clinical section Clinical guidelines for treatment of impalement injuries of the oropharynx in children Ari Kupietzky, DMD, MSc Dr. Kupietzky is in private practice, Jerusalem, Israel, and a Diplomate of The American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. rodental injury in children is a cause of much concern and anxiety for the patient and parent. Most pediat- Oric dentists are well-acquainted and capable of treat- ment of trauma to the teeth and their supporting structures. However, the anatomical area posterior to the hard palate is less familiar to the pediatric dentist. The active toddler and young child are likely to turn first to their familiar dentist if and when they experience an impalement injury. The pediat- ric dentist needs to be in a position to provide proper emergency treatment and reassurance in such cases. The objectives of the present report are to describe an im- palement injury in a 6-year old, review the relevant anatomy, modes of treatment, and possible sequela associated with such injuries. Mini review of terminology, prevalence and etiology Impalement injuries of the oropharynx and particularly of the soft palate are relatively common in children.1-5 Impalement injuries of the soft palate have been reported in patients of all Fig 1. Landmark anatomy of oropharynx and soft palate region: 1. Palatine ages, ranging from the newborn to geriatric patients. However, tonsil. 2. Supratonsillar fossa. 3. Mid soft palate. 4. Hard palate. 5. Palatopharyngeal arch. 6. Interior pillar. The clinician should be able to young children, particularly toddlers, are most involved in these describe tha area of injury. types of injuries. Children frequently run around with objects in their mouths. Left unsupervised, they may fall and suffer mi- nor oropharyngeal trauma.2 clinical section Age and Sex The mean age of patients presenting with impalement inju- ries has been reported as being under 4 years of age.1,2,5 Males are two to three times more likely to be involved than females. Site Injuries of the soft palate and oropharynx may include the fol- lowing areas: posterior pharyngeal wall, the tonsillar region, uvula, the midline, and the left and right soft palate superior to the tonsils (Fig 1). The most common site is the left supra- tonsillar area.1,2 The higher incidence of left sided injuries may reflect predominant right-handiness among patients.1 Lesions are predominately in the soft and hard palate without perfora- tion. Linear and superficial wounds are frequent. A typical injury is the flat-, u-, or v-shaped with the apex directed ante- riorly.5 Etiology The most common objects causing impalement injuries in children are sticks, pens/pencils, cylindrical toys, and straws. Sticks were implicated in 25% to 30% of the cases reviewed. Fig 2. Cross-section passing through the mouth and pharynx. 1. Cervical Even toothbrushes have been reported to be the cause of in- vertebrae. 2. Retropharyngeal space. 3. Superior Constrictor muscle. jury in young children.2,3,5,7 Young children often place objects 4. Carotid sheath 5. Mandibular Ramus. Note close proximity of carotid sheath to the peritonsillar and palatal tissues. Compression of the artery between the penetrating object and the transverse process of the cervical Received June 22, 1999 Revision Accepted September 8, 1999 vertebrae may lead to thrombus and future coma. Pediatric Dentistry – 22:3, 2000 American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 229 Table1. Facts for the Clinician—Impalement Injuries of the Oropharynx Age: most common under 4 years of age Sex: males>females Location: most common site is left side of soft palate in supratonsillar area Etiology: most common causes in decreasing order:1,5 falling on object carried in mouth; direct force applied to an object held in mouth; falling into a stationary object with the mouth open ryngeal area has a very high potential of healing capacity. How- ever, cases of a large avulsion flap, through-and-through wounds, or the need to explore the wound for a foreign object should be referred to the oral surgeon for possible surgical in- tervention. Studies5,6 have suggested that suture placement is contraindicated in most situations. The use of sutures may cause further damage and delay healing. However, prophylac- tic antibiotic therapy should be prescribed immediately to prevent the possible complication of facial cellulitis. Healing of the wound should be complete by three weeks with mini- mal scarring. Complications clinical section Fig 3. Impalement injury in a 5-year old male. The patient presented at a private practice two to three days following a fall with a pencil-like object in Neurologic sequelae secondary to carotid artery injury are rare his mouth. No bleeding was observed by parent and the patient did not alert but have been reported.1 Most were reported as lateral soft parent until present time. Prophylactic antibiotic therapy was initiated and parent was given detailed instructions. palate injuries. However, neither the mechanism of injury nor the degree of injury correlates with the potential for neurovas- cular sequelae.2 The carotid artery in its sheath is susceptible to injury due to its anatomic proximity to the lateral periton- sillar and palatal tissues of the oropharynx (Fig 2). Compression of the artery between the penetrating object and the transverse process of the cervical vertebrae may lead to disruption of the intima of the artery and may result in the formation of a mu- ral thrombus. This may cause future formation of a stroke. Fortunately, most individuals have adequate collateral circu- lation and can tolerate acute occlusion of one internal carotid artery. Onset of symptoms may occur several weeks or even months after the initial injury to the artery,2 therefore, admis- sion to hospital for early observation would not necessarily detect potential neurologic injury. No diagnostic measures prior to the development of neurologic symptoms appear to alter the final outcome of these injuries. Therefore, outpatient management with parental counseling (see Table 2) and close Fig 4. Spontaneous healing of wound in Fig 3, six weeks after injury. Note follow up is recommended versus admission to hospital. How- light color of healing site. ever, reports of any neurologic signs would warrant immediate referral to an oral surgeon, ENT specialist, or neurologist. More in their mouths. The child may then fall on the object or re- extensive evaluation with angiography and other tests would ceive a direct force on the object which then perforates the soft then be initiated. A recent report7 illustrates the need to in- palate tissue. struct parents and perform follow-up visits. A 2-year old child fell on a toothbrush, sustaining a pharyngeal injury. Eighteen Treatment hours later, localizing symptoms of a cerebrovascular accident Conservative treatment is recommended. Primary healing is became evident. Magnetic resonance angiography showed oc- usually uneventful. The majority of soft palate and oropha- clusion of the internal carotid artery and a cerebral infarction. ryngeal impalement injuries can be managed on an outpatient She was treated with anticoagulation and made a complete re- basis. Most palate injuries heal without direct intervention.1 covery. Even gaping through-and-through wounds of the hard palate have been reported to heal spontaneously.1,2,3,5 The oropha- 230 American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry – 22:3, 2000 Table 2. Clinical Guidelines for Treatment Table 3. Parental Instructions Following of Impalement Injuries of the Oropharynx an Impalement Injury A neurologic assessment of the patient can be achieved in a Eating, speaking, and talking may be difficult for a few days. short time (see screening as described by Croll8). Soft diet for five days. If neurologic damage is suspected, immediate medical Observe child closely for 48-72 hours. referral is indicated. Most children do not develop problems, but if parent notices Most palatal injuries will heal spontaneously without any of the symptoms listed below, contact the dentist immediately: intervention,5 even perforating lesions of the hard palate.4 1. Decreased level of consciousness. A brief episode of intraoral bleeding which stops spontaneously 2. Irritability. is common.3 Profuse bleeding which is life threatening is usually 3. Vomiting. not a problem with these injuries.5 4. Weakness of either arm or leg. Avoid the impulse to suture the wound.4,6 Surgical intervention 5. Headache, blurred vision, or convulsions. should be reserved for the rare case of a large avulsion flap or 6. Neck swelling or bleeding from the mouth. need to explore for foreign objects.5 Prophylactic antibiotic therapy5,9 (penicillin) may be prescribed The author thanks N. Edinger for the anatomical drawings. to prevent infection, especially in wounds greater than 1 cm in greatest dimension. References Instructions similar to those given for minor head trauma should 1. Hellmann JR, Shott SR, Gootee MJ: Impalement injuries of be explained to parents (see Table 3 ). the palate in children: review of 131 cases. Intl J Pediatr Soft diet should be recommended for a few days. Otorhinolaryngology 26:157-163, 1993. Close follow-up examinations are recommended. 2. Schoem SR, Choi SS, Zazal GH, Grundfast KM: Manage- ment of oropharyngeal trauma in children. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 123:1267-70, 1997. 3. Radowski D, McGill TJ, Healy GB, Jones DT: Penetrating trauma of the oropharynx in children. Laryngoscope 103:991-94, 1993. 4. Domarus HV, Poeschel W: Impalement injuries of the pal- ate. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 72:656-58, 1983. 5. Takenoshita Y, Sasaki M, Horinouchi Y, Ikebe T, Kawano Y: Impalement injuries of the oral cavity in children. J Dent Child 63:181-84, 1996. 6. Crawford BS: The management of perforating wounds of the palate. Brit J Plast Surg 23:262, 1970. 7. Moriarty KP, Harris BH, Benitez-Marchand K: Carotid ar- tery thrombosis and stroke after blunt pharyngeal injury.
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