Conference Participants DAVID AXELROD, M.D., Commissioner, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY, USA HARVEY BARKUN, M.D., Executive Director, Association of Canadian Medical Colleges, Ottawa, Canada SIR DOUGLAS BLACK, M.D., Past President, Royal College of Physi­ cians, Reading, England* MAXINE E. BLEICH, President, Ventures in Education, New York, NY, USA SIR CHRISTOPHER BOOTH, M.D., Past President, The Royal Sociey of Medicine, London, England* MARKLEY H. BOYER, M.D., Professor of Community Medicine, School of Medicine, Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA JO IVEY BOUFFORD, M.D., Visiting Fellow, King's Fund College, Lon­ don, Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics and of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Former President, New York Health and Hospitals Corporation), New York, NY, USA ROGER J. BULGER, M.D., President, Association of Academic Health Centers, Washington, D.C., USA RUTH E. BULGER, Ph.D. Director, Division of Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., USA RT. HON. LORD BUTTERFIELD, M.D., (Retired Vice-Chancellor and Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Cambridge), Cambridge, England 267 268 Conference Participants ROBERT. D. COHEN, M.D., Professor of Medicine, London Hospital Medical College, London, England JULIA E. CONNELLY, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA * DAVID S. GREER, M.D., Dean and Professor of Community Health, School of Medicine, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA* JOHN D. HAMILTON, M.D., Dean and Professor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia THOMAS S. INDI, M.D., Professor and Head, General Internal Medicine and Professor of Health Services, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA* HARRY S. JONAS, M.D., Director, Division of Undergraduate Medical Education, American Medical Association, Chicago, IL, USA ARTHUR KAUFMAN, M.D., Professor of Family, Community, and Emer­ gency Medicine, School of Medicine, University of New Mexico, Al­ buquerque, NM, USA GEORGE I. LYTHCOTT, M.D., Retired Dean, City University of New York Medical School, New York, NY, USA ARTHUR J. MAHON, ESQ., President, The Royal Society of Medicine Foundation Inc., and Vice Chairman, Board of Overseers, Cornell Med­ ical College, New York, NY, USA MICHAEL G. MARMOT, M.B., Ph.D., Professor of Community Medi­ cine, University College and Middlesex School of Medicine, London, England WILLIAM D. MATTERN, M.D. Associate Dean and Professor of Medi­ cine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA LIONEL E. McLEOD, M.D., Vice-President, Medical Services, University Hospital, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada* IAN R. McWHINNEY, M.D., Professor of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada Conference Participants 269 THOMAS H. MEIKLE, Jr., M.D., President, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, New York, NY, USA * DAVID H.H. METCALFE, M.B., B.S., Professor and Chairman, Depart­ ment of General Practice, University of Manchester Medical School, Manchester, U.K. * VICTOR R. NEUFELD, M.D., Director, Centre for International Health, and Professor of Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada* WILLIAM G. O'REILLY, Executive Director, The Royal Society of Med­ icine Foundation Inc., New York, NY, USA* PETER RICHARDS, M.D., Ph.D., Dean and Professor of Medicine, St. Mary's Hospital Medical School; Pro Rector (Medicine), Imperial Col­ lege of Science, Technology, and Medicine, London, England MUTYA SAN AGUSTIN, M.D., Director, Department of Ambulatory Medicine, North Central Bronx Hospital/Montefiore Medical Center; As­ sociate Professor, Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, NY, USA * DAVID A. SHAW, M.D., Dean and Professor of Neurology, University of Newcastle Medical School, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, U.K. ROBERT A. SPASOFF, M.D., Professor and Chairman, Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Univer­ sity of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada* PAULA L. STILLMAN, M.D., Curriculum Dean and Professor of Pedi­ atrics, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA JOHN WADE, M.D., Director, The Manitoba Health Services Commission (Former Dean and Professor of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba), Winnipeg, Canada MAMORU WATANABE, M.D., Dean and Professor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada KERR L. WHITE, M.D., Retired Deputy Director for Health Sciences, The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, Charlottesville, VA, USA * 270 Conference Participants SIR DAVID INNES WILLIAMS, M.D., President, The Royal Society of Medicine, London, England ANTHONY B. ZWI, M.B., Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine, University College and Middlesex School of Medicine, London, England * Members of the Planning Committee Name Index Abbott, L., 132, 155 Black, D., 1, 15,81, 102, 104, 107, Acheson, E.D., 107, 108 108,267 Ackerman, B.A., 27, 50 Blane, D., 74, 81, 87,93, 104 Adams, P.F., 69, 103 Blaxter, 68, 69, 104 Adkins, R.J., 39, 50 Bleich, M.E., 267 Albutt, T.C., 3 Blendon, R.J., 1, 15 Alpert, J.J., 133, 155 Bloom, R., 136, 144, 156 American Board of Internal Medicine, Bloom, S.W., 47, 50 33,45,50 Bloomsbury Health Authority, 66, 104 Anderson, G.R., 39, 50 Booth, C., 55, 267 Antonovsky, A., 41, 50 Boufford, J.I., 249, 267 Ameill, B.P., 139, 155 Boyer, M.H., 267 Arraiz, G.A., 76, 103 Breslow, L., 74, 78, 99, 104 Ashby, E., 129 Brezenoff, S., 144, 155 Austin, C.A., 57, 58 Briefel, R.R., 66, 107 Axelrod, D., 52, 267 Bright, R., 3 Britton, M., 97, 104 Bailar, J.C., 100, 103 Brook, R.H., 97, 106 Brown, M.H., 58 Balaraj an , R., 101, 103 Bruner, J.S., 57, 58 Ball, J.R., 35, 52 Brunner, E., 78, 94, 95, 105 Barker, D.J.P., 97, 104 Bubolz, T.A., 110, 111 Barkun, H., 202, 267 Bulger, R.E., 267 Barnett, P.G., 133, 155 Bulger, R.J., 225, 267 Bartley, M., 74, 81, 87, 93, 104 Bunker J.P., 29, 50 Battista, R.N., 28, 50 Butterfield, Rt. Hon. Lord, 125, 267 Beaulieu, M., 121, 125 Becker, L., 83, 104 Canada Health Promotion Survey, 68 Belenky, M.F., 41, 50 Canada Health Survey, 68 Bentsen, B.G., 83, 104 Carline, J.D., 39, 51 Berenberg, W., 111 Cassell, E.J., 33, 50 Bergmann, B.B., 35, 50 Chalmers, T.C., 111 Beuregard, K., 81, 106 Chambers, L.W., 120, 125 Bevan, A., 19 Charney, E.. 133. 155 Bismarck, 6, 53 Chassin, M.R., 97, 106 271 272 Index Chemiack, M.G., 29, 50 Eisenberg, C., 35, 51 Child, e.G., 111 Eisenberg, J.M., 29, 50 Chong, J.P., 120, 125 Eisenberg, L., 5, 15, 17 Chongtrakul, P., 120, 125 Elliot, D.L., 70, 105, 138, 155 Chronic Disease in Canada, 75 Elwood, J.M., 69, 104 Clark, R.M., 170, 172,201 Engel, C., 169 Clarke, R., 170 Engle, G.L., 28, 50, 226, 227 Clifford, P., 90, 105 Epidemiological Society of London, 3, Clinchy, B.M., 41,50 15 Cob1iner, W.G., 145, 155, 156 Evans, R.G., 61, 62, 104 Cohen, E., 146, 156 Cohen, R.D., 247, 248, 249-254, 267 Faculty of Medicine, 171, 173,201 Commission on Health Research for Farley, E.S., 83, 104 Development, 4, 15 Farrell, G., 144, 155 Connelly, J.E., 18,267 Fassig, J., 144, 156 Cooney, T.G., 138, 155 Feeney, A., 78, 94, 95, 105 Cullen, M.R., 29, 50 Feltovich, J., 137, 155 Cullen, T.J., 39, 50 Fink, A., 97, 106 Cu1p, W.J., 110, 111 Fishman, A.P., III Cumberland, W.G., 74, 78, 99, 104 Fleming, D., 81, 105 Flexner, A., 18, 19, 58 Daley, J., 139, 155 Foucault, M., 58 Daniels, N., 26, 50 Fraser, R.D., 109, 110 Dasco, C.C., 132, 155 Freeman, H.P., 95, 96, 105 Davey Smith, G., 74, 78, 81, 87, 94, Freeman, J.L., 111 95, 104, 105 Freeman, W.L., 83, 104 Davidson, N., 81, 92, 97, 106 Froom, J., 83, 104 Davis, A., 145, 155 Fulop, T., 101, 104, 106 Davis, D.L., 98, 104 Fund for the City of New York, 144 Dawson, D.A., 69, 104 DeBakey, L., 23, 51 Gamble, V.N., 40, 50 De1banco, T.L., 139, 155 Gastel, B., 4,15,32,51,52 Demeny, D., 145, 155 Gaste1, N., 137, 156 Department of Health, 75, 77, 82, 89, Geieger, J., 35, 51 104 George, D., 168, 205 Devin, J., 35, 51 Gertman, P.M., 139, 155 DeVries, M.J., 31, 50 Gillies, P.A., 69, 104 Dickinson, J., 174,201 Gilmore, G., 44,51 Dickman, R.L., 133, 155 Ginzberg, E., 32, 41, 50, 133, 134, Dickstein, L., 41, 50 137, 155 Doherty, R.L., 3, 15, 187,201 Girard, D.E., 138, 155 Donaldson, 96, 104 Gloyd, S., 35, 51 Dowler, J.M., 70, 104 Goldacre, M.J., 81, 82, 104 Duban, S., 42, 51 Goldberger, N.R., 41, 50 Goldfrank, L., 136, 144, 156 Ebert, R.H., 32, 41, 50, 132, 138, Gomby, D.S., 29, 50 155 Goodnow, J.J., 57, 58 Editorials, 94, 104 Gordon, D.R., 28, 51 Einstein, A., 14 Gordon, J.1., 178,201 Index 273 Green, L.A., 83, 104 Knox, E.G., 80, 81, 90, 105 Greenberg, B.G., 57, 59 Kolata, G., 31, 33, 51 Greenwood, 8 Komblatt, J.E., 138, 157 Greer, D.S., 16,43,51, 138, 155, Kosecoff, 1., 97, 106 267 Koska, M.T., 36, 51 Greer, T., 39, 51 Kroenke, K., 138, 155 Guilbert, J.-J., 101, 104 Kuczmarski, R., 66, 107 Kuhn, T.S., 226, 227 Haines, A., 29, 51 Halperin, A.K., 43,51 Lalonde, 114 Hamerman, D., 136, 144, 156 Lamberts, H., 83, 105 Hames, C., 83, 104 Lane, R., 109, 110 Hamilton, J.D., 18, 202, 206, 267 Last, J.M., 73, 105 Hansbarger, C., 42, 51 Lawrence, R.S., 28, 50 Hardin, F., 9, 15 Leeder, S., 170, 173, 188 Hardy, A.M., 69, 103 Levenson, D., 134, 156 Harlan, L.C., 88, 89, 104 Lightfoot, S.L., 40, 51 Harlan, W .R., 87, 104 Linz, D.H., 138, 155 Hastings, C., 3 Lloyd, D.M., 191, 194 Havelock, P., 33, 52 Lock, M., 28, 51 Haynes, R.B., 29, 52, 56, 59 Locke, J., 6 Head, 1., 78, 94, 95, 105 Louis, P.C.A., 3 Heller, R.F., 179, 191, 194 Ludmerer, K.M., 24, 51 Hovind, O.B., 90, 105 Lukomnik, J.E., 48,51 Lythcott, G.I., 203, 268 Iliffe, S., 29, 51 Innis, H.A., 56, 58 McCarthy, M., 81, 105 Inui, T.S., 31, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, McCluhan, M., 56 110, 267 McCord, c., 95, 96, 105 Irby, D., 44, 51 McCormick, A., 81, 105 MacDonald, P.J., 120, 125 Jacobson, B., 78, 81, 94, 106 McDowall, M.E., 93, 105 Jefferson, 6 McKeigue, 96, 105 Jonas, H.S., 127, 268 McKeown, T., 75, 105 Jordan-Simpson, D.A., 70, 104 McLachlan, G., 2, 15 Joseph, M., 145, 156 McLeod, L.E., 129, 268 Josiah H.
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