(r lJsltr^) l/,O THB OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THB COLONY AI\D PROTECTORATB OF KEI[YA Publishe'd under the Authority of His Exccrency the Govcmor of thc Colony and protectorate of Kenya Vol. XLI-No. t0 NAIROBI, February 29, lg3g Price 50 Cents RcSldcrcd rr r Ncrqtrpcr et ttc GJ.O. Publlghcd cvcry Tucrdey TABLE OF CONTENTS Govt. PAGE Notice No. 143-Arrivals, Appointments, etc. ProclamationsNos.2l1_TheDiseasesofAnimalsordinance 226 Govt./aarr+ NoticeLI^ri^^ No.tr- r / / 227 144-The Estate Duty (Consolidation) Ordinance, 1926_Appoini_*, Govt. Notices Nos. 145-6-The . 227 Courts Ordinance, 1 93 l_Appointments 228 Govt. Notice No. 147-The Land Surveyors Ordinance_Appointments 228 ,, ,, ,' 148-The Resident Native Labourers ordinlnce-appointment 228 ,, ,, ,, l4}-Examination for Civil Services of India anA S;;a 228 ,, ,, ,, 150-The Lcgislative Council Ordinance, 1935 \rovr.Govt. Noticesr\o,ces 228 Nos. 15r-z-The151-2-The LegislativeLesislative councilCorrncit ordinance,nr;i-.-^^ Ig3s_Revised for the Rift Valley ptectoiii-hi."-.. Register of Voters Govt. Notice 229 No. 153-The Mining Ordinance, 1933 . 240 Govt.NoticesNos. 154-5-The Townships ordinance, l93G-Appointmenis .: 240 Govt. NoticeNo. r56-The Museums Trustees ordinance, l93g-ippointment 241 ,, ,, ,' 157-The Local Government (Municipalities) ordinance, 1g2g 241 Gencral Notices Nos. 298-332 241 SUPPLEMENT KeNye PnocuuerroNs, Rurrs eNo RzcurrrroNs, No. l0 Thc "MoNTrrLY IRADE AND TNFoRMATIqI\i-ryU-rjLElfrhl" of Development flre Stan-ding Board of Economic for February, 1939 (vol. rv,-No. zil fu lssuet witn this nunbcr. IRTNTED By rHB covERNri,trlrr pnnrren, ffi6ii 28,1939 OFFICIAL GAZETTE February 226 THE GovepsurlrNr Norrce No' 143 ARRIVALS I I From Lcrvc or on Date of Leaving I lst AppointEent Englend I 22nd Feb" 1930 zlBt Fob., 1939 P. Do Vrios .. l?tl Ill:: lffiB' lSil f:x; i3i3 II. T. Lcc I .. ls2s * 2nd Fob., 1939 J. C. Botho 2od Fob., [ r Durban. APPOINTMENTS Health Inspector' DonaN t-o be Acting Fn^rNr"r-"tOi""i Hewrrr to be -ttrsu Cnep.Lss FnBprntcr Grnrtr'lp and contairted Townships with effect f -^ijiJii", Registrar, supreme court Kenya' Mom- -of. Resident the 12th JanuarY, 1939. ad-dition' to iis present duties as ["t",- i" l8th GlnNBx, Assistant' Clals Mombasa, with effect from Eowenp RoN,rrp ^ - -I] il"gitii",", Kabeter t9 b9 sy.:.'.'o February, 1939. ;;;;;"J-a;hool, +:t:nq Approved School' Kabete' wltn Krr-r-v to be Acting Registrar' Supreme Ctutt IlI -"^Cor.t-.iJonn O'BmeN "nt, FebruarY, 1939' Kenya, Nairobi, wiih effect from 20th from 23rd FebruarY, 1939' PROMOTION. as Registrar' (oxoN)' to AxroNv Curnsenr SpunrrNc ceased to act WIITIAM HAYES-SADLER, M'A' }! "'il;em-e-6orJ the 20th Cecrl the 14th ot Kenrva, wiih effect'from Assistant Chief Secriary, with effect from February, 1939. October, 1938' (oxox)'.rtssoc' rNsr' Cu,rnres Gowen FeNNtN, M'c', B'A' of Land-s and Settle- REVERSIONS -;;; u" e"tine Commissioner Acting from 23rd February' 1939' Gen,u,o JonN Lr-ovo BunroN, M'c".B'4" ir"t,, *at effecf reverted to his substan-t LoNc to be Acting Director of ilii".t.i of Agriculture,-ilt"ta"t Howrnp^^"Srt'*rt,iiG Coutlls Senior Plant and Experimentalist effect from 23rd February' 1939' ' rank of ,"itn from the 19th February' 1939' to be Assistant Auditor with effect -'fiomJ. S. DuwgRLEY "n."t GnovBs reverted to his subs 19th Jan;:ary, 1939' inclusive' Anrnun VrcroR the Postmaster, with effect from the Krnt' Irr'n'' cn's' (eotN'L^1937' to be rank of Wer-ren' Grrnonp FebruarY, 1939. f"f"ai""f Officer, with effect from the l9th January' o EXAMINAT 1939. PRELIMINARY ORAL SWAHILI (cl'rscow)' to Rosent Howrrr Wtsr'ur'N' M'B" cH'B'- P,fSS Health' Kericho-District and be Medical Omcer-oi MacOwan, Veterinary Department' with effect from the 26th Feb- K. D. S. ;;t;;;;1"*nships Mrs. C. F. Scally, Medical Department' ruarY, 1939. C. E. Greenway' Medical Department' Mrr'Nr' s'e' (c'{Nan')' HuseRT CeNrpseLL oe Buncn - (eFIc.), L'n'c'P' (loNo')' be Medical Officer A. pe V. WAD M.R.c.s. -to South Dis- of Health, furfana't'lorth and Turkana Chiet Secretar ftorn the 7th Februarv' 1939' ;;"i;;lil "ff""t February 28, L939 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 227 Colony and Protectorate of Kenya PnocLeurrroN No. 2l . THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE (Chapter 157 ol the Revised Edition, section 4) AND TI{E INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL CLAUSES ORDINANCE (Chapter I of the Revised Edition, section 13) Govenr,rr{BNr Norrce No. 231 or l9l9 Pnocr,euerrox IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me, I hereby declare the areas defined in the Schedule hereto to be infected with East Coast fever, and I hereby further declare the areas shall be known as "Infected Areas" for the purposes of Rrl"s under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance. Proclamation No. 65 dated the l0th day of July, 1935, is hereby amended accordingly. Given under my hand at Kabete this 22nd day of February, 1939. II. DAUBNEY, Director ol Veterinary Seryices. SCHEDULE L.R. or other Description Owner District Date of Commenco- mt>nt of Quarantine L.R. No. 5l16 The }Ianager, Delamere North Nyc.ri l4th tr'cbruary, f939 Estates, P.O. Nanyuki L.R. No. 7208 The n[anager, Mawingo North Nyeri l4th February, lg39 Ltd., P.O. Na,nyuki PnocreuerroN No. 22 GovrnNurNr Norrcr, No. 144 THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE THE ESTATE DUTY (CONSOLIDATION) (Chapter 157 ol the Revised Edition, section 4) ORDINANCE,1926 AND ApporNtveNt THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the CLAUSES ORDINANCE Governor by section 3 of the Estate Duty (Consolida- (Chapter I of the Revised Edition, section 73) tion) Ordinance, 1926, His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. Charles Gower Fannin, u.c., Director of Surveys, to exercise the powers and Pnocr-ruarroN perform the duties of a Commissioner with effect from the 22nd day IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me, of February, 1939. I hereby declare the following area to be an infected Government Noticc No. 77 of the ;20th day of Jan- area for the purposes of thc said Diseases of Animals uaiy, 1937, is hereby cancelled. Ordinance : - RrNoeRpEsr. By Command of IIis Excellency the Governor. L.R. Nos. 398/1 and 398 12 and the lake road passing through, R. B. Wills, Esq., Naivasha, Naivasha District. Nairobi, Given under my band at Kabete this 22nd day of February, 1939. This 22nd day of February, 1939. R. DAUBNEY, A. pe V. WADE, Director o! Yeterinary Services, Chief Secretary, 28, 1939 22b TI{E OFFICIAL GAZEtIE February 148 GovsRNr"IENr Norrce No. 145 GovenNNrsNr Norrcr No. THE COURTS ORDINANCE, 193I THE RESIDENT NATIVE LABOURERS ORDINANCE NoncB (No. 5 of 1925, section 4 (2)) EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by IN GENERAL section 6 of the Courts Ordinance, 1931, and all other THE INTERPRETATION AND Excellency the CLAUSES ORDINANCE -Gor".ootpowers thereunto enabling him, His has been pleased to appoint, with effect from (Chapter I of the Revised Edition, section 13) the 18th day of February, 1939, John Bairstow Carson, IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me, I hereby to be a Magistrate of the Second Class with powers to appoint the following person as Attestation Officer for hold a Subordinate Court of the Second Class in the the area mentioned against his name: whilst holding his - Kitui District, Central Province, Francis Harold Noel Trent, Esq', Laikipia- as District Officer, Kitui District, present appointment Samburu District. Central Province. Nakuru, By Command of His Excellency the Governor' 22nd February,1939. Nairobi, J. G. H. HOPKINS, This 18th daY of February, 1939. Acting Provincial Commissioner, A. pe V. WADE, Rilt ValleY Province, Chief Secretary. NoucB No. 149 GovenNueNr Norrcp No' 146 GovBtNurNr SERVICES OF ORDINANCE, 1931 EXAMINATION FOR THE CIVIL THE COURTS INDIA AND BURMA Nortce Nmlcg the powers conferred upon him by IN EXERCISE of admission to the 1931, His Excellency OPEN competitive examinations for section 6 of the Courts Ordinance, Burma will be held in been pleased to appoint, with effect Civil Services of India and the Governor has the summer of 1939' No 23rd day of Jinuary, 1939, John Beresford London, commencing in iio.tttt" admitted to compete from whom the to be a Magistrate of the Second -secretary,person will be Sinclair-Lockhart, Commission, has not receive with powers to hold a Subordinate Court of the Civil Service Class, the April, 1939, an application on Class in the North Kavirondo District, whilst on or before llth Second form, copies of which can be obtained holding his present appointment as District Officer' the prescribed North Kavirondo District, Nyanza Province' from this office. 2. The regulations governing the examinations can the Governor' By Command of His Excellency be consulted at the Secretariat, Nairobi, at any time during office hours' Nairobi, This 18th daY of FebruarY, 1939. The Secretariat, A. pr V. WADE, Nairobi, Chief Secretary. 2lst FebruarY, 1939. A. Pe V. WADE, Chiel Secreta, "- GovrmurarNr Norrce No. 147 THE LAND SURVEYORS ORDINANCE Norrce GovpnNur,Nr Norrcs No. 150 EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him IN THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ORDINANCE, I by section 4 (1) (b) of the Land Surveyors Ordinance' Ctrpt". 147 of'the.Revised Edition, His Excellency the Norrce Gov^ernor has been pleased to appoint the following IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by iand Surveyors to bt members of the Board of Land Rule 32 of Schedule IfI to the Legislative Council Surveyors for the Year 1939:- O.Jinrt"", 1935, the Returning Officer for the Electoral Mr. H. C. Long, Chief ComPuter' ,1i., rp""ln.d below has duly declared-the-following Mr.
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