'■‘;: ■*;-"v*'.'^®^ V-A /■ * - > ,y J s i - r r - - I Dii'Mct-Court ; ,•'&•'•!>.-) •/• ••••-:,•. •^v*f^vi*fl , „ 1 ‘x 1 1 «•' EstatesITdataa Dial)filed MnvNov. 29Q~_ 8 - VeronaVppiiim ' ‘ • ‘ j| 1 1 Rebich with Frank Paul Eebidh named administrator; Dec. 7— Rickie Dean Alley with Shirley m mI , Dickerson named administrator; , Dec. 8— Nellie Murphy with Agnea Gran&bury as adm inistrator’; 4 Patrick Desmond Barrett with:, James G. Barrett as adsMj minlstrator. - , Termination of joint tenancy' filed Dec. 5— Luejla Aihleeqi; Waldemar (deceased) and Trevor1 Hiram Waldemar. ; ^ Fifth District Court judge, Frank E. Blair was busy in the counties of his district during the last week of * i p ^ November with probate, civil, criminal and juvenile matters. BEAVERHEAD COUNTY An order was made approving ihe report of Avis Hoeming, public fe administrator , for summary Vital Statistics disiribulion of the estate of Daniel H. Phillips. The sole heir, a son Darwin H. Phillips, inherited the of Southwestern Montana oniire estate of his father. In the estate of Lelah Stewart, deceased, the court approved the • Marriage Licenses • What's Doing? report of Mrs. Hoerning, as public administrator, respecting her sale Dec. .8— Robert Lee Cole, 24, MONDAY DECEMBER 11 of real property, a house and lot at Pablo, Mont., and Sharon Ann Rotary, 6:30 p.m., State Dining 461 Kentucky, which sold for $3,600 Alsburg, 20, Missoula; Willard Room. i he only bidder. :f ; 10 Greyson Phipps, 39, Lima and BCHS Board of Trustees, 8 p.m., A final discharge was entered in Marguerite Kay Murphy, 34, High School. ihe estate of John Collins, Dillon; Walter DeWayne Seifert, Candy Stripers, 7 p.m., St. Rose deceased, and the executrices 35, and Betty Taimi Hiormahlen, Family Center. were released from any liability FIFTE E N BELOW AND WAITING—for Santa to arrive in Dillon was Fire Truck to bring the gentleman from the North Pole to the city. ‘ 31, both of Dillon. Panhellenic, 7:30 p.m., Mrs. hereinafter incurred. the scene Saturday afternoon at 1 as youngsters gathered on the Santa passed, out popcorn balls, listened to the youngsters and really Helen Trott, 616 So. Calif. The court authorized comer of Bannack and Idaho Streets to wait for the Dillon Volunteer didn’t seem to mind the temperature at all. (Sue Terrill Photo) • Ambulance Calls TUESDAY DECEMBER 12 Beaverhead County Attorney W. G. Kiwanis Directors, 7 a.m. Saturday afternoon at 3:55 the Gilbert III to file an information O’Hara’s Oasis. Beaverhead ambulance moved a charging James Ransdell with Jayceens, 8 p.m., REA Building. patient from Barrett Hospital to grand larency in two counts for the OES, 8 p.m., Masonic Hall. 615 South Pacific with Swede alleged theft of four guns, a 1970 Beaverhead Chamber of Com­ Troedsson and Rick Later as at­ half-ton four-wheel drive pickup, a tendants. m erce Directors, 7:30 p.m., saddle and miscellaneous tools. Gn Jet Crash Probe Continues Chamber Office. arraignment Ransdell entered a Adult Recreation, Men. & A trip to St. James Community plea of guilty and a presentence CHICAGO (A P ) — Investigators Twelve of the 18 victims who aeronautic engineers ; from the that did not appear to have becti Women’s Gyms at BCHS, 7 p.m. Hospital in Butte from Barrett investigation was ordered. continue to sift through the charred survived the crash remained National Transportation Safety the1 cause of the crash. '. Hospital to transfer a patient was WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 13 AH joint tenancies existing pieces of a United Air Lines Boeing hospitalized, including one iiia ri Board combed the wreckage:, Firemen digging through . the begun at 7:48 p.m. with Mike and Jaycees, 8 p.m., Hotel Andrus. between Hattie A. Hayden, 737 jet which crashed in a intensive care unit. She Officials said they hope, tp, have all rubble Saturday found' a pur£6 Rainbow, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Ed Swetish as the attendants. deceased and Samuel A. Hayden residential neighborhood here; Margarite McCausland, a stew-, the chunks moved to a, Midway containing $10,585 In cash, The Hall. were ordered terminated as of Friday, trying to find the cause of ardess. ; • ■ } hapgar sometime today, purse belonged to Mrs. Howard E?., • Police Beat Soroptimists , Noon, June 16, 1972, the dale of Mrs. the disaster. The dead include two wojneo Edward T. Slattery,,, NT$B’s Hu^t of Potomac, Md., a passenger Presbyterian Church. Hayden’s death. The job of identifying the bodies who were killed in their home when director of public affairs,,, spid( killed ’in the accident., Cold weather seemed to keep Several juvenile matters came of the 45 victims aided Sunday. In the plane plowed into rowrs of brick investigators do not intend, lo Mrs. Hunt’s husband, E. Howafctj most activities that call out the • Happy Birthday before the court, with two some cases, relatives did not bungalows while approaches reamstruct the aircraft p t . Hunt, is a former U. S. ambassador , Dillon Police officers to a youngsi ers ordered to the Pine Hill recognize victims, and the December 12: Midway Airport on the Southufest time. 1‘This is done in cases of to Uruguay and a consultant' to ttje' ‘ minimum. Several accidents were School for Boys for evaluation for a Side. , . ■ i .- stnkfural failure,’’ he said, adding ‘ ’ Pat Dunn coroner’s office was forced to rely Nixbn administration; investigated, only two men were period of 30 days. Other cases were on dental charts and fingerprints. Meanwhile,.,a .team,' ** 'V4 1 Dale Kurtz escorted to the City Jail for public taken under advisement. Bob Ferguson I.;> drunkenness. Fielding H. Graves was ap­ : : M l,,'! Brenda Boyce I j .: i TTVv Die remainder of the weekend pointed by the court as ad­ • i: ! ; !i was spent on routine patrols and ministrator of the estate of Jessie • Coming to Town Sick Call 7. i i ! . 111 a ■ i n *•!; > People pi assisting residents with various Goodrich, deceased, who died Margaret Fleming, field BARRETT HOSPITAL i; • ’' J f !» U weather problems. March 26,1970 in the county of Los L.) representative from the Butte Admitted: Vincent Heavey, - !1 # Police Court Angeles in California. 381 Social Security Office, will visit Dillon. i i i u.;i 7r»-7.-. ..7 rr.j^i.r.H The News Dec. 11—Judge George Losleben MADISON COUNTY Beaverhead County to assist Dismissed: Lesley Larson,;Anty LAUREL, Mont. (AiUi-4- tTWb • New Arrivals presiding; juvenile, failure to Tiie last will and testament of anyone with any questions con­ Gilbert, Peter • Krantz, i1 Rowezia Wyoming persons wenei killed HQULYWObfe'1fb )"4 'A C ttfr Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cadieux of yield, $25 bond and no drivers Bert G. Hofer, deceased, was cerning Social Security. Mrs. Mitchell, James Plenert, Cornelius Sunday about two miles 1 south; of 1 Peter Falk aritf ';) t ^ s 4 : t lia Dillon are the parents of a baby license, $20 bond; juvenile, failure admitted to probate by means of an Fleming will be at the Vigilante DeVries, Marian > Friesz, iBillie Laurel on Mont. 310 when’ (hOfr Minnelli have seferi rt^rned girl born Dec. 10 at Barrett to yield, $25 bond forfeited; Kermit authenticated copy of the original Electric Co-Op building, 225 E High, W illiam 'Niemiv i> Allan ’ vehicles.collided. nil o f ’thfe year” Hospital. will, which had been admitted to : t'j i * Moen, drunk in public, $15 bond. Bannack, in Dillon, Dec. 12 from 10 Kohler, all Of Dillon; iGerfrUde. probate in the slate of Oregon with Dead.were Maude BUnkhart^SI, s "Golden Apples/’ ( 'B'«i Buschman of Sheridan and Susan Robert Elmer Hofer appointed a.m. to 2 p.m. of Frannie andNorrttan.C: Wallace!! Seelye of Kalispell. : Falk reCOlVed*-die1 award) * tot' ’ executor there. of Lovell. ,)i= ,j;< .tin-: M l “ continuing to demonstrate! (the .... *' ,vi. .7 : ' ,i».M Daily TV Schedule Notice to creditors was directed 'Aulhorties said Mra.i BUHchartTs highest standards1 ^bf'! thesplan’s and an order was made appointing • Hot Lunch • Accfdertfe husband, Harlan,, was driving ititb art.” Miss Minnelli Wds-given >the Includes Cable 2. 4, 5 and 4 Non Cable Missoula u Mel Maichel, C. B. Brooke and Twin Bridges Hoi Lunch car in which she died. Their three Apple fdr ^e»ig)0iSh sons suffered m inor injuring Glen Kyle appraisers of the estate. Tuesday; Dec. -12- ..................- . ic y . streets. _aM,jn.tsgrable.. “ electrifying ... talente*t^tnd.f driving conditions were givqp ap*. Mr. Hofer was a former resident of Beans with franks, lime & pear gers in Wallace’s^ nCiiOWorthy persoofh'Ifiei awards Monday the underlying hospitalized, t Madison County. salad, hot rolls & butter, fruit and 5were announcedi-Snndayl i.-nf- December 11 fender-bendfer^ '^tfefirg * the*’ tlfffi:efsTsaid the accident oc- i MEN'S WIGS A H A IR P IE C E S Tite last will and testament of milk. 'NO Sour apples ^ fo r f lhe-JeMt weekend, . wilh' Tpmqr £cured on one side of a railroad 5:00 P M Order Now For Christmas Doris Kitt, deceased, was admitted cooperative actoriudni actress, 1 r— i 2. 4, 6 & 13— News Delivery! damage and nd iverpass as drifting snow obscured 5— Dragnet to probate with John Lane trust Dillon Hot Lunch WtfrO:given this yeatemn't i-j Prices $25.00 & Up The first mishap occurred at t^e vision. Hie cars were bound in 5:30 P M officer of the First National Bank Tuesday, Dec. 12 _______ ItSli'L)-).; J'.-'IF) 2, 4, 5, 6 & 13— News GROGAN’S GROOMER and Trust Co. of Helena appointed Goulash, tossed salad, combread intersection of.'Reedei,'hiid sbijih opposite directions^ 5:00 P M ^A^TA MONICA, (OaliF.
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