Volume V, 1974 DOWNTOWN SAN FRANCISCO CHURCH OF CHRIST PRESENTS Volume i, No.1 $1 Per Year FOR ELDERS, DEACONS, PREACHERS, TEACHERS AND CONCERNED CHRLSTLANS NAILING DOBBS 1 "95 THESES' TO HIGHLANDS 1 CHURCH-HOUSE DOOR IS BROTHERHOOD POLARIZING? IF IT HAS TO BE-SO BE IT! Dear Brethren: That was quite a Pandorats Box opened by James Walter Nich- ols, back in 1965, when he, as then-editorofthechristianchroq- icle, opened his pages to Liberals, Modernists, Neo-Pentecostals and false teachers of every stri~e.The brotherhood just has not been the same since. From that day to this a growing polarity a- mong the churches of Christ has been clearly in evidence. By now the question is not will we break apart--but only when.Two still cannot walk together, except thev be aqreed. (Amos 3:3)~ndthose of us who are determined to walk in truth simply are not agreed with those who seem equally determined to walk in error. In a conversation I had with brother Franklin Cam~,ofBirm- ingham, Alabama, during the February/l973 lectureship, at Freed- Hardeman College, he stated that in his view 1973 would prove to be the year this brotherhood broke apart over Liberalism,inpar- ticular, and these other assorted matters, in general. Certainly brother Camp is not a prophet, since that supernatural gift--and all other such--ended in the first century A.D. However, as 1973 wore on, it appeared increasingly that he was atleastprescient. It now should be apparent to all that we did indeed polarize, as a brotherhood, during 1973--and that the thing that did it, more than all else combined, was the insistence ofthoseelders yetre- maining at Hiqhland/Abilene, Texas, upon a courseat variance from the truth rather than in harmony with it. Never in all my preaching life--and this is my 42nd year as a preacher--have I ever witnessed such a concerted effort on the part of an eldership to deceive Itthe rest of us." IJIoreover, they have used the brotherhood's own money--money contributed for the support of the Herald of Truth--to finance this deception! Rath- er than simply repenting of--and correcting--a wrong course--now apparent to all that will look--they have spent literally thous- Shades of Martin Luther vs. Roman Catholic Church Page 2 ands upon thousands of YOUR-and the LORD'S --OWN MONEY to travel to all parts of the brotherhood (to say nothing of those big mailings they got out) to make us think that the BASIC CHANGES were being effect- ed that are necessary for us to be able to ,"walk together." They were not. What is worse, those elders remaining yet at k I. lio. +., Editor Highland knew they were not1 Yet, some- ~~b.sm sm Frmdlco, wlani. MI01 how, if enough of us could be made to think they were--enough, at least, that we- would continue sending inourmoney-- VolumeV,No.l January/l974 they evidently reasoned that should be sufficient. SUBSCRIPTION RATES So it was that on November 8, 1973 Single Subscription- Siperyear they got out a 24-page something called or Six Years for $5 "HERALD OF TRUTH: A SPECIAL REPORT." It Club Rate- SixSubscriptions, $5 was so persuasive to brotherBatsel1 Bar- rett Baxter that, like Barnabas of old, Bundle Rates: he was "carried away with their dissim- 12 Copies / $1 ulation" to the point of bringing out an 25 Copies / $2 open letter "To Whom It May Concern" on 40 Copies / $3 November 21, 1973, which was distribut- 60 Copies / $4 ed brotherhood-wide (I say in sorrow, 80 Copies / $5 rdz condemnation), attempting to persuade 100 Copies / 56 us to continue our support. It had just - the o~positeeffect on brother H. A. (Bus- ter) Dobbs, minister to the Memorial cong- regation, of Houston, Texas (and editor of Pleaseaddress all conununications to CONTENDING IVR THE FAITH, Anchor Magazine), who subsequently sent Post Office Box 588 me 95 questions, which, in a figure, we San Francisco, California now are nailing to the churchhouse door 94101 at Highland/Abilene, Texas, as follows: - "QUESTIONS FOR TKE HIGHLAND ELDERS IN RESPONSE TO THEIR SPECIAL REPORT "1. Is it fair to make the statement, 'While that (getting into personal- ities) would make our case perhaps Stronger, we will notdo it. We can- not believe that is the Christian thing to do1? CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH is pub- lished monthly by the Downtown San "2. Is it the 'Christian thing to do1 to Francisco Church of Christ, at 250 Van imply that therearepersoralmatters Nesa Avenue, San Francisco, California. that would stopthemouths ofbrother MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 588, Harper and others, but that you men San Francisco. California 94101. Second- Class postage paid at San Francisco. are too magnanimous and charitable to mention these personal matters? "3. Is it ' the Christian thing to do' to attack by innuendo? "4. Is it your position that brother Har- Iper is the tool of Satan and that he is determined to stopthepreach- -NOTE: Literally 100s already have ing of God's word eveninthe faceof laced their orders for BOUND VOL- 'national corruption, moral break- ~Esof CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH-- down, flagrant disregard 631: the Word Volumes J, 11, III_ and =. They are of God...pagan worship' and etcet- 83 for each volume--or 612 for the era? If not, then why mention these set. Please address all orders for things in your Special Report? these to 0. Box 588. San Francjsco, Californ- "5. "On Page three of your 'Special Re- ia 94101 by return mail. IYRJr. port' you wrote, 'Then, about a year Page 3 ago,a difficult situation arose. Wewere why did you not just send himacheck in- aware that somedoctrifalproblems had sur- stead of making 'an of fer' to restore what faced in this (Highland) congregation.' you admit you wrongfully took from him? What were these doctrinal problems? "17. Is it not a fact that making an 'offer* to "6. Are we to understand that these doctrinal restore brother Harper's retirement pay problems surfaced only oneyear ago? How puts brother Harper in the position of long had these same doctrinal problems having to accept or reject your offer? existed at the Highland congregation? "18. If brother Harper rejects me 'offer', does "7. Over how long a period did brother Har- this put him in thepositionofbeing pet- per request that these doctrinal prob- ty and unwilling to forgive and forget? lems be handled? "19. If brother Harper accepts the'offer'but "8. What 'harsh1 methods did brother Harper continues his oppositiontodoctrinal er- 'demand' be takenbytheelderswith ref- ror at the Hiqhland congregation and his erence to these doctrinal problems? warningtoabrotherhoodthatis being ask- ed to give financial support toaprogram "9. How did the elders propose to deal with of the Highland church, what positiondoes these doctrinal problems? this put him in? "10. Is it true that the same doctrinal prob- "20. If brother Harper accepts the 'offer' and -1ems had existedatthe Highland congre- discontinues his objection to doctrinal gation for at least five years? Isn't it error at Highland and ceases to warn the a fact that these same doctrinal prob- brotherhood, what position will he be in lems were discussedbythe elders at the then? Highlandcongregationas long ago as19667 "21. Did the elders at the Highland congrega- "11. Did you mean to portray brother Harper tion discuss the dilemma brother Harper as a harsh and threatening man in your would be in if an 'offer' was madetore- Special Report? instate his retirement pay? "12. In your Special Report you state that "22. Since about one fourth of your Speaal Re- brotherHarperwas fired becausethefeel- port deals with brother Harper and his re- ings of the eldersatHighlandwerehurt, lationship to the Highland churchand el- and because of frustration in not being ders, is it fair to concludethatyoucon- able to cope withbrother Harperthatre- sider this to be a major itemfordiscus- sulted in making you sick and blind (p. sion? Do you consider this to be an im- 5). How long does it take for the elders portant and critical matter? at Highland to get over hurt andtomake decisions based onsound judgment instead "23. If the elders at the Highland churchmade of emotional reaction? a major, important and critical mistake over 'personalities1 (Spedal Report, page "13. In your report you state that the com- 11, the elders1 'hurt feelings1, 'frus- mittee 'after consideration of all aspects tration', 'temporarily1 losing sight of of the situation with brother Harper1 facts, and because you 'were so sickened recommended to the elders that hebere- and frustrated by what was going on that leased. And 'the Highlandelders review- we were blinded' (Special Report, page ?), ed thematteragainanddecidedafter sev- are they competent to manage the affalrs eral days of consideration that this of an international radio and television should be done1. (Special Report, page program? 5). You also state, 'Now, we know wewere wrong. There is just nothing elseto say "24. If it is a fact that you are not interest- except, 'We made a mistake.' An apology ed in dealing in personalitiesorgetting was obviously in order*. (SpedalReport, into a dog-fight, why do you take up 25% page 6). Did you make your decision to of your Special Report dealing in purely fire brother Harper on the spur of the personal matters? Is it all right tohave moment and in frustration,asyousayyou a dog-fight if only one dog bitesand the did on page five of yourspecial Report, other dog is notallowed to evenbark back? or did you fire him after several days "25. On page seven of your Special Report you of coolofdeliberation and consultation state, 'Much of what you have been read- with the committee, asyou sayyoudid on ing is distorted, containing some half- page six of the same report? truths.
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