles, Community Concerts, will appear American among 11 Catholic lay ob- perthwaite PI. and on Kim St. be in Uiis year a number of car Among the new courses featured post held for six years by H. Emer- servers to the Vatican Council ap- Police Department. tween Orchard St. and Walnut St. cil action. The Mayor described his this evening in the ^auditorium of during the spring term is a lecture son Thomas. A secretary with the Fuller Prod- own statement as "a press release." firs are participating in the bar- Westfieid High School at 8:30 o'clock. pointed by Pope Paul VI. The parking meter action covers ; event. series entitled "The Earth, the Uni- ucts Co. in Newark, Mrs. Moses, the same area. The statement, issued by the The world famous organization takes verse, and You." Eight of these The panel discussion will bo mod- 33, is a graduate of Armstrong High mayoi* is considered to be an ex- rerett E. Thomas, executive vice its namo from the valuable instru- erated by Monsignoi' Henry G. J. Council also approved the ap- lident of the Chamber said that lectures are sponsored by the Infor- School, Richmond, Va., and attended (Continued on page 2) pression of his intreprctation of the ments it uses, all Stradivari once mation Office, Institute for Space Players to Stage Beck, professor of Eccesiastieal His- college there for a year prior to Special Committee's full report sub- •hour free parking periods will owned by the great virtuoso, Nicolo tory at the Immaculate Conception available to the daytime shopper Studies, National Aeronautics and taking business training. mitted to him and to council Dec. Paganini. Space Administration, and will be Seminary at Darlington, and a The couple, residents here for nine Students 'Bond' Sale 31.
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