eneral Johnson Walked Out on F. D. at Conference, Is Revealed i ROTHSCHILD’S TRIUMPH “THEIR BIG MOMENT” BREAK HEALED LABOR BOARD REPORT SHOWS r lashes ■ AS NEW PLAN WILL ACT TO MORE PEOPLE WORKED AVOIDSTRIKE AT WORK The Associated Press) OVER NOW (By Where There’s Smoke WASHINGTON. Aug. 27—<*»>— WASHINGTON. Aug. J7.— WASHINGTON, Au«. 27. .*»)- DENVER, Colo.—Persons pass- The national labor relations board The deep seated character of NRA’s Pres. Roosevelt ha* received a report ing St. Dominic’s school saw what apparently is ready Monday to latest were clouds of smoke troubles became apparent intervene swiftly to avert a convul- saying employment has increased 1* they thought from the and Monday when it was learned that sion in the gigantic textile industry. 120,000 since he took office. pouring steeple turned in fire alarms. iera! Hugh S. Johnson angrily The board watched closely as The document, submitted by Don- ^ strike leaders in north and south, Fire apparatus came. Firemen walked out on last Monday's White ald r. as head of the exec- to douse acting on secret instructions from Richberg dashed up ladders, ready House conference, resigned in writ- the United Textile Workers here, utive council, also cites figures to the flames. But they found no fire. was ing and reconsidered only on the perfected plans lor a national show a substantial business advance The supposed smoke walkout which they say eventually dust, stirred up by the Janitor's firm insistence of President Roose- and declares that in this improve- involve 800.000 workers. broom. velt. may Authoritative information is that ment NRA was a “dominant in- He yelled an explanation Just The dispute arose over an NRA the secret order sets the date of j nuance.” in time to keep from getting soak- ed. reorganization plan submitted to the the walkout as Sept. 4, the day after “Reliable figure*,' said the re- president by Donald Richberg. the Labor Day. Other sources, however, port made public Sunday night, “in- hold that the strike will be called Sweet and Low NRA counsel, and Frances Perkins, dicate that 40.180.000 person* were on or before the BOISE, Idaho—Ada the secretary of labor. Among other next Saturday, employed in the United State* in county po- original "deadline." lice have reoorded what they be- things, the plan was interpreted by George Arliss and Boris Karloff in a tense scene from “The House "Their Moment." new hit. Slim Summerville and June, 1934. an Increase of 4.130 000 Big laugh starring is one of the world’s ’sweet- Johnson his own Francis J. Gorman, chairman of lieve as contemplating of Rothschild," showing for the ia&t times Monday st "your" Cap- ‘Zaau Pitts, is showing Tuesday only at "your" Brownsville. over the low figures of March. 1933, the national strike committee, ex- Capitol. est" accidents. retirement to private life. itol, Brownsville. and an increase of 2.320.000 over acts to make the date public short- Dick Stevenson, mountain home The 0eneral walked out when June. 1933. The latter Increase Is ly. The position of the union leaders apiarist, was driving to Boise when Mr. Roosevelt, seeking to sooth the due mainly to of hotf-s said he liked that old that as outlined Monday is that, al- shortening a tire on his truck blew out and ruffled spirits of his conferees, sug- saying under NRA codes." though they are to discuss his cargo—five tons of honey— gested that a decision be postponed Iriends always must be friends. willing Prison The said the the matter with the national labor Germany ‘Hygienic’ report purchasing was dumped onto the as while Johnson took a rest and a highway So matters stood when the pres- SCOUT CAMP power of the average worker in relations board, they are not willing the truck overturned. trip to Europe. manufacture • • • ident left for Illinois, to to the strike remained practically The so lar as John- Tuesday postpone pending reconciliation, Woman Scribe unchanged but that there was an attend :.c funeral of Rain- negotiations. Says Expelled Recipe For Prosperity son is concerned, was consummated Speaker Only a definite settlement of average reduction of six hours In LOUISVILLE. Ky.—To increase just before Mr. Roosevelt's depart- ey. It was because of this undeter- ENDS Industrial work week. It declar- WORK the business, raise la their demands, they say, will bring prices, the recipe ure Saturday for Hyde Park. Under PARIS. Aug. 27—Germany, In apparently was based on an inter- mined situation t*-at he changed an peace. These include an end to the ed many small businesses had been of one beer hall proprietor. its terms. Johnson on as ad- the opinion of Dorothy Thompson, view she had with Adolf Hitler in stays stretch-out" saved from failure, industries Beer at cents a already-announced plan and return- 0 system of requiring larger 10 32 (Mince ministrator and probably will be- American newspaperwoman who 1931. belore he became chancellor. ed from Illinois to Washington in- workers to tend more machines, .stabilised and corporation profits in- glass didn’t go so well. So he got come. later on. chairman of a board iSpecial to The Herald* was asked to leave It. "is becoming "Hitler is no longer a man. he is stead of going straight to Hyde wage improvements and a halt to creased. some 64 ounce glasses and raised controlling NRA. RIO HONDO. Aug. 27.—The Val- the most comfortable and most a religion,” she asserted. Park. “discrimination" union men. The report was in the nature of a the price to 23 cents. Now business | against hygienic prison in the world." Perhaps my expulsion is a direct saw ley Boy Scout summer encampment The the unions view economic re- is Johnson Is Boss He Johnson again and the industry, denying Miss Thompson arrived in Paris application of the system of Propa- birdseye of the booming. came to a close Friday morning and accusation, the cotton textile It dealt break was healed. He did insist, says Sunday, the day after secret police ganda Minister Goebbels." she con- covery. largely with un- was declared John L. Leslie, has increased and BANK ROBBED The implications respecting Mr. however, that the general take two by code employment in Berlin asked her to leave the tinued. "He thinks the best way to employment which It called the Scout executive, a success- Richberg and Miss Perkins are less weeks rest and Johnson consented Valley boosted payrolls. country immediately. conciliate foreign opinion is to “primary problem of recovery." HUNTINGDON, Pa Aug. 27.— ful from stand- The union leaders the strike <*»>—Two robbers held dear Richberg s friends say he will and departed for the beach. At encampment every say The request, she said is evident- suppress all information about Rlchberg pointed to “most signi- up the Pint order will affect 500.000 workers In ficant" National bank at Three renuun the NRA counsel, although the end of the two weeks he will point. ly a part of a campaign of terrorism Germany which does not emanate figures shoving that busi- Springs 16 of the first cotton factories and that 300.000 Monday. Intimidated the be no further doubt that see the president at Hyde Park and Last Tuesday night against foreign correspondents" but from him.’ ness failures from February to May. cashier theit^niii Wilbur be called from their and other Johnson, is boss. Miss Perkins is they will settle details of the new class scouts accompanied persons may Miss Thompson, the wife of the 1934. were more than 40 per rent employes with revolvers assis- later in silk, rayon and woolen and with in expected to confine her activities NRA set-up. And in it the fiery sol- Washington, of Brownsville, Jobs novelist Sinclair Lewis, plans to go lower than in 1929. He said the In- escaped 13.000 cash. industries. more closely to the labor depart- dier will have first rank. tant camp director, on an all night to the Saar territory within a few dex of corporation profits rose from The labor board—called the ment. This does not mean a break be- trip. The trip was made to Paso “sup- days. Her case attracted wide inter- “the deficit figure of 6 9 in the first reme court' of labor and headed by The inside story oi the incident as tween Richberg and the president, Real eight miles down the Arroyo AL AND FRANK est here and many newspapermen quarter of 1933 to the profit figure Lloyd Garrison—is expected to do related to the Associated Press au- or between Miss Perkins and the Colorado in boats. The trip took interviewed her when she arrived. of 33.2 in the second quarter of if feel low- to you thoritavely. is this: president. In her own field. :tr. three hours up and three hours everything possible bring peace Sh had memorized verbatim the 1934" don't be in a situation which carries a discouraged—remember* Relations between Johnson and Roosevelt highly regards the sec- back. letter asking her to leave. loas of strength... sleeplessnesa... of labor. threat to the Roosevelt recovery R1 c h b e rg. although outwardly retary He greatly admires On the same night another groop AT IT AGAIN nervousness... lack of program. The board, however, can paleness... friendly, have been undergoing a Richber^ and will have other work from the camp under Edwm Wink- The German propaganda ministry not compel arbitration. appetite... and general run-down change over a period of months. for him should he retire from NRA.
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