Pace Twelve CHROmCLE, THURSDAY, JUNE Every; Land and People of Japan, Give Me a Ship to Sail, Alas Josephine Vaughan; Land and Hers; Cherry Ames First 1 ' Local Stores Library Lists People- of Philippines, Josephine. Nur,sing^Helen Wells; Our Vaughan; Ground Hog and His O. L. Wrightg ; Homing Open Tonight Shadow. Kurt WieserThe-Mtdoie- Herbert Zim. New Books Age of Mrs. Elliot, Angus' Wilson; KEN1LWORTH — During May Claire Serrat, I. A. R. Wylie; Little Till 9 the following new books were Donkey, O. Zinger, I. WindmuUcr. Gering Product added to the shelves of the Kenil- Mysteries—A Penknife in » My Chronicle worth Public Library, Mrk G. O. Heart, Nicholos Blake; The Visions Sold to Studebal -Regjinracting librarian, announced, of N:icholos Monroe, Monroe-En- CRANPORD,NBW-JERSEY,-THURSDAY,-JUN^-11,4959 entered •» aacoDd CISM null matter at today: . gel; Melora. Mignon G. Eberhart; will be made in personnel at Th« Po«t Offtee it Oranford. N J. 3 Sections.24 Pages—10c Fiction — Brownies Hurry, C. The Sleepless Man. E. H. Nisot; ng Products, Inc.. Monroe Hi Adshcad; Threescore And Ten^ "Journey to the Hangman, Arthur and North 7th street, whicfc Walter Allen; Nine Tomorrows, W. Upheld. purchased this week by $ baker-Packard Corporation. Introduce New Zoning; Cranford Days Events Provide Fun for All Isaac Asimov; Cone of Silence. D- Non-fiction — Round of Golf Six hundred persons art CHS Graduation Beaty: Toby Law Secretary. Paul- with T. Armour, T. Armour; Il- ployed by the local firm v BELLS-CRANFORD GIFT DAYS SALE ine Bloom; Understudy, Pamela linois. Kentucky, Minnesota, Mis- Brown; Valantinc Cut. C. II. Bullu; souri, New York, Nebraska. South produces plastic compounds, thru bPEN [earing to Be June 23 Dear and Glorious Physician, Tay- Carolina. .Michigan. North Carol- ethylene Him and plastic an A.M.TOWP.M. dustrial hose. The firm has Cranford's new zoning ordinance was introduced and passed on lor Caldwell;,Chanticleer and the ina, Indiana. North Dakota, Berna- THTOS. SATi—JOK 4-5-6 • jlrst reading by a three to one vote at Tuesday night's meeting ot the Awaited by 229 n the plastics Acid for more Fox. G. Chaucer; The Mrmchurian dint. Bailey; Chairman and Speak- Township Committee. Candidate, Richard Condon; Look- er's Role Made Easy. David Bel- SO years. It was reported the new public hearing has been set for June 23, and Mayor Ira D. Dorian ing For Susie. B Cook; To Ap- son; VVmerican'' High School of To- Planning A Holiday? Planning A Camping Trip urccd citizens to examine the map and ordinance, which appear elsc- pomattox. B. Davis. Child of our day. James B. Conant, Panama of the firm will be Gering PL; • in today's issue of The Citi- — —— —-— Seniors Tuesday Time. Michel Del Castillo; Apron Canal, Bob Considine; All about Division of Studebaker-Pat Strings. Adele and Cateau Dc- Boys, Betty Cornell; Stories of the No purchase price was annoi Complete Vacation Needs Or A Stay At Home? ,, niul Chronicle*, and attend the Diplomas will be awarded to 229 members of the Cran- Leeuw. The Breeze From Camelot. States. Mattie Couch; International Larry Gering of Hills|< Liblic hearing with any criticisms ford Mijjh School Class of l<)5<j at commencement exercises president. and Herman Gcrt BATHING CAPS .23c up Urges Zoning Vina Delmar; Part-Time Don For Coin Book Fells, Jacques Del $1.75 Value - DuBARRY SKIN FRESHENERI) at 8:If) p.m. Tuesday in the hi^h school auditorium. Nick. C. Denison; Double or Noth- Monte; My Brother was an Only South Orange, secretary. Former Mayor John L. Brcnnan, The class is equal in size to last year's graduating class, ing. P. Erickson; Sound and Fury, Child, Jack Douglas. $1.50 Value ICY HOT Jin casting the only dissenting vote, Deferment As I lay Dyinc William Faulkner. Kites. How to Make and Fly 612 INSECT REPELLENT (declared he docs not believe - the which was the largest in the school's history. A check re- Jeanne Marie at the Fair, Fran- Men In Service them. Marion Downer; Marriages KENILWORTH—Raymond VACUUM BOTTLE. |m:vv zoning code is in the best long vealed, however; thatrthis class . eoise: The Forsaken Army, Hein- Strip, Patch & Spot box Made in Heaven, Nathan Drazin; barmn, 17, son of Councilma ' IranKf interests of Cranford, par- For Study will be small compared to the rich Gerlach,; The Hourglass, Ed- Cocktail Party. T. S. Eliot; First Mrs. Edward Kasbarian o •tieutarly as to the zoning of a "Residents of Cranford, if they Citizenship win Gilbert: Long-Nosed Princess. Book of Maps and Globes, S. B. BEACH BAGS BAND AIDS..... 59c llariie tract of township-owned desire to conserve and protect their 19«0 graduating class of ap- Priscilla. Hallowell, Elaine For- Epstein: It Could Happen Only in gorier or INTENTION [land on Orange avenue near the investments in their homes, should proximately 300. _ rest; Visiting Nurse, Lois Hobart; Take notice tlul GARWOOD St the U. S., B. F. Fairless; Song is TAVERN. Inc.. ha> applied to IIM M WASH'n DRI FIRST AID KITS $1.50 up ilworth line. demand that the adoption of the Award Going Four class members who No Room for a Dog. M. Holland; Born. B. F. Fraser; First Book of and Council of the Borough of Qt He said he feels he is "a voice proposed (zoning) ordinance be de- will speak at the commencement Ossian's Ride. Fred Hoyle; The for a Plenary Rctull Consumption Tropical Mammals, Helen Hoke; for premises tltuutrd at 333-334 Miracle Moist Towelette S •in the wilderness" but that if he ferred until they have sufficient ' . ' Photo by KotUrx exercises are Nancy Colburn, "The Third Choice. Elizabeth Janeway; Avenue, Garwood. N. J. J&J First Aid time to study and comprehend the AUSPICIOUS START—Cranford's annual community celebration To Clergyman Complete Poems. A. E. Housman; Name* and addresses of the ofHtt Ist-rvi-s no purpose other than to Challenge of Peace through Con- Leopard on a String, A. Kirn; Adventures with Reptiles. C. J- President: Edward A. Hanna. 169 V •highlight the need for a good rat- provisions of the ordinance," Les- got off to an early start with serving of coffee and doughnuts to Dr. Albert A. Alllnger, pastor-of Animals and the Ark. Karla Kus- Avvm'ir. Westflcld. N. J. ference"; Sandra Castaldo, "Jour- Hylander; Camp Grub, Elon Jes- Vicc-PrvDidcnt: Adolph ,J. Ltsnugs Newest Swim Cap Fashion ANTISEPTIC CREAM 59c lable in this tract, such as campus- lie P. Glick of 34 Wadsworth ter- commuters at Jersey Central station from 6:30 to 9 a.m. Friday. Cranford, Methodist Church, has kin; For Each Other, Janet Lam- sup; Challenge of Liberty, Robert Knopf Street, Linden. N. J. liype industries, and if not that, a race declared in a prepared state- There followed a two-day program of events including such' var- been .selected as this year's re- ney of Youth"; Sara Jane McNal- bert; Fandango Rock. John Mas- Secretary-TreuBurer: Ruth E. Han PLAYTEX Swim Pretty $1.4 Photo by Fmtchry cipient of the award of Kudiriiah V. Jones; Mine Enemy Grows Harrison Avenue. Westfleld. - N. ' •park, he will have served'a usc- ment read at Tucjiday night's ied attractions as dances, concerts, historical tours, children's field ART CRITIC—Tommy Kirwan, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Raymond ly, "No Man Should Walk Along," ters; The Achilles Affair, Berkeley Objections, if any. should be RU 2.50 Value CLOCK $1.67 Chapter, B'nai. li'rith Women, for Older, Alexander King; The Com- |ful purpose. meeting of the Township Commit- events, art and photography exhibits, educational displays, and a Kirwau of 311 Stoughton avenue;'was an interested spectator at and Joyce Elaine Guyer, "Educa- Mather; Little Bear's Mother, C. mediately. In writliltf. to A. T, . tee. outstanding citizenship. Tribute plete Home Decorator, Catherine erk of the Borough of GarwaM TUSSY-$1.00 Now The former mayor declared the beauty contest. Shown at the railroad station in picture are Miss the .sidewalk art -exhibit sponsored by Cranford Creative Art tion: Th»: Memling. Klock. i Sltfned > will be paid him during the 9:25 Foundation of- Higher GAHWOOD SUNSET TAVEB Prickly Heat Powder 39c! Inci'ds of the public schools and "The rczoning of Cranford, at Frances Johnson, holding coffee cup, and J. M. Coyne receiving Group in connection with the annual-observance of Cranford Days Ideals." Fury, Stallion of Broken Wheel Picture Book of Musical Instru- Adv. Fees: »<i.UO •township in the next two years in- this late date, is not an emergency jind 10:55' a.m. services in his Cream, Stick or Roll On 50c boutonnicre from Mrs. Thomas Nolan of Cranford Unit 212, Amer- last week. Tommy is studying portrait painted by Phyllis Hello-' Presentation of thi class) to Dr. Ranch, Albert G. Miller: Andy and ments, Marion Lacey; Changing Idiratc that local taxpayers arc fac- measure. Yet, it is being treated church this Sunday, with Mrs. NOTICE Or INTENTION Clark W. McDermith. superinten- the Gopher, Audrey McKim; Bat- the Face of No. America, P. Lau- ANTIVY for Poison Ivy •........ 98c ican Auxiliary. \ gcrs,.titled "Barry, Judy and Sandy," which took second prize in Marvin Dressier, president of Take notice thai CRANWOOD \inii as much as a 20 percent in- as a crash program with little re- dent of schools, will be made by G. tery Feud. Joseph Olgin; Duke of ber; 90 Days to u Better Heart, EHN. Inc., has applied lo the Uta: Sun Protective Tanning Creams and Lotions ,c in their, tax rate over that gard for the welfare; of the resi- popular vote by children.
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