Eastern Illinois University The Keep February 2006 2-10-2006 Daily Eastern News: February 10, 2006 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2006_feb Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: February 10, 2006" (2006). February. 8. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2006_feb/8 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2006 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in February by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "Tell the truth and don't be afraid. " SECTION + Women fall to fifth with loss: page 12A THE D AILY FRIDAY FEBRUARY 10 2006 Eastern Illinois University, Charleston BIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS Eastern tops enrollment growth Group has BY )ACLYN GORSKI 80 volunteer STAFF REPORTER disparity Eastern's smdent population for the spring semester of this year has BY KRISTEN lARSEN seen an increase in student enroll­ CITY EDITOR ment since last year around this time. Charleston's Big Brothers Big Sisters A 5.3 percent increase brought program is 80 volunteers short for the the enrollment from I0,839 in the I20 children enrolled in the program. spring of 2005 to II ,4I4 this Of the 80 children that are spnng. unmatched, exactly half are from each It is the biggest increase com­ gender. pared to the changes in smdent "There is almost always a problem in enrollment at Western illinois all the agencies of finding matches for University, the University of Illinois boys," said Marsha Ndoko, program at Urbana-Champaign and Illinois supervisor at Big Brothers Big Sisters of State University. ERI C HILTNER/THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS DuPage County. The University of illinois' enroll­ Students gather before a Public Relations and Society class in Coleman Hall Thursday afternoon. Enrollment The largest problem with matching ment went up from 68,9I4 stu­ increased 5.3 percent this spring to 11,414 students. children is most of the volunteers are dents in the fall 2004 semester to women, who don't like to be matched 7 I,I23 su1dents in the fall 2005 Total enrollment at Illinois state schools office has recruiting efforts as well. with boys. semester, a 3.2 percent change, said Eastern sends representatives over­ "We have found that most men say Spring 2005 Spring 2006 Carol Livingston, director of the seas to schools to recruit students as they drink and smoke (and) therefore, +Eastern: 10,839................................. 11,414 Division of Management well as hold recruitment fairs, (are) not good to be around kids," said Information. + Illinois State 19,196 ................................ 19,120 Songer said. Braden Shain, At the other end of the spectrum, + Western Illinois 12,488 ................................12,505 Having I39 international SUI­ match support spe­ Illinois State saw a decrease in dents, or 1.22 percent of the cam­ cialist at Mid- enrollment. 2005. from those areas. pus population, at Eastern is posi­ Illinois Big According to Katy Killian, direc­ Within Eastern's numbers, the Minority Student Affairs also tive, Songer said. Brothers Big tor of Enrollment Communication enrollment of minority su1dents sends representatives to schools to "International students find it Sisters. "But it and Academic Services, Illinois State has also gone up, said Mona help recruiting efforts, which is very difficult to smdy in the United doesn't matter what saw a 0.4 percent decrease from Davenport, director of Minority helped by programs such as the States," she said. they do on their own as long as they are I9,I96 smdents in the spring of Affairs. Last spring, 975 minority Latin American Student Recmitrnent has been difficult responsible, mature and simply care 2005 to I9,I20 smdents currently students made up about 9 percent Organization and the Black since Sept. 11, 200I, but Songer about the kids." enrolled. of the total su1dent population, Student Union, Davenport said. attributes the current international The programs in Decatur, which has Western came out in clte middle while this spring, minority stu­ On the other hand, the interna­ student population to strong I50 children enrolled, and Wheaton, of the three schools and saw little dents make up 10.52 percent of tional su1dent population has not recmitment efforts, she said. which has I 00 enrolled, have their lit­ change in enrollment. the population, or I,20I students. increased like the minority student The recruitment efforts of the de brothers and sisters matched. But "We've stayed pretty stable," said Minority Student Affairs uses population has. university, including the they have also had problems of being Martha Youriger Meyer, secretary in several methods to bring minority "The numbers have been fairly International Programs Office and short on volunteers, especially for the the Office of Planning, Budget and students to Eastern. stable," said Sue Songer from the Minority Affairs, helps bring SUI­ boys. Wheaton's location often has a Institutional Budget. Western saw a Davenport said Eastern brings International Program Office. dents to Eastern because they feel waiting list for big sisters and little O.I3 percent decrease from the minority students on bus trips Eastern's I39 international stu­ like they can fit in. brothers. I2,505 sUI dents enrolled this semes­ from the Chicago and East St. dents has remained consistent since "Our whole job was to make "It's a combination that men don't ter to an enrollment of I2,488 stu­ Louis areas to Eastern to view the 2005, she said. sure su1dents go to college and we look as it (the program) as an opportu­ dents in the spring semester of campus, since most students come The international programs did that," Davenport said. nity," Ndoko said. "Also most of them are starting careers and don't have enough time to commit until its evenings or the weekends." Renowned trumpeter heralds Jazz Fest The children enrolled in the pro­ gram are regular children just looking BY ASHLEY WAGNER for a 'big' friend, and a positive role STAFF REPORTER model, Shain said. Big Brothers Big Sisters is a nation­ Trumpeter Wayne Bergeron found time wide organization with 470 agencies between polishing off the soundtrack for '1ce that match volunteers with children Age 2" and getting ready to record for Christina from the ages of 5 to I8 years old. Aguilera's new album to perform at Eastern's Although children can stay in the pro­ 47th Annual Jazz Fest tonight. gram till they are I8, they must be Sam Fagaly, director of Eastern's Jazz Studios matched before they are I4 years old. Program said Bergeron is the country's best "Every agency is different by a year tmmpet player at the moment. PH OTO ILLU STRATI ON BY ERI C HILTNER/THED\ILYEASTERN NEWS older or a year younger, but those are With a past Grarnmy nomination for his solo the general ages," Ndoko said. album tided "You Call this Playing?" Gordon Goodwin, a Grarnmy winner for com­ grade. Having had no plans ofpursuing a career There are two different types of vol­ Bergeron wants to share his music with posing the music from the Disney movie "The in the music industry, Bergeron said he feels unteering someone can be involved in. Eastern's campus. Incredibles," he said. lucky to have made it this far. Community-based volunteering has Fagaly was excited when he heard Bergeron's Bergeron added that it is difficult to make it "I started playing because it was fun, and volunteers pick up and spend time with talents performed live in 2004. in the music business, but said it's important to because I loved it, and because I happened to be their little brother or sister. They can "I was very impressed and thought this have a love of playing. good at it," he said. do things like go to the park or play would be a good person (to bring to campus)," Born in Connecticut and raised in The concert will take place at 7:30 p.m. basketball, Shain said. Volunteers have Fagaly said. "Whether it is from his experiences California, Bergeron agrees to come to colleges today in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin to devote at least 10 to I2 hours a in the recording su1dio or touring, Wayne across the United States because he enjoys edu­ Luther King Jr. University Union. month. Bergeron is sure to inspire these young musi- cating the youth, and has had experience in par­ Ticket prices are $4 dollars for general admis­ The other option for volunteers is a clan.. " taking in educational clinics. sion, $2 for students and seniors. Bergeron's inspiration comes from his youth As a child, Bergeron began his musical inter­ For more information, contact Eastern's SEE BIG SIBUN GS PAGE 7A idol, Bill Chase, and his latest motivator, ests playing the French horn in the seventh Music Department at (2I7) 58I-30IO. FIVE-DAY OUTLOOK TODAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 38 33 30 34 40 23 17 17 20 28 Chance flurries Chance flurries Partly cloudy Mostly sunny Partly cloudy FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10,2006 CAMPUS BRIEFS The BOT will also get an update EASTERN NEWS on campus constmction and financial aid programs. Th e Daily E.lstern News is produced by the Movie marks Darwin's birthday The BOT will meet at 11 :30 a..m. students o f Eastern Illinois University. k is published daily Monday through Friday, today in the Grand Ballroom of the in Charleston, Ill., during fall and spring Eastern's biological sciences depart­ College of Education and Research and Grant Committee and Martin Luther King Jr. University semesters and twice weekly during the ment will sponsor the showing of Professional Sn1dies (CEPS), will be the CEPS Development Committee.
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