292 Pet.Sci.(2013)10:292-302 DOI 10.1007/s12182-013-0278-1 Characteristics of the turbidite fan in the Wenchang Formation of the Enping Sag, Pearl River Mouth %DVLQ&KLQDDQGLWVK\GURFDUERQVLJQL¿FDQFH Chen Guojun1, Li Chao1, 2 , Du Guichao2, Zhang Gongcheng3, Lü Chengfu1 and Wang Qi1 1 Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources Research, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, /DQ]KRX*DQVX&KLQD 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3 Research Institute of China National Offshore Oil Corporation, Beijing 100027, China © China University of Petroleum (Beijing) and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 Abstract: A turbidite fan in the Eocene upper Wenchang Formation in the Enping Sag, Pearl River 0RXWK%DVLQ 350% KDVEHHQVWXGLHGXVLQJVHLVPLFORJJLQJDQGERUHKROHGDWD7KHIDQLVFKDUDFWHUL]HG E\SDUDOOHOSURJUDGDWLRQRQWKHGLSVHLVPLFSUR¿OHDQGLVPRXQGVKDSHGRUOHQWLFXODUVKDSHGRQWKHVWULNH VHLVPLFSUR¿OH7KHVWXG\RIWKHFRUHDQGORJJLQJGDWDIURPZHOO(3ZKLFKLVORFDWHGLQWKHIURQW VLGHRIWKHWXUELGLWHIDQVKRZVWKDWWKLVIDQLVDVHWRIQRUPDOJUDGLQJVDQGEHGVLQWHUEHGGHGZLWKLQ WKLFNGDUNJUH\PXGVWRQHVRIVHPLGHHSWRGHHSODNHGHSRVLWVLQWKH:HQFKDQJ)RUPDWLRQ7KHIDQLV interpreted as a sand/mud-rich turbidite fan that has an area of over 140 km2 and a maximum thickness RIRYHUP&RPELQHGZLWKDVWXG\RIWKHUHJLRQDOJHRORJLFDOEDFNJURXQGDQGSUHYLRXVSURYHQDQFH analysis of the Eocene Wenchang Formation, the main potential provenances for the turbidite fan are FRQVLGHUHGWREHWKH3DQ\XORZXSOLIWDQGQRUWKHUQIDXOWWHUUDFH]RQH7KH(QSLQJ6DJLVFRQVLGHUHGWR EHDKDOIJUDEHQOLNHEDVLQZKRVHQRUWKVLGHLVIDXOWHGDQGZKRVHVRXWKVLGHLVRYHUODSSHG%DVHPHQW VXEVLGHQFHLQWKH(RFHQHZDVPDLQO\FRQWUROOHGE\ERXQGDU\IDXOWVZKLFKGLSUHODWLYHO\VWHHSO\RQWKH north side, causing the subsidence center of the Enping Sag in this stage to be close to the north boundary faults. Sustained faults developed in the Enping Sag during the Eocene caused an increase of the relative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enchang Formation has provided important information for sedimentary evolution in deep layers of the (QSLQJ6DJDQGSRLQWHGWRDQHZGLUHFWLRQIRUWKHK\GURFDUERQH[SORUDWLRQLQWKHVWXG\DUHD Key words: Pearl River Mouth Basin, Enping Sag, Wenchang Formation, turbidite fan, hydrocarbon exploration 1 Introduction of the main focuses in global hydrocarbon exploration, but also a frontier in sedimentological studies in recent years (Zhu +\GURFDUERQH[SORUDWLRQLQGHHSZDWHUEDVLQVKDV et al, 2004; Chen et al, 2007; Wang et al, 2011). An estimated become an important and active field for the global oil and WRRLODQGJDV¿HOGVLQFOXGLQJSURGXFLQJ¿HOGV JDVLQGXVWU\VLQFHWXUELGLWHVDQGERGLHVZHUHIRXQGWREH DUHNQRZQIURPGHHSZDWHUWXUELGLWHVDQGUHODWHGV\VWHPV important oil and gas reservoirs in the 1950s (Wu, 1986; Pang 6WRZDQG0D\DOO 3HWWLQJLOO GRFXPHQWHG HWDO 'HHSZDWHUWXUELGLWHIDQVDUHQRWRQO\RQH 925 of these fields (excluding carbonate plays) from 54 EDVLQVRIZKLFK¿HOGVFRXOGEHFODVVL¿HGDVJLDQWV ! *Corresponding author. email: OLFKDRPDLOV#FRP PLOOLRQEDUUHOVRLOHTXLYDOHQW 7XUELGLWHUHVHUYRLUVDUHDOVR Received May 11, 2012 ZLGHO\GLVFXVVHGLQ&KLQD /DLDQG*X*DRDQG:X Pet.Sci.(2013)10:292-302 293 1985; Lei et al, 1999; Bai and Zhang, 2004; Liu et al, 2006). 7KH(QSLQJ6DJLVORFDWHGLQWKHZHVWRIWKH=KX, 'HHSZDWHUK\GURFDUERQH[SORUDWLRQIRUVXEPDULQHIDQVKDV 'HSUHVVLRQZKLFKLVVLWXDWHGRQWKHQRUWKHUQPDUJLQRIWKH achieved great success in the Pearl River Mouth Basin in the 3HDUO5LYHU0RXWK%DVLQ )LJ 7KLVVDJLVDKDOIJUDEHQ northern slope of the South China Sea in recent years, and a OLNHEDVLQZLWKDQDUHDRIDERXWNP2 (2,200 km2 for ODUJHVXEPDULQHIDQZDVGLVFRYHUHGLQWKH%DL\XQ6DJ7KH the Paleogene) and a depositional thickness of over 8,000 GHHSZDWHUIDQKDVEHHQSURYHGWREHSUROL¿FE\ZHOOVGULOOHG m (Huang, 1999; Fu et al, 2007; Chen et al, 2008). Affected on the LW3-1 structural trap (Pang et al, 2006; 2007; Wang by multiple tectonic movements, the geological evolution et al, 2011; 2012; Zhu et al, 2012). So, are there turbidite of the basin can be divided into four tectonic stages: 1) pre- fans developed in the Enping Sag? It is necessary to study ULIWLQJVWDJH ULIWLQJVWDJHEHWZHHQWKHODWH&UHWDFHRXV WKHNQRZQWXUELGLWHIDQDQGLWVIRUPDWLRQWLPHGLVWULEXWLQJ and the early Oligocene, 3) depression stage during the late features, the characteristics of associated sands developed Oligocene to the early Miocene, 4) block faulting stage from in this fan and the main controlling factors for its formation. the late Miocene to the present (Huang, 1999; Li, 1999; Zhuo ,WLVLPSRUWDQWWRILQGWKHDQVZHUVZKLFKZLOOVLJQLILFDQWO\ HWDO=KDQJ 7KH:HQFKDQJ)RUPDWLRQ contribute to understanding the sedimentary evolution and the deposited in the Eocene, is typical in the main rifting stage. directions for hydrocarbon exploration in the Enping Sag. 7KH3HDUO5LYHU0RXWK%DVLQKDVH[SHULHQFHGVHYHUDO 7KHWXUELGLWHIDQLQWKHXSSHUVWUDWDRIWKH(RFHQH phases of tectonic movements. Affected by the Shenhu Wenchang Formation has been studied on the basis of PRYHPHQWWKH1((:PDLQIDXOWVZHUHJHQHUDWHGDQG previous research on the regional tectonics and sedimentary DFWLYDWHGDQGWKH(QSLQJ6DJZDVLQLWLDOO\IRUPHGGXULQJ EDFNJURXQGWKURXJKVHLVPLFGDWDLQWHUSUHWDWLRQZHOO the late Cretaceous (K3 WR3DOHRFHQH7KHPDLQIDXOWV VHLVPLFFDOLEUDWLRQZHOOGDWDFRPELQHGZLWKVHLVPLF ZHUHIXUWKHUDFWLYDWHGDVWKHILUVWHSLVRGHRIWKH=KXTLRQJ 1-2 UHÀHFWLRQFKDUDFWHULVWLFVVHLVPLFIDFLHVDQGGULOOLQJFXWWLQJV movement occurred during the early to middle Eocene (E2 ), DQDO\VLV7KHWHFWRQLFEDFNJURXQGSURYHQDQFHVHGLPHQWDU\ and the amplitude of the faults increased rapidly in this environment and the main factors controlling the formation of SHULRG&RUUHVSRQGLQJO\WKHZDWHUGHSWKLQWKH(QSLQJ6DJ WXUELGLWHIDQDQGLWVGHSRVLWLRQDOPRGHOZHUHVWXGLHG)LQDOO\ increased and fluvial-lacustrine facies of the Wenchang ZHLQWHJUDWHGVHLVPLFUHÀHFWLRQDWWULEXWHVVXFKDVIUHTXHQF\ )RUPDWLRQZDVGHSRVLWHGLQWKHEDVLQFHQWHU7KH(QSLQJ and amplitude, AVO analysis and formation pressure testing 6DJZDVXSOLIWHGDQGGHQXGHGDVWKHVHFRQGHSLVRGHRIWKH WRDQDO\]HWKHK\GURFDUERQSRWHQWLDORIWKHWXUELGLWHIDQDQG Zhuqiong movement occurred during the late Eocene to early 3 1 pointed out the directions for hydrocarbon exploration in the Oligocene (E2 -E3 ZLWKWKHVDJFRQWLQXRXVO\H[WHQGLQJDQG study and adjacent area. faults further developed in this period. Correspondingly, the ODNHDUHDRIWKH(QSLQJ6DJZDVELJJHUDQGLWVZDWHUGHSWK 2 Geological setting ZDVPXFKVKDOORZHUWKDQWKDWRIWKH:HQFKDQJ)RUPDWLRQ DQGDWWKLVWLPHWKHVDJGHSRVLWHGWKHÀXYLDOODFXVWULQHIDFLHV 2.1 Structural geology and tectonics of the Enping Formation. After that, the Enping Sag entered 112° 114° 116° 118° North Fault Belt PY1-1 20° 20 50' 50 Zone Enping Sag 22° EP12-1 Fault B Zhu I Depression EP11-1 C A EP14-5 Chaoshan EP18-3 Northern Enping Uplift Belt Sag Depression A 20° 20° B 20° EP17-3-1 EP18-1 20 30' 30 Central C Zhu III Depression Panyu Low-uplift Zhu II DepressionSouth Uplift Belt EP23-1 0 60 120km 0 20 40km 18° 18° 112° 114° 116° 118° 113° 50' 113° 80' Basin First-order Second-order Basin location boundary structural boundary structural boundary A Turbidite Study area Line of cross section EP Well locations A sandbody Fig. 1/HIW7HFWRQLFGLYLVLRQRIWKH3HDUO5LYHU0RXWK%DVLQDQGORFDWLRQRIWKHVWXG\DUHD 5LJKW7KHGLVWULEXWLRQRIWKHWXUELGLWHIDQLQWKH:HQFKDQJ)RUPDWLRQRIWKH(QSLQJ6DJ 294 Pet.Sci.(2013)10:292-302 the post-rifting stage roughly from the late Oligocene to the PLQZHOO(3UHYHDOHGPEODFNPXGVWRQHV )LJ SUHVHQW6HDZDWHUHQWHUHGWKH(QSLQJ6DJGXULQJWKHODWH 7KHXSSHUDQGORZHUZDVWKHORZIUHTXHQF\FRQWLQXRXV Oligocene Zhuhai sedimentary stage and progradation of KLJKDPSOLWXGHVHLVPLFIDFLHVDQGWKHPLGGOHZDVEODQN paleo-Pearl River Delta reached the study area, depositing ZLWKZHDNUHIOHFWLRQ7KHORZIUHTXHQF\FRQWLQXRXVKLJK the transitional and deltaic facies of the Zhuhai Formation in DPSOLWXGHGHSRVLWVLQWKH:HQFKDQJ¶VXSSHUDQGORZHU WKHOLWWRUDOEDFNJURXQG7KHRSHQVHDEDVLQZDVIRUPHGLQ VHJPHQWVDUHFRQVLGHUHGDVPXGVWRQHVLQWHUEHGGHGZLWKWKLQ WKHPLGGOH0LRFHQHDQGWKLFNPXGVWRQHZDVWKHGRPLQDQW VDQGVWRQHVZKLOHWKHPLGGOHLVSXUHVDQGVWRQH /L VHGLPHQWZKLFKLVJRRGFDSIRUPDWLRQ 0LDRHWDO 0LDRHWDO VXJJHVWHGWKDWWKHZHOO+KDGWKHVDPH In summary, the Enping Sag experienced rifting and characteristics as the Wenchang Formation sequence (Fig. 4). SRVWULIWLQJVWDJHVZKLFKDUHVHSDUDWHGE\DQXQFRQIRUPLW\ LQWHUIDFH 7 IRUPHGE\WKH1DQKDLPRYHPHQWLQWKH 2.3 Sedimentary facies of the Wenchang Formation ODWH2OLJRFHQH7KHGHSRVLWLRQDOHQYLURQPHQWRIWKHVDJ Miao et al (2010) pointed out that the top and bottom evolved from terrestrial facies to marine facies. In the rifting interfaces of the Wenchang Formation at the edge of the stage continental facies are deposited in the Wenchang and depression are unconformity surfaces, but the surfaces are Enping formations. During the post-rifting stage, the Zhuhai FRQIRUPDEOHLQWKHFHQWUDOGHSUHVVLRQ7KUHHIDFLHVRIWKH )RUPDWLRQZDVLQDWHUUHVWULDOPDULQHHQYLURQPHQWZKLOHWKH :HQFKDQJ)RUPDWLRQDUHUHFRJQL]HG7KHERWWRPIDFLHV Zhujiang, Hanjiang and Wanshan formations deposited in is alluvial fan – fan delta, the center is transitional littoral marine facies.
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