d-t^fk-: -t; -?-"»: <.^' '4?%JC;?WENT UPON THE FACE OF THE WATE" M i '^i^*!^^** ^fel? -^ -.xi- * -^ .: * ^^tm STRIKING FORCE RRKROYRL ISSUED FOR THE ADMIRALTY BY THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION 19 4 2 LONDON: HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE CONTENTS 1. "WHERE IS THE ARK ROYAL?" page ^ I 2. THE BUILDING OF TH E ARK page lo 3. THE ARK GOES TO WAR page 14 4. OCEAN SEARCH: THE HUNT FOR THE GRAF SPEE page 17 5. NORWAY: AT GRIPS WITH THE LUFTWAFFE page 26 With Maps of the Ark's Price gd. or 15?. for 24 copies from His Majesty's Stationer)' Office at York House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. ; 120 George Street, St., i Edinburgh. 2 ; 39"4i King Manchester, 2 j St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; 80 Chichester St., Belfast ; or through any bookseller. 6. "THIS MELANCHOLY ACTION" page'^'^. 7. THE LONG ARM OF FORCE H page "^^ J^^ •'^ 8. "THE CONVOY MUST GO THROUGH" page^^ 9. THE HAZARD THAT BEAT THE BISMARCK page^l 10. THE SPIRIT OF THE ARK page^g Movements on pages 15 and 36-37 CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED PRINTED BY HARRISON «c SONS LTD., LONDON. Wt. 508/B2978. S.O. Code No. 70-400* 1. "Where is the Ark Royal?" 26th SEPTEMBER 1939 On 26th SEPTEMBER, 1939, three the Commander Flying waved his green flag. British warships were steering westward The Flight Deck Officer repeated the signal across the North Sea, escorting a damaged to the leader of the squadron. Lieutenant submarine back to port. They were His A. T. Kindersley, R.N. The ranging party Majesty's battleships Nelson and Rodney, snatched away the chocks from the wheels, and the aircraft-carrier Ark Royal, steaming and the first Skua moved forward down the in close order behind their destroyer screen. long flight deck, took off" and lifted. Half a Two of the Ark Royal's reconnaissance air- minute later another followed, then a third, craft were on patrol over the ships. It was like monstrous cards being dealt into the sky. a bright morning, with high clouds patching The section formed up over the ship, to be the blue sky, a fresh breeze flecking the waves followed at intervals by the second and the with white. For a long time the watchers in third, and flew off" to the attack. It was the the air saw nothing unusual. Then, just be- moment which the fighter pilots Jiad been fore eleven o'clock, one of them sighted, ten awaiting for the past three weeks : the first miles away to the south-east, three German naval air combat of the war. Dornier i8 flying-boats shadowing the Force. The three Dorniers kept low over the water, Immediately this report reached the Ark their dark blue and green camouflage making Royal the " squealers " sounded and the them difficult for the Skuas to find. But at command " Hands to action stations " was last each section sighted its target and piped over the ship's broadcaster. As the attacked. Although the Dorniers were ratings doubled to their positions a fighting heavily armed, two of them retired damaged, force of nine Blackburn Skuas, waiting their superior speed enabling them to escape. fuelled and armed in the hangars below, The third was shot down by Lieutenant B. S. were brought up in the lifts and ranged on McEwen, R.N., and his air-gunner. Acting the flight deck. Petty Officer Airman B. M. Seymour. This By the time the pilots had been given their was the first enemy aircraft to be destroyed instructions and reached their aircraft the by any Service in the war. H.M.S. Somali engines had been started up and were ticking picked up the crew of four and sank the over. The fitters left the cockpits ; the ffying-boat. pilots and the air-gunners climbed in. The The attacking force returned safely. The great ship turned into wind. From the bridge Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet, signalled THE ARK OPENS HER TALLY. The first enemy aircraft destroyed in the war by any Service was this Dornier i8 flying boat, shot down into the North Sea by a Skua from the Ark on 26th September, 1939. The photographs show (i) her crew of three preparing to launch their rubber boat, (2) the boat broken away, (3) the two stranded airmen about to swim for it, (4) H.M.S. Somali hauling them to safety. SOIKISCMTR HOnvOfTtK A'yjg"^"" ,,@d)iii(n)Hn(t tes ingrfff^: M MvmMwf l>r> •>' U n> lain <« •> ••• f>< Urn 9j.tr*M*l £*ft*T«:W« >« t^tt* 1*4 ran ;)laM> I Ma tmniMi* CfMte' l<«(ft<i«>«i«i|atl S« « W«n «• »• «<1rt Ml <!•• •f-»#»*««i •• Maara »a a>ia»«N H« fci ». laillti <>ai.ir„„^, '- ti l^t 14 baai .« .a. , •«, ^m, »«« IT- ^. •* • ka« Wi tMai* 4 »«(« Iw >- ' >»«S tea Jm; -*« y%am tea »..» iilBi aai •« t« •«! fif .xl IK KaiiXll t<a ayafc- -laf^taw fv^^aa ta* • > tana<» f an *alaa haa aa aa« aMI aai.^ aataa Ca >a»a« aw Ma fi«l» iaa >.>liilltrjatlal«aic>at •• Jatliaairaa-t all »•» lala.a<a aaiaaiitaataa J«.' «.«. • va aalaAi »:-an*i M-aa. laaa >•• • «.a>«-a aaar-Matata. >ai »,.« . , .- ..-.-- aa« ifftaaai aa« a» ».'.k.-i »•• J «*<• <i.a». »aa.i a < k-aa«ft-t • ita irala I .1 •lali .ilalf.a M Salaam «Mi »aa- f.f »#«••.• '- ataai -^»^^ Iaa «ai<i '-ai Va»aia*««t M* iMn /i-.tataia MM M D«at»cV* t.uhatiail>iatl« fl«c>i6i«n In d«t NeiK»*« •BfUKhmi nugMUfbigm und bai«t«« •» ScMwAikMII lutd Z*tu«iai ikii Bonixn DR. GOEBBELS SINKS THE ARK. This page is reproduced from the Nazi Party newspaper Volkischer Beobachter of i ith October, 1939. The drawing shows the notorious ' sinking " of the Ark Royal in a German bombing attack in the North Sea on 26th September, 193Q. The text includes a telegram of congratulation from Goring to the pilot, Leutnant Francke, who was awarded the Iron Cross for his supposed success. " The headline across the drawing means : Heart of our attack was the aircraft carrier." ''WHERE IS THE ARK ROYAL?" 9 his congratulations, and there was great jubi- Ministry published an illustrated children's lation in the Ark. But the excitement of the booklet " How I sank the Ark Royal," day was not over. purporting to have been written by Francke. The sur\'iving shadowers had reported the It seems that the German claims did not position of the Force. At 2.20 that after- deceive Francke's brother officers. They noon, half an hour after the last Skua had knew that he was wearing a decoration he landed on, a Heinkel iii approached under had not earned, and he soon became the the cover of cloud at a height of 6,000 feet, laughing-stock of the Luftwaffe. This ridi- dived steeply upon the Ark Royal from stern cule preyed upon his mind until he felt that to bow, released a 2,000-lb. bomb and roared the only way to save the honour of his family away in a climbing turn. was to take his own life. An American The officers on the bridge, with upturned journalist, Mr. William Bayles, to whom he faces, watched the bomb come wobbling confided his troubles in Berlin, suggested that down from 1,500 feet above the ship. One if he chose to denounce the Ministry of Pro- of them thought it looked like an Austin paganda suicide would become unnecessary. Seven. To another it looked more like a Meanwhile the German broadcasting London bus. The Captain gave an order to stations continued to ask " Where is the Ark alter course, and as the Ark Royal turned Royal ? " in spite of the British Admiralty's away to starboard the bomb exploded in the repeated denials that she had been damaged, sea 30 yards from her port bow. and although the United States Naval A solid wall of water rose as high as the Attache attended divine service on board flight deck and cascaded over the fore-end. and wrote an official report of his visit which The Ark lifted her bow and seemed to shake was made public. The question was hailed herself, then plunged down again, took a list with derision by the ship's company, who " " of five degrees to starboard, and righted her- roared in answer, We're here ! The self a moment later as she turned back upon officers sent Oberleutnant Francke an invita- her course. The only damage in the ship tion to become an honorary member of their was some broken crockery. Mess, addressed c/o A. Hitler, Esq., Berchtes- The Heinkel flew back over the flight deck, gaden. But the German people believed the spraying it with machine-gun bullets, then story implicitly. Months afterwards, when sheered off in the face of the anti-aircraft fire. the Ark Royal was in Rio, the German colony The German pilot, Leutnant Adolf protested that she must be another ship of Francke, reported that he had dive-bombed the same name. an aircraft-carrier in the North Sea. He Nevertheless, during the next two years believed that his bomb had scored a direct both the Germans and the Italians were to hit, but he was not certain, and made no have good cause to know that the Ark Royal claim to have sunk the ship. The German was still upon the face of the waters, for, in Ministry of Propaganda made it for him. the words of Zechariah, she passed through Next morning the newspapers throughout the sea with affliction.
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