DAU'S DETROIT SOCIETY BLUE BOOK AND LADIES' ADDRESS BOOK. ELITE FAMILY DIRECTORY. OFFICIAL CLUB LISTS. PUBLISHED ANNUALLY. EDITION FOR 1902. This Book i's the li'gitimate successor to the orz'ginal Detroit Blue Book, published by the Free Press Publishing Company, in 1885. The public are warned a~ainst spurious imitations of this publication, and our patrons wz1l favor us by bringing to our notice an;1 misrepresentations by canvassers, etc. All contracts and subscriptions should bear our name. DAU PUBLISHING COMPANY, 64 MOFFAT BLOCK, DETROIT, MICH. Copyright 1902 by DAU PUBLISHING Co. Detroit Omnibus Line Co. J. W. HARTFORD, Manager, 'PHONE, Main 300. Seating twelve passengers, with Whip and Guard, a first­ 'JOUf •il•J;414 Brtak class complete outing trap, furnished at.reasonable ra~es. Orders should be placed two or more days in advance, owmg to demand for same. Eight•passenger coaches. electrically lighted and rubber-tired. also ten-passenger coaches for theater parties and similar services. .First-class carri­ ages in connection. BAGGAGE CHECKE:D AT RESIDENCE TO DESTINATION OF TICKET. ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wbitt Cablts -. and Cbairs for REN.T Artistic and Elegant Furniture. H. R. LEONARD FURNITURE CO., 267-269 Woodward Avenue. A pure refined spirit for domestic use, sweet smelling and clear as crystal. The ideal fuel for spirit lamps, chafing dishes, tea and coffee urns, etc~ Cleans and imparts a fresh lustre to cut glass. A refreshing luxury for the bath and for massage purposes. Equal to Grain Alcohol for all purposes ex­ cept internal use. Put up for household use in neatly labeled, sealed bottles. If your dealer cannot supply you we will send you a sample bottle. carriage paid, for 20 cents, and a pretty souvenir as well If you will give us the name of your dealer . .••••• BERRY BROS., Limi~ed, Detroit. 'tllnfon (Crust \.tompan\?t lDetrott, mtcbtgan. Money to Loan. New Abstracts of Title. Furnished. Safety De.posit Boxes Rented. Estates-large. or small-care.­ Old Abstracts Extended. · fully managed. " A Trust Company £s the proper functionary for the transaction ef. T'f'ust Business." ....... Seidler-Miner Electric Company, FORMERLY Detroit Electric Wiring and Repair Company, 207 Jefferson Ave. DEALERS IN Electrical Supplies & Gen­ eral Electric Contractors. Our work is represented in the finest residences in )Iicriigan. We em­ ploy only tbe most skill­ ful and reliable work­ men, assuring our pa­ trons the best work for the least cost. Prompt attention given to all orders. 'Phone, Main 2499. MORTON'S SHAKER~ BREAD. SOLD]ION LY IN SEALED WRAPPERS. State· Savings Bank. Corner Fort and Shelby Streets. C.APITAL, $500,000. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $200,000. DEPOSITS, $11,000,000. OFFICERS: GEORGE H. RUSSEL, President. R. W. GILLETT, Vice-President, H. C. POTTER, Jr., Vice-President, R. S. MASON, Cashier, A. E. WING. Assistant Cashier, H. P. BORGMAN, Assistant Cashier, E. A. SUNDERLIN, Auditor. DIRECTORS: R. A. ALGER, FRANK J. HECKEi<, T. H. NEWBERRY, H. M. CAMPBELL, H. B. LEDYARD, H· C. POTTER, JR. C. L. FREER, HUGH McMILLAN, HENRY RUSSEL, R. W. GILLETT, W. C. MCMILLIAN, GEO. H. RUSSEL. R. S. MASON, PETER WHITE. ----- ···. - - . ~ --~~-~ - _.. ;__-------------------------· -- CODlDlercial and ._Savings Department. A special department for women's commercial accounts. The con­ VV'omen's venience of location with the separate facilities offered, will com­ Department mend this department to women desiring to keep their own =========== commercial or household accounts. Foreign Exchange for Sale and Letters of Credit Issued. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits. EDUCATES YounJ,?; an<l middle-aged men and women to take care of their own business affairs, engage in useful life and profitable employment. Superior met.hods of instruction Large corps of able men teachers. Occupies elegant building erected for its use. Has had over 33,000 Students in attt-ndance now profitahly employed in different parts of the world. Has more students in attendance, and furnishes more situations to graduates than all other business colleges in Detroit combined. D.-\. Y and EVENING SE~SIONS. Individual instruction. Best time to commence is now. WILLIAM F. JEWELL, President. PLATT R. S PPNCER, Secretary. Business University Building, 11-13-15-17-19 W'ilcox Avenue. ~,frffloni"'ational IJank OFJrtroi1 117 GRISWOLD STREET, ~OR the safe-keeping of Ufe or Insurance Policies, Notes, Re­ ABSOLUTELY ,. ceipts, Deeds. Mortgages, Real Estate Abstracts, Leases, Con- tracts, United States Bonds, R~ilroad and other Stocks and BURGLAR Bonds, or any other extra valuable papers of any description, re­ AND FIRE quiring protection again!;t fire and thieves. The leading ladies of PROOF. Detroit society rent and use boxes. BOXES $4.00 TO $50.00 PER ANNUM. Access as often as desired from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. daily. Saturdays 9 A. M. to IP. M. In connection with the Burglar and Fire-proof Vaults, there is an ample storage Vault, especially arranged for the storage of Trunks, Boxes·and Packages containing valuables. ... PREFACE ... m E believe this edition of our Society Directory to be the best book \A...l of its kind in the worl~, regardless uf price. Similar publications are sold in many cities for four and five dollars. The information bas bee_n accurately compiled by high salaried men and cat"efully revised by Miss Jennie 0. Starkey, Society Editor of the Detroit Free Press. We trust the result will meet with the approval of the public. Each successive edition of this book_ is a great improvement over its predecessor, and this improve­ ment will continue in future. We recommend our advertisers to our subscribers, and tmst . the Address Book may be of service to them in their business as well as their social affairs. DAU PUBLISHING COMPANY, HEAD OFFICE: 64 Moffat Block, 24 W. Twenty-second Street. NEW YORK CITY. DETROIT, MICH. fur lflr,ssniahing and ladies~ l[ailoring .. .. IJI fpa1·t111enls are lutning out exclusiz,e costumes in exquisite s I y le s , using best 1 European houses for authoril) • Especially designed for each customer, and NOT repeated. J;unttr t J;unttr. - ------- i I I Cbtodort e. mau, Importer, Manufacturer, and Retailer of .......... LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S FI N E ...•.. , . , Furs 1901 -SEASON- 1902. =======================-I i 269 Woodward Ave. Formerly Designer and Manager of ! DETROIT, MICH. H. A. Newland &. Co. i For c i g n Agencies : TELEPHONE CONNECTION.~ .. LONDON, PARIS, J_ LEIPSIC ........ Table of Contents. Alphabetical Index ............................ 23 Club List........................... .... 15, Ij, 19 Club :\Ien1bers ......................................... Ij9 Index to Advertisers. PAGE PAGE PAGE Adroit, The ....................... 2o6 Detroit Optical Parlors...... 40 Peters, The L. :\1., Carpet Akeley Hall ...................... 204 Detroit Seminary School Cleaning & Rug. Mfg. Allen, Mrs. R. W............... 22 for Girls ....................... 222 Co ...... .. .. .... ...... ...... ......... 217 Alvord & Co ...................... 2o8 Detroit Steam Carpet Pittsburg Plate Glass Co ... 16 American Garment Clean- Cleaning ·works.......... 1So Potter, F. A ..................... 213 ing Co............................. 217 Detroit Training School.. .. 204 Preston National Bank .. ... 8 Babcock Sanitary Co ........ 18o Fisher, A ....................... 212 Prhrate School of Artistic Ballou. Madame ................. 207 Fieroe, C. Stedman........... 22 Piano-forte Playing....... 174 Barton. F. G., & Co............ 12 Finzel's Orchestra............. 78 Queen• & Crescent and Benson & Ogurkowski ...... 40 Gaines Dancing Academy .. 209 Southeru Ry .................. 203 Berry Bros.......................... 4 George, Edwin S •••.•.•. ..... 2 Reeg, The F I,. Co ............ 207 Billings, P. A., & Co ......... 208 Goss. J.C., & Co............... 14 Rhemstrom Bros ............... 210 Bindemann & May........ ... 40 Grand Laundry. The ......... 215 Rice, Mme. Chapman ....... 100 Bromley Electro Plate Hanmer School, The....... 78 Riverside Storage Co ..••.... 12 \"\-orks, The .................... 2o8 Hocking Valley Railway .. 220 Rothschild. Madame......... 2o6 Brown, :Martin ...... ...... ..... 40 Hoyt's Steam Laundry ...... 208 Royal Salad Dressing....... 100 Brown, l\1. V., & Sons ....... 2II Hunter & Hunter........ ..... 10 Royce. C. H., & Son .......... 214 Burton Abstract Office, The 20 Jacobson & Susterka ........ 2oj Russel House Cafe ............ 218 Carton, Dr. Anton .............. 207 Keeley Gold Cure Institute 18o Schroeder Paint & Glass Cartwright Bros................. II8 Kenney, Misses E. & E ..... 2o6 Co .................................. 213 Chamberlin :\IetalWeather Leadley, Society's Florist... 215 Schroeter, B..................... 18 Strip Co.......................... 16 Leonard, H. R .. Furniture Seidler ~liner Electric Co.. 5 Clark's Dancing Academy.. 78 Co .................................. 3 Shipley. J. T., & Co .......... 214 Cohe11 & Co....................... 200 I,eidich, C ......................... 18 Singer, Elvin .................... 174 Columbian :Mfg. Co........... 205 :Mau, Theodore C ............... 10 Star Carpet Cleaning & Cook, l\Iiss Mary A ............ 209 :\IcConnell Tailor Co ....... 217 Rug Mfg. Co ................... 215 Croul, Eric l\I .••................. 205 McKendrick, J. H ........... 214 State Savings Bank........... 6 C.H.&D.R.R ................ 202 McMillan, G. & R ............ 201 Stoddard, Miss Jennie :M ... 209 Detroit Business Univer- Moll & Stock.. - ................ 211 Stroh Brewing
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